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Charlotte: Dr. Richards' Littles 7

Page 7

by Pepper North

  “No, I’m not enjoying it. Please stop,” Charlotte begged.

  Benton withdrew his inserted finger from her rectum and Charlotte relaxed until she felt the tip of the cold thermometer dip into her rectum. He slid it in as deep as possible and held it in place as she squirmed. The thick thermometer was a little larger than his finger. He was glad he’d helped her adjust to his finger first.

  “It’s too big. Take it out, Benton,” Charlotte asked squirming.

  “Call me, Daddy, Charlotte. Daddy will take the thermometer out in ten minutes. It needs to stay in your bottom until it can read your temperature. Let’s see if I can distract you.” Benton began to rub his fingers lightly in the slippery moisture betraying her. He dipped a finger in her vagina and heard her moan. “You’re so tight, sweetheart. Have you let anyone touch you here before?”

  Charlotte shook her head restlessly back and forth. “Noooooooo.”

  “Daddy knows what to do to make his Little girl happy,” Benton reassured her as he focused his caresses and probing fingers on her sensitive entrance and on her clitoris. Hearing her breath deepen and begin to catch in her chest. Benton continued to play in her slick essence helping her focus her attention on her inflamed core.

  “Daddy, Daddy, Daddy,” Charlotte began to chant. “Please don’t stop.”

  Benton knew that she was close. He slowly began to rotate the thermometer in her bottom one way and then back. He saw her muscles contract and she moaned deeply. “What a beautiful Little girl! See how Daddy helps his little girl feel good.” Finally, he removed his fingers from her and let her relax from her stimulation. Finally, the ten minutes was up and Benton withdrew the thermometer. He lifted it up to eye level and rotated it so read the temperature.

  Charlotte looked back and turned brilliant red. The entire end of the thermometer was clogged with fecal matter. She looked down at the padding in embarrassment.

  Benton patted her on the shoulder. “It’s okay, Charlotte. You don’t have to be embarrassed around Daddy. He’s going to know every little nook and cranny on your cute body. I am concerned about the poop on the thermometer. Have you gone to the bathroom lately?” She shook her head “no” keeping her eyes closed. “Does your tummy hurt?” he asked softly.

  “Yes,” Charlotte whispered. “I always have trouble . . .” she paused trying to use the right words.

  “Pooping?” he asked.

  Charlotte looked up at him expecting to see him laughing at her. Instead he was looking at her with concern and rubbing her tummy softly. “Yes. My tummy usually hurts for a while and then I can go.”

  “Daddy’s going to take care of his Little girl. I’m going to wash all that poop out of your bottom. Have you ever had an enema?” he asked Charlotte.

  “No. But a lot of Little’s parents have been buying enema kits since I came to work at the store. The Littles are always very quiet. I don’t think they like them,” she reported.

  “Enemas are important for Little tummies. Did anyone tell you how they feel afterward?” he probed.

  “Yes.” Charlotte was quiet for several seconds. “They always feel better after. They talk about playing and going to get ice cream. It’s like a big celebration after they have an enema.” Charlotte looked at him seriously. “Will it help my tummy feel better?”

  “Yes, sweetheart. It will help your tummy. You just relax and Daddy will get your enema all put together so that your tummy will be happy,” he patted her on the shoulder and left her on the changing table for a couple of minutes.

  Charlotte heard a rustle and clank of things behind her. She couldn’t rotate all around to see.

  When her Daddy to her side, he slowly released her waist and knees and picked her up. He walked over to an apparatus on the side of the room and set her on her feet. “You won’t need your nightie for this, Charlotte.” Benton pulled over her head leaving her naked. He ran a hand down her back and cupped her bottom. “Let’s make this bottom feel better. Climb up here, sweetie. Put your knees on these platforms and your forearms here.” He helped lifting her into position and restraining her with straps holding her secure. “Now, you won’t fall off. You’ll feel your Daddy’s finger in your bottom. Relax. I’m just spreading a little lubricant around.” Benton held his finger in place until she relaxed. Quickly, he removed his finger and replaced it by the wide nozzle. It was larger in the middle and narrow at both ends. He pressed it in and pulled it out slightly until her bottom relaxed enough for the largest section to ease through. He heard her sigh in relief when her anus was able to tighten around the narrower top section. He released the clamp and saw her jolt as the warm water began to flow inside.

