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I Dated a Hot Assassin (Blind Date Corporation Book 2)

Page 7

by Viola Grace

  She slid into the vehicle and wondered what the hell he was up to.

  The barbeque restaurant was on the outskirts of town, and when they entered, the room went silent. The leather inside confirmed the rows of cycles outside.

  “You brought me to a biker bar?”

  He grinned. “They have really good barbeque.”

  She laughed, and they placed their orders and took a seat. The entire place smelled amazing, and she enjoyed swapping food from his plate to hers and occasionally using a fork. He only caught her twice and brought the tally back up to ten.

  She giggled, and heads turned toward them. When he leaned in and whispered, her eyes went wide. “So, how much kitten am I allowed to be without punishment?”

  He grinned. “Thirty-five percent. Every five percent above that gets you a smack.”

  “Thirty-five? That is witty banter.”

  “Tough. I will be back in a minute.”

  The moment he was out of sight, two large men approached her and smiled. “Aw, we can get you away from him, little miss.”

  She looked at them with big eyes. “You can? He’s so big and scary.”

  There was a snort in her internal com.

  They grinned. “Come with us. We can get you somewhere safe.”

  She blinked. “And then what?”

  “We can take care of a pretty little thing like you.”

  “Aw, I love being called a thing.”

  One of them took her hand and bodily hauled her out of the restaurant.

  They pulled her toward one of the cycles, and then, the fun started. The two men started to argue about who would have the honour of having her mashed against them, so she settled on a cycle and slid into the driver’s position, activating the overrides and getting her feet into position in three seconds. She took off and braced herself as she planted her booted foot and spun, heading back to the restaurant. She pulled up as Salat came out, and the two men who were shocked at her theft found themselves lifted into the air. “I apologize for my mate. She can be a handful.”

  She parked the cycle and got off. “Well, that was easier to control than the last oversized thing I had between my legs. Oh, look. He’s out of the restroom.”

  He set the men aside and kissed her. She tutted, held his head, and licked his face. “Geez, dude, learn how to use a napkin. Sauce is good, though.”

  He grinned. “I thought you were going to spit on a tissue.”

  She snorted. “I can’t even slip a sneeze into this suit, let alone a tissue. Hang on. A bit more.” She got the last of it, and her eyes watered. “Found the hot sauce.”

  “Sorry, kitten. I like a bit of heat.”

  “Yeah. That’s a shocker.” She grinned. “Back to the babysitter now?”

  “Yes. Well, first to our place, and then, we have a bit of time before I have to leave. Hopefully, all the rocks we have shoved downhill today will reach Aksalla.”

  * * * *

  “Report, Commander Samyel.” The prefect of Aksalla looked at her daughter.

  “There has been a development, Prefect.” Samyel activated the screen, and the news vids from the capitol a few countries away appeared.

  “And in interesting news, the Demon Cat of Aksalla seems to have found a companion. They certainly seem comfortable with each other, so could this be part of the Blind Date escort agency that we have been hearing about? If so, you might want to invest in that corporation because this looks like a good match.”

  The images of Salat walking around with a woman over his shoulder and then kissing her while leaning her against the side of his vehicle laid to rest any fantasies the prefect had of this woman being arrested.

  The prefect frowned. “When is he arriving?”

  “He will be here in four hours, Prefect. The engagement party should go off without any trouble.”

  “Your brother is going to have some explaining to do, and find out what you can about that creature he is with.”

  Samyel looked at the image and frowned. “There is something familiar about her.”

  She grabbed the control and focused on the woman’s breasts. “I shot her! She’s the milkmaid. She got deported!”

  “Her name, Samyel.”

  Samyel closed her eyes. “Danforth. Her last name is Danforth.”

  “She’s not active?”

  “She fucking well is. She lactates. That is her mutation.”

  “She has never had children?” The prefect scowled.

  “No. I met her when she was barely an adult. I was just out of the academy, and she was nearly to the border. I had been told she was dangerous and was nervous. When she raised her hand to surrender, I shot her twice.”

  The prefect blinked. “That was her?”

  “Same woman. I recognize her breasts.”

  “And now she is with Salat. Lovely. Well, buy her off and send her on her way.” The prefect dismissed her daughter.

  Samyel nodded and headed back to her desk. She had to do a lot of research in a short amount of time. There was something about that woman. How horrible did you have to be for your own family to send Aksallan agents to kill you?

  Chapter Seven

  Khytten was lying and watching a movie with her head in Torenne’s lap, wearing a silk chiffon dress that had come in that day. They had enjoyed dinner, and after the dishes were taken care of, Torenne had suggested they watch a movie.

  “So, Salat has family stuff tonight.”

  Torenne paused her fingers in Khytten’s hair. “Why would you say that?”

  “He wasn’t wearing body armour.”

  “Ah. Yeah, he’s headed back to Aksalla. I was invited as well, but I was needed here.”

  Khytten smiled. “You could have gone. I am capable of taking care of myself.”

  “Yes, but he wants to keep eyes on you. If it can’t be him, he will settle for me.”

  “What was he like growing up?”

