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Charlotte: Dr. Richards' Littles 7

Page 8

by Pepper North

  “I try never to lie to my Daddy. He has hard hands. Are you here for a checkup?” Angelina asked.

  “Mine has hard hands, too. This is my first time here and my first time seeing a doctor for a long time. Is Dr. Richards your doctor, too?” Angelina asked as she started coloring the giraffe’s spots brown.

  “Oh, yes! He’s a great doctor but he’s very thorough. He’ll examine all of you today if this is your first time. Are you afraid to see the doctor?” Angelina looked concerned. “He’s a very nice man. He has his own Little. Her name is Zoey. She’s awesome. You’ll like her. Everybody likes Zoey.”

  “I’m glad to meet other Littles. I didn’t know there were so many Littles until I started working at Gordon’s. I like everyone. They are so nice,” Charlotte smiled.

  “It’s nice to meet you, too. I’ll look forward to talking to you again even if I have to get a new enema nozzle. My bottom’s not going to like that. Oh, look! Here comes Dr. Richards and your Daddy. They must be ready for you,” Angelina pointed.

  Charlotte put down her crayon and looked around. Here came her huge Daddy with another handsome, muscular man wearing a white coat. She swallowed audibly. “Hi, Daddy. Hi, Dr. Richards?”

  “Hi, Charlotte. I am Dr. Richards. It’s good to meet you. You’ve been the buzz of the age-play community since you started working at Gordon’s. Maybe you’ll get to meet my Zoey. It’s her nap time right now but she should be awake after your exam. Will you come back with me to the exam room?” Dr. Richards smiled.

  Charlotte nodded slowly and let her Daddy help her down from the seat. Charlotte pulled her shirt down to try to cover her exposed bottom and her brown curls but it wasn’t long enough. Her face flamed red in embarrassment. Her Daddy took her hand and walked with her to Exam Room 1. Charlotte knew everyone could see her red bottom. She really shouldn’t have lied.

  Chapter Twenty-six

  Once in the exam room, Charlotte’s Daddy helped her remove all her remaining clothing leaving her nude. It was a little cool in the exam room and Charlotte’s nipples clenched immediately. Dr. Richards had her step on the scale and he recorded her weight and then, he asked her to stand really tall and put her shoulders back so he could get her height. After those measurements, he asked her to lay on her tummy on the exam table. Dr. Richard’s snapped on gloves and Charlotte heard a jar opening before her buttocks were separated and lubricant was pressed around and inside her clenched anus.

  “You need to relax, Charlotte.” Dr. Matt Richards directed before he pressed a large finger into Charlotte and held it in deep. He stood there chatting with Benton for several seconds until Charlotte finally relaxed her muscles. “Good girl, Charlotte.” He withdrew his finger and pressed a large thermometer deep into her rectum and cupped his hand around the end to hold it in place.

  Charlotte could feel the heat of the doctor’s hand on her bottom. Minutes ticked by as she waited for the thermometer to be pulled out. “Wait . . . what was that they just said?” Charlotte thought to herself. She’d been trying to forget where she was and had missed part of their conversation.

  “ . . . your penis in both her rectum and vagina regularly to protect Charlotte’s health and to connect with your Little girl. I often have Zoey sit on my lap with my penis inserted in her rectum when we watch TV or sometimes simply when she’s tired in the morning and I’m drinking my coffee. It’s a great way to bond together.”

  Charlotte couldn’t believe her ears as he continued. “Zoey’s a little thing as you know and we’ve had to work on stretching her rectum to allow her to be comfortable in accepting my penis. Studies show that Littles who have frequent orgasms are the happiest. Many Littles find anal stimulation to be very erotic. It can also be a very effective mode of punishment. I see that Charlotte made some poor decisions today and earned a spanking. I applaud you, Benton. It’s important for Littles for have rules to follow. I often had Zoey sit or stand in the corner after a spanking to think about what she has done and what other decisions she could have chosen. If her red bottom is filled with a large anal plug, she often is able to remember not to repeat her actions. You’ll need to try a variety of methods with Charlotte to find what works for her.

  “Thank you, Matt. I appreciate any advice you can share. I care seriously about Charlotte and our relationship. I want her to be healthy and happy,” Benton responded honestly.

