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Charlotte: Dr. Richards' Littles 7

Page 5

by Pepper North

  Benton watched her hesitate by the bed. He could almost read her mind as she debated whether she should sleep on the bed. Finally, he saw her pull back the covers and slide into bed. She jumped up to turn off the lights and hesitated by the bed again. Charlotte sat down and started to rotate her legs under the covers when she jumped up again. She raced over to her suitcase and pulled out her battered owl. “I almost forgot you, Hoot. I’ll never do that again. You get to sleep in a real bed with me, Hoot.” She pulled the covers up to her chin and said aloud, “Goodnight, Hoot! Goodnight, Mr. Gordon, wherever you are! I don’t know how I got this lucky to be here but let’s enjoy it, Hoot.”

  Benton watched her fall asleep in just a few minutes. She was exhausted by all the changes and her hard work that day. Benton decided that he needed to go take a cold shower as he adjusted his erection that had thrust upward almost immediately upon seeing Charlotte drop the towel. He stripped off his clothes before stepping into the frigid water. He was there for a long time as he battled his arousal.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The next day, Charlotte again was at the front door when Benton arrived to unlock the door. “I just got here. I promise,” Charlotte said in a rush when she saw his eyebrows raise in anger. “Look I brought lunch!” Charlotte held up a red apple.

  “That’s a good start. What else did you bring?” Benton asked. When she looked at him blankly, he took the apple. “I’ll keep this safe for you. Go get one of those sandwiches and put it in a plastic sandwich bag in the drawer next to the silverware. Did you eat breakfast?” When she nodded, he continued “What did you eat?”

  Charlotte’s eyes grew wide. She stumbled over her words looking at the concrete below his feet. “I ate a brownie. I’m sorry. They smelled so good. I should have brought them to the break room so everyone could enjoy the. I’ll bring them down with the sandwich.”

  “That’s not going to work, Charlotte.” Benton waited until she snuck a glance up to his face to see how angry he was. “Leave those brownies in your kitchen. I may want one for dessert tonight if they were so good that you could smell them through the plastic wrap. But get a banana to eat before you start working. You need a little nutrition to help you focus on your work.” The sudden paling of her cheeks puzzled him. She probably was worried that she’d be late but he’d keep an eye on her. Benton turned and unlocked the door. “You’ve got 30 minutes before your shift starts. Go! Remember, sandwich and banana. I’m holding your apple hostage.”

  Charlotte bolted around the building and up the stairs to unlock the apartment. She picked up the other half of sandwich and put it in a plastic bag before cautiously picking up a banana that was in her fruit bowl. Charlotte hated bananas. When she was four, bananas were the only thing that she was allowed to eat. She could force it down but it would make her sick. “Can I tell Mr. Gordon or will he think I’m not thankful for all the food that he’s provided?” she questioned herself as she locked the door again and walked rapidly to the front door of the store. Entering she went to the back and placed her sandwich in the employee refrigerator. Charlotte clocked in for the day and heard a voice from the office.

  “Eat your banana, Charlotte,” Benton reminded her.

  Charlotte looked at the banana and her shoulders rounded. She peeled it and took the first bite. Immediately her mind and body began to reject it. She braced herself against the wall and just tried to swallow it as fast as possible to avoid the sticky, sweet taste. When she’d gotten that first bite down, she tried again. This time, she hunched over holding her stomach with one hand and the other over her mouth trying desperately to keep from vomiting.

  Benton glanced up through the one-way window and immediately ran out of the office and to Charlotte’s side. He led her over to the trash can and told her sharply, “Spit that out!” When he saw her still trying to swallow the banana, he pulled her hand away from her mouth and pried her jaw apart to scoop the banana out of her mouth. He took the rest of the banana from her hand and threw it in the trash as well. Leading Charlotte to the bathroom, he made her rinse her mouth out before pulling her into his office. He closed the door. Benton sat down in his chair and pulled her onto his lap. He held her for several minutes until his blood pressure dropped.

