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Born of Darkness

Page 9

by Jamie King

  She giggles. “Well, approximately five hundred and you see how E has one to ten?” I nod in awe. “Well those are on the same floor, but different corridors and this elevator doesn’t have access to all floors.

  “How is that possible?” I look around for another set of doors like how some elevators have two sets of doors for in front and behind. “There’s only one set of doors.”

  “Of course, it’s magic.” She shoots me a giant grin.

  The floor numbers change and cycle. I wonder how fast we’re moving as the digital screen changes too quickly to read. “Of course, it is.” The elevator comes to an abrupt stop and the digital screen reads E4 as the doors slide open.

  I follow Aurora into a brightly lit hallway before turning a corner and coming to two large wooden double doors hanging from iron hinges attached to the stone wall. Aurora pushes on the door handle and the door groans as it opens exposing a large cavern carved out of the earth. Cobblestone pathways spiral along the edges of the walls leading to patios covered in dark leaves laced in glowing veins. Glass doors look out over the expanse of the cavern dotting the walls like windows on a high rise. Directly in front of us on the path, are single family homes and small cottages. Some of the homes are built on mounds of earth elevating them above the rest.

  “Oh my god.”

  “It’s breathtaking, isn’t it?” She smiles out at the expanse of the cavern. “Luka and I used to be in one of those apartments you see up there.” She points to the glass doors littering the cave walls. “Since our engagement, we applied for family housing and we only got approved a few days ago.”

  The gentle blue light from the surrounding plant life lights the walkways. Small street lamps glow with a warm yellow light casting their warm glow over the homes.

  “Welcome to E4,” Aurora beams, “our living quarters. There are about forty more neighborhoods just like this one.” Our living quarters. Meaning her and Luka. A small twinge of jealousy creeps in and I quickly squash it. I’ve been getting along with her since I was brought back. I still get pretty jealous though. It’s not like I have any right to Luka anyway and besides, it’s obvious to everyone that I was sleeping with Jake. I doubt Luka was even remotely jealous when he found out.

  I follow her down a path that joins two homes. Each one is decorated in a beautiful stone facing mixed with brown siding and dark natural wood accents. She opens the door on our right and flicks the lights on. The foyer is painted a warm yellow with bamboo flooring that continues to a large open kitchen. White cabinets cover the wall and black granite countertops reflect the white light from the hanging glass domes.

  “Your room will be over here.” Aurora strides to a side hallway. “We just finished furnishing it as a guest room. I hope you find it comfortable.”

  “Thanks.” I mumble as we pass the cozy living room and a staircase. I guess I didn’t think about where I would be living once I was better, but I didn’t think I would be living with Luka and his fiancée in their home under the earth inside a cave that is like a mini city under a small town in Virginia. This all just seems like a weird dream that I’ll wake up from and have a good laugh about later.

  The doorway at the end of the hall is open. Cream walls surround a bed covered in dark purple sheets and cream overstuffed pillows. Dark wood side tables hold glass lamps with cream shades. A purple faux fur rug covers most of the floor. “This is,” I pause unable to find the word, “So, clean.” I try to offer a compliment. I mean, it isn’t ugly. It is a very nicely decorated room, but it feels so, well – not mine.

  “Thank you, I really wasn’t sure what to do with the room, so I had a Pixie come and decorate for us.”

  “Pixie?” She nods and makes her way to the bathroom. I stride over to meet her and find a pebble stone floor leading to an open waterfall shower surrounded by pebble stone walls. A small frosted glass door is adjacent to the shower. I pull it open and find the toilet tucked away inside. I shut the door quietly. A glass infinity bowl is set atop a wooden table perfectly centered below a chrome rectangle faucet.

  “Do you like it?”

  “It’s amazing. I’m half expecting to walk into a Zen garden.” I should thank her. Oh, this is so awkward. “Um, Aurora.” I pick at my fingers. “Thank you for letting me stay with you.”

  “Of course! Luka insisted you not be left alone. He’s very concerned for your safety, but anyway, Luka should be here soon with your things. Would you like anything to eat or drink?” She spins on her heels and prances out of the bathroom.

