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Winter Boys: Todd

Page 13

by Sean Michael

  “One more day to count.” Todd laughed, hands sliding over him, warming him.

  “No, because I’m not staying here. I’m coming home.”

  “Isn’t it still night—you come home tomorrow. When we wake up—after we go to sleep. Then it’s no more days.”

  “No more days.” He loved how excited Todd was—it made him feel wanted, needed.

  “Of course if we don’t go to sleep, then we’re here, we’re on the day you come home with me. It’ll be your forever home.”

  “Like a rescue, hmm? Your rescue pup?” He had to tease. Had to.

  Todd started laughing again, cackling this time. “That’s me, always taking in strays.”

  He pinched Todd’s nipple, hard.

  “Hey!” Todd pinched back, and the sensation zinged right to his balls.

  “That’s cheating…” He stroked this time, instead of pinching.

  “Mmmhmm, but I think we’re both going to win.” Todd leaned in and bit at his other nipple.

  “Oh babe…” He sighed and leaned back, offering himself fully.

  Todd shifted, straddled him, and moved to his other nipple, nipping at it as Todd rolled their hips together.

  “Mmm…” He couldn’t think of a better way to fall asleep than multiple orgasms.

  Todd licked along his jaw, then nibbled at his chin, hips still moving, still rocking their hips.

  “Love you. Always. Still.” He took another kiss, thanking Todd for bringing him home.

  Todd nodded, sliding their lips against each other. “I love you, babe. Forever.”

  This was… everything. Him. Todd. Together. Going home.

  He arched up, rubbing against his lover, giving Todd everything.

  “I know what you need, love.” Todd pulled him in tight, rocking them again. “We’ll come, and then rest, eh?”

  He reached up to cup Todd’s face and stare into his lover’s eyes. Todd’s beard scratched against his palms and that blue gaze held his, Todd entirely open to him.

  “Yes. And tomorrow we really go home. Together.”

  Todd’s words made him feel as good as any kiss, as any way they touched. Todd brought their mouths together, driving their hips.

  The pleasure grew, nice and steady, like they’d been like this their whole lives. Todd slid a hand between them, taking them both in hand and stroking.

  “Perfect.” He moaned and shifted close. “Damn, that’s nice.”

  “Uh-huh. Gonna love you to sleep.” Todd smiled, his eyes half-closed.

  “Thank you.” He joined his hand with Todd’s, stroking them both.

  “Oh yeah.” Todd pressed against their tips, thumbnail laying down a quick flash of fire.

  “Jesus!” Oh that made his toes curl.

  “Nope, that was me.” Todd did it again.

  “Uh. Uh-huh.” He brought one knee up between Todd’s legs and nudged the heavy balls.

  “Simon!” Groaning, Todd worked their cocks harder. “Come for me, babe. Let me smell you.”

  “Yeah. Yeah. Love you.” It was so easy, to come and let himself go.

  Todd came a moment later and collapsed down onto him.

  “Oh. Hey. Hi.” He held Todd tight, his eyelids heavy. “Better.”

  “Go to sleep, babe. Then we can go home.”

  “Love you, huh?” He settled easily, already fading off.

  “Forever and always.”

  The last thing he remembered before he fell asleep was Todd kissing his forehead.


  Todd waved off the helicopter, grinning wide at the group heading home. This had been a good one. His first trip with Simon at his side. God, they made a good team.

  As soon as the helicopter left, Smokey jumped around him and Simon, Softie copying Smokey like he was her shadow. Todd turned to Simon, beaming at his lover.

  “We made it.”

  “And we didn’t even kill anyone!” Simon grinned at him, so happy, eyes laughing for him.

  “Yeah, that’s a good thing—we’d get a bad Yelp review otherwise.” He wrapped around Simon and kissed those laughing lips.

  Softie and Smokey bounced around them, the pups barking happily.

  God, his life was good.

  “Let’s go home and make something sweet for supper.” He loved Simon’s baking skills.

  “Sounds good. I’ll make brownies and you can throw the lasagna from the freezer in.”

