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Born of Darkness

Page 10

by Jamie King

  “Well, you see.” He steps a little closer. “My father was a fairy and not those tiny fairies humans believe in, those are pixies, I’m talking about real fairies.” He flaps his wings proudly. “Large and powerful. Something to be feared.”

  “So, why don’t you always have wings?”

  “Well, most magical beings lose a bit of their magical affinities on earth, for me, it’s my wings and some of my connections to nature. Some very powerful ancient Fairies were once able to keep their wings when on earth. There was an entire civilization that lived on earth for thousands of years among humans. It is believed that this is where human magic came from as well as the idea of Angels.”

  A stream of fiery pain rips through my body and I drop to my knees. I feel Aurora and Luka near me, but the world fades into a haze. My pulse pounds in my throat and the electricity that had been tingling turns into a painful sting. I scream as electricity erupts from my body. The sound of the electricity crackling overpowers all other sounds. I gasp for breath and clutch my chest. My heart grows uncomfortably warm and on the next beat a searing heat spread through my veins in all directions.

  A searing heat spreads down my back and through my shoulder blades. The heat is followed by a tingling sensation through my spine and extremities. My head feels as if nails are being driven into my skull near my temples.

  “Oh, my gods.” Aurora gasps.

  A loud pop explodes around me as my skin feels as if it’s being torn apart in all directions.

  “Oh.” Luka breathes.

  The heat slowly subsides, but I dare not move. My heart pounds in my chest as I keep my eyes squeezed shut. I take a few deep breaths and then open my eyes. Aurora and Luka are staring down at me in shock.

  “What was that?” I squeal breathlessly.

  Luka’s face moves from shock to serious and almost, sad. “I think we know who your dad was.”

  “What the hell does that mean?” They only stare at me. Aurora’s look of shock begins to turn to anger. “Will someone say something?” I screech at them. Something taps my foot. A black scaled tail flecked with gold twitching beside my foot. The tip is pointed like a spike and leads into an armored snake like length. I jump up in surprise. “What the fuck is that?” I stumble back. My back feels heavy and weighed down. I spin my head around to look behind me to find a large black leathery wing sparkling with gold flecked scales. I jump away from it, but it follows. “What’s going on?” I shriek again.

  “You’re a Daeolc!” Aurora spits at me. “Did you know what she is?” She points at Luka.

  “A what?” Flashes of the dreams about my mother as a young girl flow through me. The night she lay paralyzed beneath the demon Baal. “Oh my god.” I whisper.

  “Your kind is very rare, Ri. We call you Daesidh, roughly translates to Demon Fairy.”

  Aurora scoffs. “Daeolc.” She sneers and folds her arms over her chest. “Should be put down like the monster she is.”

  Luka whirls on her. “She has done nothing wrong Aurora! she does not deserve your hate.”

  “Her mere existence is a fallacy and should be met with death.” She hisses.

  I touch my head and bump my fingers on something hard and rough. “What the hell is on my head?”

  Luka looks at me wearily. “Um, how do I put this?” He looks me over. “You sprouted horns and scales to go with the wings and the tail.”

  My stomach sinks. “I what?” I touch the rough horn atop my head and trace it with my fingers. The bony object moves back toward the center of my head and curls like a ram’s horn. I lift my other hand and find a second horn to match the first.

  “At least they’re even.” Luka offers.

  I drop my hands, but a glint of gold catches my attention. Small black scales flecked with gold trail from my pinky knuckle up my forearm and trails off just after the elbow. The gold shimmers in the sunlight with each movement like party glitter.

  “So, Ri,” Luka bites his lip, “We’re going to need to find you a change of clothes.”


  “You fucking sprouted wings and a damn tail in clothing that didn’t originally have holes prepared for that.” Aurora spits.

  Luka shoots her a glare and takes me by the shoulders. “Your pants and shirt need to be replaced, okay?”

  I nod, still in shock. The sound of roars and heavy movement draws my attention to the forest a few yards away.

  Luka looks up with me, confusion on his face. “I didn’t call him.”

  “Call who?” I ask.

  “My familiar.”

  “Oh.” I breathe. “They can be in Fae?”