  Charlotte felt the thermometer slide out of her bottom. She wiggled in relief. She froze immediately when she heard both men chuckle at her reaction. Benton patted her on her red bottom.

  “Charlotte, it’s time for you to sit up now,” Dr. Richards instructed. Both men watched Charlotte roll over and sit on the exam table in front of them. “Do you check your breasts every month, Charlotte?” he asked helping her move her hands behind her head?

  She blushed bright red to be sitting in front of the two totally clothed men in a position that thrust her small breast out. She mumbled a response that they didn’t catch as she looked to the ground in front of her.

  “Benton, I think that was no,” the doctor said gently. He waited and Charlotte nodded her head to confirm that she didn’t perform a self-exam every month. “You’ll need to take this over for her. Let me show you how best to conduct this exam. Follow my motions examining her left breast by touching her right breast in this pattern. First, stand back and visually examine her breasts for any bumps or dimples.”

  Charlotte kept her head down as they stepped in front of her. She then felt both men press strongly against her nipple looking for and discharge. They then began to pull strongly on her nipple. Charlotte moaned against her best efforts. It felt amazing to have this level of stimulation on both breasts at the same time. Again, she heard that pleased chuckle from the men and Benton pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head. She peeked up at him and received a big smile.

  “You’re my special Little girl, aren’t you, Charlotte,” her Daddy asked.

  Charlotte ducked her head again and said very clearly this time, “Yes, Daddy.” She felt the exam continue with both men pressing firmly against her sensitive breast tissue in a circular pattern. She felt the doctor press on her shoulder firmly with the instruction to lay back. Soon, she heard the crinkle of the paper on the exam table as her body was stretched prone. The exam was repeated and this time when her nipples were pulled, Charlotte felt her hips rise off the surface of the table in response to the arousing test. Finally, she heard the doctor ask Benton if he had any questions.

  “When should I examine her breasts?” Benton asked. “The first of the month so I don’t forget?”

  “It’s best to examine Charlotte’s breasts after her period has finished. That is when her breasts will be the least sensitive. As you can tell from her reaction today, Charlotte’s breasts are very responsive. You don’t want to cause her any pain during the exam. It should be pleasurable,” answered the doctor.

  “When do you normally have your period, Charlotte?” Dr. Richards asked picking up her chart.

  “Around the fifteenth of the month,” Charlotte didn’t think she could blush any more. “They’re not really regular.”

  “Benton, this is good for you to know. Little girls become more emotional and sensitive around their periods. Especially, if they are irregular. One great tool for helping prevent any accidents from periods is a diaper. It will absorb not only urine and feces, but menstrual blood as well. Has Charlotte been wearing a diaper now?” Dr. Richards asked.

  “She is not currently wearing a diaper but I’ve discovered that she has difficulty pooping and I hope you can help us with that. Her life has been pretty unstable and the availability of a toilet to use when she needs it has been very limited. I would like to see her use a diaper for all her needs,” Benton shared.

  Charlotte covered her face with her hands. She was so embarrassed. She never talked to anyone about her periods or any other bathroom needs. Her medical checkup had been very rudimentary dealing only with illnesses that require
d medical intervention. She felt Benton rubbing her shoulder to let her know that he was aware that she was uncomfortable. Charlotte tried to relax. If Benton was really going to be her Daddy, he would need to know all about her. Part of Charlotte was thrilled that he would want to be so involved with her that he was interested in all the messiness as well as the surface polished adult that she portrayed in public.

  Dr. Richards moved to begin pressing at key points on her abdomen. Each time he would ask, “Charlotte, do you feel any pain or discomfort here?”

  Charlotte was able to say no to most but when he pressed on a couple of places, her face gave her away as she winced. She could see him mentally mark that spot before moving on to the next.

  “Benton, when did you say Charlotte had her last enema?” Dr. Richards asked as he finished.

  “It was last week. Four days ago,” Benton answered.