  “Ooooohhh,” moaned Charlotte.

  “What a good girl you are. The enema will clean out your tummy. Let Daddy know if your tummy starts to cramp. Sometimes, tummies get scared,” Benton rubbed her back.

  “Daddy, can you stop it? I can go to the bathroom now,” she promised.

  “No, Charlotte. Your tummy needs more medicine. Here, let me rub your tummy to help.” He slowly rubbed her tummy, from right to high to left to low, helping the enema spread deeply in her tummy. Finally, they heard the gurgle of the last of the water flowing out of the enema bag.

  “What’s that?” Charlotte asked urgently. “Can I go to the bathroom now?”

  “That’s just the enema bag singing a song to announce it’s empty. You’ll need to let the enema medicine soak into your tummy for a while,” Benton explained.

  “I don’t think I can. I really need to go now,” Charlotte insisted.

  “Not yet, Charlotte,” Benton repeated.

  “Are you a doctor? How do you know that the enema needs to stay inside?” Charlotte said sharply. Smack, smack, smack! Charlotte felt three hard spankings on her spread buttocks, one on each cheek and the other directly over the inserted nozzle.

  “Watch your mouth, Charlotte. You are being insolent. You don’t want to have your bottom spanked until it’s red and then have to stand in the corner for additional time holding your enema. I can feel the chunks of poop in your intestines. Here’s one,” he pressed deeply into her water filled abdomen. “Here’s another and another. Do I need to point out all of them?”

  “No, Daddy. I’m sorry. I just really need to go to the bathroom,” she said urgently.

  “I know you do, baby. It’s okay. You’ll feel better soon. I do think you are right that you need to go see a doctor. I bet it’s been a long time since you’ve been to the doctor.” When Charlotte didn’t reply, he asked, “When was the last time you’ve been to the doctor?”

  “I don’t know,” she whispered.

  “I’ll make an appointment with Dr. Richards. He’s a great doctor and everyone goes to him.” Benton began to press his fingers into the slick fluid between her thighs. “I think your body is enjoying your enema. You’re soaked little girl. How about if Daddy helps you forget about your enema.” He pressed a finger deep in her tight vagina moving slowly in and out searching for all the pleasurable areas to caress. It did not take long until Charlotte was raising her hips and pressing back toward his hand. When she squealed in pleasure as she orgasmed strongly, Benton could see the enema nozzle bobbling in her rectum as she pulled the cleansing water deeper. Finally, she went limp on the supporting enema horsie.

  Benton waited for a few minutes more until twenty minutes had elapsed and he deemed it time for her to expel her enema. He released her restraining bonds and lifted her to her feet. He had her walk slowly over to the potty chair and then, he pulled the nozzle from her rectum letting her drop to the potty as the cleanser and water burst from her bottom.

  Charlotte dropped her face into her hands to hide as Benton watched her expel the enema. A terrible smell came from the basin below her. They both heard a torrent of water with loud plops come from her bottom. Finally, the sounds stopped. A fan came on and whisked the smell out of the room. Charlotte looked up at her Daddy and said, “I can’t believe all that was inside of me.

  “You needed that enema,” he said solemnly. “How does your bottom feel?”

  “It burns inside, Daddy. Can you make it stop burning?” she asked.

  “Yes, sweetheart.” He helped her up and wiped her bottom thoroughly. Picking her up, he carried her back to the enema horsie. When she started begging not to get another enema, Benton said, “You don’t have to get another enema, sweetheart. But the only thing that will make it not sting is to wash out the medicine. It’s done its job and can be washed away. Do you want another enema?”

  Charlotte waited several seconds as she danced around with her bottom stinging. “Yes,” she sighed. “Please make it stop stinging.”

