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Charlotte: Dr. Richards' Littles 7

Page 4

by Pepper North

  Red flew across Charlotte’s face. “Oh, no. I’m just a cashier. I’m sure Mr. Gordon has a much more deserving Little than me. I’m just Charlotte,” she said with a side glance toward him. She flushed even more to see him watching her.

  When the two ladies walked away, Benton told Charlotte, “It’s time for you to clock out, Charlotte. Go ahead and log out of your register and gather the till and any coupons or receipts and I’ll walk you back to the office.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  “I’m glad to keep working, Mr. Gordon. I can stay until we close. I’ll go clock out if you watch my till and be right back,” Charlotte started to squeeze past him in the narrow cashier’s area but was stopped when Benton put his arm around her waist to stop her.

  “Charlotte, I will not have you working a twelve-hour shift. Especially, if you are off the clock. You need to go rest and enjoy some time off. Log out of your register and I’ll walk you to the office to turn in your till,” Benton corrected sternly.

  Charlotte started to protest but one look at his face and she turned to do as he said. Picking up her till and all the paperwork, she turned to him and said, “I’m ready to go to the office.”

  Benton stepped backward and let her proceed him to the back of the store. He showed her the process of turning in her till and watched her clock out. Benton walked her out of the rear door so that he could make sure that she made it up to the apartment safely. When she thanked him again for the job and turned to climb the stairs, Benton saw the outline of the granola bar on her rear pocket. His sharp, “Charlotte!” stopped her immediately and she turned around to see his angry face. Benton turned her around by the shoulders and pulled the mostly uneaten granola bar out of her pocket. “Is this the same granola bar that I gave you for breakfast?” he asked loudly.

  Immediately, Charlotte hunched her shoulders and looked at the ground. “I’m sorry, Mr. Benton. I shouldn’t have eaten it.” She mumbled her sorrys repeatedly while making herself as small a target as possible in front of him.

  “Charlotte, look at me!” Benton ordered. “Did you eat anything for lunch today?”

  “Oh, no. I didn’t eat anything. Lisa made me take a break from the cash register but I went and straightened the office supplies we got yesterday in the store room. I didn’t slack off,” she promised with tear-filled eyes.

  “This will not do. I need to have healthy employees. You are to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. A bite from a granola bar will not be enough to keep you healthy,” he said sternly.

  “I was going to eat it for dinner,” she said peering up at him. “Are you angry with me for not eating?” Charlotte sounded amazed.

  “I am very angry with you for not taking care of yourself. Why didn’t you eat?” he asked softening his tone.

  “I didn’t want to get in trouble. It’s not my food. I shouldn’t take it,” Charlotte sounded like she was parroting something that she had heard repeatedly. “I don’t need a lot to eat.”

  “You definitely need more to eat than a bite of a granola bar. And you were going to work all evening, too. This is not acceptable, Charlotte,” Benton continued. He was very confused. Why had Charlotte not eaten? There was something going on with her. “Do you have any food in your apartment left for dinner?” he asked.

  “Oh, yes. Let me bring it down for you. I have the plate of brownies. I didn’t touch them other than to bring them down to give to Beverly this morning. I have a sandwich and a half,” she looked down. “I’m sorry. I ate the other half last night. You can take it out of my paycheck.” She looked at his stern face. “I’m really sorry. I thought you told me to eat the food in the refrigerator. It was just a mistake. Please don’t fire me. I really need this job.” Big tears started to run down her pretty face. “I’m so sorry.”

  Benton felt like the lowest scum of the planet. She thought he was mad because she had eaten a half a sandwich. Who had treated her like this? Shaking his head, Benton walked toward Charlotte and his heart winced as she flinched at his approach. He picked up her stiff body and carried her up the stairs and into the apartment. He sat on the couch and held her in his arms. Benton couldn’t say anything yet. He needed a few minutes to gather his wits around him. The two sat there in silence with Charlotte trembling and Benton gently rubbing her back to reassure her.

  Finally, Charlotte pulled back slightly to look at him in amazement. “You aren’t mad at me?” she asked amazed.

  “I am mad at you. You didn’t eat all day long and you were going to come up and get the only food you had to give back to me,” Benton replied. “Do you think I’m some sort of a monster who doesn’t allow young ladies to eat?”