  I think about the last time I had a real meal. The candle light dinner with Jake pushes its way to the forefront of my mind. Oh right. I push the memories of Jake away. I can’t let those thoughts consume me. “I would love something to eat actually. I’m so tired of the infirmary food.”

  Aurora glances back at me over her shoulder and offers me a weak smile. “I bet you are, that food is never very fulfilling.” She motions for me to follow her. “Come on, I’ll whip us up something to eat.”

  I sit on the barstool and lean my elbows on the countertop of the breakfast bar as Aurora reaches into the fridge for something. “Aurora, can I ask you something?”

  “Sure.” She nods as she reaches into a cabinet pulling out a cutting board.

  “How did you and Luka meet?”

  “Oh, well let’s see,” she opens a package of chicken and expertly cuts slices, “I think he was seventeen and about to graduate from the academy and I was fifteen and just thought he was the hottest guy ever.” Her smile reaches her eyes and for the first time I’ve seen her express true happiness. “I was so fond of him and I didn’t think he even knew who I was. Then one day I was practicing my hand to hand combat and he offered to help me train. He told me what I was doing wrong and showed me how to correct it. Now six years later and here we are.’

  Six years later. That makes him, what, twenty-three? The feeling of inadequacy and jealousy surge through me. Why on earth do I feel this way? Well, I did kiss him and he- well, he kissed me back.

  “You know Nuri, you have plenty of time and Jacob obviously was not the one for you. Give it time and you’ll find the right person.”

  “Thanks.” I say dejectedly. He never told her about our kiss of course, why would he. I am nothing to him. Not that I knew him very well, sure sexual attraction is great, but nothing else is there between us anyway. Then of course I ran into the gorgeous arms of Jake McGrath only to be kidnapped and caged. Aurora places a plate in front of me filled with steaming vegetables and chicken slices. I’m such a hopeless idiot.

  “Eat up,” she tosses the pan into the sink, “I’ll be right back.” She bounces upstairs without looking back.

  About halfway through the plate of food the front door opens, and Luka comes in carrying a large box. His wavy golden-brown hair falls into his face as he notices me. His bright green eyes drill holes into mine. He presses a boot covered foot against the door and gently kicks it closed. The intensity of his stare sends goosebumps down my arms. His beard looks unkempt and longer than usual. It only makes him look more rugged and primal. His lips look perfectly kissable. I shake my head and look down at my plate. Why do I do this to myself? I shove another bite of chicken into my mouth and stare at my plate.

  “Is Aurora here?” I point a finger to indicate she’s upstairs before shoving more food into my face. “I brought you some clothes and some of your body products. I didn’t know what you would want so I just kinda picked up what I saw.”

  “Thank you.” I finish the last bite of food. “I really appreciate everything.”

  “No problem, you’re my responsibility.”

  His responsibility. Like a child he has to look after. “You don’t have to look after me.”

  “I didn’t mean it like that, Ri.” His shoulders slump and he strolls into the guest room with the boxes in his arms.

  I rush to the guest room after him. Stop. Stop it now. Oh god what am I doing? “Then how did you mean it?” I hiss as I
round the corner and fly into the room after him. His eyes widen. He knows what I’m asking. Do I even know what I’m asking?

  “Don’t do this.” He glances to the door behind me. “Please don’t do this. You won’t like the answer.”

  I can’t help myself. I know I’m ruining everything, but I can’t stop myself. “Why did you kiss me back that day then?” Tears well up and I fight them back. “Why have I seen your familiar when I astral project in my sleep?” All my emotions are finally catching up with me. Our attraction to each other and the rejection. My feelings for Jake and his betrayal. My mother’s death. Finding out that I’m more than human. My imprisonment. All of it is boiling to the surface.

  He watches me cautiously from a distance. “I don’t know.”

  “Liar.” I whisper.

  “What do you want me to say?” He combs his fingers through his hair. “It won’t change anything. I love Aurora. She’s my fiancée.”

  “Please leave.” I snap.

  He takes a step forward. “Look Ri, I-.”