  Benton secured her back in place and prepared another enema. This time he added a larger quantity of warm water and a soothing agent to remove the sting. He lubricated and slid the nozzle into place. “This is a little different nozzle. It has to hold everything inside so it’s going to inflate inside you. You’ll feel just a little pressure.” He inflated it until he saw her begin to squirm then he started the flow of the liquid.

  “Ooooohhh! That feels so much better. Thank you, Daddy.” Charlotte rested against the supports limply. “Will I always have to have two enemas?” she asked softly.

  “Your cute bottom is really sensitive. This doesn’t surprise me. Yes, Charlotte. You’ll always need additional enemas to help your bottom,” Benton said honestly.

  “Additional enemas?” she asked. “I may need more than two enemas?”

  “I think one more will help you today but I can’t guarantee it. You’ll tell me if you need another enema, okay? Your bottom’s in charge,” he explained. Benton went to remove the basin below the potty chair. Leaving the room to dump it in the toilet, Benton was surprised to see how much fecal material that Charlotte had stuffed inside her. His cute Little definitely needed to have a regular schedule for enemas. Her system needed help. He emptied the basin and replaced it in the potty chair. He went to Charlotte’s side and rubbed her tummy in a circular pattern again until he saw her relax as the water began to flow deeply into her intestinal track. That soothing agent helped everything slid into place easily. She’d be able to take the larger enema without a problem. Patting her on the bottom, Benton walked out of the room and called to make an appointment with Dr. Richards next week.

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Charlotte began working on her ideas for the display at Gordon’s. She wanted to do something special. She talked to the Mommies and Daddies that came through her checkout lane who were buying medical supplies or not. She found many were interested in supporting their Little’s health but didn’t know what some of the items were or how they could be used. Charlotte kept her ideas to herself. She didn’t want to tell Benton until she had a solid plan in place. That plan went through a radical change when Charlotte’s appointment to see Dr. Richards rolled around the next week.

  Benton clicked the safety harness in place holding Charlotte securely in place in her new child seat in the back seat. He watched Charlotte squirm around in the restrictive harness through his rearview mirror.

  “Daddy? Can’t I sit in the front with you? I don’t like it here in the back seat?” Charlotte whined.

  “You are safer in the back seat, Charlotte. You are too important to risk your safety by sitting in the front with me. I can hear you fine,” Benton reassured his Little girl.

  Charlotte kicked her feet up hitting the back of the front passenger seat. “Daddy, something’s poking me. I think it’s going to leave a bruise. Can I get out of this seat?” she asked looking very sad.

  Benton immediately pulled into a parking lot and got in the back seat. He unfastened the child seat harness and lifted Charlotte out of the seat on to his lap. He pulled her shirt up and said, “Show me where something was poking you?”

  Charlotte reached back and vaguely rubbed the lower left side of her back. “Here, Daddy. It really felt bad.”

  Benton checked the car seat and could not find anything that was rough or that could have poked Charlotte. “Show me again where your seat was poking you?”

  Rubbing the lower right side of her back, Charlotte said, “It was right here. I really hurt. Can I sit in the front with you? Please?”

  Benton was glad his car had tinted windows. He pulled down Charlotte’s jeans and panties. Turning her over so that her bottom was exposed. He ignored her protests and questions and began to spank her. His large hand spanked across all the surfaces of her exposed bottom turning her skin first pink and then, red.

  Finally, Charlotte admitted through her tears. “I’m sorry, Daddy. Nothing was poking me. I just wanted to sit in front with you not in the awful car seat. I won’t lie again.”

  Benton kept spanking until he felt Charlotte wilt over his lap. He looked at the bright red bottom and said, “Charlotte, I will not tolerate lies. If you choose to lie to me in the future, your punishment will be much worse than a spanking.” He lifted her off his lap settling her bare, red bottom back in the car seat with her jeans and panties dangling around her ankles. He reattached the harness securely.

  Stepping out of the backseat, Benton slid back in the driver’s seat and without further comment he put the car in gear and merged back into traffic. Silence hung thickly inside the car broken only by sniffs from the Little girl in the back. When he reached Dr. Richard’s home office, Benton stopped at the security keypad and entered a special code to open the gate. A voice greeted him as the gate slid open.

