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The Masked Poet

Page 3

by Albert Enang Eng Usang

  when the very same science

  holds genetically modified crops

  can outstrip population thrice!

  Why propagate such lies

  when Western sourced statistics

  say Western agro production

  springs from but eighty percent

  or more, of total land mass.

  The UN, the West, scientists,

  sailing a confused voyage

  clash their mouths' ends

  advocating human globalization,

  then segmenting the thedes;

  sounding technology as God,

  then, limiting its abilities

  but for goodness' sake

  and for consistency's sake

  for globalization's sake

  and for technology's sake

  we need more, more humans!

  World population should increase!

  When will the idle parts

  of Russia's wide land mass

  be a profit to our world?

  By more, more humans!

  By increasing birth rates!

  Plus the amiable globalization.

  When will the waste lands

  of Antarctica's frozen earth

  and the sterile Sahara dessert

  become sound habitable places?

  And fertile cultivating grounds?

  By more, more humans!

  By increasing birth rates!

  By the amiable globalization

  and by the god - technology

  except it is a god no more.

  Shame on the propagandists

  who feign planetary concern

  in a web of intellectualism

  but actually feel threatened

  at the rebellious' hi - numbers

  in relation to the supremacists'

  but who in the very end,

  shoot themselves in the foot!

  The UN, the West, scientists,

  we need more human beings!

  Stop! With the propaganda!

  'I'm done with it. Thank you all.'

  Chants of 'Cynthy, Scentful,' followed her exit from the stage including a resonating applause.

  A general applause for all the contestants one more time, was called for by the compere to celebrate the poets' astuteness. She told the audience she has been absolutely enraptured by the poems which have been showcased on the evening and was looking forward to whom the judges will declare overall winner in a contest she can fittingly, but personally narrate as very tight and too close to call. But while the judges aggregated their thoughts and judgements, she informed the audience would be entertained by the renowned pop artiste - Sikwa.

  After about 15 minutes of Sikwa's reigning popular releases during which the whole house was turned into a pseudo - party hall as the audience danced to the beats of the songs, the compere informed all and sundry the judges have made up their minds as to the order of awards for the contestants.

  'I will announce the winners from the rear to the top starting with the second runner up.' The compere spoke as she initiated a period of tense suspense for the excited audience. 'And the second runner up is.............

  Rosemary Bola........'

  The audience cheered and applauded. Rosemary walked out, hugged the compere, and received her prize. Now, the suspense took a new height as the audience wondered and fidgeted as to who will beat the other between Cynthia and the Masked Poet.

  'The runner up is...... ' The compere heightened the audiences' suspense with a brief spell of silence. 'is.........

  Cynthia Esit..........'

  She gave the Masked Poet a hug with a smile on her face as soon as her name was sounded, while the crowd cheered. Afterwards, she made her way to the compere to receive her prize.

  'And the overall winner is none other than the Masked Poet......'

  He was greeted to a standing ovation by the audience. On the stage, just before his prize was handed over to him, the compere put him up to some questions:

  'The Masked Poet, how does it feel to be the top man of this poetry contest?'

  'Absolutely fantastic.' Replied the Masked Poet. 'Like.........

  I'm flying without wings

  I'm swimming without fins

  I'm running without limbs

  like the word incredulous

  like the word miraculous

  like a plane flying

  a submarine swimming

  and a car locomoting

  all without engines!

  Just that kind of feeling.......'

  The crowd cheered and clapped at the spontaneous cum rhythmic composition. The compere joined the appreciating audience by smiling, and then laughing, to the poetic reply.

  'Now, the Masked Poet,' She resumed her quizzing. 'Would l be right if I call you a pessimist?

  'No, absolutely no.' He replied curtly.

  - But your first poem in the grand finale speak volumes of such tendency in your personality.

  - Well, first, it has to be narrowed down to Africa and particularly leadership in her politics. Having observed all her leaders and their similar pattern of leadership over the years, including its daily depreciation, l am only saying what is clear and evident for all to see. Then, based on such evidences, l thereafter intellectually forecast. It doesn't mean l am pessimistic.

  - So, you really can't see anyway out for Africa?

  - No, not by her citizens. Except probably by recolonization.

  - Wow! That's quite damning.

  - Whatever, it is a reality we have to consider if we truly want to make progress of any form.

  - Hmmmmnn...... Anywhere, the Masked Poet; could there be a girl you've been wooing without success for sometime now whom you are annoyed at?