  “I’m finding just what you suspected. Charlotte has a very sluggish digestive system that will need some help. We’ll come up with a regular schedule for you to treat this. How did she react to the enema?” the doctor asked bending Charlotte’s legs to place her feet in the widely spread stirrups at the sides of the exam table. He restrained them in place with a thick band. Dr. Richards snapped on a pair of pink, medical gloves. “Okay, Charlotte, I need you to lift your hips and move down until you touch my hand.” He held his hand slight below the bottom of the exam table. It took Charlotte a few wiggles to position herself correctly. “Good girl, Charlotte. Let’s make sure you’re secure in this position.” Dr. Richards pulled a thick strap across her ribcage to hold her in place.

  “Charlotte, have you ever had a pelvic exam?” the doctor asked gently.

  Charlotte shook her head “no,” and whispered, “I don’t need one, right?”

  “Definitely, Little girls need to have a thorough exam to keep them healthy. I’m going to check everything each time you visit so that we can keep you well. It’s important for you to relax during the exam. You may feel excited as I touch different parts of you. That is very normal. I would like to see you orgasm so that I can make sure that you have healthy sexual responses. Your Daddy’s here to make sure that you are okay. If you want to hold his hand, I’m sure he would love it,” Dr. Richards explained.

  Charlotte felt her Daddy’s hand take hers gingerly. Charlotte immediately gripped his hand as her life line. This position spread her legs completely. She tried to bend in her knees to shield herself from the two men’s view but Dr. Richards quickly restrained her knees to the supportive stirrups.

  “Now, none of that Charlotte. I need to be able to see all of you. Benton, please feel free to watch. A lot of this exam could be completed at home as well for preventative measures. Okay, Charlotte, you will feel me begin to examine your outer labia and then, your inner labia,” the doctor explained as he began to touch his gloved hands on her intimate folds. He brushed her clitoris regularly as he examined her. “Benton, you will notice that we can tell that Charlotte is very aroused. This clear, slick fluid is produced by her body to allow her to enjoy intercourse.” He began to spread the fluid all over her inner labia pulling and pressing until Charlotte couldn’t resist wiggling under his fingers. Dr. Richards pressed one large finger into her vagina and rotated it around to feel her tight passage way. When Charlotte moaned, he sat down on a stool between her legs and opened a drawer to pull out a speculum.

  “I am going to use a small speculum because my digital exam revealed that Charlotte has not had sexual intercourse.” Dr. Richards said quietly. He slid the metallic speculum fully into Charlotte’s vagina and spread the instrument fully locking it into place. Pulling the lamp into position, he stared at the view revealed by the speculum. He quickly performed a pap smear and prepared the slides for the lab. “Would you like to see the interior of Charlotte’s vagina, Benton?” the doctor stood and allowed Benton to take a seat on the stool.

  Benton rubbed the inside of Charlotte’s thigh to comfort her before adjusting the lamp and looking inside at her vaginal passage and her cervix. “What a beautiful, Little girl you are inside and out, Charlotte. Doctor are there any specific spots you see that would respond strongly to stimulation?”

  “Definitely,” he leaned closer to Charlotte’s pelvis. “Of course, you already know that the clitoris is a bundle of nerves that are very sensitive. You can see that Charlotte’s clitoris is slightly more pronounced than the average woman. If I brush it softly, you will see her reaction,” Dr. Richards said as the two men heard Charlotte take a very quick breath in. “If you press on it, you will get a stronger reaction.” Again, he illustrated his instructions by pressing on and holding pressure on her clitoris. Charlotte arched off the exam table. “Too much pressure will stress her reactions so soft or tapping motions would be the best.” He began tapping slowly and then rapidly on her clitoris. Both men smiled as Charlotte gasped and all her muscles clenched as she orgasmed strongly.

  “Good girl, Charlotte,” her Daddy praised as he watched the inserted speculum bobble in place with her contractions. Again, he rubbed her inner thigh to comfort her.

  “If you look inside, Charlotte has a very narrow channel. Stimulation with one finger in and out will touch all the areas of her vagina. She will have some difficulty having intercourse with a man of any size. I’m assuming that your penis is proportional to your size and height. You will need to stimulate Charlotte to orgasm before trying to ease your penis into place. She is definitely a Little. You’ll have to take care but she is so responsive, I have no doubt that she will love the special care that her Daddy can give her.” Dr. Richards motioned Benton to change places with him.