  “What were you doing, Charlotte? Do you not like bananas?” he asked softly. When she shook her had “no” violently, Benton asked, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I didn’t want to waste the food you’d spent good money to buy. I’m sorry about the banana. There’s one more in the basket upstairs. I’ll go get it and I’ll eat that one later. My stomach’s just a little weak in the morning,” Charlotte spoke softly.

  “I don’t want to ever see you eat a banana again. Or anything else that makes you sick or that you don’t like. I’m upset that you thought I’d require you eat something that makes you sick. I’m angry that you didn’t tell me,” Benton spoke sternly.

  Charlotte simply dropped her head down on his shoulder. “I’m sorry.”

  “I think you need something to remind you to talk to me. I’m afraid I’ll have to punish you,” Benton decided.

  “I’ll be glad to stay tonight and scrub the floors. There’s a bucket and a small hand brush in the storeroom,” Charlotte suggested.

  “No, I don’t want you to scrub the floors. Your time off is yours to watch TV, take a bath, whatever you like. Your punishment is going to be a spanking. Stand up, Charlotte,” he helped her to her feet and his hands went to her waistband. She stood as stiff as a soldier at review as Benton unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans. He pulled her jeans and underwear down to her knees. Charlotte’s hands flew to cover her eyes. Benton turned her around to face his lap and pressed on her shoulders so that she assumed a position laying over his lap with her small, pale bottom displayed in the bright florescent light.

  “I’m so sorry. Do you have to spank me?” Charlotte asked with tears in her eyes and her voice.

  “Don’t you think you’ve earned this spanking, Charlotte?” he asked the distraught woman as he laid his large hand on top of her bottom.

  The heat from his hand felt like lava on her exposed bottom. “I guess so. I should have told you. I’m really sorry,” she said hopefully.

  “I’m glad you’re sorry, Charlotte. Don’t do this again. Talk to me next time,” Benton warned. Without any warning, Benton’s hand raised and lowered smartly spanking her quivering bottom. Benton spanked the entire surface of her bottom and the back of her legs until everything as a bright pink color. Hearing Charlotte cry, Benton stopped spanking and rubbed her bottom softly. “Ten minutes in the corner and then, all will be forgiven.” He lifted Charlotte to her feet and pointed to the corner. When she started to pull up her pants, he stopped her, “Your pants have to stay down until I tell you to pull them up. Your red bottom is to be on display in the corner. Walk over there now, please. Your ten minutes doesn’t start until you’re in the corner.” He watched her waddle awkwardly to the corner and press her arms and nose into the walls.

  Benton shuffled papers behind her randomly so that she would think that he was hard at work. In truth, he was trying to both recover from seeing Charlotte make herself physically ill by following his directions. What kind on life had she led? After several minutes that he was sure felt like an eternity to Charlotte, Benton walked over to her corner and turned her around to face him. At the sight of her pale, tear streaked face, he pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly to his muscular body. He smiled as he felt her snuggle closer into his arms. Finally, he pulled back and wiped her face with a tissue before making her blow her nose. Benton pulled her underwear up and then her jeans, zipping and buttoning them into place.

  On the other side of the mirror, they could hear other workers coming in, chatting, and placing their lunches in the refrigerator before clocking in for work. Charlotte started to move to the office door but Benton pulled her over to his office chair. After he sat down, he lifted her to sit in his chair. “Charlotte, I ha
ve never spanked an employee in this office. Hell, I’ve never spanked an employee before. I’m going to be very honest with you and I want you to be very honest with me. Okay?” He waited to see her nod her head slowly. “From the moment, I met you at the gate, you have been more important to me than just an employee. I don’t know about your background and what brought you to me but I’m very glad you’re here and I hope someday you will trust me enough to tell me your story. You know what kind of business I run. Age play is not just for my clientele. I have been searching for my own Little to take care of, to protect, and to cherish. In such a short time, my heart has decided that you are the one for me. I want you to answer honestly. This will have no effect on your job or on your ability to live in your apartment. Do you feel anything for me? Would you be interested letting me take care of you?” Benton’s heart froze as he watched for a reaction from Charlotte.