  He laughed. So did the audience.

  'No, not at all.' He answered. 'There is no such. It's just a view about relationships, how l feel they should take off and be sustained; just like Romeo's and Juliet' know....

  - That means your present boo didn't give you a hard time at all right?

  - Ha ha ha..... Erm...... Actually, l don't have a boo?

  - Seriously, you are not in any relationship?

  - Exactly what it means; no boo.

  - I mean, how is that possible? A poet who ignites emotions and sentiments at will, has no girl who has fallen for him?

  - Hold on, hold on. It's not the way you are narrating it. Not that they wouldn't fall for me; only I'm not ready, and do not want to be in a relationship for now.

  - Really? But why?

  - I'm a devout christian.

  - But that doesn't stop a loving relationship.

  - Yes. And it doesn't promote premarital sex as well; a recurring decimal in contemporary relationships.

  - So, you are looking for a girl with similar principles or.........

  - When I want to settle down, l will find such a girl. I'm not ready now, and I don't want a relationship either.

  - I mean, this is not fair! You are denying someone emotional and loving care.

  - All is fair and just in war. I'm in a war of principles and morality. It wouldn't please everyone.

  - Ooooh! I'm so disappointed, but what can l do? Wait a minute! I know what to do: after proceedings here, l will make sure l become your girlfriend! Yes I will!

  It provoked a good laugh from all in the hall.

  'Okay, Mr. Masked Poet, l hope you are not discriminatory? Your third poem this evening suggests that.' The compere asked, interrupting the house's laughter.

  'No, no, no.' Replied the Masked Poet. 'You see, we have to tell ourselves the truth a lot of the times. All around us are issues, concepts, and phenomena, we have to describe and give words of meanings to. For example, we all know who a beautiful or ugly woman is, and who a handsome or ugly man equally is, and in descriptive writing, we coin them as such because that is what language has said they are and also what has been passed down to us. Then, is the aspect of explanation and, or m
ore appropriate for the season at hand, imagery, as regards driving a point home or passing a message across. Finally, it is a whole different matter writing and reading a poem for a purpose like this or profit, from live relations with members of society who must always be treated with respect. So, there are issues we appreciate in our minds, but relate more civilly with them when they leave the borders of our minds.'

  - ln other words, you are saying in your mind you know Nkechi is very ugly and you will not have anything to do with her but when you see her, you 'behave;' that is, pretend?

  Another round of laughter from the audience.

  'That is not what I mean!' The Masked Poet retorted, laughing. 'I never said l will have nothing to do with her. For God's sake, l can talk with her, help her out on issues, and vice-versa. Nevertheless, l still know and hold she is ugly; physically ugly.'

  The whole house laughed again.

  'Eh ehn*..... So, you will not love her?' The compere queried.

  'I'm sorry, it's not my fault.' He replied bluntly. 'I can barely find a human who doesn't like good things!'

  - So, that sister would be very fine eh?

  - Which sister?

  - The one from your church now..w...w.. That is, when you are ready to get married.

  - Did l say she will be my church girl?

  - Oh! I've forgotten; I'm not your church girl and I am going to be the one!

  This time, it was a prolonged laughter from the house.

  'Now, about your fourth poem,' the compere resumed. 'It got me so indignant for womanhood whilst you read it that in my mind, l campaigned for this attack against women, you should not win this competition; but then, I am just a compere, not a judge. But seriously, I am putting this right to you, right in your face, and you better not deny it: the Masked Poet, you hate women! Am l right or wrong?

  'Wrong! Absolutely wrong.' He replied diplomatically.

  - Then what could be the reason for that monstrous poem of yours all against womanhood?

  - It is not against womanhood...........

  - You made sweeping statements in there.

  - Yet, it doesn't mean it is against womanhood.

  - What then is it against?

  - It is a decry against women.

  - Oh my God! Someone help me; just what is the difference between womanhood and women?

  - A whole lot.

  *eh ehn(local = meaning? and or = go on)

  - I'm all ears.

  - Just how do l explain this? I find it a bit hard to explain but this is the simple differentiation: the term 'woman or women,' is a shallowly version of the term 'womanhood.' Any female can be a woman, but

  not all females can fulfill womanhood. It entails more than just being a female or woman, to actualize womanhood. Look around you, everywhere in the world, there are many females who have simply refused to fulfill their womanhood for one selfish reason or the other. I don't know if you would like me to continue, Miss Compere?

