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Break Away: A Midwest Small Town Romance

Page 29

by Vanessa Sheets

  Noah ruffles his hair and Enzo runs off to play. As soon as he is out of sight, I throw my arms around Noah’s neck and pull him to my lips. We collide together like lava rolling down a volcano and I push him down onto the couch. Straddling him, our tongues twisting together and breathing heavy, we whisper I love you to each other. Over and over.

  I don’t expect that this is going to be easy because life is fucking hard. But I am ready to move on and start writing my happy ending.

  No more walls. No more excuses. No more regrets.

  “It is sooo warm in here.” I squeeze hold of Noah’s hand and anxiously bounce my knees up and down. It is Friday, July 3rd and I am pretty sure the air conditioning is not working in the courthouse.

  Lorenzo is sitting next to me, licking on a sucker that he picked out at the gas station on the way here. He was so excited to get dressed up this morning in his blue checkered button up. He had picked out a bright blue bow tie off Amazon to match his shirt and ate up every bit of the attention that he got from strangers as he made his way into the courtroom. Mrs. Carlson reaches over Enzo and rubs my leg tenderly. I place my hand on top of hers and we share a smile before she pulls away and starts fiddling with her disposable camera.

  “Lorenzo Thomas Lombardi.” Enzo looks up at me and his blue eyes light up with excitement as he hands his sucker to Mrs. Carlson. Noah helps me off my chair and I take Enzo’s hand in mine. I give the row of people behind me a nervous smile.

  My people.

  Corbin and Becca are snuggled together, his arm laced around her back. Once we make it to the aisle, Ezra stands up and pulls me in for a hug.

  “Sofia, I am so damn proud of you.”

  “Don’t you dare make me cry before this even starts.” I squeeze her until Lorenzo pulling on my hand breaks us apart.

  “Sissy, it’s our turn. Come on.” Everyone laughs at his enthusiasm on this life changing day.

  Ezra sits back down next to Chase, who drapes his arm over her shoulder. Their little break was just that and I couldn’t be happier for them. Who would have thought that he would grow on me, but he has. We share a smile before I take hold of Noah’s hand and the three of us go to stand before the judge.

  I am pretty sure that everyone in the courtroom can see that my knees are shaking and if they don’t, they can hear my heart about to catapult out of my chest. I lock eyes with Noah, who as usual, is calm and collected. Lorenzo stands between us, swinging our arms back and forth in anticipation as to what is about to take place.

  This is happening. This is really, finally happening.

  I want to soak in every single detail of this moment and carry it with me for the rest of my life. The rest of our life.

  The judge clears his throat, and the room becomes calm and quiet.

  “Mr. Lorenzo, I must say, I don’t think that I have ever seen such a dapper young man stand before me in this courtroom.” The judge has a kind face with glasses and a gentle voice. He leans forward and smiles down at us.

  Lorenzo's voice is sweet and innocent. He is completely naive as to what is happening before him. “Thank you, sir. You, too.” Everyone erupts in laughter.

  He turns his attention to me. “You, young lady.” He pauses and glances down at the thick file that is sitting in front of him.

  “Yes, sir.” I try to calm my heart that is now thrashing in my chest. He takes his glasses off and sets them on top of the paperwork.

  “I have seen a lot of cases in the past forty years as a family judge, more than I would like to admit. But this case, this right here.” He taps his finger on the stack of paperwork that showcases the mess of a life my brother and I have lived. “You, young lady, are a remarkable example of what family should be. I was brought to tears when I read the letters that your loved ones wrote to the court. The fact that you lived through the events you have and stayed on the right path, is a prime example of the perseverance and determination that will help guide this young man into adulthood.”

  “Thank you, Your Honor.” I give Enzo’s hand a squeeze and smile down at him.

  “And you, Mr. Stine. I read your letter to the court in regard to Sofia and Lorenzo and I feel that if the world had a few more men like you, the next generation would have a heck of a lot better chance.”

  “Thank you, sir. I meant every word.” The judge picks up his glasses and slides them back on. They rest on the bridge of his nose and he clears his throat.