  After a couple of minutes, Charlotte slowly raised her eyes to look at him. “I wouldn’t have tried to eat that banana for anyone else. For reasons I don’t understand, I want to make you proud of me. I didn’t like the spanking but it showed me that you care. I haven’t had many people in my life that care. I’m not sure about everything involved in age play but what I’ve seen in only one day has shown me that these people really care about each other and they are truly happy. If I was lucky enough to find someone that would care for me like that, I’d be really clueless not to see if I could be that happy too. Can we take it slow?” she asked.

  Benton pulled her face to his and kissed her softly. “We can take it snail slow, Little girl.” His heart seemed to skip a beat as she leaned in to kiss him again and then, pulled back to smile at him. “Okay, smiley. It’s time we stopped hiding in here. I’ve got a store to run and you’ve got a cash register that’s gathering dust.” He lifted her to her feet and patted her on her bottom. Hearing her catch her breath when he reminded her of her spanking with just a light touch, “Off to work, sweetheart before I have to give you another reminder.” As she turned to leave, Benton added, “And Charlotte, eat this for breakfast on your way.” He threw her a granola bar. “Eat it all. Not just one bite, right?”

  She grinned at him again and tore open the package taking a big bite and chewing as she walked to her register. She shook her head as she replayed all the events of the morning. Soon, she was so busy that she didn’t have time to think. Charlotte took all her breaks as directed and ate her sandwich for lunch. She smiled when Benton placed her apple carefully in front of her to eat at lunch. He stood and chatted with the small group at lunch before heading back to his office. “It’s pretty awesome to have someone checking on me,” Charlotte thought as she floated back to her register.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Benton had dinner with Charlotte for the next couple of days. Before he left, Benton would pack a lunch for her to bring the next day. Every morning, he checked to make sure she’d eaten something for breakfast. The store was closed on Mondays and Tuesdays so Charlotte and most of the other employees would have those days off. Charlotte had already volunteered to help with restocking the shelves on her days off. Her boss had told her a definite “No.”

  Sunday night when the store closed, Charlotte walked slowly up the stairs to her apartment. Benton was checking on inventory with the stockers so he hadn’t been able to come to dinner. She walked into the beautiful space and felt a little lonely. “What am I doing? I’m used to being by myself,” she talked to the air and she shook herself mentally before wandering into the bathroom. “I’ll take a bath. That’s always a treat,” she decided as she started the water. She hesitated before pouring in a little bubble bath. Benton had told her to use anything she wanted in the apartment. It was okay to use a little of the fragrant suds.

  Charlotte undressed in the bedroom and decided to throw all her clothes into the washer so they would be ready to wear on Wednesday. She scurried down the hall naked to turn off the water and slide into the warm tub. Leaning back, Charlotte closed her eyes and just soaked in the tub. She lost track of how long she had been in the tub but the water was starting to get chilly. Charlotte began to lift herself out of the bathtub when she heard Benton’s hello from the hall. She froze in the water and stared at the door knob as it started to turn. “I’m in the bathtub, Mr. Gordon. I’ll be out soon,” she called quickly.

  “If you’ve been in that tub for as long as I think you’ve been in that tub, you must be getting cold, Little girl,” Benton said gently as he entered the bathroom. He opened the cabinet and pulled out a fluffy towel. Unfolding it as he walked to the tub, Benton held it out in front of him and said, “Come on, Charlotte. Time to get out of the bathtub.” He waited for her to decide what to do and kept his eyes on hers to reassure her.

  Finally realizing that the suds had evaporated and nothing was covering her but water anyway, Charlotte took a deep breath and stood up. Benton wrapped her in the warm towel and lifted her from the tub. Rubbing her skin gently but briskly, Benton dried her off thoroughly before asking where her nightgown was.

  “I put it in the washing machine,” said Charlotte quietly before adding, “with the rest of my clothes.”

  “All of your clothes are in the washing machine, Little girl?” he asked smiling at her embarrassment.

  “I have my interview suit,” Charlotte began.

