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I Dated a Hot Assassin (Blind Date Corporation Book 2)

Page 8

by Viola Grace

  “Son, you left her shackled to a wall.”

  He grinned. “She can still withhold milk if she wants to. She doesn’t have to give it if she doesn’t want to. I learned that the second time she was taken. The one where she let herself be tortured to get information out of one of the henchmen.”

  His mother blinked. “How did that work?”

  “There is a draw to her. Even those who sneer at the fetish aspect of what she is want to try once they seek the silky cream of her skin. He drank, and she dosed him with truth serum, then he gave her the information needed to get Zera to the right place to avenge her sister.”

  “Your kitten was wounded?”

  “Her breasts were slashed by claws. It was nasty. She could heal a bit of herself but not enough to repair the damage. Torenne to the rescue again. This time, kitten was awake, and she and Torenne had a bit of a conversation.” He smiled. “That is when Torenne agreed to babysit.”

  “So, she knows that...”

  “She does. She has no problem with it.” He chuckled. “They get along very well.”

  His mother clued into his reference. “They are lovers.”

  “Kitten is teaching Torenne a few things that no one else has ever bothered to try to help her learn. Kitten does not treat her like a freak.”

  “So, that is what you were listening to earlier. You can see through Torenne and hear through your kitten. Geez, no wonder you were distracted. So, my son has chosen a woman of flexible morals.”

  He shook his head. “No, she gives to people in need, and Torenne was in desperate need. Kitten and I have an exclusive contract, so we both had to agree on what would happen between them. If she had said no, that would have been fine.”

  “But you knew she wouldn’t say no.”

  “I suspected. She isn’t really into women, so it was a stretch. They seem to have split the difference.”

  “You are perverse, Salat.” His mother exhaled.

  “You ended up with a minor active adaptation. Bulletproof skin. There aren’t a host of instincts that come along with that. Kitten’s instinct is to nurture, mine is to hunt, and Torenne’s is to lay hands on people. It is those instincts that take us over and remove our humanity. Kitten could start kidnapping children to nurture them, Torenne could cause damage so she could heal it, and I could start chasing folk who were out alone after dark. Our instincts could go very wrong if we don’t have an anchor point. Father is a prime example; he was driven to get more and more extreme with his sharpshooting adaptation. His talent for ricochet is legendary, but it has been subsumed by his duty to the agents’ training.”

  His mother smiled. “Sneaky, using us as examples.”

  “It is the yardstick by which I measure relationships. I knew I could never have what you have, but the moment I was first with Khytten, I felt different. Whole. I hadn’t felt like that since I went activated.”

  His mother reached out and stroked his cheek. “My beautiful boy. Well, triads are legal in Aksalla, so as you and Torenne are citizens, you will be able to sponsor your partner.”

  He grinned, showing his fangs.

  “She takes you as you come?”

  “Mom, rephrase that.”

  She paused, and her silvery skin when hot pink. “Oh, geez. Right. So, that part is fine.”

  “It is fine.”

  “Right. You know the doctors will want to examine her.”

  “Yes. She will submit to an exam if I book her for a date.”

  “I thought she was your girlfriend.”

  “It has been a busy few weeks. At present, I am trying to help her rebuild the wardrobe that blew up. She has no clothing and is living with me because she has no other place to go. I do not want her to give in while she is in a vulnerable state, but I don’t want to entertain the thought of letting her go, not even for a moment.”

  His mother nodded. “Right. She can purchase a villa in the lake district. That will give her a place to call home and a spot where you can spend time with family.”

  “I am guessing you have a place in mind.”

  “I do. I will send you the information.”

  He chuckled. “First, repeal the ban on Khytten.”

  “Wait, that sounded different. How did you pronounce that?”

  He grinned. “Her actual name is Khytten, but she was kitten to me long before I knew her name.”

  The speeches began, and they wrapped up their conversation as he was called to congratulate his young brother on finding the woman he had dreamed about. He wished them a long and happy life together.

  When his mother had said her own welcomes to the fiancée, Salat was counting the minutes until he could leave. His lover was in the arms of his best friend, and he really wanted to join them.

  Chapter Eight

  Khytten felt a large, warm body slide into the guestroom bed with them. She reached out to touch Salat and smiled as he took her hand and kissed her palm, pulling her fingers into his mouth, one by one. She giggled sleepily, and she curled up against him. Torenne followed her, and they formed one large block of sleepy bodies.

  She pressed her cheek to his chest and said, “Salat?”


  “I love you.”

  He chuckled. “Not so scared after all, kitten?”

  “Still scared, but it is easier in the dark. Did you have a nice time?”

  “I did. I thought of you the whole time.”

  “I think there were some moments I was not forefront in your mind.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead.

  Torenne murmured, “Can I keep her?”

  Salat murmured, “No, but if she is willing, you can play now and then. Like tonight.”

  Torenne purred and stretched. “Okay.”

  Khytten rubbed her lips against his skin and breathed deep. She fell asleep as the middle of an Aksalla-citizen sandwich.