  Charlotte immediately shook her head rapidly. “Oh, no. You’re not a monster. But it is your food. You can have it back,” she offered with a tenuous smile.

  “I do NOT want the food back. In fact, Beverly went to the grocery store and stocked your refrigerator and kitchen with everything that her daughters like. The food is for you. I want you to eat when you are hungry. Let’s go see what she bought,” Benton lifted Charlotte effortlessly to her feet and then pulled her behind him to the kitchen.

  Charlotte was amazed. There were two types of potato chips on the counter and a bowl of beautiful fruit that were free of bruises, blemishes, and insect holes. She could eat on this for days. Then, Benton opened the refrigerator. There were all sorts of food, soft drinks, and condiments. It was enough food for a whole family. She looked at Benton with horror. “I can’t pay for all this. Can I take it back? I could take the bus tonight. I think I have enough money to cover the bus fare to the store. I can walk back.”

  Taking her by the shoulders and turning her to face him, Benton said sternly, “You are not going to take it back and you are not going to pay for it. It’s a gift to help you get yourself back on your feet. Just like letting you stay in this apartment. I want you to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It’s important for you to be healthy. Will you do that for me?” Benton asked sadly. He remembered her laying on the floor last night, sitting on the floor without watching TV, and using the cloth to brush her teeth. She had been careful to not mess up or use anything that didn’t belong to her. This was going to end. Tonight.

  Chapter Fifteen

  He leaned down and pulled a skillet out of a lower cabinet. “Invite me to dinner, Charlotte,” he ordered as he opened the refrigerator and pulled out bacon, eggs, cheese, and a tin of biscuits. He turned on the oven and pulled the cookie sheet from the drawer beneath the oven. He stopped to look questioning at Charlotte.

  Several seconds passed as Charlotte tried to process what was happening. “You want to stay for dinner? Here? With me?” she asked totally confused.

  “Yes, thank you, Charlotte. I’d love to stay for dinner. Let’s make scrambled eggs. That’s about all I can cook well. But you’ll have to watch so I don’t burn the eggs. Okay?” Benton said trying to operate as if everything was normal. “How many times do you think it will take for me to whack this biscuit tube on the counter for it to open. I say three. What about you?”

  “I’m not sure what you are doing. I’ve only seen biscuits cooked in the diner. If you’re whacking something, I would bet it won’t take many times. You’re awfully strong,” Charlotte said looking at his massive biceps. “Maybe, two?” He was a bigger man than she’d ever stood next to, especially in a small kitchen. He made her look like an elf.

  Benton grinned at her and flexed an arm. “You’ve been checking out my guns?” he asked watching her turn red.

  “Oh, no! It’s just hard not to notice,” Charlotte ducked her head shyly.

  He hooked a finger under her chin and raised her head to look in her eyes. “You are welcome to notice anything about me you wish – as long as it’s something good. No noticing that I have hairy feet or anything like that,” Benton said with a smile. “Okay, these biscuits aren’t going to cook in the tube. Let’s see. I said three and you said two,” Benton said as he raised the tube and b
rought it down on the corner of the countertop.

  “Pop!” The tube exploded open.

  “Crap! We both lost. I must be stronger than I thought,” Benton said waggling his eyebrows up and down at her. Finally, he got her to giggle. Benton placed the biscuits out on the cookie sheet and put them in the oven. He grabbed a microwave cooker and filled it with strips of bacon.

  Charlotte looked at him incredulously. “Are we having a party? Two people can’t eat that much bacon!

  “Oh, just watch me. I’m a bacon eating machine,” Benton bragged. Putting the bacon in the microwave, he started it cooking. He pulled out a bowl and started cracking a lot of eggs. He whisked them together before adding a little milk. “Get some glasses, sweetheart and pour us each a glass of milk.” Benton watched as she pulled out a big glass and a small glass. “Two big glasses, Charlotte.”

  She looked at him for confirmation before putting the small glass back and pulling out another big glass. Charlotte carefully poured one glass full before filling the other halfway. She looked up at him when he said a low “Charlotte!” She filled the glass up before looking at him and relaxing her tense shoulders when she saw him smile and nod.

