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Winter Boys: Todd

Page 12

by Sean Michael

  “I missed you. Tell me you’re real.”

  “I’m real. I’m here. I’m going to take you home. This first, though.” Todd covered his mouth again, kissing him hard.

  He opened up and shattered, needing nothing but this, here and now.

  Pushing a hand between them, Todd shoved into his pants, fingers dragging over his flesh and making him shiver.

  The touches were maddening, but he luxuriated in each and every one.

  Finally, Todd grabbed hold of his cock and began jerking him off with strong, rough strokes.

  “Love!” He blinked up, dazed and exhausted and so, so close.

  “Give me your pleasure, babe. Come on now.”

  “Now…” He nodded and cried out, bucking against Todd, his balls drawing up.

  Todd pinched the tip of his cock and he shot, spunk spilling out over Todd’s hand.

  “Yes! Love that smell.”

  He dangled in Todd’s arms, swaying gently, suddenly exhausted. Todd supported him and half-dragged, half-carried him over to his couch.

  “Shit, babe, I knew you were in trouble. I just didn’t realize how much.”

  “Huh? Welcome to my apartment.”

  Todd looked around. “It’s… really neat.”

  “It’s tiny and bland.”

  “Yeah, I was trying to be nice, but soulless and totally not you was forefront in my mind.” Todd kissed him again. “And it fits—because you’re like a ghost.”

  “I’m tired, but I’m doing it. I am. I’m paying shit off.” He fought not to doze off.

  “Well, you’ll have to do the rest of the paying shit off in your new job back home with me.”

  “What? Don’t be ridiculous…” Oh god, he wanted to.

  “I’m not kidding. I’m not being ridiculous. I started seeing it the minute you got home—we skyped your first night back and you were stressed and unhappy. After just one day, babe. It’s not worth it.”

  “But…” He searched Todd’s eyes. “Are you serious? But… what about all my bills?”

  Todd shrugged. “You’ll be collecting a salary for working with me—you’ll eventually get them paid off.”

  He leaned in, overwhelmed, panting hard. Todd’s arms came around him, one hand sliding on his back, up and down, slowly, over and over.

  “You are beautiful and strong and fierce and you are my perfect partner. You come home and you thrive, your cheeks have color and you laugh. Oh God, babe—your laugh makes my heart happy. This place is killing you, and I can’t live with that. Come home. I want you—bills, warts, and all. Just come home.”

  Could that happen? Could he just walk away and come home? He held on, searching Todd’s eyes. “Yeah?”

  “Yes! Aside from the bills—what’s keeping you here?”

  “Nothing. I hate it here. I mean, I have a favorite restaurant, but…. Nothing.”

  “Then why are you still here? We all have bills we need to pay off—if you can do it with something you love instead of something you hate…” Todd shrugged. “It just seems like a no-brainer to me.”

  “I just didn’t want you to feel taken advantage of. I love you. I don’t want to lose you.”

  Todd looked at him for a long moment, saying nothing. “How would you be taking advantage of me?”

  “I’m bringing bills and another mouth to feed. That’s it.”

  Todd snorted. “That’s it? You think that’s it? You make my house a home, babe.”

  Simon looked into Todd’s eyes. “You are my home, Todd.”

  “Then come home, eh? Please?”

  “If you’ll have me, I’ll come. Yes. You have to help me pack.”

  “I will help you pack. I’ll help you write your resignation letter. Whatever you need.”

  This was true. Was this true? “I—okay. Yes. Okay.”

  “Oh, thank God! I was worried I was going to have to drag you out of here kicking and screaming.” Todd hugged him tight.

  “You wouldn’t!” That was a crazy thought.

  “I came here determined to get you home no matter what it took. Thanks for not making me prove that.” Todd leaned back, pulling him close, his head resting on Todd’s chest.

  He sighed softly, trembling as he relaxed, eyelids going heavy. So sleepy. So tired.

  “You should show me the bed, babe. You’ll get a crick in your neck if you fall asleep here.” Todd sat up again, arm still around him. “We’ll deal with everything we need to do tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow. I…yeah. I’m so tired, love.”