  “Yeah, since it’s a truly magical realm unlike earth.” Luka steps a few feet toward the tree line.

  Crashing echoes in the brush just before a large black panther leaps from the shadows of the trees. Luka moves to protect me. As the panther comes closer I recognize her and push around Luka. “Don’t hurt her.” I stagger toward her and she nudges my stomach with her head before sitting beside me. Luka’s eyes widen. “So, this is Bel.” A deep roar erupts and then a white lion crashes through the tree line taking out a few branches with his clumsy gate.

  Luka looks confused again as he huffs a breath of frustration and takes a step forward. “How is he here?” He rubs his hand through his hair. “I didn’t summon him.”

  “Hi Bel.” I pat her head. She purrs up at me. I tickle her ears and rub my face against hers. I look up to see a tense Luka staring down at me, but before he can say anything the white lion pounces on him knocking him to the grass in greeting.

  “Ronor!” Luka yells and the large cat licks his face one more time before playfully flopping over to me and Bel. Ronor nudges my arm and I stroke his large head as he falls into silence next to us.

  Luka stands quickly, his face a mixture of anger and confusion. “How did you summon him?”


  He steps into my space, towering over me. His white feathered wings spread mimicking his intimidating presence and making him seem larger than life. Bel and Ronor quickly stand and growl. Luka stares down at Ronor, rage rolling off him in tangible waves of pressure. “He protects you?” He roars.

  I shrink back, unaware of what I’ve done to upset him. He closes his fingers into a fist before turning abruptly. His anger and hurt leaving an existential mark behind him with each step.

  “Hurry or we’ll be late for our appointment.” He growls. Aurora quickly follows him with a triumphant smirk over her shoulder at me.

  I stand beside Ronor and Bel for a moment before I follow them in silence.

  We stop at the base of a white stone wall. The clean stone spans for miles. It’s mass looms over the grassland in the distance. Watch towers are evenly spread apart ornamented with golden shingles that reflect the sunlight.

  I stand a few feet away from Luka and Aurora. I can still feel Luka’s anger radiating from him like a tangible force and I fear that I may continue to make things worse if I get too close. Bel brushes her head against my hand. “It’s okay.” I pat her gently. Ronor grumbles beside us.

  “We wait here for our guide.” Luka announces.

  I wipe beads of sweat from my forehead. From the corner of my eye I catch a glimpse of Luka. His shoulders are tense, and his face is contorted in frustration. His imposing white wings twitch showing his agitation.

  Luka straightens and faces the large wall. His wings fold neatly behind him. I follow his gaze. A wooden door flickers into view at the base of the wall. Green vines encircle the hinges and grow over the panels.

  A slender woman glides through the doorway. Her white dress dances as she moves showing off the decorative gold floral design that traces over the fabric. Chains of gold weave through her violet hair and the tips of her ears extend inches beyond her head. An elf? A real elf?

  “Greetings children. I am pleased you were able to make the journey.” She focuses on me with excited sky-blue eyes. “I am Lillian, of the Queens Guard.”

>   “Lady Lillian, it’s good to see you.” Luka nods his head.

  “As you, general. Please, follow me.” She leads us through the doorway and into a large tunnel lined with small blue crystals strung like Christmas lights along the ceiling.

  The tunnel opens to a city. The white stone path lined with moss and tiny purple flowers snakes around small buildings made of the same white stone as the wall. Their roofs match the watch towers and are covered in golden shingles. Men and women that resemble Lillian make their way from building to building. Overhangs cover vegetable stands and line an alley filled with hanging meats. As we continue to make our way farther from the entrance, I feel the gaze of passerby’s and whispers in a language I’ve never heard. Am I that much of a freak show? Ronor and Bel hug close to my sides.

  The crowds slowly thin as the busy market turns into cottage homes. The stone faces of the homes are earthy and covered in moss and vines. A stark difference from the pristine white market.

  “Lady Nuri.” Lillian grabs my attention. “Would you like to stop for a change of clothes?”

  “Yes, please.” I reply shyly. I had forgotten my ripped garments.