  “Perfect. And while everything is cooking we can do some cooking of our own.” He waggled his eyes suggestively.

  “Are you suggesting some nice, lazy shower sex, my love?”

  “Ohh, I hadn’t thought of the shower part, but I approve. It’ll be great to be clean and soapy and warm.”

  Simon stole a quick kiss. “I’m a brilliant son of a bitch. You want to feed the puppies while I mix brownie batter?”

  “Sure, soon as I get the lasagna in.” He watched Simon walk as they headed back to the cabin. He did love that ass.

  They had been building the greenhouse in their spare time, but since Simon had updated their website, they were booked for the summer and well into the fall.

  They both had their strengths, and together, they were turning his little business into a growing concern. It was pretty cool.

  He patted Simon’s ass as he moved forward and opened the door for Simon.

  Simon lifted his chin for a kiss. “Welcome home, babe.”

  “Hey, that’s my line.” He touched his mouth to Simon’s, their lips sliding together.

  “It’s our line now. Ours, together.”

  “Yeah.” He drew Simon close. “Love you, babe.”

  “I love you, my gorgeous, stinky lover. Go feed the dogs. Our shower awaits.”

  He took a last kiss and hurried to throw the lasagna into the oven and feed their beasts.

  Home. They were really home. His next birthday, he’d have to bring Simon to his folks’. It would be the best birthday ever. Which would only be fitting as this was shaping up to being the best year of his life ever.

  His phone rang and he looked at it, laughing as Tommy’s name came up. His triplet must have heard him thinking about their birthday. Or had felt his happiness. He answered, anxious to share his happiness.

  “Hey, brother.”

  “Todd. How goes? You’ve been on my mind.”

  “Yeah?” He laughed, the joyful feeling going all the way to his toes. “It goes amazingly, like truly awesomely.”

  “Spoken like a man… in love?”

  “You know it.” He laughed again as his phone let him know there was another caller trying to get through. “Oh man, I bet this is our older brother.”

  “Well, conference him in.”

  Todd did, taking the chance that this wasn’t a client, but indeed the oldest of the three of them. “Troy? You’re on with me and Tommy.”

  “What’s going on? I dreamed about you all night.”

  He didn’t tease or pretend he didn’t know why they’d been thinking about him. He just shared his joy. “Simon’s come home.”

  “Simon?” they asked together, then Tommy asked.

  “Your Simon?”

  “I’m–going-to-throw-him-out-if-I-ever–see-him-again Simon?”

  “Yes. My Simon. The-guy-who-lights-up-my-life Simon.” He caught Simon’s eye over in the kitchen and waved, blew a kiss.

  Simon laughed for him and waved back, wooden spoon in hand.

  “If he hurts you again, I will come up there and kill him. And I know how to hide the body,” Tommy informed him.

  “It would be worth it if he did.” It would break his heart if Simon left, but this feeling, this time they had now was worth anything—the hurt of the last years and any potential heartbreak down the road. “He won’t, though.” Todd had faith.

  “Tell Tommy and Troy to come visit! They can help with the greenhouse.” Simon didn’t sound the least bit hesitant.

  “Did you hear that? We want you to come visit and we’re going to
put you to work.”

  Troy snorted. “I’m not the get-your-hands-dirty type.”

  Todd knew that was the image Troy liked to portray, but his brother had other sides to him.

  “I’ll have Simon get with you, organize. He wants you here; so do I.”

  “I’ll look at my schedule,” Tommy told him.

  “You figure out when works best, and if I can wrangle it, I will,” Troy promised.

  “Okay, good.” He could see Simon was putting the brownies in the oven and he hadn’t put the lasagna in there yet, not to mention feeding the dogs. “Look, I have to go, but I’ll call later for a longer chat.”

  “Getting some nookie!”

  “Shut up!” He laughed because he couldn’t deny it.

  “Love you, little bro.”

  He rolled his eyes at Troy. “Love you, too, old man.”

  They were all laughing as he ended the call.