  “Lorenzo Thomas.” Enzo stands up straight and looks up at him. “You are a very lucky young man to have a sister that loves you as much as she does.” I take Lorenzo's toothless smile that he flashes at the judge and tuck it into my heart. The same heart that is surely about to break into a million pieces all over the terrazzo floor that I am standing on. “Come on up here, son.” Enzo looks to me for approval and I motion him to do so. He disappears behind the bench before being lifted onto the Judge’s lap. “I am honored to be the judge that is signing this paper today. It is ordered, Lorenzo, by the state of Illinois, that your forever home will be with Sofia Giovanni Stine and Noah Edward Stine.” The judge hands Lorenzo the gavel and together they tap it on the desk, causing our group to erupt in applause and shouts of joy. Lorenzo runs down to us and Noah and I wrap him up in a hug.

  The same lady that sat at my kitchen table, the day we lost our mother, invites us to a room to the left of the courtroom. When we walk in, we gasp as our eyes soak in the hundreds of stuffed animals that line the shelved walls. “Lorenzo, you get to pick one out and take it home with you.” She barely gets the words out of her mouth and he is off, picking this one up and that one up. He finally settles on a panda bear and squeezes it in his arms.

  “Sissy, panda bears are on the endangered list. I have to have this one. He’s special.” Noah bends down and pets the bear almost twice Enzo’s size.

  “Welcome to the family, Mr. Panda.” Enzo wrinkles his nose and shakes his head at him.

  “Nope, I’m going to name him... Ming Ming.”

  “Oh, well it’s so nice to meet you, Ming Ming. Are you two ready to head back to the house so we can get this celebration started?” Lorenzo nods his head and Noah scoops him up into his arms.

  “I know that I'm ready; my feet are killing me.” We walk back into the courtroom where hugs and happy tears are waiting for us.

  “Sofia and I would love for you all to come back to the house for dinner, fireworks, and drinks.”

  “Fireworks! Fireworks!” Enzo lifts his fluffy panda up in the air.

  Ezra slides up on me and slaps my butt, making me nearly jump out of my skin. “No drinks for you, mama.”

  “Really? I was going to do a few beer bongs tonight.” She gives me a sarcastic eye roll and starts talking to my belly.

  “You got your mama missing out on all sorts of things. Her wedding, her new house, now this.”

  “And I am perfectly fine putting off a few hangovers until I get to meet this little girl.” Our extremely loud group exits the courthouse and the sweltering ninety-eight degrees about takes my breath away. I flip my hair up in a rubber band on top of my head and Noah goes to get the truck to pick me up. I am more than grateful for this, being six months pregnant in July is a struggle.

  The struggle is real. But I wouldn’t change it for the world.

  I sit down on a bench next to Mrs. Carlson, waving at Lorenzo who is sitting on Noah’s shoulders as they cross the street. Corbin drags everyone around the corner to buy some Granitas off a street cart, promising to bring us back one.

  “Do you believe that we are finally here? We made it!” She taps my thigh a few times and chuckles.

  “I never doubted a second that you wouldn't get here. Your Nonna would be proud.” I tuck some stray hairs behind my ear and try to reel in my emotions.

  Pregnancy hormones be damned.

  “Because of you, we made it. I really owe you my life, Mrs. Carlson.” I grab hold of her hand and lay my head on her shoulder.

  “Oh, Sofia.
You did this. You were born with fire in your soul; nothin’ was gonna put that fire out.” She squeezes my hand lovingly and kisses the top of my head.

  “No, seriously. You are a huge reason why Lorenzo and I are here today.” Her smile warms my heart as it always does. I am thankful for this moment that we are sharing.

  “You are going to be an amazing mama to that little girl, Sofia. You really are. I hope she has half the determination that flares within you.”

  “If she does, I’m in trouble for sure.” I let out a nervous giggle, regarding the sass that is in my near future. I sit up and grab my purse that is sitting on the bench next to me. “Noah and I were talking the other night and we decided that we wanted to do something special for you. I want to do something for you. To thank you for all that you have done for us.”

