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Eden: A steamy contemporary military romance (Project Arma Book 2)

Page 17

by Nyssa Kathryn

  Shylah eyed the last custard filled donut. It sat there in the middle of Luca and Evie's coffee table, staring at her. Daring her to reach out and take it.

  Glancing up at Evie and Lexie sitting across from her, she wondered if they'd hate her if she took it. They did introduce her to Mrs. Potter's Bakehouse donuts and knew how good they were. They should really be expecting her to take the last one.

  They had described the baked goods as cake that melts in your mouth, and holy hell, they weren't lying. They were the best damn donuts she'd ever tasted. Like circles of heaven.

  In an hour, the three women had polished off a plate that should have been enough to last the whole night plus another group of women.

  "Take it, girl." Lexie laughed from across the living room. "Evie and I have binged on Mrs. Potter's donuts too many times to count. You're a virgin. It's the least we can do."

  Looking over at Evie and seeing the other woman's nod of approval, Shylah couldn't wipe the smile from her face. Reaching over, she wrapped her fingers around the donut.

  After the first bite, Shylah's eyes shuttered closed, and a groan escaped her throat. This was almost as good as the orgasm Eden had given her that morning.

  When Evie's giggle cut through the silence, Shylah's eyes popped open to find both women staring at her.

  "Told you they were as good as an orgasm," Lexie said, reading Shylah's thoughts with scary accuracy.

  Evie took another sip of her wine as she pet a golden cat that lay on her lap. "I don't know how she makes them so good. Next, you need to try her apple strudel. Or maybe don't, you'll be as hooked as I am."

  Lexie's eyes flicked to Evie's body. "Evie, you're hot. Eat all the apple strudel your heart desires."

  Dropping the half-eaten donut on the plate, Shylah picked up her water. "I think I should stop. I'm in sugar overload."

  Leaning forward, Lexie picked up Shylah's empty wineglass and started filling it with wine. Shylah's eyes widened when Lexie didn't stop pouring until the glass was nearly overflowing. "That's because you haven't had any wine to wash it down."

  "Lex makes up her own rules when it comes to alcohol. I would just go with it," Evie said with a shrug.

  The cat purred as Evie continued to stroke its head. The animal clearly enjoying the attention.

  Smiling, Shylah reached over and took the glass from Lexie's fingers. "Donuts and wine. I could get used to these girls' nights."

  She really could. Lexie and Evie were great company and had so far taken her mind off worrying about Eden almost completely. Almost.

  "You have an open invitation to every girls' night. The only rule is no boys allowed. Period." Eyes darting to Evie, Lexie continued, "Tell me again why Luca had to be here tonight?"

  Evie's face looked pinched for a moment. Shylah felt bad for the other woman, knowing she looked uncomfortable because she would have to lie to her friend. "You know how the guys go away to work for the military every so often. One person had to stay for Marble Protection."

  Frowning, Lexie's face read anything but trusting. "What could happen to the gym in the middle of the night?"

  Squirming in her seat, Evie opened her mouth to speak before shutting it again.

  "It's because of me," Shylah jumped in, both women turning to stare at her. "You know how I told you I tripped, and that's how I got this bruise on my face and hurt my arm? I lied. A patient attacked me at the hospital the other day. Eden had to go on the mission, but I said I didn't feel safe without one of the guys around. Luca offered to stay behind."

  Evie's expression looked grateful while Lexie's eyes widened. "A patient attacked you?"

  Nodding, Shylah looked down at her left arm. "He was on something and just went a bit crazy. Hit me and threw me against the wall. I was lucky Eden had come inside the hospital and heard me scream. Otherwise, it could have been a lot worse." Looking up, Shylah gave Lexie a tight smile. "The guy was arrested, but having Eden or one of his friends around right now just makes me more comfortable."

  Shylah left off the part that the guy is now dead. Something told her that would raise more questions than it was worth.

  "Holy jam on a cracker, Shylah. I'm so glad you're okay," Lexie gushed, worry on her face. "I always hear stories about the mistreatment and abuse of nurses and doctors, but I never thought it could be that bad."

  "It usually isn't," Shylah said, to try to reassure her.

