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Silverbacks and Second Chances

Page 10

by Raines, Harmony

  “I should get going too.” Julius kissed Cath on the lips. “Call me if you need anything. And I mean anything.”

  “I will.” She smiled wearily. Her bones ached, her muscles ached; everything ached as if she had run a marathon. All she wanted was a nice hot soak in the tub.

  “Are you OK, Mom?” Liam asked, after closing the door and securing it behind Julius.

  “I don’t know.” She laid her head on his shoulder. “This morning everything was perfect, and now I don’t know what the hell is going on.”

  “You know, I have a nice bottle of wine upstairs. Why don’t we open it, and I’ll cook us some dinner?” He put his arm around her shoulders and guided her toward the stairs.

  “That sounds perfect.” She stopped at the bottom of the stairs. “Liam, I want to say one thing.”

  “Which is?” he asked.

  “You have to make up your own mind about your dad. I don’t want you to be swayed by what he did to me in the past. Or what I’ve said about him over the years.” Tears pricked her eyes. “You are an adult, and this is your choice.”

  “I know, Mom. I know. But I mean what I said. He isn’t my dad. Just because he turns up and wants to get to know me, doesn’t mean I want to know him. It’s not his right. He has to earn it. He has to earn my respect, and the forgiveness of the nine-year-old boy who never had a dad come to his football practice. Who never shot hoops with him, or taught him how to fish. Or how to shift.” Liam’s voice rose as his anger erupted. But then he let it go.

  “I love you.” There were no other words to ease his pain.

  “I love you too, Mom. And I don’t mean that you weren’t enough for us. But he should have been more. And I can understand if something happened to prevent him being there. But…he should never have been there in the first place, he duped you.”

  She took his hand. “Wine, food, and a movie.” They climbed the stairs together. “Do you know Carter Eden lives in town? He’s the actor from Space Monkeys, isn’t he?”

  “He is,” Liam chuckled. “I didn’t know you were a fan?”

  “Are you kidding, have you seen that guy’s face? He’s a god.”

  “You know he’s in the mountain rescue team?” Liam laughed at her shocked face.

  “You know him?” Cath asked.

  “Yeah. He helped with the egg hunters.”

  “That wasn't in the newspaper article.”

  “That’s because he was a bear at the time.”

  Cath stopped at the top of the stairs, her hands covering her mouth. “He’s a shifter? The Carter Eden is a shifter?”

  Liam’s laughter rumbled in his chest. “He sure is.”

  “Well, I don’t know what’s more shocking, your father turning up out of the blue or finding out a movie star is a shifter.”

  “I love you, Mom.”

  “I love you too, Liam.” She kissed his cheek. “Do you have Space Monkeys on DVD?”

  “I think it’s on Netflix.”

  “I guess that’s our evening’s entertainment taken care of.”

  “I guess it is.”

  They cooked dinner together and drank wine while watching Carter Eden star in Space Monkeys 1 and 2. It was what they needed, to take their minds off Hector’s arrival. There was no point trying to guess why he was here. They would find out soon enough, but as Cath watched Liam laugh at the movie, she promised she would rip more than Hector’s head off if he hurt her son again.

  Chapter Sixteen – Julius

  The journey back to Bear Bluff passed by in a daze. Autopilot had kicked in somewhere between Julius getting in the car and taking the road out of Bear Creek. There was no room in his head for something as mundane as driving, not when the thought of losing Catherine was so acute.

  We’re not going to lose her, his bear told him firmly.

  But there was more than one way to lose a person. If Hector caused Liam any pain, Catherine would live with the scars. That’s what mothers did. They took on the blame that wasn't always theirs to bear.

  Why did Hector have to come back now? And why was he kissing Catherine?

  Julius slammed his fist into the steering wheel as he pulled into his parking space and switched off the engine. In no fit state to work, Julius sat in his car until his mood shifted. He could do this, he would win this, because he had no choice. Cursed or not, this was his time for love and happiness.

  Julius had planned to spend the rest of his years on this planet with his mate. They were going to grow old together, in a stunning house partway between Bear Creek and Bear Bluff.