  “Oh, now that’s just silly. I don’t want anything from you two. Just lots of baby cuddles and Lorenzo time.” I reach down into my purse and pull out a key.

  “I want to give you the house that Noah bought me. It is the least I can do in return for how you have helped me out with Lorenzo all these years.” She turns to me, giving me her full attention.

  “What? What are you talking about?” A look of bewilderment and confusion settles on her face.

  “I never dreamed that I would be sitting in this position, I want to do this for you.” I watch her eyes gloss over and she presses her clasped hands to her chest, shaking her head with wide eyes.

  “Sofia Giovanni. What are you talking about? I can’t accept this.”

  “Yes. You can. And you will.” I drop the gold key in the palm of her hand, and she stares down in disbelief.

  “Sofia, you are nothing short of amazing. Lorenzo, this baby, and Noah have no clue what they got when you were placed in their path.” Noah’s truck pulls up to the curb in front of us and I push off the bench to stand. I help her up and she takes my hands in hers, pulling me into her arms and whispering in my ear. “Thank you.”

  Ezra, Chase, Corbin, and Becca turn the corner holding cups full of Italian ice straight from the heavens.

  As we drive back to Durand, I can’t help but drink in every drop of this man sitting next to me. I look back at Lorenzo, who is busy digging into his Granita, his fluffy panda buckled safely in the seat next to him. I lace my fingers through Noah’s and rest my other hand on our baby girl.

  Our baby girl.

  When she made her presence known, it was quite the shock. It took five pregnancy tests before I would even admit that it was happening.

  We were going to have a baby.

  I was a nervous wreck when I finally let Noah in on my little secret, sweaty palms and racing heart. I will never forget the look of complete joy on his face before he grabbed me up and spun me around my bedroom. Washing every bit of doubt and worry that I had...away.

  Almost two years ago, I was just a mere child trying to figure out how to get out of a situation that I wasn't asked to be born into. Hard and angry, I set out to fix every piece of my life that my mother had broken. I had no idea while on that journey, I would find scattered pieces of myself longing to be stitched back together.

  Love, trust, acceptance... these were things that I wasn’t looking for or thought I wanted, for that matter.

  I am still flying high on the adrenaline from all of the life changing events that have taken place in the last six months.

  Holding a bouquet of purple hyacinths with a pink sunset painting the sky, I married my person on a yacht in the Gulf of Mexico.

  A flipping yacht.

  We purchased a house on Best Road in Durand. Forty acres with a tree lined driveway and a view that will forever take my breath away. It is surreal finding peace in the very town that I had wanted to run away from my whole life, but it is my home. It is our home.

  With this whirlwind of change and so many new beginnings, the one thing that I hold dearest to my heart is the love that surrounds me. I know for the rest of my life; I am going to have to fight the demons that will rear up from my past and try to steal away my contentment. I am finally complete, knowing that my people will help me do so.

  My Nonna and my mother will always be a part of me, woven into the lightest and darkest parts of my soul.

  Good versus evil.

  I will never turn my back on this part of me because I know that it has made me who I am today.

  I used up every ounce of my strength in saving my brother and I became blind to the damage that it was doing to me. I was absorbing all of her anger so that Lorenzo wouldn’t have to experience it. And by doing so, I became broken instead of breaking away.

  I pull out my cell phone and open my Google Docs app.

  Over my dead body will I allow my past to define me. Leaving me nothing more than a damaged and broken shell of a person. I want to grow from this. I want to heal and help others do the same.

  I don’t feel ashamed or embarrassed. I don’t want to hide the dirty, torn parts of my life because I know that I am going to be okay. And I know that it is time.

  It’s time for my story to be told.

  The water hits the buckets that are spread out all over my room.

  Tap. Tap. Tap…………....

  Oh, my goodness. I don’t even know where to begin. Writing an “Acknowledgments” page has been a dream of mine for as far back as I can remember. As I sit here typing this, I cannot help but smile at the faces of my tribe that fill my heart and soul. I am beyond blessed to have each and every one of you in my life.

