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I Dated a Hot Assassin (Blind Date Corporation Book 2)

Page 9

by Viola Grace

  The bough on the heavy tree next to her bowed. The tree limb chuckled. “So, the kitten isn’t afraid of heights.”

  She shrugged. “Not yet. How are you with them?”

  “Fine.” It was the warning that she got before the tree limb flexed and a hard body collided with hers and knocked her out of the tree.

  Khytten gasped, but her arms were pinned down by his, and he had her curled against his chest. He caught their progress on a lower branch and swung them to the ground. “I didn’t know you could climb, kitten.”

  “Um, it hasn’t come up.” He was still invisible and not setting her down as he carried her through the woods. “Where are we going?”

  “Oh, just a little spot that I have when I need to calm down.” There was a pile of rock, and at his approach, it opened to expose a doorway.

  “Um, that is weird.”

  “Genetic scanner.”

  “Oh. That is some high-end stuff. I have seen the tech that Zera creates and... oh. Never mind.” The Z-Tech logos were everywhere when they entered the space.

  He laughed. “She does get around. Her mind is astonishing.”

  She blinked. “What is this place?”

  “My hobby room.”

  She looked around and saw banks of screens with partial weapons designs on them. “No, way.”

  She kicked her legs, and he set her down. She sprinted over to the design screens and started flipping through the guns, shields, and repellent fields. “Ohmygod. You designed those little blasters.”

  He chuckled. “I don’t use them, but I like to design weapons.”

  She flicked through the designs and paused. “Uh, Salat. What is this?”

  “Oh. Um, never mind those.”

  “Those? There are more?”

  She flicked past sketches of her. Her naked, her sleeping with nothing but a sheet around her hips, and then the weird stuff started. Clothing, the mechanism for the black suit complete with pumps and canisters. “When did you do all this?”

  “Uh, I can’t really say without it coming off as creepy.”

  She smiled and kept looking. “You hunted me naked through the forest with a minute’s notice, tackled me naked out of a tree, and carried me into your underground lair. I think we passed creepy when discussing having a threesome with your best friend.”

  “I think we are going to revisit it.”

  She snorted and looked at the different costumes he had designed for her, all versions of his with a definite BDSM theme. The swimwear was cute and sporty, with only a few string-based designs.

  The pictures suddenly changed, and one was being drawn as she watched. “That is a different design. Wait. Is Torenne drawing that?”

  There was a chuckle next to her ear. “She and I used to draw comic books when we were at school. When I first met you and showed her the sketches, she drew some designs for you as well, but she needed to see you standing up to figure out how they would hang. It is hard to appreciate how soft and resilient your skin is unless you have touched it. Your breasts should bounce more than they do, but they are heavy, so they are fairly solid. That was an important clue to how your clothing should fit.”

  “So, you like the action stuff and swimwear, and her stuff is the lacy, flowy stuff?”

  He chuckled. “I also designed the gown and robe. The pleated details over your breasts were particularly fun to imagine.”

  “If I could kill those guys again, I would.” She grimaced. “I don’t get many presents. Hell, that was the first one I had had in over a decade. I am gonna be mad about that for a while.”

  She felt a kiss on her neck. “You will have many more. Do you want to see where they are made?”

  She nodded, and they walked into another chamber where different fibre extruders were at work, humming away. “What are they working on?”

  “This one is doing repairs on my body armour; this one is working on weaving a new silk dress from Torenne for you. It’s almost finished.”

  His voice moved. “This one is creating some body armour for you but incorporating the corset design into the base suit.”

  The chime rang, and the dress slithered into a packet.

  “Is Torenne watching?”

  He chuckled. “She is.”

  “May I try the dress on?” She exaggerated her actions toward herself and pointed to the dress.

  “She says yes.”

  Khytten grabbed the packet and opened it, opening the fasteners before pulling the dress on over her head and doing up the fastenings. She spun, and the panels of overlapping silk flared and exposed her legs before settling against her thighs. She looked around and couldn’t see him. He wasn’t moving. She had the feeling that she was being tested. She paused, cleared her mind, and took a step, looking for body heat. When she found it, she moved toward it until she was pressed up against him.

  “Good kitten. Are you done showing off for Torenne?”

  “Does it involve me getting undressed?”


  “Then... nope.” She stepped away from him, pivoted, and danced, spinning gracefully with her arms up, and one leg cocked behind her.

  “Did you take dance?”

  “Before I activated, yes. My parents supported our getting prepared for whatever would or wouldn’t happen during puberty. Of course, after I activated, no one could see me.”

  He chuckled. “I know the feeling. Well, literally in my case. I was invisible for two months, and then, I appeared again. It was like my body was hiding while it changed.”

  “I activated and transformed in a week, my clothes wouldn’t fit, and when the lactation started, I had to hide in my room until I finished pumping, then the milk was dumped down the toilet to hide it. That continued until they sent me to active camp, and a week after that, my world exploded.”

  His arms wrapped around her, and he held her tight. “Adolescence is rough for actives, and for folks like us who have something physical happen, it stunts something inside us. I always wanted to be the night in shining armour.”