  He picked up the brochure the real estate agent had given him. The views were spectacular. He was certain they could see the hotel from the master bedroom. It was perfect, with easy access to the mountain, and a garden they could tend together.

  And the porch…

  His picture of them both sitting side by side on the porch was fading away, like the mist on a damp fall morning when the sun peaked over the horizon and warmed the land. Only his vision was turning cold and dying.

  Julius got out of the car and stalked toward the hotel. With each stride, he shook off his melancholy mood. He was a professional, and he would act like a professional. There was nothing life could throw at him that would dent his strength. He’d lived for thirty years without his mate and survived, he could do anything. And now that he had Catherine by his side, he was unstoppable.

  His bear roared in his head. Nothing would get in their way this time.

  Julius strode up the hotel entrance and pushed open the door leading to the reception lobby. He looked around, searching for Adam; instead, he saw Hector Jackson, with his arm around a woman—with long blonde hair. At least he thought it was Hector Jackson, he hadn’t gotten a clean look at his face this morning. When he’d seen Hector all those years ago, the man had been clean-shaven, now he had a mustache and a beard. But he recognized the clothes he wore, jeans with a blue sports jacket, coupled with green sneakers.

  The woman had her back to Julius, and for a moment his heart stalled. His rational voice told him it couldn’t be Catherine, she was back in Bear Creek. But still, a knife stabbed into his heart. Julius took a step back, letting the door close. He needed to figure out what was going on. Of course, he might have remarried. But why kiss Catherine? Was he playing some kind of game?

  Julius took another step backward. In the gathering dusk, if he stood far enough away from the lobby entrance, he would be as good as invisible to anyone inside.

  Then he caught sight of Adam. His young protégé was staring at Julius, a frown on his face. Damn. Adam walked across the lobby, concern covering his face as he watched his boss. Julius lifted his hands, about to shoo Adam away, but he pulled the door open and came outside.

  “Mr. Harrison, is everything OK?” Adam asked, his concern mixed with curiosity.

  “Yes.” Julius forced a smile on to his face, then let it slide. “No.” He beckoned Adam towards him. Adam looked over his shoulder, as if trying to figure out if he should run for safety, or call for help. But Adam’s trust in Julius won through and he approached Julius cautiously.

  “What’s wrong?” Adam asked in a hushed voice.

  “This is to stay strictly between you and me, Adam.” Julius looked over Adam’s shoulder. “OK, there’s a man in there. He’s with a woman.”

  “Not unusual,” Adam commented dryly as he turned around and looked inside the hotel.

  “She’s got long blonde hair, he’s wearing green sneakers, with a blue sports jacket.” Julius described the couple. “Did you check them in?”

  “No. They must have checked in this morning, while I was attending to a guest with a severe hangover.” He frowned at his boss. “Is there a problem?”

  “No,” Julius said. “And yes.” He raked his hand through his silver-gray hair. “I believe that man is Catherine’s ex-husband. Hector Jackson.”

  “The Catherine?” Adam asked, his eyes wide as if making sure he comprehended the situation

  “Yes. The Catherine, my Catherine. Her husband left her over twenty years ago. Well over twenty years ago. She raised her kids alone.” Julius paused to make sure Adam was following the conversation.

  “And now he’s here?” Adam glanced over his shoulder, but the Jacksons had gone into the dining room.

  “Yes. A coincidence, isn’t it?”

  “And you are sure that is the same Mr. Jackson who was married to your Catherine?” Adam spoke slowly as if talking to a child.

  “Absolutely. He visited her son’s store today.”

  “Hmm. Maybe he’s come to introduce his second wife to his son.” Adam sighed and lifted his chin resolutely. “I will make inquiries.”

  “You may be right,” Julius agreed, Adam’s idea made perfect sense. “Perhaps I should go and speak to him myself.”

  “Leave it to me. I will be very discreet. You have taught me well, Mr. Harrison. If it all seems legitimate, you can speak to them yourself. But maybe it’s best not to get involved.”