  - Erm....... I wouldn't want you to continue o....; l am annoyed with you for thinking my gender is a fraud, but you are making the explanation very interesting, so, go on. But one more thing: why were you addressing me as Miss Compere when it should be Miss Masked Poet? You think I'm not serious about dating you? As it were, we now have an ingredient for our first fight!

  Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ........................

  'You may continue with your explanation.' The compere told him, interrupting the laughing audience.

  'For instance,' the Masked Poet continued. 'There are many women who have chosen not to bear children in their lifetime; is that fulfilled womanhood? Women were made to be builders but lots have scattered groups and families they get into; is that part of womanhood? What about those who have given birth to children but don't know how to train them like mothers do? They are procreative, but are not motherly. Is that complete womanhood? Wh........

  - It's okay, it's okay o ......... I have heard enough! So which of the women were you referring to in that poem which I think I will never like?

  - Erm..........women like you!

  Another round of laughter from the audience which continued to be interspersed in between the conversational quizzing.

  'What?' Exclaimed the compere. 'Women like me? Oh my! Such insolence!

  - Yes, women like you.

  - Okay, so, who are women like me?

  - Those who like defrauding.

  - What do you mean? Have l ever defrauded you? I mean, we just met!

  - You suddenly started loving me because I won this competition!

  Ha ha ha ha...........ha ha ha ha...............

  'Jeeezzzz...... Oh my gosh! I can't believe my ears, l.............' The compere began, but was quickly interrupted by the Masked Poet.

  'You love me because I suddenly became a star. How l wish you loved one of those who lost out in the initial stages of this competition!'

  Woo.......o.....o........ha ha ha ha ha............yes! yes! ha ha h ha......

  'You got me there.' The compere remarked, taking in the joke. 'But seriously now, the Masked Poet, are you masculist?'

  'No way.' Responded the Masked Poet. 'See, don't misunderstand me: l love women, and I am a firm supporter of their having equal rights along with the menfolk; all the same, l am strongly anti feminist.

  - You are against feminism?

  - Teetotally.

  - Why?

  - Mainly for only one reason.

  - And what could that reason be?

  - The proponents of feminism use it as a vile platform to directly but covertly attack the institution of marriage.

  - How?

  - By disrupting the primordial organization of the natural leader of that institution, thereby raising two captains on one ship. This way, they succeed in their original plan of using feminism to make nonsense of marriage and its natural balance.

  - Wowwww..... That's deep. The feminists coming for your head!

  - It is the truth. Meanwhile, they can come. It's a free world.

  - To something else now: why is your face covered with a mask?

  - To keep girls like you away from me because I am so handsome. If you guys saw it, you all will be rushing me!

  - Chei*.... I don suffer o......

  *chei(exclamation = struck in the right places either positively or negatively)

  Ha ha ha ha......The audience burst into responsive laughter.

  'But seriously,' the Masked Poet redirected the conversation. 'It is because the legendary Lagbaja is a mentor of some sorts.'

  - Why have you chosen him as a mentor?

  - His strategy is enchanting. In this country of ours, we need bold people who can say the truth when it is needed by all means, including being faceless and even being nameless. But for the later, it is just impossible to be nameless because even namelessness in itself is a powerful name.

  - Lastly, let's talk the future. Moving forward, what should your fans and well wishers expect from you?

  - l intend to set up an emotional care house.

  - Emotional care house? That's new; what is it all about?

  - You see, if you take a closer look around, you'll discover a dire need begging to be met, and that need is the use of words or poetic instruments to soothe broken hearts, wounded emotions, and injured sentiments. I hope to fill that void.

  - Wowwww.... So people whose relationships are either broken or suffering can seek help from you for a remedy?

  - Yes, emphasis is on relationships but the outfit will also offer its services on other emotional areas like death of loved ones, loss of jobs, frustration, amongst others.

  - Mr. Masked Poet, permit me to inform you l am your first client: "oh Masked Poet, I am emotionally wrecked: l love someone and he doesn't love me nor return my love; please heal my forlorn soul."