  “I always wanted to be the kick-ass princess stuck in the tower who had already killed the dragon but couldn’t find a ladder.”

  He stroked her hair. “I can bring the ladder.”

  “I can polish your armour.”

  He became visible. “Whatever you want to call it, I will take it.”

  They kissed, and she had to admit he was right. Something in her had frozen in that moment that her body started to change beyond human norms. Maybe she could find that teenage girl, introduce it to his teenage boy, and watch what happened. Maybe.

  Chapter Nine

  Date night was over, and then, she could curse with impunity. When Salat came in two days later with a huge grin, he handed her a chip for her com unit.

  “What is this?”

  “Open entry to Aksalla. You can come and go as you like. You can even access the embassies around the world for assistance if necessary.”

  She stared at the authorization seals scrolling over her screen. “Wait, my government is in on this.”

  “Of course. They had to authorize it as well. I only had to make three calls.”

  She blinked. “Wait. This categorizes me as a bounty hunter.”

  “With license to exterminate. It is easier to leave the bodies in the country you killed them in unless some kind of proof is needed.”

  “I thought I had to fill out all kinds of paperwork and testing for that.”

  “It turns out that your instructors at the peacekeeper training centre were only too happy to vouch for you. That carried a lot of weight.”

  She blinked. “You called them?”

  He grinned. “My name also carries a lot of weight. The demon prince of Aksalla.”

  “I thought it was the Demon Cat.”

  “Aksalla used to be a monarchy. We lost the titles, but my family is still from the original line.” For more democratic countrie
s, it is still an impressive thing, so we use it when we need to.”

  “Oh.” She smiled.

  “What is that smile, kitten?”

  “Maybe when I need your cooperation, I should whisper prince Salat, your royal highness Salat.” She put the breathiest tone into her words.

  His eyes narrowed, and he picked her up. “Come with me, my deadly assassin.”

  She blinked, “Why?”

  “I think we need to try some pins and holds. I’ll get on the bottom; you hold me down.”

  It started with giggles and turned into laughter until he got a call and had to go. He would try to make her party the following evening, but there was no way he could promise. He had to travel, and someone had to die.

  Torenne drove her the following day. Aside from the occasional click, there was no sign of Salat. He would be home the next day and miss her birthday entirely.

  “Kitten, what’s wrong?”

  Khytten burst into tears. “I hate my birthday. Everything goes wrong.”

  “Aw, kitten. It will be fine. You will see.”

  “I wish you could come.”

  “I haven’t passed my clearances yet. On the bright side, Zera has indicated that she knows three escorts who would be willing to take me on as a client. For your own sake, try and have fun tonight. Forget me, forget Salat, just enjoy being Khytten.”

  Khytten sighed and nodded, clutching her backpack. She had called Zera every day that week, begging her to cancel. Zera had refused, and Salat had agreed with her. Khytten had to stow her misgivings.

  Torenne pulled up to the venue with twenty-five minutes to spare, helped Khytten out of the vehicle, and kissed her before telling her to have a good time, once again.

  Khytten put on her backpack and felt like a grumpy four-year-old as she headed into the expensive hotel. The front desk must have checked a photo or something because one of their staff came to her side, greeted her by name, and escorted her up to the venue.

  Zera was there with Susa. Wait. Susa? What the hell? Wasn’t she dead last week?

  Khytten walked up to the organizer. “We still have enough time to cancel this, Zera. I am really not good with folks staring at me.”

  Zera smiled and patted her on the shoulder. “Khytten, there are times in life when a little attention is warranted. Birthdays are one of those times. Come on, Salat wanted you to have this party, and I want to throw it, so all you have to do is enjoy it.”

  Khytten groaned. “No fair bringing him up. He has to work tonight.”

  Zera gave her a hug. “There will be plenty of friends and familiar faces here tonight, but first, we have to get you dressed.”

  “This is going to be embarrassing, isn’t it?” She had only had two other lovers through the company, but she guessed that they were there and would definitely recognize her two most notable assets.

  “Yup, but don’t worry. We are all playing dress-up tonight. Even the patrons.”

  Khytten grumbled but allowed herself to be dressed in a heavily modified outfit consisting of a skirt, a top, and a cape, all designed to show as much as possible. A bit slave girl, belly dancer, and street performer.

  Zera was in something similar, but instead of Khytten’s green, Zera was wearing black and purple. Susa put on some pastel blue, and the other escorts arrived and got dressed. Several brought gifts and surprised Khytten with them.

  It was another hour before the patrons showed up, and the escorts smiled as the patrons showed up wearing less than the escorts were for a change.

  Khytten was installed in a throne-like seat, and she felt horribly obvious. Music started, people danced. When Bothin came to her and asked her to dance, Khytten panicked. “I am sorry. I can’t.”

  Presents flowed toward her, and she started to open a bunch of presents, mostly scents and grooming items. Fifteen gave her a beautiful shawl with butterflies patterned and swirling on it. When it was Zera’s turn, she carried the case to Khytten and presented it. The birthday girl opened the box and stared. She got a bit excited when she saw the shining metal with dials and straps. “Oh, wow. Is this really for me?”