  “Thank you, Adam. You may be right. I’m being overprotective.” Julius let out his pent-up breath. He wasn’t going to tell Adam about Hector kissing Catherine. It might have been a spontaneous decision that he now regretted. “I’ll go in through the kitchen and I’ll meet you in my apartment when you have some information.”

  “Leave it to me.” Adam straightened his tie, and then turned on his heel and walked back to the hotel. Julius stood in the cool night air as the stars came out one by one. His head was in a whirl. Was this all coincidence, or was Hector Jackson playing a bigger game?

  Julius walked around the hotel to the rear entrance leading into the kitchen. His presence here was not unusual, and he walked among his busy staff as if nothing was wrong. He ordered a steak to be brought up to his apartment and added a couple of bottles of beer to the order, before leaving them to their work.

  Taking the stairs, he ran up two at a time, grateful when he, at last, opened his door and entered the private sanctuary of his apartment. He pulled off his sweater and threw it on the bed, before walking over to the window to stare out over the Bluff. The lights of houses scattered across the lower slopes blinked on, one by one. Julius tried to figure out which one was the house he wanted to share with Catherine. He located landmarks, and triangulated the exact position, until a knock on the door drew his attention back to the apartment.

  Room service. His heart raced as he crossed the room and opened the door. Had Catherine come here to surprise him again? Yet he knew, before he even opened the door, that it wasn't her. The sense of her presence, the smell of her skin, none of it was present.

  “Thank you, I’ll take it from here.” He dipped his hand into his pocket and gave the waitress, Fi, a tip.

  “Thank you, Mr. Harrison. Have a good evening.” She smiled politely and left.

  Transferring his steak and beer to the dining table, he sat down and ate. The food was exquisite as always, and he made a mental note to compliment the chef next time he was in the kitchen. Maybe he should get a raise too. A hotel lived and died by its hospitality and its food. And this food was very good.

  He’d just finished eating and was about to start on his second bottle of beer when there was another knock on the door. Julius got up and went to answer it. Adam. Julius could smell his cologne before he opened the door.

  “Any news?” Julius asked immediately.

  “Indeed.” Adam came in and shut the door. “Mr. and Mrs. Millar married six months ago after a whirlwind romance.”

  “Millar?” Julius tried to temper his excitement. “You are sure?”

  “Millar,” Adam repeated, a ghost of a smile on his lips.

  Julius turned around and walked back to the dining table and picked up his beer. “I’d offer this to you, Adam, but I know you don’t drink on duty.” Julius took a large gulp, the cool beer trickling down his throat.

  “Correct,” Adam replied as he looked out at the view.

  Julius leaned on the back of a chair as he went over this new revelation. “Married. And why the new name?”

  “Mrs. Millar showed me the photographs. Mr. Millar didn’t have a beard. He grew it a few weeks ago. She doesn’t like it, but he won’t shave it off. They are here on business. Which is where Mr. Millar was this afternoon while Mrs. Millar visited a local spa.”

  “Business. Perhaps she doesn’t know her husband was married before,” Julius mused.

  “Perhaps.” Adam had one other idea, “Or perhaps his is not your Hector Jackson at all.”

  “An imposter?” Julius nodded. “It makes sense. But why?”

  “I can make further inquiries. Mrs. Millar was very forthcoming…while Mr. Millar visited the bathroom to dry off his pants. I’m afraid the information cost the hotel a complimentary dinner for two.” Adam smiled smugly.

  “Good move! I don’t care if we have to give them a complimentary upgrade!” Julius brimmed over with excitement. “I smell a rat. I wonder what his business is.”

  “Import and export.” Adam opened the door and slipped out.

  Julius’s eyes widened. “That could mean anything.”

  “I’ll try to tactfully extract more information,” Adam replied as he left Julius and crossed the room to the door. “Good night, Mr. Harrison.”

  “Goodnight, Adam. And thank you.” Julius turned toward Adam. “I appreciate it.”

  “You’re welcome. One of us deserves a happy ending.” Adam slipped out of the room and closed the door quietly.