  To my husband, who is not only my best friend, but my person. I cannot thank you enough for the support and encouragement that you have given me. I know that this has not been easy, listening to me mad typing on my computer and talking non-stop about writing this, or writing that. You truly are a saint and I appreciate all that you are and all you have done, so that I could follow my dream of writing.

  To my mom. I hit the jack pot when the good Lord above placed me in your arms. The patience of a saint you had when raising me. In all the craziness that I put you through growing up, you never faltered from believing in my creativity and drive. You were my very first cheerleader and to this day, the loudest one yet.

  My babies. Gavin, when I came outside on my birthday, to find a brand-new computer sitting on the table, my heart may have burst into a million pieces. I was so upset that mine broke and I couldn’t afford one at the time. You, my boy, had a huge impact on me finishing this book. Ian, I cannot thank you enough for always taking the time to ask me about my writing and cheering me on. Your support in my dream means the world to me! Miss Morgan, unbeknownst to you, you are a big part in how I was able to write Sofia’s young personality. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have a clue as to half of today’s slang and sayings. Easton and Bryson, my littles. Thank you for your hugs and snuggles and saying, “I believe in you,” even when I didn’t.

  Judy Mathews, I hope that you know I would have never started this book, had it not been for you. Twenty-three years ago, I let you read some of my writing and you have been encouraging me to follow my dream ever since. When self-doubt would take hold over me, you were always there to tell me to “quit that stinking thinking.” You pushed me to reach for stars that I honestly believed were unreachable. I cannot thank you enough for that and I love you so much.

  Aimee Landini, I will never forget how petrified I was when I handed over the first few chapters to you. I had never shared that side of me with you, but I am forever grateful that I did. The feeling that I felt when you told me that you loved it and needed more, kept me going. Thank you for believing in me and my passion for writing. I love you, girl.

  Jennifer Hartmann, you are the reason, during a bout with writer's block, I decided to open my laptop back up. They broke the mold when you were born. Your kindness and support have been what has kept me going on days that I thought about giving up. I appreciate each and every shout out online, more than you know and for believing in Sofia, Noah, and sweet Lorenzo’s story. I
thank you a million times over for all your help on this very scary ride of self-publishing. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be here.

  Lori White, my dear friend, and editor. I thank the good Lord above that our paths crossed. The world would be a better place if there were more people like you in it. Thank you for being there, late into the night, answering all my questions and not wringing my neck when it took me three times to figure it out. You are an amazing person, and I am extremely lucky to call you, my friend.

  My late Grandpa Weems, who towards the end of his life, was sitting next to me while I wrote on my computer. He asked me if I was writing a book and I told him yes. He said that he wanted to read it when I was done. I informed him of the risqué stuff that was in it and that he could never read it. He smiled and laughed. “Well, don’t let me stop you. Keep typing.” I didn’t stop, Grandpa. I kept typing.

  Dad, you were always the loudest one at my softball games, cheering me on. At the time, I wanted to run off the field and all the way back home. Now, I know that it was because you saw something in me. Thank you for believing in me, in everything I do.

  My late grandparents, Birdie, Natalie, George, and Mary. You may no longer walk this earth but are weaved into the person that I am today. I miss you all something fierce.

  When I started writing Break Away, I had never even heard of a beta reader, let alone what it was. It is a terrifying process, handing over a piece of your soul to a stranger to critique. The waiting for them to finish and give you their opinion on your baby, is even more so. I have found, though, that beta readers are the icing on the cake. The piping and the candles. Without my beta readers, Break Away would have never reached its full potential. You all are sprinkled a little throughout this book, and I yell from the top of the tallest mountain, THANK YOU, to each and every one of you!

  Aimee Landini, Judy Mathews, Jennifer Hartmann, Lori White, Ashley Sartorius, Tonya Adams, Jillian Cunningham, Amanda Johnson, Tia Beverly, Shelly Frazier, Jamie McClennan, Heidi Jones and Kathy Futral. Thank you for giving Break Away a chance and for the critique, sweet words, feedback, and reviews.


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