  “Wonderful. We will stop for clothes and have a small meal.” She clasps her hands together.

  She discusses with Luka about where we’ll go, but I stop listening and allow my eyes to wonder over the elegant city. Shimmering white towers shoot into the sky from the center of the city. Is that where the queen lives? I wonder what it’s like to live in such a beautiful and peaceful place. Do they know the horrors of murder and loss? Do children get bullied or hurt? This place seems like a utopia.

  Thundering hooves beating against the stone path reverberates through the quiet street. A massive armored horse rounds the bend from the direction of the palace. The horse is larger than any draft horse I’ve ever seen. A man sits atop him dressed in dark leather armor adorned with a gold embroidered bird crest on the left side of his chest. Arrows bunched in large leather containers strapped to the saddle hang in front of each knee. A bow is secured just behind the intricately designed saddle. The horse’s hooves are obsidian and his coat as white as snow. His mane flows like a sheet of white silk and his eyes are a black abyss. A long slender horn protrudes from the center of his head. The boney material is ornamented with gold painted runes.

  “Unicorn.” I whisper. My stomach flips as I take a step forward. Oh my god, it’s a unicorn! My pulse quickens with my excitement.

  “Yes, we have many animals that are in human myths.” Lillian states matter-of-factly and returns to speaking with Luka.

  The unicorn nears us. His rider pays no mind to the group huddled ahead of him. The unicorn abruptly stops beside me. His eye meets mine and the world falls away. His dark eyes turn to a golden light that radiates from the center. What is this? I can feel his emotions as if they were my own. Reverence. Elation. Love. The world comes back into view. My cheeks are flushed, and my skin is hot. I stare into his pitch-black eyes and brush my fingers over his nose without thought. He nickers at me and stomps a food on the ground. The rider yanks the bridle forcing the unicorns face away.

  “Do not touch.” He barks at me with cold eyes. With a rough kick the unicorn moves forward. The sound of his departure echoes through the street.

  “The unicorn spoke to you, did he not?” Lillian inquiries from behind me.

  “In a way, yes.” I guess you could call that speaking.

  “For a unicorn to speak with a stranger, let alone one born of a demonic bloodline is very rare. Do not forget what that unicorn has given you.”

  “What do you mean by gave me?”

  “If a unicorn shares its emotions with another being, it is a special gift. They have an ability to see the nature of those before them and will only show their respect to those that deserve it. Not many have experienced the emotions of the unicorns. It is a treasured honor for one to speak with you.”

  Lukas eyes widen as he stares at me and then to Ronor. “I see.” Ronor bumps his head against Luka’s hand and for the first time since our arrival Luka looks content as he pats Ronor’s head.

  “She’s a Daeolc, the unicorn probably told her to go back to hell where she belongs.” Aurora snarls.

  “Oh my.” Lillian puts her hand to her mouth in surprise. “Do not presume to understand the gods, child.” Aurora purses her lips. “Come, why don’t we get you that change of clothes.”

  “The gods?” Aurora mumbles. “What do the gods have to do with it?”

  Lillian leads us through the neighborhood and into the heart of the city. At the city center is an enormous courtyard market that sits directly across from the palace walls. Market stalls are neatly placed in the center of the courtyard which creates makeshift pathways through the maze of small stands. Walkways lead through alleys that house shops. This market far exceeds the small shops at the entrance to the city.

  A burly man with a gray beard stands in the doorway of his shop. Small pointed ears poke out from his curly white hair. “Lady Lillian.” He bows his head and looks intently at me. “Would ya like ta try our braised primal steer.” He winks.

  “Not today Vincent.” Lillian quickly responds. “Maybe next time.” Vincent chuckles and thanks us for passing by before happily moving on to the next person to pass by.

  Many of the towns folk give me passing glances, but they seem to hide their fear or hate of me fairly well.