  “I put the lasagna in, love. And I’ll get the dogs. I’ll meet you in the shower.”

  “That’s not fair, babe. You got stuck doing all the work.”

  He got a wicked grin. “I’ll let you make it up to me.”

  “I can do that. Meet you in the shower.” He headed upstairs and pulled off his clothing, leaving it wherever it dropped. He was looking forward to getting under the hot water after ten days in the woods.

  Getting under the water, getting into Simon. It wasn’t easy lying together night after night and not being able to do more than cuddle and kiss a little.

  His cock was already half-hard as he turned the water on, getting it nice and hot.

  Warm hands landed on his ass. “Mmm…. It’s good to work, but I love this part best.”

  “You love my ass the best?” He stayed bent over and wriggled said ass for a moment before standing and turning to give Simon a kiss. “Or is it the shower you’re craving?” He stepped backward carefully over the lip of the tub and into the spray.

  “It’s us. Together. Naked and happy.”

  “Mmm. I like those things too.” He stepped into the water and groaned. Oh yeah, he’d needed this so very badly. It was a great feeling, though, having ten days of grunge on your body and feeling it slough off beneath the spray of really hot water.

  Even better was the feel of Simon’s hands, lathering him up.

  “Oh, babe, that’s the best feeling ever.” He turned around and put his hands on the tile, then spread his legs, giving Simon access to every part of him.

  “You’re so fine. Filthy, but fine.”

  Todd laughed at Simon. His lover could be fastidious. And granted, they were both ripe. “Well, unfilthy me, babe.”

  “Unfilthify? Find your lack of filthitudinous?”

  “Filthitudinous? I like that. It’s a mouthful, but I like it.” He closed his eyes and enjoyed the firm, soapy touches. He’d return the favor momentarily.

  So much different from coming home alone. This was far superior. Far, far superior.

  “This is so wonderful, babe. It feels incredible.”

  “Yes.” Just yes. No questions, no arguments, no qualifiers. Just yes.

  He shifted, leaning back a little so he could be in contact with Simon. “I’ll get you in a minute, babe.”

  “You have me forever, Todd.”

  “I meant I’ll unfilthyfitudinous you in a minute. I know I have you forever, filthy and not. I get every bit of you and that’s the best thing ever.”

  Simon’s laughter filled the air. “Does that mean you accept my proposal?”

  “Your proposal?” Had he missed an email about the business or something?

  “Yeah. I want to marry you. I want you to know I mean it, forever.”

  “Oh. Babe. Yes. Yes, I will marry you.” He laughed and kissed Simon, soapy as he was. “The important question is are we going to do it on the QT at the registrars, or are we going to have the circus of a ceremony that’s going to happen if we let my family get involved in the planning?”

  “Whatever you want, love. I was thinking you may want your brothers here, but that might hurt the others. Maybe your mom would let us do it over Christmas, before your birthday at her place.”

  “That would be perfect. It would keep it from getting too out of hand, but the immediate family would be there. You, babe, are so smart.” He hugged Simon tight. “I love you. You have no idea how much.”

  “I think I do. I hope I do.” Simon held on. “Enough to say yes.”

  “I will always say yes to you.”

  “Except when I need you to say no.”

  “And you asked me to marry you because you trust me to know the difference.”

  “Yes. Yes, exactly.” Simon pushed up into his arm. “Soap me up, lover. Brownies wait for no man.”

  Laughing, he did what Simon asked, his fingers slick and soapy as they touched every inch of this body he loved so much.

  The world was soap and chocolate, fresh air and lasagna.

  He couldn’t imagine anything better than that.

  The end


  Coming Soon — Tommy

  Look for Winter Boys: Tommy – coming in September 2019

  Coming Soon — The Needy Boy

  Coming in August 2019 - The Needy Boy, an Iron Eagle Gym story

  An old high school sweetheart might be just the man for a needy sub.

  Busy bakery owner and Dom Jack has neglected romance to build his business, but he’s ready to find his special man. He agrees to go on a blind date set up by his friend Tide. Imagine his surprise when he comes face-to-face with the boy he loved as a teenager.