  “Now.” I whisper. Embarrassed and wishing he would just go away forever.

  He passes me on his way out, but stops at the doorway. “I thought you should know that I was able to convince the Fae kingdom of Agrelillan and the Priestess of the white coven, Claudia, to allow us entry to visit the oracles. You’ll need to be ready early tomorrow morning.” He closes the bedroom door behind him leaving me in silence.

  I crawl onto the soft bed sinking into the overstuffed pillows and sob through memories of Jake touching me with such tenderness and intimacy. I thought - what did I think? I ran to Jake because Luka rejected me. I’m such an idiot. Why am I so upset that Luka is taken? It isn’t like I love him or even knew of him until recently and what do I even know about him other than he’s gorgeous and a highly revered general. It’s just something about him I’m drawn to.

  A gentle knock on the door wakes me. I groan and pull the covers over my face. “Nuri?” Aurora’s muffled voice comes through the door. “You may want to start getting ready soon. We are going to leave in about an hour.”

  “Okay, thanks for letting me know.” I shout so that she can hear me.

  “Oh, and make sure that you wear clothes for hiking.”

  I slip out of the warmth of the bed and find my way to the bathroom. I turn the water to the shower on before recalling that all of my products are still in the box that Luka brought me. I rush back into the room and sift through one of the boxes to find my shampoo and body wash. I lift them out of the box and catch a glimpse of a wooden corner tucked under a loofah. A small wooden picture frame. I pull it out. It’s an old picture of my mom and I that she always had on her night stand. I drop to my knees. My heart clenches and tears stream down my cheeks. Luka went and found this for me? When did he get this?

  “You’re so cruel.” I breathe. If he continues to do things like this it will be hard not to fall for him. I set the framed picture on the night stand.

  I sink into a world of quiet relaxation allowing the stream of water to ease my tension. A flash of memory breaks through – Agnes, her cold hateful stare and Jake obediently standing beside her. I push the memories away and turn the water off. I wrap myself in a towel. And then pull my hair up into a pony tail. Luka is sitting on my bed hunched over with his head in his hands. I pull the towel tighter around me. “What are you doing?”

  He looks up at me with pain in his eyes. “I uh,” his eyes trail over my barely covered body, “Aurora went ahead to the portal to help prepare for our departure.”

  “And you had to tell me this in my room while I’m covered in only a towel?”

  “I was thinking about yesterday and I want to apologize.” He fidgets and then stands running his hand through his hair. “I-I have never felt this way before and I um,” he takes a step toward me, “I don’t know how to deal with this.”

  “Deal with what?”

  Luka’s normally bright green eyes are dark. He looks tired. I wonder if he had trouble sleeping. In the blink of an eye he’s inches from me. I suck in a breath in surprise. “You’re so beautiful.” His hand trails up my arm and traces over my bare collar bone. His eyes begin to glow in the dimly lit room. Oh, his eyes. Didn’t Jake say something about glowing eyes? If only I could remember. Luka trails his hand to the base of my head and strokes my jawline with his thumb.

  Heat spreads through me with each touch. The touch I have been aching for since the first moment our lips met. His breath catches and he pulls me into a soft kiss. His lips are warm and inviting. I grasp onto his shirt and tug him to me. I need him to be closer. Desire courses through me like a storm and all I can think about is Luka. His body presses against mine. I cling to him like a starved animal desperate for more.

  But it isn’t just the two of us. He has Aurora and this right here is wrong. I pull away and gaze into his eyes. “No, this isn’t right. You have Aurora.” His breath catches, and he blinks at me.

  “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.” He dashes to the door and pulls it open before muttering something under his breath. The door closes firmly behind him.

  “Damn it.” I mutter and brush my fingers over my lips. The ghost of his touch lingers. I drop to the floor in frustration. Why? Why do I let him do this? He gives me hope knowing he will rip it away immediately. I’m like an addict. I can’t get enough. What was he thinking after lecturing me last night? Damn him! I slam my hand on the floor. Damn him! I gather my resolve and slide into black skinny jeans and a light blue sweater before fishing out flat knee high black boots. Still fashionable yet sensible for travel.