  "How's the wrist today?" Evie asked.

  "Better. I have exercises that I need to do, but it's just bruised, so as long as I rest, it will be okay."

  "You can barely see the bruise on your head," Lexie said, squinting.

  "The wonders of foundation," Shylah joked before she took another sip of wine.

  The wine tasted great. Did everything in Marble Falls just taste better than everywhere else?

  Sitting forward, Evie put the cat on the ground before placing her hand on Shylah's leg. "How are you doing with everything, Shylah? Have you been sleeping okay?"

  Swallowing another gulp of wine, this time burning her throat, Shylah didn't know how to respond. She sure as hell couldn't get Ben's enraged eyes out of her head.

  When Shylah took a moment too long to answer, Evie's eyes turned sympathetic.

  "I was in an abusive relationship before Luca. He would hurt me." Shylah's stomach dropped at the idea of any man hurting Evie. She had an air of fragility about her. "I ran away. Luckily, I ran here to Marble Falls and met Luca. When my ex found me, Luca saved my life. My ex is out of the picture now, but even though I'm safe physically, it's not as easy to convince myself of that mentally and emotionally."

  Suddenly it made much more sense to Shylah why Evie was the way she was. Also why Luca was so protective of her, hovering over and watching Evie. Not to mention it explained the bruised ribs she examined and stitches she removed not long ago.

  "I'm really sorry that happened, Evie."

  A small smile touched her lips. "I'm a lot better now. I wanted to tell you because I know what it's like to still feel scared of someone even once you're safe. I just want to make sure you're talking about it to someone. Unpacking what happened."

  Shylah's eyes got misty. "I was only attacked one time—"

  "Doesn't matter," Evie interrupted. "When someone violates your circle of safety, it's hard to recover from."

  Nibbling on her bottom lip, Shylah stared at the other woman. "Sleeping the last couple of nights has been tough. I see his eyes a lot in my dreams. Hear his voice. It helps that Eden sleeps right next to me. He makes me feel safe. Protected."

  "Luca does that for me too," Evie responded gently.

  "The men at Marble are the ones you want around when shit hits the fan," Lexie said, pouring herself another glass of wine. Shylah was sure the bottle was almost empty, and she and Evie had only had a glass each. "And Eden's a scary dude. Definitely good to have him in your corner."

  Sitting back, Evie picked up her wineglass again. "They can all be scary when the time calls for it."

  Lexie scoffed, "Yeah, right. Asher might have the body of a warrior, but the only thing he's good at scaring off is a committed relationship."

  Lexie's voice was bitter as she drained half her wineglass. Shylah wanted to ask what she meant by that but didn't want to seem nosy.

  Lucky for her, Lexie wanted to share.

  "Asher and I have been having sex. I would say I've been seeing the guy, but you would assume we've been in a relationship, which would not be at all accurate." There was hurt behind Lexie's bravado.

  "Lex, I'm sure with some time he'll come around."

  Lexie was already shaking her head before Evie had finished speaking.

  "I've given it time. I don't expect him to know he loves me at first sight like Luca did you. But I deserve someone who wants to take me on a date and hold my hand at the movies. Not someone who sneaks out before the sun comes up."

  "You do deserve that, Lex."

  "Every woman deserves a man who treats them r
ight," Shylah added.

  "I've decided I'm going to give him an ultimatum. Either commit to a relationship with me with no secrets, or we're done—no more late-night Lexie time for Asher."

  "Lexie . . ."

  "Don't want to hear it, Evie, I've decided."

  Shylah could tell Evie wasn't all for this decision. She could understand Lexie's anger, though. No woman wanted to feel like she was only wanted for her body.

  "Be really firm when you say it," Shylah said, sipping some more wine. "Don't leave him any room to weasel his way out of what you're asking."

  Evie shook her head while Lexie nodded. "See, this is the support I need. He'll either be my boyfriend or some guy I used to sleep with before the conversation is over."

  "Just be careful, Lex," Evie said firmly, looking concerned for her friend.

  "When am I not careful? I just want what you and Luca have. What Shylah and Eden have." Dropping her eyes, Lexie shrugged. "I think I love him. Stupid, isn't it."