  “Come on, then. Bed.” Todd stood and pulled him up, one arm going around his waist, supporting him.

  “I’m sorry.” He sobbed softly, letting Todd move him. He crawled into the bed.

  “I am too. I should have come sooner, but I had back-to-back groups booked.” Todd sat him down on his mattress and pulled off his clothing.

  “You were busy. I was too.” He wiped his eyes and crawled into bed.

  “Yeah, but I knew you were in a bad way—I could see it in your face every time we skyped. Anyway. I’m here now, and you’ve agreed to come home with me, so it’s all going to be okay.” Todd kissed his lips softly and tucked the covers in around his body.

  Simon curled into the warmth, happy and settled for the first time in weeks. Before he could say another word, he was asleep.


  Todd spent the day packing up Simon’s things while Simon went to work to give in his notice and, hopefully, clean out his desk. He’d checked out the whole apartment first—it hadn’t taken long. Bedroom, bathroom, living room, and kitchenette. The fridge and cupboards were nearly bare. What exactly had Simon been eating? Not very much, Todd wagered.

  He’d found a Home Depot and picked up a half-dozen boxes. He didn’t think he’d need much more than that for Simon’s possessions. He was pretty sure the furniture had come with the apartment as none of it was really to Simon’s style. There wasn’t anything wrong with it, but it was very generic.

  At lunchtime, he ordered food from a Thai place he found a flyer for on the outside of Simon’s fridge, attached by a malamute magnet. After lunch, he texted Simon—honestly, he’d thought Simon would have been back sooner.


  hey love. They want an explanation. I’m waiting for the boss.

  An explanation. I quit. How was that for an explanation? It’s a toxic work environment—how about that? I’m suing over Arthur, or I’m leaving, you choose. How was that for an explanation?

  since when do you have to give them a reason to quit?

  I don’t know. I just want to walk out

  then walk out It really was that simple. what are they going to do? Fire u?

  It took about ten minutes before he got an answer, and this time, it was a phone call.

  “Hey, babe. Did you walk out?”

  “I did! I just took my shit and walked away! Todd!”

  He laughed, totally enchanted and impressed that Simon had thrown caution to the winds and just left. “Good for you!”

  “I just did it. I just left. Boom. I’m coming back to the apartment.”

  “Cool. I’ve got you all packed up. We can leave anytime you want. I guess you need to take care of your lease, utilities, and stuff.” He wanted to take Simon home as soon as he could manage it.

  “You’ve packed everything? Already?”

  “Babe. There were like a few clothes and some books. I mean, none of this furniture is yours, right?”

  “No. No, I sold everything that was mine.”

  “Babe…” He wished he was with Simon so he could give his lover a hug. “Was there anything special that you gave up?” No wonder this place was so soulless.

  “Nothing that I needed. I’ve paid off everything but the student loan.” Simon was breathing hard. “God, I’m hungry.”

  “You want to pick something up on your way, or should I order you something?” If he ordered it, he’d know that Simon was getting a decent meal. He’d already eaten
, but he could eat again.

  “Oh, I’ll just grab a protein bar or something.”

  Todd snorted; he was not in the least bit surprised. “I’ll order us something. How long ’til you get here?”

  “Ten minutes, tops.”

  “You want me to keep talking to you until you get here?” He knew Simon was hyped up over having walked out of work like he had.

  “No. No, I’m good. I’m coming. I’ll be there soon. Is there anything fun you want to do while you’re here, before you take me home?”

  Todd didn’t even have to think about it. “I want to go to Wonderland and ride the roller coasters with you.”

  “God yes. That will be so fun! Okay. I’ll be home soon. Love you.”

  “Love you, babe.” He was smiling as he terminated the call. Then he shook himself and looked up the number for a Chinese food place that was close. He didn’t want Thai again.

  He wanted something calorie-heavy and rich. Something to nurture Simon.