  “Good girl, Charlotte. Put those on the table with silverware and napkins. The silverware should be in that drawer there,” he pointed to one close to the dishwasher. “The napkins are in a holder on the table. Then, get the butter, jelly, and salsa out of the frig, sweetheart. Put those on the table as well.” Benton watched Charlotte follow his instructions carefully as he scrambled the eggs. When everything was done, he filled two plates with eggs, biscuits, and bacon. As he carried it over to the table, he noticed Charlotte hanging back in the kitchen. “Come on, Charlotte. Your food is getting cold,” he beckoned her over with a scoop of his hand.

  “You want me to sit at the table and eat with you?” she questioned amazed. “I can just eat in here. There’s plenty of room.”

  “Of course, I want you to eat with me. I’ll get lonely all by myself.” Benton held out her chair and waited patiently until Charlotte walked slowly over to sit in the chair. He scooted it up to the table and sat down next to her. “Let’s eat. I’m hungry. What about you?” He watched Charlotte lean over the loaded plate to look at it with big eyes before she sniffed the aroma.

  “I’m hungry,” she whispered.

  “Then, let’s dig in.” Benton picked up his fork and waited for her to do the same. He stabbed a big portion of eggs and put them in his mouth. He watched her put her fork in the eggs and raise a small bit to her mouth. When her eyes closed and a mmmmmm of pleasure came from deep inside her, Benton’s heart almost broke. He tried to keep the tone light. “I’m a great scrambled egg chef, huh? I didn’t even burn them. You must be a fantastic assistant. We’ll have to make this a regular event.”

  Charlotte took a bigger bite and chewed thoughtfully. “You are the best scrambled egg cooker ever! This is so good.”

  “Put some butter on your biscuit, Charlotte. Do you like strawberry jam or grape jelly better?” he lifted the jars. When she looked blankly at him, he continued, “Try the strawberry. It’s my favorite.” Benton cut open a biscuit and slathered in in butter. He reached over and picked up Charlotte’s before doing the same. He dropped a spoon full of strawberry jam on his biscuits before passing it over to her. When Charlotte scooped a minuscule portion of strawberry jam, he instructed firmly, “You can’t even taste that, Charlotte. More.” He nodded as she added additional strawberry jam. “Let’s try it.” He held up one half a biscuit and waited until she also lifted one. Bumping his biscuit into hers as if they were clicking glasses of champagne, Benton took a huge bite making Charlotte giggle again. “That’s the best sound ever!” he thought.

  Charlotte hesitated before taking a bite of the biscuit. Flavor exploded in her mouth as a drip of butter rolled down her chin. “Yum!” she hummed as she took another bite before looking at him sideways to make sure she was doing this right.

  Benton wiped the butter off her chin and asked, “Strawberry’s the bomb, huh?”

  “The bomb for sure,” Charlotte answered returning his grin.

  Charlotte’s tummy groaned very quickly and she stopped eating. She drank her milk and watched fascinated as Benton ate and ate and ate. “No wonder he’s a big man,” she thought to herself only to blush bright red when she realized she’d said that aloud and he answered.

  “I’ve always been a big guy. My mom tells stories of bringing home bags of groceries and coming home the next day to fix dinner only to find an empty fridge. I do like to eat.” Benton asked gently, “Can you eat any more, sweetheart?”

  Charlotte rubbed her tummy. “I’m sorry. It’s all so good. Can I save it and eat it for breakfast this week?”

  “You can save it and eat it for breakfast tomorrow. There is plenty of food. I guarantee you that there always will be plenty of food in the refrigerator. You never know when I may ask to come over for dinner.” He stopped and picked up her hand. “I want you to eat, Charlotte. I want you to sit on the couch and sleep under the covers in the bed. I want you to make this your home. You aren’t going to get in trouble unless you aren’t following my directions. Can you do that for me?” he asked seriously.

  “Really? You want me to sleep in the bed. I don’t mind the floor. The carpet is so soft,” she whispered softly.

  “Sleep in the bed,” he answered with steel in his voice. “Now, let’s clean up the kitchen and watch some TV. You’re not going to kick me out now, are you?”