  She smelled coffee. Khytten lifted her head and sniffed. She was alone in bed on her stomach. Yawning, she pawed the hair out of her eyes and sat up. She wasn’t in the guestroom anymore.

  Salat came in wearing a set of dark sweatpants and carrying a coffee tray. Torenne came in after, wearing a loose silk robe.

  “I am underdressed.” She pulled the sheets up as the trays were set on stands next to the bed.

  “You are just right and to stay where you are.”

  She shivered and looked down. “I need to take care of the ladies.”

  “Sit up against the headboard. I will take care of them.”

  She swallowed and eased up against the headboard, reaching up and holding onto the carved wood. Salat made her a cup of coffee and blew on it before holding it to her lips. She took a few sips and relaxed. He set the cup back on the tray and nuzzled her neck. “I missed you, love.”

  She felt the hot drops start on her breasts, and he licked his way down to them, going to her right first before slowly and gently sucking. Her left breast got the same treatment, and then, he moved from one to the other.

  Torenne chuckled. “I can pitch in if you need help.”

  Khytten held his head, and he held her protectively. “I think he wants this particular one to himself.”

  “What did you put into it?”


  “Oh. Wow. Can I try just a little bit?”

  Khytten beckoned to her, leaned her head down, and took her left nipple in her mouth. When she had gotten a few drops, she pulled Torenne close and kissed her. Torenne jerked and shook, curling up on the bed as she came.

  Salat smiled. “I guess you develop a tolerance.”

  “Someone else consumed my love for you. It is a wild emotion they aren’t prepared to deal with. I wasn’t prepared for it, but now, I am stuck with it.”

  He chuckled and lifted his head. “I was looking for it, but when it struck, I was caught by surprise.”

  “It sounds difficult. Mine grew gradually, and it struck when I was lying here
with Torenne thinking that the amazing day would have been perfect if you were there.”

  He moved up her body and kissed her. She tasted her own sweetness on his tongue.

  The kiss was ravenous and went from sweet to wild in a number of seconds. He pressed against her, and she felt her breasts drip against his skin.

  He lifted his head and whispered, “Missed me, kitten?”

  She wrapped her legs around him and undulated against him. “I am sure you didn’t think about me even once.”

  He groaned and joined their bodies with a hard thrust. She laughed, gasped, and gave herself up.

  “Always be here when I return.” His whisper was an inch from her lips.

  She chuckled. “No, but I will come when you call.”

  He rocked into her with a slow undulation, “Really, Khytten?”

  She gasped and held onto him. “Really, Salat.”

  He kissed her and pressed into her until she was nearly climbing the headboard. Her cries got wilder, and he whispered, “Cum, kitten.”

  She let out a high whine, and with her body tense, she bit his arm as her body clenched around his.

  Salat growled and shoved into her, his cock flexing as he came.

  She relaxed her jaw and mumbled, “Sorry.”

  He rolled to his back, still inside her. “Let me see your teeth, kitten.”

  She blushed and tilted her head as he opened her mouth with his finger and lifted her lip.

  “Kitten, when did this happen?”

  Torenne was curled up on a nearby chair eating a croissant. “Did you know that Khytten gets drunk from two ounces of alcohol?”

  “I can probably undo it if I remember how I did it to start with.” She said it around the finger in her mouth, testing the little needle teeth.

  “Strong. And so cute. How is your speech?”

  She snorted. “I can talk with bigger things in my mouth.”

  He grinned. “I know.”

  He looked over at his friend. “Now, Torenne, what were you doing giving alcohol to our kitten? Though, it does explain all the giggling.”

  Torenne smiled. “I wanted to go down on her, but she was nervous, so half a glass of a nice chardonnay and she was relaxed.”

  Khytten buried her face against Salat’s neck and mumbled. “I told her that anything deep-fried would have worked as well or pizza, but she said that fried food wasn’t good for me.” She made a fist and punched him. “Someone wants me to eat healthy.”

  He laughed. “So, this is my fault?”

  “Yup.” She smiled against him. “So, how was your family?”

  “Great. My brother is getting married; I made a speech. Everyone stared and then applauded.” He snorted. “Then my mother spoke, and the room exploded. Mind you, she is in charge.”

  “In charge of the family?”

  Torenne continued to nibble at her croissant. “In charge of the country. She’s the prefect of Aksalla.”

  “Yes, and she is working on getting your ban revoked, kitten.”

  Torenne chuckled. “Now, why would the titanium bitch of Aksalla do something nice?”

  Salat looked at his friend. “She wants me to have kids, and I want to have them with Khytten.”

  She blushed and buried her face against his skin again. He flexed inside her.

  “What is Khytten’s opinion of that?” Torenne asked.

  “I want kids.” She wiggled on top of Salat. “I want his kids, though I hope the invisibility waits until they are in their later teens. The thought of invisible teenagers gives me chills.”

  He lifted her head, and there was a gleam in his eyes. “You have thought about raising our kids?”


  “How many?”

  “My mind gets stuck at six, but there are always little shapes running around in the background, laughing.”

  He smiled. “Six?”

