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Charlotte: Dr. Richards' Littles 7

Page 11

by Pepper North

  Shivering in the brisk breeze, Zoey huddled into the cubby hole. She’d wait until morning and press the speaker button again. If she couldn’t get an appointment with Dr. Richards, she’d start the long trek home tomorrow. Leaving it in the hands of the fates, she exhaustedly fell asleep.

  Find out what happens to Zoey: Dr. Richards’ Littles 1 at

  Excerpt of Jake: Dr. Richards’ Littles 4

  By Pepper North

  “Jake Edwards, 33, construction company owner,” Anne read from his chart. He was 6’4” and 200 pounds. She made a note to herself that she’d never be able to move this patient by herself. He was currently in the ICU following several hours of surgery and was expected to remain there for at least three days before being transferred to the orthopedic floor. She glanced up. Jake was in traction. Both repaired legs were supported by black leg braces and suspended off the surface of the mattress to relieve the pressure of the injuries from lying on the bed while maintaining the repairs in alignment to speed correct healing.

  “The next few weeks were going to be tough on Jake Edwards,” she thought. He was young and healthy. He’s make a full recovery but he’d need a lot of care and loving help. There were no family members listed and the only person that had appeared at the ICU entrance to ask to see him was an older man that identified himself as the patient’s foreman and friend. He’s been turned away as only family were allowed in the ICU but Anne had hurried to the window to get his name and phone number. She’d smuggle him in if Jake wanted to see him. Her priority was to her patients and sometimes the rules had to be broken to allay the worries that impeded healing.

  The tall, blond nurse turned down the sheet covering Jake’s torso. She mentally noted his wide chest and lack of hair. “Someone is waxed regularly,” she chucked to herself. She was not a fan of hairy chests preferring the smoothness and youthfulness of a hair-free man. Anne checked to make sure the monitoring electrodes were still firmly attached on his chest and accidentally brushed his dusky pink nipple. Immediately, this bud tightened and rose, clenched off the surface of his pectoral muscle. “Wow, he’s really sensitive,” she thought mentally nodding to herself in approval. She was more intrigued by the moment by this man.

  Brushing the sheet back a little more, she uncovered his pelvis. Before checking the status of his catheter, she mentally took a photo of his penis. As a nurse, she’d seen a lot of male organs. This was a stunning example. It was long and thick even in its unaroused state. She laid a soft hand against his hip. Anne had learned from experience that that power of touch was very important for healing. Touching a patient’s body on a nonsexual point before adjusting something as invasive as a catheter was less shocking to them. She moved her strong hands to his penis. One hand lifted the heavy organ while the other checked the tubing emerging from the tip.

  Immediately, Jake moaned. She carefully laid his penis comfortably on his thigh while straightening out the tubing. Anne shifted to lean over Jake. She rubbed his arm to comfort him. “Hi, Jake. You’ve had an accident and you’re in the hospital. I’m your nurse, Anne. Just relax and let me take care of you, young man.” The kind words seemed to comfort Jake and he settled back down into his drowsing state.

  Finishing her physical check of Jake’s injuries, Anne picked up a large rectal thermometer and opened the lubricant jar. Dipping the thick cylinder inside, she parted his muscular buttocks and pressed the thermometer relentlessly until it was deep within his rectum. Jake moaned again but this time it didn’t appear he was protesting. Anne looked up to see his green eyes watching her through the heavily medicated state following such invasive surgery. Smiling reassuringly at Jake, Anne spoke softly, “Jake, I’m your nurse, Anne,” she repeated herself. “I’m taking your temperature. You feel a little warm to me, young man. Just relax. Let me take care of you.”

  Find out what happens to Jake: Dr. Richards Littles 4 at




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