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The Masked Poet

Page 24

by Albert Enang Eng Usang

  - Is that? How?

  She instantly flirted with the thought of a proposal and she hoped it was. But it wasn't, disappointingly so as well.

  - Today, I am singing.

  - What? Oooo yesss!!.........

  - That means it is a double romantic assault since it is a lyric.

  - A lyric? Lyric....... You mean a singable poem?

  - Exactly.

  - I can't wait deary, bring it on! Please bring it on!

  - Slow down please. Remember I'm a poor singer, neither do I have a good voice.

  - That doesn't matter; just sing the song.

  - It is titled: 'MY EARNEST HEARTBEAT,' and it is simple, not complicated.

  - Okayyy.......

  He commenced, but just before he did that, from somewhere within the garden, a trio of instrumentalists: a pianist, a violinist, and a saxist, all dressed up in black suits, came in and stood behind him, playing. Then he started singing:

  I'll fix a weavon on your hair

  I'll grace your neck with jewelry garlands

  I'll wear fresh make up on your face

  cos even though you're beautiful

  making you more beautiful

  making you most beautiful

  is my earnest heartbeat.

  I'll be your gown of many colours

  I'll be the fragrance that you wear

  I'll be your shinny stylish high heels

  cos even though you are fashionable

  making you more fashionable

  making you most fashionable

  is my earnest heartbeat.


  My earnest heartbeat

  is to make you beautiful

  a stylish ebony

  the one I adore..........

  I'll put a golden crown on your head

  I'll wear you royal queenly cute robes

  I'll set you on a royal throne

  cos even though you're royalty

  making you more royally

  making you most royally

  is my earnest heartbeat

  I'll roll the red carpets for your feet

  I'll ride you on a lengthy motorcade

  unleash a million paparazzi

  cos even though you're popular

  making you more popular

  making you most popular

  is my earnest heartbeat.


  My earnest heartbeat

  is to make you more royally

  a popular model

  the one I adore


  Sweetheart, as I come into your life

  I want to make you most beautiful

  I want to make you most stylish

  I want to make you most royally

  I want to make you most popular

  is truly, my earnest heartbeat.


  My earnest heartbeat

  is to make you beautiful

  a stylish ebony

  the one I adore..

  My earnest heartbeat

  is to make you more royally

  a popular model

  the one I adore.......

  She was happy, she was excited, she was elated; she did not know how to express the joy she felt. She clapped and clapped at the end of the song, smiling profusely, then screaming endlessly. She stood from her seat, ran to the Masked Poet who was by now standing and embraced him with all her might.

  'Look at me,' she verbalized, still in his embrace, 'who ever knew one day I will have a prince charming who would sing me a song, dedicated entirely to me? I am so lucky and blessed to be loved by you deary. Thanks for this song and though I don't have corresponding lyrics and sounds to offer or reciprocate, I want to tell you as your woman, I would do all in my power to make you the best of whatever you want to be.'

  'Thanks my angel. I love it when you appreciate me.' He reciprocated.

  Then she gave him a passionate kiss. It turned out a very long one.........


  'Hello soul charmer.'

  'Hi sweetness, how are you doing?'

  - Sweetheart I'm missing you; I mean, so dearly.

  - Oh oh......... That's understandable because I'm missing you too. You know, lovers are supposed to be missing each other. It shows they are really in love with each other.

  - Actually, I want us to have a date at the First Date Eatery.

  - That's okay but when?

  - On Monday, when you don't have occupational ties at the eatery.

  - Okay, that's fine.

  - But I want it to be in the garden and just the two of us.

  - But that's the way it goes.

  - I know, but I'm sounding it because it is going to be a special date.

  - How special?

  - A date of poems.

  - Really? That's cool, I like it.

  - So, write me a poem about me and I will write you one as well.

  - Hmmnnn.........It is indeed going to be special.

  - Yes. See you then. I love you.

  - I love you more..........

  It was a Monday evening of anticipation. Both lovebirds couldn't wait for the date as each wondered what the other would write about the other.

  The Masked Poet read his first. He titled it 'IF I LOVE A WOMAN.'

  If l love a woman,

  then she must be beautiful

  such that surpasses mermaids'

  such that's the envy of angels

  just like Delight's beauty is.

  If I love a woman,

  then she must have cat eyes

  such eyes of romanticalness

  such that symbolize loveliness

  like each eye of Delight is.

  If I love a woman,

  then she must be tall

  such that exceed the skies

  such that giant Goliath envies

  just like Delight's height is.

  If I love a woman,

  then, she is a beauty queen

  such that is acknowledgeable

  such that is indisputable

  just like Delight's crown is.

  If I love a woman,

  then, she must be intelligent

  such that Einstein confirms

  such that Harvard honours

  just like Delight's brain is.

  If I love a woman,

  then, she must be romantic

  such that grasps the love game

  like Messi does the foot game

  just like Delight's love is.