  “To start. Sets of twins. It would be too hard to have triplets and try to defend them if trouble comes.”

  “How about just one at a time?” He stroked her cheek.

  “That is a lot of time. I would be all cranky and waddley for a really long time.”

  He smiled. “Well, you already can’t see your own feet.”

  “Well, I have balance and can protect myself if I want to, and I haven’t been blown up.”

  “You will have a bodyguard when you are feeling awkward and I can’t be with you. And a nanny for the kids to help things along.”

  Torenne was grinning. “Are you two going to formalize things?”

  “Her transit paperwork is nearly done. When she can enter Aksalla, there is some property that my mother has in mind near the lake.”

  Torenne was staring. “Seriously? Why the turnaround?”

  “She likes seeing me happy. She has missed me the last few years, and she now sees me again. If Khytten makes that happen, she will keep Khytten provided for.”

  “Khytten wants to run a live range.” Talking in third person was amusing.

  Torenne looked at them and said, “Is that one of those training things?”

  Salat chuckled. “Yes, it is. There is one in Norwiss city. When your paperwork comes through, I will take you.”

  She smiled and wiggled slowly against him. “Yes, please, Salat.”

  Torenne’s com went off, and she got up to go answer it, the silky panels of her robe flirting with them as she left.

  She came back in in a moment. “Well, I have to head back home. I have a client on the way. Kitten, a kiss?”

  Khytten levered herself up and faced Torenne. “Have fun putting people back together.”

  Torenne kissed her deeply and then leaned down to suck each of her breasts in turn. Milk dribbled out of her mouth, and she stood up with a smile. She winked and headed out after fist-bumping with Salat.

  “Why do I feel like I stumbled naked into a man cave? When she is around you, she becomes more masculine.”

  He laughed. “She only does that around you. She had entirely retreated into her healer persona until you started bringing my friend Torenne back. I can see a balance being struck, and I am delighted.”

  “Yeah, I am less delighted by a few of her ideas, and I hope that she finds someone else to play with, making me an occasional lover.”


  “Well, she’s attaching herself to me and wants to be with you and with me because we make her feel good... but she is positing the idea of a threesome, and I honestly don’t think that my body could fit you both at the same time. She’s not small.”

  He blinked. “That is... something to consider.”

  “Not unless I get my butt into training, and that isn’t something that I have ever considered. It is even on my profile at BDC.”

  “Why not?”

  “I have had a problem getting one lover in, let alone opening up an orifice that isn’t designed for it.” She clenched around him.

  “Have you tried?”

  “Um, no. That is a trip to the sex shop that I have never been willing to make.”

  He caressed her cheek with his thumb. “Would you be willing to try?”

  “Not yet.”

  “What about another date?”

  “Not until after my birthday party. That is filling me with dread as it is.”

  “Just a few more days. Now, what do you want as a present? I already know what mine will be.”

  “Wait, when is your birthday?”

  He grinned. “Ten weeks away. I am looking forward to it.”

  “You are going to tell me the date when the day is near, right?”

  “Maybe. I think that a day of unlimited sex should be a bit of a surprise. Especially as it is not transferrable.”

  “You seem put out by that. And how is birthday sex different from today?”

  He grinned. “You said I don’t need to hold back on my birthday. I am looking forward to it.”

bsp; “Suddenly, I am thinking that it was a silly thing to offer. How about some new socks? Oh, I could wash your car for the summer.” She bit her lip.

  “In a two-piece?” he grinned.

  “Sure.” She slid her hands over him. “We just have to confirm that the no-holds-barred birthday sex is off the table, the floor, the bed, anywhere.”

  “I will consider it and let you know.”

  She grimaced. “That is going to cause me a bit of stress.”

  He ran his hands up her body and smiled. “Speaking of things that stress you.”

  He sat up and lifted her off him. She didn’t know what was going on until she was over his lap, and she felt the first swat.

  “Goddamnit!” She hissed and looked at him with a glare.

  “And that is an extra one.” He smacked her. “Now, you have been doing naughty things during my date time, and so, I am getting a little of my own back.”

  She exhaled and heard a soft whine from her own throat as the third strike landed. They didn’t hurt; they stung.

  After half a dozen more strikes, he slid two fingers into her, and he groaned. “This is a marvellous discovery.”

  “Enjoy it while we are on a date. As soon as I am off the clock, I am going to run.”

  He leaned down and whispered, “Oh, kitten, why wait?”

  She shivered, and he got to his feet with her tucked under his arm. He walked outside and set her loose. It wouldn’t have been too bad, but he went invisible.

  “Fuck.” She looked at the options to hide and asked. “I need a thirty-second head start.”

  “Take a minute, kitten. I will still find you.”

  “Fine. A minute on the clock.” She sprinted to the woods and climbed the first suitable tree. From that branch, she launched herself to the next and then the next. Her com gave her a ten-second warning, and she kept herself as high up a tree with as thin a branch as she could manage. It took thirty seconds after the minute had expired before she saw the trees waving. She remained silent and naked high up in the tree.


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