  “Welcome, Benton. Dr. Richards is looking forward to meeting your special Little girl. Please come down the drive.”

  Benton steered the car through the wide gate and down the tree lined drive. As he turned the corner, the immense mansion came into view and he heard Charlotte gasp. He parked in the lot and got out of the car to open the back door. Immediately, he saw the remorse written all over his Little girl’s face.

  Charlotte began to speak very quickly, “I’m so sorry that I lied. I just wanted to sit next to you like a grown up. I’m scared to go see the Little doctor. I don’t like going as an adult to the doctor. What’s he going to do to me? Will you be with me? You won’t leave me, will you?”

  Benton calmly unbuckled the harness and lifted Charlotte out of the child seat and out of the car. Holding her body pressed to his with her knees splayed around his hips, Benton kissed Charlotte tenderly. “I know you’re sorry you lied.” He patted the bare, red bottom with one hand gaining a gasp from her. “My job as your Daddy is to keep you safe and to give you consequences if you are naughty. Lying is naughty so your bottom is red. I know you’re scared to see the doctor. Dr. Richards is a wonderful doctor and man. He is going to take wonderful care of you. Have you heard anything negative about him from any of the customers at Gordon’s?” When she shook her head “no,” he continued, “I am going to be with you at all times. Okay? Can we go see the doctor now?”

  “If you’re going to be with me, I’m okay, Daddy.” Charlotte whispered.

  Benton turned around and carried Charlotte up the stairs where a grey-haired man held the door open. “Hi, Paul. Have you meet my wonderful Little girl, Charlotte?”

  “I have heard great things about you from all the Mommies and Daddies brought their Littles to see Dr. Richards. You are the most popular cashier at Gordon’s,” Paul smiled at Charlotte. The entry way was empty except for a slender red-haired girl was coloring at a table in the entryway. Paul waved at his Little girl and continued, “I need to come in and do a little shopping myself. My daughter, Angelina, needs a few things. Have you gotten any new inflatable enema nozzles? I want one that has a double balloon inflation.”

  Angelina looked up horrified. “I don’t need an enema. I’ve been a good girl and used my diaper. No, Daddy! Don’t go get another enema bag,” she pleaded.

  Paul ran his hand lightly down the back of her head smoothing her hair. “Angelina, I’m very proud of how well you’ve done using your diaper. The new nozzle isn’t to hurt you
, it’s to help my Little girl hold her enema easier without worrying about making a mess. All Little need enemas. It makes their tummies happier and helps keep them healthy.”

  “I’m sorry that we’ve upset your Little, Paul. We do have a new shipment of the double inflation nozzles in several sizes. Maybe if you bring Angelina in to shop at Gordon’s she can find something that she wants, too,” Benton smiled at the Little girl. She nodded and smiled back before starting to color again. “All Little girls like to shop.”

  “We’ll make it in soon, then. I have several things that I’d like to find,” Paul said with a smile. “Would Charlotte like to color with Angelina while she waits for the doctor? He’ll be ready to see her soon.”

  Charlotte looked at Benton and smiled, nodding her head. She loved coloring. “Please, Daddy?”

  Benton nodded and placed her in the empty seat on her punished bottom. He held her shoulder in place as she tried to jump to her feet and pull her jeans up. “You are not to leave this chair. I will come get you.” Benton leaned over pulled off her tennis shoes, underwear, and jeans. “You’ll need to take these off when you see the doctor. It’s better just to take them off now and let your naughty bottom cool down.” Benton followed Paul over to a desk with clipboards of papers and Benton sat down where he could see Charlotte and began to fill in the paper work.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  “Your bottom is really red,” Angelina said. “Did you do something wrong?” she asked as she handed Charlotte a coloring book of baby animals.

  “I lied to my Daddy,” Charlotte began sadly. “I didn’t want to sit in my car seat.” Charlotte flipped through the pages and decided to color a giraffe.


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