  Lillian stops us at the entrance to a small building. The stone building is covered in vines and moss. Rows of purple flowers line the walkway and a large wooden sign reads Willow’s clothier just above the open doorway. The entrance is lined with sheer lilac curtains and lavender incents overwhelms me as I step through the threshold. Shades of purple cloth hang from the ceiling and swatches of cloth rest atop a dark wooden coffee table in the far corner of the room beneath a round window. Two plush cream armchairs are set against the wall beside the coffee table and a matching love seat is set across from them. On the opposite side of the room is a counter top and square cubbies filled with cloth line the wall. Beside the counter is an open doorway with lilac drapes and silver beads blocking the view into the adjoining room.

  “Come. Sit.” Lillian offers and I move to take a seat before remembering my new accessories. How do you even sit with a tail? I attempt to look behind me, but I come face to wing. This is not going to work. Will I ever get used to this? Oh, god. Will I be like this forever?

  “Just sit already.” Aurora snaps.

  Before I even get the chance to respond, a shrill voice enters the room. “Oh, customers. I did nah hear yer come in.” A tiny woman, maybe two feet tall throws her hands on her hips and purses her lips. Huge brown eyes gaze intently at the four of us. Her giant eyes trail over each of us and settle on me. She scrunches her nose and her freckles stretch and dance over her pink cheeks. She slips a finger under the shoulder strap of her pink overalls.

  “Lillian, yer shoulda told me yer was stoppin’ by.” She waves her finger at Lillian. “Woulda had things prepared for yer.”

  “My apologies, Willow,” Lillian smiles, “Our visit was unplanned.”

  Willow gazes up at Lillian and taps her white sandal covered foot. “She a Daesidh. I never agreed ta help her kind.” Aurora scoffs and nods in agreement.

  “Nuri is the guest of our queen. You will do well to remember.”

  Willow looks glances back at me. She looks like she wants to protest. “Where yer travelin’ ta?”

  “The oracles.” Luka grunts.

  A small eyebrow raises. “I have the perfect thing.” She walks in the direction of the drape covered doorway. She reaches the doorway before realizing I’m not following. “Come.” She beckons and passes into the other room.

  She leads me through a narrow hallway to a large changing room and with a round platform at the center facing a floor length mirror.

  “Stand here.” She commands.

  I step onto the platform and face the mirror. For the first time,
I’m able to see myself since entering Fae. Black horns protrude from my head and curl nearly into a spiral toward my ponytail. My dull amber eyes now glow brightly. A small trail of subtle black scales speckled with gold extends from my horns to the side of my face and comes to and end next to my ears like small black diamonds. I twist my hands around. The same scales trail up my arms from my pinky to just above my elbow where they trail off into a point at my bicep. My wings are folded against my back, but unlike Luka’s beautiful white feathers, mine are like large bat wings. The silky skin of the membrane looks soft.

  My tail twitches behind me through my torn pants. Sizable scales plate the base of my tail. The scales taper down into smaller and softer scales as they reach the dagger like tip. I reach for it. The sensation of touching the foreign extremity is agonizingly uncomfortable, but my curiosity allows me to keep hold. I pull it closer to my face. The skin is soft and malleable on the underside, yet the scales on the top act like bone.

  The squeaky voice of Willow yanks me away from my observation. “Yer seem lost, child.”

  “I didn’t know who I-,” I release my tail and gesture at myself, “What I was. Only a few weeks ago I thought I was a normal human girl having fun in college with my best friend and now – I’m a Daesidh?” I sigh and slump my shoulders. “I didn’t even know demons were real.”

  “The gods have’ never done me wrong. Yer may be lost now, but yer gonna be fine.” She reaches up and unzips my pants.

  “Um.” I try to step away from her reach. “What are you doing?”

  She clicks her tongue at me. “How else we gonna get yer in this dress?”

  “Right child, yer be ready now.” She pats my rear and marches off.

  I stare at myself in the mirror. The golden dress perfectly matches my eyes. My hair seems brighter and is now curled to perfection. A light application of makeup has enhanced my features making me appear older. The neckline scoops and tumbles lavishly down to my breasts. The fabric curls over my shoulder before opening into a large V allowing my wings room to move. My spinal scales lead to a hole perfectly made for my tail that allows it freedom to move, but keeps the dress in place. Flat brown sandals wrap up my ankles with soft leather straps that tie just below the knee. The dress brushes against the top of my toes, but never touches the floor.


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