  Benton interrupted her. “Nope, that’s not anything to wear to lounge around the house in the evening.” He stretched an arm over his head and pulled his tee-shirt over his head. “I’m glad I changed from my Gordon’s attire before I came up.” He pulled the tee-shirt over her head and dropping the damp towel, he let it slide over her thin frame. “It’s only gigantic on you but it will keep you warmer than a towel.”

  Charlotte held the sides of the extra-large man’s tee-shirt away from her hips and smiled. “It’s like a dress. And it’s already warm,” she danced around holding the hem like a shirt.

  Benton laughed at her antics. “Little girl, you make me happy.” He lifted her off her dancing feet and turned around with her while they both laughed at each other. Stopping so she wouldn’t get dizzy, Benton supported her with one strong arm under her pert, bare bottom. With the free hand, he pulled her head close and kissed her deeply. “Mmmmm, you smell good.” Holding her back away so that he could see her face clearly, he asked, “Have you eaten dinner?” She shook her head “no.” “Me, neither. What do you think about pizza? I’ll call and order one if you tell me what you like and what you don’t like on a pizza.”

  Charlotte wiggled in his arms and pushed against his bare chest to get him to put her down. “You’re not going anywhere, Little girl,” was the response from the half-dressed man. “If you don’t like pizza, we can order anything else you like. Mexican, Chinese, what’s your favorite,” Benton asked carrying her over to sit down with her snuggly held on his lap.

  “I don’t know. I don’t eat out very much,” Charlotte admitted. “It’s too expensive. Save your money. I can make us some cereal or a sandwich.”

  Benton hugged her to his chest. “I know you’ve missed out on a lot of normal, life things. I don’t want cereal. We can have that for breakfast tomorrow. Tonight, we deserve a treat. You know that I can afford to buy a lot of pizza, right?”

  Charlotte leaned back and traced her finger through the muscled grooves in his exposed torso. She couldn’t meet his eyes. “I don’t want you to spend more money on me. I’m costing you too much. You’ll get tired of me mooching off you. Really, I’m happy with cereal.”

  Benton flattened her hand against his warm flesh. “I’m never going to get tired of you. You are the sunshine in my life. I want pizza. I have a feeling you’ll love pizza. So, now all we have to decide is what to put on the pizza before one of us dies from hunger.” Just on cue, Charlotte’s stomach rumbled loudly. Benton slipped his hand under the tee-shirt and rubbed her bare tummy. “See, you’re already starting to perish from lack of Italian nutrition. Now, what do you like? I want everything but I�
�ll give up something if you hate an ingredient. Just don’t tell me you hate pepperoni because that’s just not fair,” he smiled at her.

  “I love pepperoni!” Charlotte confessed peeking up at him. “I’m pretty much a hot pepper wimp.”

  “If you don’t tell anyone else, I am, too. I cry like a baby as my mouth burns,” he whispered. When Charlotte started giggling at the thought of this big man crying over peppers, he joined her. Benton hadn’t known how lonely his life was until Charlotte came into his life. He didn’t plan on ever letting her go.

  That night after eating delicious, hot pizza dressed only in a tee-shirt while the man she was falling in love with wore his low-slung jeans, Charlotte decided that her life couldn’t get much better. She wondered how she had gotten so lucky. That night, Benton unwrapped a toothbrush from the stock of new ones in the bathroom. Charlotte liked the look of his toothbrush in the holder next to hers. The apartment seemed more like a home.

  Benton tucked Charlotte into the crisp sheets on the bed before laying down himself on top of the covers to sleep. He wasn’t going to leave his Little girl but he wanted her to sleep comfortably. Benton pretended to be asleep when Charlotte tiptoed out of bed later to pull her stuffed owl, Hoot, out of the suitcase. He knew she never slept without it. Returning, Charlotte curled on her side and wiggled over under the covers to press her back against his warm side. Benton turned over in his pretend sleep to pull her firmly against his body. He held his breath to see what she would do. He relaxed when he felt her kiss his arm stretched over her shoulder. They both fell asleep with Charlotte wrapped in his arms.


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