  “Kind. He laughed a lot. He was always helping people and looking for new things. Once he mastered something, he taught everyone around him. When he went active, everything changed. He was dark. His senses were so keen they hurt him. His appearance was accepted by his family, but they trained him to use all of his senses and reflexes in the most brutal ways. They changed him into a killer.”

  “What happened with you?”

  “Oh, there was ridicule, embarrassment, and sexual harassment. Getting a handle on the healing was easier. I went to classes, practiced, and then worked at a hospital for a number of years. I even taught for a while. I was there when you came in, by the way.”


  “Five years ago when you were shot. I was with the medical team that treated you. Samyel was crying in panic, and you were trying to comfort her, even after she had blown two holes in you.”

  Khytten sighed. “I don’t remember. It was a lot of bright haze and pain. Everyone called me Danforth. I guess that is how my family had identified me, and since it was their word over mine, they used a name that they wouldn’t be associated with.”

  She snorted.

  Torenne stroked her hair and then her shoulder. “I remember how soft your skin was. It was an unprofessional thought for me, but I healed you just enough that I could come back a second time. I was outraged that they had sent you home before I had authorized your deportation.”

  She snorted. “I was lucky that they let you heal my leg.”

  “How did you heal the rest of you? There should be scar tissue.”

  “One of my party tricks. I can get milk out of myself if I need to.”

  Torenne paused. “Can you show me?”

  Khytten jumped when the voice in her head said, “Show her.”

  “I have to do this sitting up.” Khytten sat up and opened the tiny silk-covered buttons that did up the front of the pretty dress. Once the dress was open, she slid a hand in and lifted her right breast out of the chemise. Torenne was sta
ring, but Khytten leaned down and flicked the tip of her nipple before closing her mouth over it and sucking hard. The milk flowed, and she got the warmth and rich flavour from her own body.

  “What was it this time, kitten?” The low grumble was in her ear.


  Torenne licked her lips. “May I?”


  The healer leaned forward and sucked. She groaned and grabbed Khytten, forcing her against the back of the couch.

  Khytten squawked as the slow sucking began to beat a new pulse in her groin.

  Torenne whispered, “Bring me the other one.”

  She slipped her hand into her dress and eased her left breast out. Torenne went to work, so Khytten gave her what she had been encouraging. Stamina.

  Torenne sucked slowly, and her hand eased Khytten’s skirt up. When Torenne’s fingers found her slick and ready, her own skirt was lifted aside, and her penis was pushing for entrance. Khytten widened her thighs and arched as Torenne slid home.

  “Ooh... god, Khytten. You are perfect. You feel... perfect. I could stay here forever.”

  “If you don’t start moving, I am leaving.”

  Torenne laughed, withdrew, and thrust home. Khytten kneaded her lover’s breasts through her dress and worked at the buttons on the clothing; by the fourth thrust, she had her hands inside Torenne’s dress, and they were moving together.

  * * * *

  The soft sounds were tormenting Salat. He tried to concentrate on his younger brother’s engagement party, but it was difficult. It would be so much nicer if he could have her with him in an elegant gown and have his hand on her thigh under the table.

  His mother spoke. “Salat, you look a thousand miles away.”

  “Three hundred and seventy-three.” He smiled and looked at her while he listened to an enthusiastic coupling in his internal com.

  “You are looking tense, my son. Is it that creature that you have been seen with?”

  “Creature? You mean my kitten? Yes, she does make me tense, but not in a bad way. She reminds me to be human again, in small, controlled doses.”

  “She wants you to stop killing?”

  He laughed. “No. She is nearly as deadly as I am, given the right tools.”

  His mother paused. “What?”

  “She took out the Mentor’s henchmen with two hand blasters and three charge sticks. Forty dead in under five minutes, after they had carved her up.” He smiled.

  “She sounds like a monster.”

  He looked at his mother and smiled. “She is. I am applying for a breeding permit to contract with her as well as a dispensation to overturn her deportation.”

  In his head, he heard her sweet sounds of climax with Torenne’s not too far behind.

  His mother had spoken, but he was fascinated by the soft after-sounds of the two women murmuring to each other.

  “Salat, are you listening? We have selected over a dozen surrogates. Why don’t you choose one of them?”

  He smiled. “Because they aren’t my kitten. She’s special, and she’s already my lover, so why not the mother of my child?”

  “But... she has no family.”

  He snorted. “She does; they are just assholes. I think she would make an excellent addition to the Aksalla Agents or the Guard.”

  “Not pregnant she isn’t.”

  “Well, obviously not. But, from what I remember of those biology classes, pregnancy does not last forever.”

  His mother tensed. “Do you know why she was here the first time? Why she was ejected? Her own family considers her an undesirable.”

  He snorted. “They consider her a freak because of the active adaptation that struck her. A lactating teenager with tremendous breasts was more than their dignity could handle. So, they changed their names, left their minor daughter alone and on her own, came to Aksalla, and were in a vehicle accident. Their other daughter, the human one, called my kitten to help, and she came, even after her visa was rejected. She healed her family despite their objections, and then, she tried to leave. Samyel shot her while she was trying to return home, spurred on by her now-recovered family, who managed to call agents to come and get her. You do realize that, against their will, she managed to heal neurological damage that should have impaired them for life, and I can see in their files that after her treatment, they were smarter and in better physical condition than before.”