  Shylah's heart hurt for the other woman. Pain clouded Lexie's eyes.

  "If there's anything I've learned, Lexie, it's that we can't help who we fall in love with," Shylah responded as she placed her glass on the table.

  "That's true," Evie agreed.

  Suddenly sitting up straight, Lexie's face cleared. "Nope, I'm not going to waste my girl time thinking about that manwhore." After picking up the bottle of wine again, Lexie's brows pulled together. "This is almost empty. We need more wine!"

  Shylah had to hold in a laugh at how quickly Lexie's whole demeanor seemed to change. She was tempted to tell Lexie that she was the one who nearly drank the whole bottle but decided against it.

  "Luca!" Lexie called. Evie put her hand over her eyes, but Shylah could see a smile.

  Two seconds later, Luca answered, "Yes, Lexie."

  He appeared genuinely interested to hear what she wanted, even though he had likely heard every word they had said.

  "Seeing as you're here and all, could you make yourself useful and get us some more wine and donuts?"

  Shylah perked up at the sound of donuts. Hell, let's put the man to work.

  Luca leaned his shoulder against the doorframe, arms crossed against his chest.

  "First of all, I highly doubt Mrs. Potter's is open right now. Second, I stay with you guys, period."

  Rummaging through her bag, Lexie pulled out her phone. Her fingers started flying across the screen before anyone knew what she was doing.

  "Mrs. Potter, it's Lexie," Lexie said into the phone. "Yes, from Marble. I have a gigantic favor to ask. Evie and I have a friend who hasn't tried your donuts." Lexie winked at Shylah as she lied. "We were wondering if you might have any with you tonight?"

  "And some apple strudel," Evie cut in, Luca's eyes narrowing in her direction.

  "And some apple strudel." Pausing while she listened, Lexie's eyes lit up. "Perfect, we can pop by right now if that suits . . . Great. See you soon."

  Hanging up, Lexie turned to grin at Luca, who looked less than pleased. "Mrs. Potter has donuts and apple strudel. And she lives close to Twins Liquors. Road trip?"

  Turning his head to Evie, his eyes softened. "Really? You had to get involved in this?"

  Giving a small shrug, Evie tried to appear innocent. "Her apple strudel really is the best. Plus, Shylah hasn't tried it."

  Shaking his head, Luca headed to the front door. "Let's go. The sooner we leave, the sooner we'll be back."

  Lexie squealed as she jumped out of her seat with Evie and Shylah trailing closely behind. She could get used to these girls' nights. Sugar and alcohol almost made up for Eden being absent.


  Adrenaline poured through Eden's body as he crept through the shrubs and bushes. His muscles were tense as the quiet night surrounded him. His team was scattered around the building, each with their own entry point.

  They moved silently. It would be impossible for even people with the keenest hearing to know they were coming.

  Taking a step behind a tree, Eden looked out and examined the building. Deserted. At least made to look deserted. And the perfect location for illegal activity.

  The building sat far enough off the road that it wouldn't be seen by passersby, and could only be accessed through a long, unkempt gravel driveway. Most would drive right past.

  With boarded up windows, by all intents and purposes, the place looked empty.

  On foot, the team had negotiated their way through trees and shrubbery. They'd dressed to blend into the dark night.

  Eden stood and waited. Mason would speak through the earpiece when it was go time.

  "Fuck, anyone else getting an eerie feeling from this place?" Asher's voice came through the earpiece.

  "No shit, it's like a fucking graveyard," Kye responded gruffly.

  Glancing at the building again, Eden's gut clenched. They were right. Something felt off. His gut was telling him that something wasn't right with this op. "Be ready, moving in five," Mason sounded.

  Eden, Mason, and Oliver were moving through the front while Kye and Bodie were at the back entrance. Asher and Wyatt were placed on either side of the building.

  Each man could take down a handful of untrained doctors and scientists easily. The trouble would be if there were soldiers with advanced abilities.

  They had brought plenty of rope and intended to detain them rather than kill. Every one of them was eager to get their answers. Then and only then, they would contact the US military to come to take it from there.