  'That's the end my dear.' Said the Masked Poet. 'These are the most important else I can go on and on.'

  ' sweeeeettttt.............' She expressed. 'Prince charming, you make me feel like an alien!'

  - Yes. That's the figurative personality you have or tell me which of those I've outlined are you lacking?

  - You are right deary. Then, let me use this salient moment to give you a sacred warning: are you ready?

  - A sacred warning?

  - Yes; if you ever leave me, I will die! My suicide threat is not over yet.

  - Ha ha ha ha .................

  - Okay soul charmer, thankfully you know I'm not a classic poet like you are, so forgive my poor poem before hand and see it through my intentions. My poor poem for you is entitled: 'I HAVE FALLEN FOR A MAN.'

  I have fallen for a man

  indeed a multifaceted man

  epitomic of an enigmatic man

  a very opportune chameleon

  pure as kids on nickelodeon

  ravaging a luncheon

  a necessary life's unction

  Whenever I am distressed

  he is my emotional balsam

  mixing assorted words for ingredients

  producing nerve calming ointments.

  Whenever bad wolves attack

  he is my brave lion king

  knocking out such menacing wolves

  without putting on protective gloves!

  Whenever I am poiso

  he is my remedial antidote

  the semantic doctor flushing my system

  down to the atomic venomous item.

  When my reasoning beclouds

  he is my brainy strategist

  the deviser who doffs my myopic lenses

  wearing my eyes, hyperopia lenses.

  Whenever lovelorn plagues

  he is my timeous quarantine

  who takes out all deadly symptoms

  even if they are wildest toms.

  When my finances parches

  he is my capable rainmaker

  raining funds on my parched grounds

  even also on my fallow grounds.

  When idling past looms

  he's my leap to the future

  the idealist who always see tomorrow

  the aspirer of the unseen marrow.

  When ignorance overshadows

  he is my eye opener

  the natural begifted prompter mentor

  resonating like a sonorous cantor.

  I have fallen for a man

  indeed a multifaceted man

  epitomic of an enigmatic man

  a very opportune chameleon

  pure as kids on nickelodeon

  ravaging a luncheon

  a necessary life's unction.....

  'Sweetness!' He reacted as she informed of the end of the poem. 'Now you have to stop saying you are a poor poet. This is the best poem I ever heard! Even better than all I've ever written combined!

  - Ahhhhh!........... Soul enchanter! First time I heard you exaggerate!

  - I mean it. Recounting now, the few poems you've written have all been excellent. Very excellent.

  - Thank you then!

  - Ermm...... Get ready to be writing more poems for me because from now onwards, I no longer see you as incapable of poetry. Whenever I see you, I must demand from you a poem.

  - No no no no. Just don't do that; don't disrupt the basics. I am a beauty queen, you are a poet. That's how we first met, that remains the core; meaning I will be the one always asking for a poem and not the taboo you are set on.

  They both laughed.

  'Then, I will become a serial committer of that taboo; it will be good for me.' He resumed. 'But really, I love that poem, it was well composed.'

  'Thank youuuuu.........' She replied. You see,..........the Masked Poet prompted that hitherto idle ability; all thanks to him, the begifted prompter mentor!'

  - Ooooopppssss!............... I am flying...................


  The Masked Poet is presently receiving a briefing from secretary Ann at the Emotional House regarding his schedule for the day. Amongst the clients expected for the day is a certain Dericks Apeneh who wants the Masked Poet to write a compelling and soul touching poem capable of turning his girlfriend back to him after abandoning him to commence with loving another guy. Mr. Apeneh was scheduled for an appointment with the Masked Poet at 11am.

  At exactly 11am, after being informed Mr. Apeneh was in the building, he directed he be ushered in. As he expectantly looked towards the door to observe Mr. Apeneh walk into the office, a young man with full blown but nicely trimmed beard covering almost the entirety of his facial hair follicle regions, approached his desk. But on further observation as the supposed Mr. Apeneh sauntered closer to him, he noticed something about him: though the records indicated the client was a first timer, there was a clue of faintly regularity about him; his gait looked familiar. It was only when he took his seat right before him that he recognized who client Derricks Apeneh truly is - Victor. He impersonated with a false name and a deliberately overgrown beard to feign his countenance, or at least slightly becloud it. The Masked Poet was surprised to see him. He thought the young man has given up on he and Delight and moved on with life. Surely, his coming here today will have a thing to do with that. He developed a fear as he remembered his violent tendencies. But he shrugged it off as he coldly asked him:

  'What are you doing here Victor?'

  He did not answer, instead, he simply gave him a vile stare.

  'Can you please civilly leave here now before I call security?' The Masked poet added.

  'You don't need to do that.' Victor finally spoke up. 'I am here for peace, and also for business; or is that not what is obtainable here?'

  It was the Masked Poet's turn to silently stare at him.