  The prefect suddenly looked interested. “What?”

  “She has chemically programmable lactation. She can heal, created mood enhancers, and she volunteers as a wet nurse for a local hospital, putting abandoned infants and weak preemies into the peak of health. Even with me redirecting her location, she still pumps twice a day, and a drone takes it to the hospital for her. So, despite her faulty family, she herself is rock solid and knows what it means to be abandoned by those who profess to love you. She would never let that happen to a child of her own, and she has the skills to defend it.”

  “So you have said. I thought she was just a lactator.”

  “She also has skills you find in sharpshooter actives. She can carry on a conversation and take down all comers.”

  “If she is so desirable, I can’t believe you left her alone.”

  “I didn’t. I left her with a friend.”

  “You left her with Torenne?” His mother was shocked. “I thought she hated strangers.”

  “She has taken to kitten.” The two were currently naked and rolling around together with giggles, soft sighs, and the occasional fascinating view coming through the shared video link.

  His mother paused, and he could see the wheels turning. “Would Torenne come back if your kitten came, too?”

  He smiled. “It is quite possible. The two are joined at the hip.” It appeared that Torenne was truly enjoying sex with a friend and partner for the first time. He was happy for his friend but wished that she had found her own playmate. Ah well, Salat had pushed them together; he had to deal with the consequences. If Khytten didn’t mind, he didn’t mind, and from the slow, ragged moans, she was having a very nice time.

  He heard a soft whisper, “Salat, wish you were here.” His cock flexed, and he slowly breathed in and out.

  His mother rapped on the table. “What the hell is going on with you?”

  “You don’t really want the answer to the question, but I can safely say that kitten is in good hands, and she’s missing me.”

  His mother was scandalized. “She is on your inter-aural com, isn’t she?”

  “She is.”

  “Can she hear me?”

  “She’s a little distracted, but probably.”

  His mother leaned in and said, “Miss kitten, I don’t know what you have done to my son, but you and I are going to discuss this at length.”

  In Salat’s head, a husky voice said, “His length isn’t the problem; it’s the width. Love you, Salat.” She singsonged the last.

  He blinked. He had to hear her say she loved him while she was drunk on pleasure at someone else’s hands. “You are going to have to repeat that when we are face to face.”

  “Nope. Scared.” She dissolved into giggles.

  “Is Torenne still with you?” He spoke normally while looking at his mother.

  “Yup. She’s the big spoon.”

  He grinned. “Fair enough. See you tomorrow morning.”

  “Thirty hours left in the date.”

  “Yes, Ma’am. Have a good sleep, kitten.”

  She chuckled and made the noise he associated with her nodding off to sleep.

  “Okay, Mom. She’s down for the night. So, how long do I have to stay here?”

  “Until they announce their engagement. Now, be a good big brother and prepare to make a speech about how proud you are.”

  He nodded. “I will. And thank you.”

  She blinked. “For what?”

  “For saying that you are going to talk to my kitten. You do
n’t leave Aksalla, which means you have to talk to her here, which means she will be allowed in the country. Thank you.”

  His mother sighed. “I will ratify your requests in the morning, but you have to promise me one thing.”

  He frowned and cocked his head. “What?”

  “Smile like you did when you were just talking to her. I miss that part of my boy.”

  “I missed joy and laughter as well. She found them for me, and she does not let go. I smile more around her than I have in the last two decades. She’s scrappy but wears silk like a lady and leather like a thug.”

  His mother’s expression softened. “Tell me more about her.”

  “She can hit targets without turning her head and has an appetite for physical interaction that matches mine. She is loyal to her friends, and she keeps an open mind when she meets new people. On our first date, she was so polite that I was afraid she would find me offensive, but she urged me on, with pleases and thank yous all the way.”

  “What kind of a date?”

  “I signed up for the Blind Date Corporation, and after several months, I was matched with my kitten. She arrived at my hotel room with the mask, and she gave me the milk that I needed, and we continued our association a few times. I got enough packets of milk to last me a few months, and then, she dozed off in my arms.” He smiled softly. “Then, she was blown up and kidnapped by the Mentor’s men. Zera, the management of Blind Date, called me, and I offered to retrieve her. I did. Her scent was strongest in one room with a dead body. Someone had been bludgeoned to death with manacles, and when I found her strapped to a wall, the blood was all over her hands and wrists.”

  He sighed. “I knew at that moment that I wanted her to have my child. She wasn’t scared and couldn’t see me, but I reeked of blood, and she still knew it was me. She was relieved to see me. Well, hear and smell me. I didn’t want to scare her with my features, and since she didn’t know who I was, it was sweet when she responded to me.”

  “I doubt that it was sweet, but I believe we can skip the details.”

  He smiled. “After I blackmailed her into promising me a reward for her rescue, I let her escape. She collapsed, and I took her to Torenne to repair the majority of the damage to her body. Broken ribs, bruised organs, and a major concussion, she had that and still put what I needed first.”


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