  His mood dampened a little, and Julius turned back to the window and stared out as he finished his beer. Then he showered and went to bed. He needed to sleep on things, and let his brain work through this puzzle.

  First thing in the morning, he would go to visit Catherine and Liam and warn them Hector might be an imposter. He could call them now, but he wanted to share the news face to face.

  He only hoped the curse he’d always believed hung over him wasn’t real. That Catherine wouldn’t be torn away from him once more.

  But if the curse was real, there was nothing to say a curse could not be broken—by true love’s kiss.

  Chapter Seventeen – Cath

  Cath didn’t sleep well at all. She’d tossed and turned most of the night, until finally giving in and rising before dawn to make coffee and toast. Liam joined her a little after sunrise. Dark shadows under his eyes told Cath her son hadn’t slept much either.

  “Coffee?” Cath wasn't sure why she asked, out of habit, she guessed. Liam always started the day with two cups of good coffee.

  “Yeah.” He ran his hand through his hair. “Please.”

  “I’m going to hit the shower and then go for a walk. I need to clear my head.” She passed Liam his coffee and headed for the bathroom. A hot shower usually washed away the remnants of sleep, but not this morning. She could stand under the jets all morning and still feel groggy. And today was not a day for grogginess; she was about to face her ex-husband, and try to figure out what he wanted.

  She groaned and leaned against the cool tiles. What if they’d jumped to conclusions, and Hector really was here to start a relationship with his son? She frowned. Hector had never mentioned Mike. Never asked how he was or where he was.

  Cath got out of the shower and dried herself off, piling her hair up on her head and wrapping it in a towel. Dressed in a robe, she went to find Liam. He wasn't in the kitchen, or the living room.

  “Liam?” Cath knocked on his bedroom door, but there was no answer.

  He must have gone downstairs to start work. Probably to get his mind off his father. Going back to her bedroom, Catherine dressed, and blow-dried her hair, before slipping on a pair of comfortable sneakers and grabbing her phone and a small wallet. She pulled on a warm jacket with deep pockets. Heading for the stairs, she shoved her phone and wallet into the pockets and zipped them up.

  Halfway down the stairs, she heard Liam talking to someone. Her heart skipped: was Hector here already?

nbsp; Moving quietly, she followed the voices. But before she could sneak up on Liam and eavesdrop, Julius appeared from the small kitchen, followed by Liam. “That shifter sense of yours is so annoying,” Cath told him sharply.

  “Morning.” Julius greeted her with a kiss.

  “You look a lot happier this morning.” Cath looked from Julius to Liam. “Are you going to tell me what’s going on?”

  The two men exchanged glances. “Julius believes the man who came here yesterday might not be my dad.”

  “An imposter?” Cath asked in confusion. “Why?” Her fingers went to her lips. There had been nothing familiar about the kiss. But it had all happened so fast, and it had been so long since she’d seen Hector. And the glasses, and the beard all helped hide his features.

  Liam walked across to the counter and pulled out his business laptop. “Let’s see what we can find out.”

  “But why would someone want to pretend to be Hector?” Cath asked, still confused.

  “That’s what I’d like to know.” Liam typed in his password and hit enter.

  “You look terrible.” Julius leaned over and said quietly, as Liam typed on the keyboard.

  She smiled at him, drinking in his face with his crinkly laughter lines and amber flecks in his eyes. “So do you.”

  He chuckled. “I couldn’t sleep. Not with your supposed ex-husband under the same roof.”

  “That’s where he’s staying? At your hotel?”

  Julius nodded. “Yes. Frank Millar, is staying there with his wife. Adam managed to find out that they’re here on business.” Julius shrugged. “That’s all we know so far.”

  It couldn’t be Hector. Hector and business didn’t mix, he was more into conservation and volunteering for good causes. “What kind of business?”

  “Import and export,” Julius added, leaving Cath with a sense of unease.

  “Julius, what does he want with Liam?” she asked quietly.

  Julius cupped her face in his hands. “I don’t know. But we’ll find out.”

  “Frank Millar.” Liam tapped on the keyboard again. “None of them look familiar.”


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