  'Tell me, are you going to turn a client away or satisfy him as business demands?' Victor followed up.

  'What then, do you want me to do for you?' The Masked Poet asked.

  - To obtain my poem. I already supplied all the information you need.

  - Sorry, I can't write one one for you.

  - Really? Why?

  - You don't need to know why. That's my occupational prerogative.

  - Quite understandable. But I am at least entitled to an explanation so I don't misinform potential clients I want to recommend this place to.

  That sound of a possible blackmail annoyed the Masked Poet as he looked at him with a tinge of vengefulness and disdain, but he got a hold of himself.

  'Well, if you must know, all the information you have given are founded on a lie.' The Masked Poet gave him a taste of his own medicine. 'The informant is such a cute liar, impersonator, and deceiver like the devil.'

  'Ha ha ha ha.......... Don't you think there are obvious reasons as to why he towed those lines?' Victor mocked.

  - I rather think he should have been stout hearted enough to seek all possible avenues towards achieving his goals legally and morally.

  - His real personality: would you have allowed him in here?

  - Provided he is not violent and bullying, I would have also been a gentleman and we would have talked like gents do.

  - I don't think so, and I also think the reason why you don't want to give me business attention right now is because you are not a true business man.

  - What the heck do you mean by that?

  - A good business man doesn't mix business with sentiments.

  - What sentiments are you talking about?

  - Capitalizing on clients' frailties to your maximal advantage.

  - What?

  - Yes, the reason you have refused to do business with me is because you saw my girlfriend's emotional frailty and then used your psychological abilities to woo her away from me into your deceptive arms!

  - Many allegations and assumptions enough to exasperate me young man, but I refuse to fall for your cheap tricks. Now, just to remind you, the one you call your girl says she is your ex and it is no fault of mine you were not able to meet her total needs, or is it?

  - If indeed you are the moral poet you make everyone believe you are, then you should have advised her to stick with me.

  - And what if I advised and she won't take it? Kill her for exercising her volitional right?

  - You then, should not have loved her!.

  - There is no rule saying I should not love a person because she broke up with an ex.

  - We were not exes before you stole her from me.

  - Then, young man, she did away with you a very long time before I started dating her except that you kept deceiving yourself she did not leave you.

  - And you expect me to accept that crab of an explanation you just made?

  - The choice is yours but let me advise you are confronting the wrong person. Go confront Delight and settle issues with her.

  - Do you mean what you are saying?

  - But that is the truth: fight against the appropriate enemy.

  - I will. I am going to. Then, write me a poem to that effect. Prove your many self acclaimed sincerities.

  - I have nothing to prove and you don't need a poem either, take your destiny in your hands.

  - I can see how sincere you really are!

  - If you insist, this is my sincerity: I will not stand in the way if she wants to get back with you.

  - No! First, you cut off with her.

  - That won't help you
r course. Look, young man, get me out of the way, Delight won't love you again; kill me even, yet she would not love you in my death. Stop beating aimlessly at the air and move on with your love life, I will advise.

  - I don't need your goddamn advise, write me a poem! I know you have written it already, give it to me; it is mine!

  - No, it is not yours until you've paid for it.

  - I will pay for it, of course I know it is not free.

  - I hold the inalienable human right to sell it to whoever, and not sell it to whoever as well.

  - You are a wicked poet! A devious schemer who has deceived the world into thinking you are sheep whereas you are a wolf!

  - That's enough!

  - Leave my girlfriend alone! Leave her for me!

  - I see, in addition to the ban imposed on you against Delight, you want the police to give you an extra from my end? Exactly what you will get, but meanwhile, disappear from here now, before I ask Delight to inform them you have assaulted her again.

  - Why don't you tell them I assaulted you?

  - You are too small a fry for my muscles. Oya, out now!

  He dialled Delight's number and put it on loudspeaker while it rang.

  'Hello soul charmer.'

  'Hello sweetness!

  As soon as Victor heard her voice, he got up and started walking away swiftly while he screamed:

  'This is certainly not over yet! You've not seen the last of me. I'll surely be back!'

  He banged the door after him. On the other side, Delight heard the screams from the Masked Poet's end of the conversation but couldn't quite place what it was.

  'My love, is everything all right?' She asked.

  'Yes sweetness.' He answered her. 'I had a bit of a situation on my hands but I have it under wraps now.'

  - Are you sure hon?

  - Absolutely. I will give you the gist much later on, for now, you don't have to worry about a thing.

  - If you say so. But how are you faring?

  - I am cool you know, as cool as the heart of someone so passionately loved by you.

  - Ha ha ha................. Can you please explain that 'cool' in details?

  - It is full of fantasies of you; it is hardly concentrating; always thinking of you; it is looking forward to when I will see you again, you know, see that most beautiful and lovely face in the whole worrrldddd.........and stand next to the taaaleessttt..........girl in the whole world!.


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