  He ordered their favorites and extra egg rolls. He even got them some wonton soup. He couldn’t wait to feed it to Simon, one slurpy spoonful after another.

  Simon was abusing himself here, hurting himself. And it was well past time it ended. That was why he was here. Why he was taking his man home.

  He heard Simon’s key in the door, then Simon came in with a box filled with little toys and coffee cups and such.

  He went right over and took the box from Simon, then hugged his lover tight. “I’m so proud of you.”

  “I did it. I walked out before they could yell at me.”

  “They don’t have a right to yell at you. I’m glad you left.” He hugged Simon again, so happy.

  Simon cuddled with him, sighing softly. “Oh you’re warm.”

  “Your furnace.” Todd kissed Simon. “Food won’t be long. We’ll sit and I’ll feed you, then you can deal with all the utilities and stuff, anything else that might need turning off. And tomorrow we’ll go play at Canada’s Wonderland.” He was looking forward to it.

  “Sounds like a plan. We haven’t done anything like that together, ever.”

  “I know. What a treat.” He took Simon’s hand and led him over to the couch. “I ordered Chinese. A nice variety.”

  “I told you I have a protein bar somewhere, lover.”

  “That’s pretend food, babe. You’re going to start having real meals.”

  “It’s got real calories…”

  “I don’t care. Those aren’t delicious calories, so they don’t count.”

  “Delicious calories count?” Simon gave him a wide-eyed gasp, playing with him.

  “You know it. The ones that dance on your tongue on their way to your belly where the real party is.” He held out his arms and wiggled them like he was playing the maracas.

  “Listen to you. Christ, you make me happy.” Simon wiggled right along with him, playing hard.

  They couch-danced for a while, both of them giggling, laughing like silly idiots. It was so much fun. “This is ours, babe. We get to be together like this, without anything hanging over us from now on.” Knowing they were going home together, for good, was like a weight of sadness had been lifted from his shoulders.

  “I can’t believe it. It’s like a fantasy come true.”

  “I love being your fantasy come true.” It was only fair since Simon with him at home full time was his fantasy come true too.

  “I love you.” Simon crawled into his lap and curled up. Simon must have lost ten pounds this month. And he hadn’t had it to spare in the first place.

  “Love you too.” He looped his arms around Simon and just enjoyed holding on. He honestly didn’t think this would ever get old.

  “Do we have plans for our spring break, since you won’t be visiting me yet?”

  He didn’t think Simon would think staying in bed and fucking like animals was a good answer, so Todd went with “not yet.”

  “Good. We can start our greenhouse and spend hours making love.”

  He beamed at Simon. “You are reading my mind.”

  “Do you think you can stand it? Working with me? Do I still get a puppy?”

  “Yes, yes, and triple yes. Smokey will love having a puppy to boss around.” He’d already put out feelers, let Bill know he was looking so if he heard of anyone with puppies…

  “Oh good. I miss her too. Who’s watching her?”

  “I took her to Dina’s. She’s the hermit lady who lives northwest of us.”

  “I’ll have to make her something to say thank you. I used to make the best brownies, do you remember?”

  His mouth actually watered. “I totally do. I take it you don’t make them anymore?” Simon had given up so much of himself to come to Toronto and do this job that was supposed to make him rich and happy. If Todd had felt guilty for coming here to drag Simon back home, that guilt would have been totally assuaged by today.

  “I haven’t baked in years. I miss it.”

  “Make me a list of all the stuff you’ll need, and I’ll go shopping after lunch. I remember more than just your brownies with great fondness.”

  “We can go together. We’ll ship everything up, yes?”

  “We can have it delivered to the airfield and bring it with us. And it’ll be fun shopping with you.”

  “I love you.” Simon leaned hard into him. “I feel a little drunk.”

  “Drunk on happiness and love—I like it.”

  “Happiness and love and a little jolt of adrenaline, right? That was the bravest I’d been since I slid into the sleeping bag with you.”

  “That wasn’t brave. That was smart.” He gave Simon a wink.

  “No one walks out of a job like that but me. No one.”