  Eden's team would not share any information until they had what they needed first. All the people he trusted with information were right here. About to raid the building.

  "Three minutes," Mason said quietly.

  Eden readied his body. Blood pumped through his veins. Even though the plan was to capture and hold, he could kill in seconds if needed.

  "I hear movement," Oliver muttered.

  Eden's body went still as footsteps sounded.

  Any normal person would not hear the steps, but for them, the sound echoed through the silent night. Not a couple of footsteps. Many. Too many.

  Blood rushing faster, Eden's eyes cut through the dark night.

  The door at the front opened, and men filtered out. Sprinted out. It could have been anywhere between twenty to thirty men.

  Each man looked enraged. Their anger causing them to look more animal than human. Just like Ben.

  "Shoot," Mason yelled, no longer attempting to be quiet.

  Pulling out his revolver, Eden took aim.

  By shooting the men in the shoulders and legs, Eden's goal was to injure, not to kill. He wanted them down, not dead.

  Blocking out the sound of gunshots around him, Eden focused on the men moving toward him. It became apparent quickly that there were too many of them to defend himself this way.

  They were going to reach him, and they were going to reach him fast.

  "There are too many. I'm going in," Eden shouted, shoving the gun back in the holster.

  Moving forward, the men dove at him. Eden grunted when at least three men hit his body. They were strong, but they were reckless. Wild.

  Refusing to fall back, Eden leaned his body forward and braced for the hit. Shoving them off with a grunt, Eden didn't have time to recover. Another man came at Eden's left, eyes storming with fury.

  Stepping into the man, Eden head-butted him, before thrusting his arm into the guy's neck.

  About to step forward, a weight on his back made Eden stumble before an arm came around his neck.

  Flipping the man onto the ground, Eden thrust his foot into him, until he lay motionless.

  In his peripheral vision, Eden could just make out similar actions and knew his team was fighting for their lives as he was. He didn't have time to stop and assess. His brothers were deadly.

  A man who was easily the same size as Eden launched himself straight into Eden's body. This time Eden fell back onto the ground. Lifting his foot, the large man went to kick h
im in the gut, but Eden flipped onto all fours before grabbing and twisted the big man's leg.

  As the man hit the ground, Eden kept twisting, a shout of pain coming from the other man before Eden snapped the bone.

  The sound of engines pulled Eden's attention. Eyes darting across the field, he caught sight of men rushing boxes into a vehicle.

  Hell no.

  Rising, Eden went to move to the car but was stopped by something hitting him in the head and sending him back to the ground. His eyes narrowed at the man looking down at him.

  Carter. The leader of the other SEAL team. The SEAL team that was also part of Project Arma. Only they lacked any form of morals or ethics.

  Jumping to his feet, Eden ignored the pounding in his head.

  An evil smile slid across Carter's face. "Hey, buddy, long time no see."

  Kicking his leg out before Carter could anticipate his actions, Eden sent the other man to his back. Diving on top of him, Eden's hands clenched Carter's throat.

  "What the hell is going on here," Eden snarled the words.

  Not appearing fazed by Eden's grip on his neck, Carter's smile remained in place. "This is the new look Project Arma, Hunter. What do you think?"

  "I wouldn't know," Eden growled, tightening his fingers. "I haven't been able to get inside while you guys are at work. How did you know we were coming?"

  A searing pain hit Eden's gut as he dropped to the side. Eyes dropping to his torso, blood had already soaked through his clothes. Even though the blood was flowing, Eden knew the cut was superficial. A flesh wound.

  Pushing up into a crouch position, Eden glared at the man in front of him as he spoke.

  "This time, we didn't know. But we can pick up and leave any location in less than ten minutes, Eden." Pausing, Carter cocked his head to the side. "What? You think we don't expect you at every location we set up at? You have proven that you can't stay away. Project Arma knows what they created."

  "They didn't create us, Carter. They just enhanced us." Not making any move toward the other man, Eden remained where he was, surprised that Carter didn't advance on him. "What do you intend to do about us?"

  Carter lifted a single shoulder, not fazed by any of this in the least. "That's not my area, Hunter. I'm the muscle—the front line of defense. I've heard whispers, though. Your time is running out."


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