  “Charlotte, I’m going to withdraw the speculum now.” With a click the speculum slid from her body and Charlotte melted onto the exam table. Dr. Richards warned, “A little poke here at your urethra, Charlotte. Just relax. I’m going to check your bladder and obtain a urine sample.”

  Charlotte gasped as a thin device slid into her tiny urethra and then expanded inside of her. Suddenly, she was not in control of her bladder and she heard urine splashing into a container. She squealed, “I don’t like this.”

  Her Daddy rubbed her tummy in circles. “You’re fine, Charlotte. I’m right here. Dr. Richards is just checking over all of you.”

  “All done, Charlotte,” the doctor said releasing the catheter and pulling it slowly from her urethra. “Final spot to check, Charlotte. You’re going to feel my finger enter your rectum. Just relax for me,” the doctor urged.

  Charlotte squeezed Benton’s hand as the doctor’s finger slid in deep and he began to move it around inside her tight channel. She bucked upward as far as she could due to the restraints at her ribcage and knees when he pressed a finger from his other hand into her vagina and explored the wall between them. She chanted, “Oh, please, please, pull them out, please. . . “

  Benton began to rub her tummy to soothe her. He ran one hand down between her legs to press lightly on her clitoris. He nodded his head in agreement when Dr. Richards smiled his approval. He could hear when Charlotte’s focus changed from the invasion of the exam to the pleasure of his touch. His Little girl did enjoy feeling aroused. He continued to touch her until Dr. Richards finished his exam and withdrew his fingers.

  As he withdrew his caresses, Charlotte begged, “Don’t stop. Please, don’t stop, Daddy!”

  Rubbing her tummy again to sooth her, Benton promised. “I’ll touch you more but first the doctor needs to finish his exam. Soon, sweetheart.”

  “All I need is to draw some blood to complete the exam and we can begin treatment,” Dr. Richards pronounced as he gathered the syringe and the vials to draw the blood. He expertly cleaned the area and inserted the needle filling the vials quickly. “What a good girl, you are, Charlotte. You are a lucky man, Benton.” He wrote her name on each vial and place the blood and urine samples in the testing bin. “We’ll get back the results next week. I’ll use those to customize a vitamin regimen for Charlotte as well a
s treat anything else that appears in the results.”

  “Are you done with me? Can I get up now?” Charlotte asked hopefully.

  “Not quite yet, Charlotte,” Dr. Richards answered. He pressed back on the uncomfortable spots on Charlotte’s tummy. “Charlotte, these sore places are the result of your bowels not ridding your body of excrement in an efficient manner. This is very common for many people. We don’t eat the right things or drink enough water. There can be many causes. The important thing is that we need to solve this problem. The easy way is to help the body rid itself of waste. Do you understand?”

  Charlotte nodded. “It makes sense. My stomach does bother me sometimes. So, do you have a medicine I can take to fix it?”

  “I do,” Dr. Richards reassured her. “Your Daddy has already used it to start treating your problem.”

  “No, not the enema. I don’t like them,” Charlotte whined.

  “I hear that from many of my patients before an enema but most feel better after having one. Did you feel better after your Daddy gave you an enema?” Dr. Richards asked seriously.

  Charlotte started to shake her head “no,” but her Daddy placed one hand on her exposed bottom and squeezed the reddened flesh reminding her what happens when she lies. Charlotte froze and then answered truthfully, “It really stung inside. Daddy had to give me two rinses to stop it from stinging. But . . . but my stomach did feel better the next day. I really don’t like them. Couldn’t I just have a pill to take?”

  “Unfortunately, pills do not solve this problem as easily as an enema so I’m going to set up a schedule for you to have regular enemas. They’ll be frequent at first and then, we’ll alter the schedule as your system becomes more regular. I’m going to ask you to come in every week for a while, Benton. Will this work for you?” the doctor looked at the big man holding the Little’s hand.

  “Of course, Doctor. Charlotte is my priority now,” Benton answered without hesitating. He watched Charlotte sag onto the exam table. He could read her mind. His Little girl didn’t want any more enemas, especially enemas on a regular basis. “She’ll get used to them,” he thought to himself. “And she’ll feel so much better.”


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