  “Now that was brave AND smart. And it feels good, doesn’t it?”

  Simon grinned at him. “So damn good.”

  He framed Simon’s face between his hands and just looked, drinking this moment in. Simon held his eyes, so warm and happy, so joyous.

  “We’re good for each other, babe.” He took a kiss that might have turned into something more, but the door buzzer went off. “And that’s our feast.”

  “Yay feast!” Simon reluctantly stood up. “I’ll get it.”

  “Okay, babe. I’m looking forward to feeding you.”

  “I’m going to have to learn how to make egg rolls, you know.”

  “Guh. You see? You’re already making my life better.” It never would even have occurred to him to try.

  “I would miss egg rolls, lover. Hold that thought.” Simon slipped outside to pay the delivery guy.

  He was happy to hold it—imagining the egg rolls they were about to eat, and being able to have them back home where there was no takeout, no delivery. Where they had to be self-sufficient.

  Together they had a lot of new things to discover. It was going to be a grand adventure.



  Everything was gone. They’d taken everything to ship—spices and kitchen things, clothes and movies and his TV. Everything.

  Todd was sleeping and Simon was sitting, reading on his tablet and pretending that this wasn’t insane.

  Todd shifted in his sleep and patted Simon’s thigh, making a soft grunting noise.

  “Shh. Shh. You’re okay.” He wasn’t okay—he was excited, he was scared, he was overjoyed, he was nervous, he was stupid in love.

  They’d had an amazing afternoon and evening at the amusement park, screaming their lungs out on the roller coasters and holding hands on the Ferris wheel. Eating corn dogs and cotton candy, candy apples and funnel cakes.

  This was the right move. It had to be. He’d missed Todd the entire time they were broken up; it was time to go home. He’d been so miserable the last month, and his spirits had lifted the moment he’d seen Todd. Walking out of work had made him feel almost euphoric.

  He’d made a mistake, but he paid for it. He’d paid big. At least he had a chance at a redo, at correcting that mistake. At grabbing hol
d of his happiness with both hands.

  When they’d called from work, he’d answered and just told them all he wasn’t happy and he needed out. They’d blustered and threatened, but as Todd had said—what were they going to do, fire him? It wasn’t like he needed a reference to get the job he was going to.

  He was going to do what he wanted. Be with Todd, be with nature, be outside in the quiet and the wild. He would help Todd run the business he’d built from the ground up.

  “Babe, you’re thinking really loudly.” Todd sat up next to him and leaned against him. “Is anything wrong?”

  “I guess I’m excited. Nervous. Mix of both.”

  “That makes sense. This is a big change for you. It’s a good one, though. You’ve been smiling and laughing ever since you walked out. It’s so nice to see you relaxed, more easy in your skin.” Todd rubbed his belly.

  “Yes. I’m going to have to get used to being happy, you know. It’s going to be fun, working with you.”

  “I know! I can’t think of anything better than doing what I love with the man I love.”

  “We’re going to have a ball together, you and me.”

  “And our puppies. Smokey and your new baby.” Todd kissed his shoulder, fingers sliding across his belly, nice and gently.

  “Yeah. Our home. Our greenhouse. Our bed.” He snuggled in.

  “Uh-huh.” Todd pressed a kiss on his nipple. A tease.

  “I’m bringing my pillows with me. Your pillows suck.” He baited Todd.

  “What? There’s nothing wrong with my pillows!” Todd grabbed a pillow from the bed and whapped him in the chest with it.

  “They’re flat and lifeless…” He waited a heartbeat. “Flaccid.”

  Todd’s mouth dropped open. “You said flaccid!” Then he started laughing.

  He cheered. He’d totally won that one. Totally.

  Todd walloped him again with the pillow, still laughing.

  “Butthead!” He pounced and took a hard kiss.

  Todd wrapped both arms and legs around him. “Your butthead.” Then Todd kissed him back.

  “Thank God for that.” He curled around Todd with a moan and held on tight. “You don’t have to count the days anymore.”


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