  The Masked Poet replied:

  'Oh lonely gorgeous hibiscus

  lonely by self infliction

  in the valley of companions,
/>   you chose the wilderness

  of frustration by isolation

  which births gory loneliness

  cos single coloured butterflies

  hooked unto your companions

  resting on their pretty pollens

  jealousy inflamed your desire

  impatience, an invitation gave

  to a sly ravaging locusts

  who sucked, drained, deceived

  stop it!

  eject it!

  be patient!

  be choosy!

  for the best!

  for the multi coloured butterfly

  who your pollen'll transfer

  not suck, drain, deceive.'

  'Oooooooopsssss......prrrrrrrrr......... The Masked Poet! The Masked Poet!'

  The crowd, obviously enraptured by the impromptu and skillfully improvised poem, cheered and cheered. The compere also joined the throng:

  'Oh! Oh! Oh!...... I am healed! I am healed! Thank you, the romantic doctor, the emotional healer, the poetic discerner!' She exclaimed as she mimicked the posture of a panting human touched by an act or gesture, or statements of words, indicating such by bending her head a little, then hitting mildly at her chest(the side the heart is located), and swerving as if she wants to fall but still under control.

  'But I have a question.' The Masked Poet interjected.

  - Yes, what's the question?

  - Who's this guy treating you this way if I may ask?

  - Ehh o..... It is you o. It is you Masked Poet, and thankfully, you have advised me to eject you and wait for my gracious prince charming; which is exactly what I am going to do. In fact, l don't love you again! Bye bye!

  'Ha ha ha' Went the audience.

  'Ladies and gentlemen, once again, the winner of the inaugural edition of the Fiesta of Poems, the effervescent Masked Poet..........'

  The compere announced, signalling the end of the show, and the competition for the year. The audience stood, shouted, and cheered at the top of their voices in reciprocal response.


  For a fiesta or competition of this magnitude, there would be many viewers as it was broadcasted every evening on one of the privately owned tv stations with network branches all over the country. But then, it has to be only interested viewers. Obviously, many people would not be interested as not everyone will be interested in everything. Whatever, for the beauty of words, and the influence cum power of poetry, there must be a sizeable number of interested viewers tuning into the station every evening from all parts of the country. How can this be measured? I mean, the sizeable number of viewers? Very difficult isn't it? But there is one who was not only interested in the fiesta, but completely engrossed by it. To hit the nail on the head, she is absolutely enchanted by the poems on display generally, and by those of the Masked Poet. That person is Delight Same, the reigning miss Southern Nigeria. As a matter of fact, this beauty queen was crowned just five weeks ago in a competition to that effect in the coastal city of Port Harcourt, Rivers state. On the day of the grand finale of the fiesta of poems when the Masked Poet was declared winner, she looked on admiringly at the talented but masked poet and wondered why a life which would have been so gracious became so hard and thorny. Here she was, looking for a lover with romantic propensities and abilities, with poetic dimensions to garnish the love cake but couldn't find one; while the Masked Poet wasted without love because he couldn't find a woman with his kind of principles. 'Such a skewed life!' She thought aloud. Particularly, the last improvised poetic rendition instigated by a forlorn lover touched her inner parts in a stunning way as it was her kind of situation though in a different way. Now, when she opined it's a skewed life because she was looking for a romantic poet for a lover but couldn't find one, it does not mean she has no lover. Far from it; she had one. Or appropriately put, she doesn't have one, but her so called lover has one; and that 'one' is none other than her humble self. But she does not love him as much he loves her. In fact, she doesn't love him, or at least any longer, though he does love her passionately. Thus, when the Mashed Poet advised the forlorn lover, she agreed with him and his poetic lines which suggests she was moved by jealousy and impatience instead of appropriate need, to get into the relationship she was in, though unlike the forlorn lover, she is loved, albeit she does not love. On hindsight, not leaving out second thoughts, she should have waited for the right season and probably the right man, then the listlessness she now had towards love won't be. Her boyfriend, who from the way he has been going about loving her, may one day show up without a clue, pop up the question, and get her engaged. What? Engaged? To be married to Victor? No, no, no. She hopes that doesn't happen. She possibly can't end up with Victor. That's not the future she envisages. At such, the obvious analysis is, she has to end up with Victor; the earlier the better before they are both met with the embarrassment of a happy moment like a proposal day, going sour. But there lies the problem; how is she going to leave Victor, a passionate, jealous, and unyielding lover? He would trouble her life sore, if she told him it's over between both of them. Over the years, she has come to the realization when she would have ended it up with Victor was from the very beginning - before they even started. The moment she fell for his advances, little did she know she was in for something seemingly intractable.


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