  Peter curates a niche antique shop specializing in sex toys and kink from the past. His extreme neediness has cost him relationships before, and it won’t be easy to open up and reveal the true extent of his desires.

  Both Jack and Peter have changed in the past decade, but they’ve only become more compatible, with preferences that complement each other perfectly and chemistry that flares back to life with a speed that amazes them. But Peter fears he’ll drive Jack away as he has so many others, and Jack will have to work hard to earn Peter’s trust.


  JACK TRENCO walked along the street, people watching. Trying to distract himself would be more accurate. He hadn’t been on a date in years, let alone a blind date. He still wasn’t sure how he’d been bamboozled into this one, except that Tide was damn convincing. And somehow Tide had known his storefront was closed on Mondays so he could have dinner at a normal hour on Sunday night.

  So here he was, on his way to Regulation, Toronto’s newest trendy restaurant, to meet this Peter, who was apparently a friend of Tide’s partner Lance. He was still surprised at himself for saying yes. He supposed he was a little lonely, though. Building a business took a lot of work, and it left little time for socializing. And if his being alone also had to do with the fact that maybe he was picky, well, that was all right by him. There was nothing wrong with being picky.

  Checking his watch, he slowed a little. He would be right on time at this gentler pace, which suited him fine. He didn’t mind being a little early but hated being late. He liked punctuality, in himself and in others. Whether or not his date was on time would form his first impression of the guy.

  A blind date. He hadn’t realized people even did that anymore. He thought it was all swipe left this and meet at a club that. Apparently not. He was wearing a white rose in one of his buttonholes, for Christ’s sake, and he’d know his date the same way. That was pretty cheesy, right? Or possibly a little old-fashioned and a bit romantic. Okay, he could live with those.

  Arriving at the restaurant at precisely 8:00 p.m., he went in, scanning the crowd for a man with a white rose. It was very modern inside, all sleek lines and dark tables with red, blue, and yellow chairs he hoped were more comfortable than they looked. If he was going to give this blind date a chance, it w
ould be helpful if the seating was inviting, or at least didn’t make him uncomfortable from the get-go. He turned his focus back to looking for his white-flowered date.

  He saw the rose before the man. It stood out on a dapper tweed jacket worn over a burnt orange shirt. He looked down first, admiring the lean lines, the tiny waist. Nice. Very nice. He puffed up a little, hoping he was making a good first impression as well. He worked out on a regular basis, but more than that, his job kept his arms and torso in fighting form, and he knew he had a good body.

  He looked up to see his date’s face.

  He blinked, and suddenly he was sixteen again, gazing at Peter Jameson across his bedroom after they’d shared their first kiss. The coppery beard and mustache were new, but the blue eyes and the heavy shock of hair were just the same. Peter had been his first love, back when life was so much simpler. That kiss had rocked his world at the time.

  He stared for far longer than was polite, lost in the sweet memories. Then he shook himself and held out his hand. “Peter? Peter Jameson, I can hardly believe that’s you.”

  “Jacky. Oh my God!” Peter’s eyes lit up, and instead of the polite greeting of a blind date, Jack got a huge hug. “It’s really you? You’re my blind date?”

  He held on and squeezed Peter for a moment before stepping back. He couldn’t contain his grin, pleased that Peter seemed as happy as he was at this turn of events. “Looks like I am. What an amazing coincidence. God, it’s been forever.” Not since the week after graduation, when life had taken them in different directions. It hadn’t been a breakup either of them had really wanted, but it had been the right thing to do.

  “Ten years? At least. I…. God, I can’t believe this.” Peter looked as surprised as Jack felt.

  Laughing, Jack gave Peter another hug. They’d dated all through high school, but after graduation they’d been pulled in different directions. “How about we get a table and catch up?”

  “Absolutely. So you know Lance?” Peter took the arm he offered easily. Jack was bigger than Peter, but it looked like they still fit together as nicely as they ever had.


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