  “Never,” she answered looking at him with all the hope in her eyes. “You’re a wonderful man.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  After stowing all the leftover food in the refrigerator and cleaning the kitchen, the two went into the living room. Benton patiently showed Charlotte how to use the remote to turn the TV on and off and how to change channels. They settled on watching an animated show that had been released a couple of years ago.

  Charlotte loved it. She didn’t care that it was made for kids. “What a treat to get to watch something fun!” she said during a commercial break. “I’m used to working and studying. There hasn’t been a lot of time for just fun.”

  “Everyone needs to make time for fun. I hate to admit it but I’ve been so busy getting Gordon’s off to a good start these last few years, that I’ve forgotten to have fun as well. You are good for me, Charlotte. I’m going to have to hang around with you. You need me to help you enjoy fun things and I need you to smile and remind me that the smallest things can be the most priceless.” Benton smiled at her fondly.

  Soon the movie ended. Benton saw Charlotte yawn. “Okay, little one. I need to go home and you need to jump in the shower and then go to bed. Let me show you some stuff in the bathroom.” He flicked off the TV and pulled her to her feet. With his hands on her shoulders, Benton directed Charlotte to the bathroom. “Open that drawer.” He waited until she put out a thin arm and pulled slowly. “You can and should use anything in that drawer that you need. Pick your favorite color of toothbrush and brand of toothpaste.” He watched her pick up a yellow toothbrush and her hand hovered over the toothpastes.

  “I don’t know which one to choose. What’s the least expensive? That will be great for me,” Charlotte raised her eyes to him slowly.

  “Who knows? Let’s make this easy. Do you like mint or cinnamon?” he asked.

  “Cinnamon,” Charlotte replied quickly.

  “Pick the red one,” Benton counseled. “Now, here’s a brush just for long hair.” He pulled it out of the drawer and set it on the countertop. “Use it, okay?” When she nodded, he drew her over to the big cabinet. Opening it, he showed her that it was filled with towels, washcloths, and shampoo and conditioner combinations. He read the labels stopping at one that was made for long hair. He pulled both bottles out of the cabinet and set them on the shelf in the shower. He went back and pulled out a bottle of bubble bath. Benton started the water running in the tub and poured in a generous amount of t
he bubble bath before setting that on the shelf as well. “I am going to leave now. I want you to let the water fill the bathtub to here,” he indicated a high level in the tub. “Then, jump in and soak for a while to relax after your first day at a new job. You did a good job today. Tomorrow, you start again at 9. You don’t need to be at the door at 7. Sleep in a little. Eat breakfast and bring something to eat for lunch. Do you understand? I want you to eat. Okay, young lady?”

  “I understand,” Charlotte said quickly. She was hypnotized by the bubbles rising in the tub.

  “Come lock the door, Charlotte, and then jump into the tub,” Benton instructed with a smile. It appeared that all young ladies like bubble baths.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Charlotte had loved the bath. She’d stayed in the tub playing with the bubbles until her fingers and toes were wrinkled and the water was getting cold. She toweled off as the bathwater drained out. Charlotte picked up the toothbrush and toothpaste and carefully, brushed her teeth. Running her tongue around her mouth, Charlotte was so excited. Her teeth felt so good. She brushed her long hair out until it was shiny smooth. Finally, she was ready for bed. Charlotte untied the towel around her chest and hung it carefully over the towel rack to dry. She picked up her clothes and held them to her chest as she walked into the bedroom.

  By the time Charlotte had finished her bath, Benton had driven home. He tried to stay away from the cameras but he wanted to check that Charlotte was following his directions. He turned on the computer just in time to see Charlotte walk into the bedroom with her clothes. His mouth dropped open as she placed her work clothes on the bed and started folding them neatly. The clothes had been the only thing blocking his view so now he was able to see all of Charlotte’s thin body. Her tummy pouched out slightly. He was so glad he’d been there to make her eat. Her shoulders were thin and her small breasts lay flatly against her chest. Her pink nipples were contracted into tight points that were tipped up toward the ceiling. Short, brown hair sparsely shielded Charlotte’s privates. When she turned around to place the clothes on her suitcase, Benton could see her thin back where he could count her ribs. There were some thin marks across her back. “Was her bra too tight? What had caused those?” Finally, he let his eyes drop to the sweetest bottom that he’d ever seen. Small yet rounded, her buttocks stood out proudly.


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