  I swing the door open as if nothing happened and waltz into the kitchen. Luka is downing a shot of vodka. “I see you’re preparing for our travels.”

  His eyes narrow. Anger? “Ha!” He downs another shot. His dark gray shirt is flecked with water from when he pulled me against him and his hair is slightly tousled and falling out of its bun.

  “You may want to fix your hair and stop that before someone becomes suspicious of you.” I snap as I open a cabinet door and pull out a granola bar.

  “You know nothing.” He hisses.

  “You’re right. Which is why I’m even here to begin with.” I break open the packaging. “Why don’t you just suck it up and make up your mind before messing with people’s emotions.”

  “Fine!” He slams another shot down and then tosses the glass in the sink.

  “Good.” I march to the front door. “Let’s go to Fae then.”

  He rushes past me and roughly pulls the door open holding it for me to pass through. “Ladies first.” The frustration in his tone is palpable and I glare at him as I pass by. My heart flutters as I near him. His hand drops in my face and rips the breakfast bar from my grip before tossing it in the trashcan a few feet away.

  “Excuse me, I was eating that.”

  “I prefer you don’t hurl on the other side of the portal.” He scoffs and roughly shoves me through the doorway.



  I stare in awe as I stand in front of a large set of doors made of white gold. A dragon ouroboros is etched into both doors and spans about four feet in diameter. Its eyes are made of a white crystal and the carved scales pop out.

  A slender man dressed in all white bows to us before pushing the doors open. Sunlight beams into the room illuminating the white marble floor. Statues carved of marble line the pathway set inside individual alcoves leading to a half-moon staircase. The statues are reminiscent of traditional Greek or Roman god statues that I studied in art class. At the top of the staircase hovers a portal that is wide enough for twenty people to pass through side by side. Gold sigils cover the staircase. Each sigil is no more than a foot apart. Four people stand at each corner surrounding the portal. Their all white robes cover their faces as they guard the portal.

  Aurora is standing at the top of the steps speaking to one of the guards. She pivots to face us. “I thought I would have to come sea
rching for you two.”

  “Just in time then.” Luka shoots her a wink and reaches for the hem of his shirt swiftly removing the fabric and tucking it into his pocket.

  “What are you doing?” I ask.

  “No time.” He says as he quickly rushes up the steps. “We’re going to be late if we dawdle any longer.”

  I hurry to catch up to him. The portal is imposing, and I hesitate beside Aurora. Unlike the portal Luka made for us, this one is only blue. No image of the other side shimmers into view.

  “You’ll do fine.” Aurora reaches for my hand and leads me to the portal center.

  “I’ll go first to make sure we’re safe on the other side.” Luka steps through the portal and vanishes. The shimmering wall ripples like water at his passage.

  Aurora gives my hand a squeeze before leading me through. The gelatinous push of the portal feels stronger than the one Luka had made. The release of the pressure creates a loud pop as we enter fully into the portal. Silence greets us. Our bodies are guided in the direction of a bright light. I can barely make out Luka in the distance. The image of grassy hills covered in trees is growing clearer. The leaves and grass sway with the breeze. We reach the barrier of the Fae realm, but unlike stepping into the portal where the resistance is a wall to push through; this almost feels like the portal is attempting to push us through as quickly as possible. The cool barrier parts like a stream of water moving around a rock. The sounds of birds singing graces my ears. The warm sun dances across my face and a cool breeze dances over my skin to soothe the warmth of the sun. The gentle hum of electricity that I’ve grown used to is stronger on this side. My skin tingles as the hum dances under my skin.

  Aurora releases my hand. “We made it.” She smiles at me. “See nothing to worry about.”

  “Glad to see you didn’t tumble out.” Luka says from behind me.

  “I did remember not to panic.” I turn to look at him. Huge white feathered wings protrude from his back. “Y-you,” I point at him, “You have wings!” His amusement is clear as he folds his arms over his chest and smirks. “H-How?” His eyes are glowing bright green as he grins at me.


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