  “It is. They are all your weapons. Fully adjustable from stun to cutting through steel. Don’t get those two mixed up.” Zera explained the cuffs and what they could do. “Do not think of testing them out right now.”

  Khytten grinned. “I won’t, but I have no idea how I am getting this home. I came on my cycle.” It was a little lie, but no one was supposed to know about Torenne’s involvement in their little group. She would take a publicly booked transport to the edge of town, where Torenne would pick her up after the party.

  “We will have your presents delivered. I am sure Salat can arrange it.”

  “Sure. Tomorrow when he gets home.” She tried not to pout, but she had only agreed to this because he was so enthusiastic. She felt like taking on his assignment and shooting the person who had interrupted her plans.

  She went back to being grumpy on her throne.

  Khytten paused when she felt something familiar. Hands caressed her shoulders from behind her chair. She looked and only saw the slight pressure marks on her arms.

  “If you want me to wait until tomorrow to celebrate your birthday, you are mistaken.” His low, smooth voice rolled over her.

  “Ooh, Salat. You made it.” She smiled.

  “Yes, kitten. Would you like to dance?”

  “I don’t know how. I practiced with projections like I was taught, but I have never done it with another person.”

  His lips touched her ear. “I can help you with that. I don’t mind if you step on me, kitten. You look lovely.”

  He touched her hand. “Come on. I won’t let you fall.”

  She turned her fingers in his and looked to where his face was. “Promise?”


  He tugged her to her feet, and she clung to his arm, noticing. “What are you wearing?”

  “The same as most of the other patrons here.”

  Her eyes went wide as the men were wearing short skirts and not a lot else. She blinked. “Can I see?”

  “Yes, kitten.”

  He led them to the dancing area and turned in her arms. He became visible, and she looked down at the soft black hip wrap that fell just past mid-thigh. “Oooh, best present ever.”

  “I am not your present, kitten.” He pulled her toward him, and his skin made contact with her bare abdomen, and she held tight to him as he started to sway with her.

  “I have never understood why people get a prize for getting older.”

  He smiled at her, his hair neatly braided along his scalp, making his pointed ears stand out. “You deserve a prize for surviving and getting this far.”

  “I am still thinking that present is you, Patron. How did you get here so fast?”

  “Airlift to the building. Zera thoughtfully chose one with a landing pad.”

  She blushed. “Oh. You shouldn’t have hurried.”

  “And miss my kitten’s birthday? Never. I would have gone faster if I could.”

  She smiled. “It wasn’t necessary. Usually, the day comes and goes without comment.”

  They moved together and twirled around and around. He turned her, dipped her, and she clutched him in panic. He kissed her, and the world fell away.

  “Ah, Salat. I have missed you. Four days gone and only the occasional growl in my ear.”

  He smiled. “It is my version of letting you know I am still alive.”

  “Well, it did do that.”

  He leaned in and murmured, “And I like what you do when you hear my voice.”

  She blinked. “You can hear that? I am going to need better sound protection.”

  “Trying to deprive me of the little soft sounds is a punishable offense, kitten.”


  “What did the contract say about privacy?”

  “Um, it is at your discretion.”

sp; “And when it involves listening in to your pleasure, I choose to hear it all.”

  Khytten felt the fullness in her breasts, and she blinked. “I need to excuse myself.”

  He smiled down at her. “Why?”

  “Don’t play coy. I am going to squirt all over the place if I don’t take care of this.”

  “Ah, yes, Management has made a request.” He leaned in and told her what he wanted her to create.

  She shivered and looked around. “Seriously?”

  He chuckled. “Seriously.”

  “Where... oh. They brought the kit.” Zera had her pack near the throne; a small table with shot glasses was handy.

  He picked her up and carried her to the throne, sitting down before tucking her on the arm of the chair. He took one of the flat pumps with the capture chamber, and he eased the fabric covering her out of the way. A light nuzzle and some strokes with his lips, and she started leaking. He attached the pump, and it hummed as he held it in his palm. He kept his hand on her until she had produced eight ounces. He turned the pump off and set it aside.

  She tried to stop him from sucking, but she gasped. When he exposed her other breast and said, “Ah, kitten,” she was embarrassed at how readily her body let down the milk for him.

  He slid a hand under her skirt and stroked the slick petals of her sex carefully as he drank.

  She didn’t look at the crowd, didn’t watch Zera prepping the tiny shots, she just looked at Salat’s solid black eyes, and she held him to her as she shuddered in his arms.

  He lifted her, set her in his lap, and reached under both their skirts. She whispered, “In front of everybody?”

  He chuckled. “I have missed you, and everyone else is distracted by those shots Zera was handing out.” He gripped her hips and got himself in place. He pulled her down and pushed upward. She planted her hands on his shoulders and arched backward, her breath staggering out of her lungs.

  “Aaahh... Salat.” She started moving on him, taking him as deep as she could.

  They moved together until she leaned forward and bit him with her sharp little teeth. He did the same to her and groaned against her as their bodies shook together.

  She released his skin and licked at the pinpricks she had left behind.


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