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Charlotte: Dr. Richards' Littles 7

Page 10

by Pepper North

  “Well, Abigail. How many pieces of cake have you eaten?” The group turned to look at an annoyed April Heaven and then, looked over at Abigail who was licking the frosting off her fork while holding an empty plate. “I just went to get a piece of cake and was told that my daughter had already picked one up for me. Somehow that piece of cake didn’t make it to me.”

  The rowdy crowd of Littles were having too much fun. Again, they said in unison, “Oooooh!” Then, one male voice was heard over the others. “I’d never make the person that waxes my sensitive bits angry. That’s just not smart.”

  April turned her gaze from her Little to Tony who worked as a mechanic for his Daddy, Rob. “Your Daddy just scheduled an appointment for you. Just hope I’m not still mad tomorrow at 2 pm.”

  “Oooooh!” came the chorus again. This was better than a soap opera on TV.

  “You kids have fun. Abigail, I will talk to you later. No more cake, young lady,” April said firmly making direct eye contact with her Little.

  “Yes, Mommy. I’m sorry,” she apologized. “It was so good.”

  “We’ll talk later, Abigail,” April said.

  Her Little girl just nodded looking down at her shoes. As her Mommy turned around, Abigail lifted the plate and licked at the last of the icing. It was worth the spanking that she would get.

  Chapter Thirty

  When the crowd had finally left with all their new supplies bagged up in their cars and SUVs, Charlotte hugged her Daddy tightly. “Daddy, did you see how much they bought? Everyone had a great time. I think we should do this again. What would you think about me redoing the paddle section next?”

  “I was very proud of you tonight, Charlotte. You worked so hard and everyone enjoyed all your efforts. I have a feeling that the Littles may not appreciate you too much tomorrow when their Mommies and Daddies have read all the instructions that come with their new purchases,” Benton laughed.

  “Oh, no! Do you think they’ll hate me?” Charlotte said with a concerned look. The corners of her mouth trembled.

  “I’m just teasing you, sweetheart. The Littles saw the items their parents were buying tonight but they all had a great time hanging out with you,” Benton rubbed her back. Some of the other parents and I decided that we need to have a regular play date for our Littles. I think we’re going to start with every other Sunday afternoon,” Benton shared.

  “But we’re working on Sunday afternoon,” Charlotte protested.

  “Not if there’s a play date for my favorite Little,” Benton stated firmly. “You and I work too hard. It’s time that we take some time for ourselves. Now, I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for a warm bath and bed. Could I convince the most talented Little in our community to join me?” Benton wiggled his eyebrows up and down comically.

  Charlotte giggled and nodded “yes!” Her Daddy swept her up in his arms and carried her through his office up to the nursery. This passageway had been a secret for a long time until Charlotte began to nap every afternoon. It was an easy way for her Daddy to come check on her. Unfortunately, it was an easy way for her Daddy to come slide an enema nozzle in her bottom and start a slow, warm enema while she was sleeping soundly too.

  Once in the nursery, he set her on the changing table. “Have you used your diaper, Charlotte?”

  “I couldn’t when all those people were around,” she whispered horrified.

  “Of course, you could have,” Benton pressed on her lower abdomen and found she had a very full bladder. “Relax and go for Daddy,” he urged the Little girl as he pressed firmly until he heard the hiss of her urine being released into the padding. “Good girl.” He waited until she sighed. “All done?”

  “Yes, Daddy.” Charlotte was getting more used to using her diaper but she still was too shy to go if there were other people around. She was stretched out on the changing table and her pretty dress and shoes along with everything else was stripped off her before the filled diaper was removed and her bottom was wiped clean of urine. When Charlotte was turned over, she struggled only to feel the slap of her Daddy’s big hand. She tried protesting, “I don’t need any medicine as she felt the restraining band stretch across her ribcage.”

  “I’m going to check your temperature, Charlotte. Then, I’m going to put all your medications deep in your bottom so you won’t try to push them out.” Charlotte watched him dip his favorite big thermometer into the jar of lubricant. “Are you going to cooperate or should I fix and enema with your medicine dissolved in liquid? I have a new big anal plug that I found in your display tonight that I’d be glad to try out.” Benton said as he lifted her top buttock and pressed the thermometer in deeply.

  “I’ll be good,” she promised. “I’ll take my medicine. I don’t need an enema.”

  “That’s my good girl. Now, lay here quietly. I’m going to start the water in the big bath tub. We can take a bath together tonight. Okay?”

  “Hooray! I like it when we take a bath together. Can I play with some toys?” she asked seriously.

  “I have one toy that you’re going to play with a lot,” Benton winked as Charlotte began to turn red. “I’ll be right back, sweetheart.”

  When Benton came back, he withdrew the thermometer and checked her temperature, “You’re just right, Charlotte. Now medicine time. Roll back onto your back,” he said releasing the restraining strap from her chest. Benton lifted her legs by the ankles and bent them slightly toward her torso causing her entire pelvic area to be exposed to his view. Benton ran a curious finger down the center of her exposed center. Holding up the finger almost dripping with the clear, slick fluid of her arousal, “So, Little girl are you excited by your medicine, the thermometer, or the thought of playing with Daddy’s toy?” he asked with a wicked grin. He gathered some lubricant from the jar and pressed it deeply into her rectum with another finger. Then, methodically, Benton pressed her vitamin suppositories deep into her rectum followed by the medicine to help her poop in her diaper. He held his finger deep in her rectum until he felt her muscles relax and he knew that she wouldn’t automatically try to push the medicines out. Sliding his fingers out, he wiped his hands clean before picking up his nude Little and carrying her to the bathtub.

  Chapter Thirty-one

  Benton slowly lowered Charlotte into the bathtub and watched her wiggle around to face him so she could watch. Benton had discarded his bowtie, jacket, and vest when they came upstairs. Now, he slowly unbuttoned his shirt and took it off exposing his wide, muscular chest. He unbuttoned and unzipped the tuxedo pants and allowed them to drop to the floor. He pushed his athletic briefs down his thick, corded thighs and calves before stepping out of his shoes and clothing. He finally tugged off his socks to stand nude in front of her darting eyes.

  Charlotte didn’t know what to look at first. Her Daddy was so strong and big. Some parts of him looked so big that she didn’t know if they would fit. He started to step into the tub and his erect penis thrust forward right in front of her. Charlotte reached a wet hand forward to wrap around him and rub her thumb across its broad head.

  Groaning from the sensation of her little hand trying to wrap around him, Benton sat down in the tub and pulled his Little girl to him. Her dainty, small breasts were puckered in the water and he lifted her to bring his lips down to pull strongly at her breasts. Alternating one after another, he continued until Charlotte was pulling his hair in excitement. He settled her in his lap with her heated core pressed to his erection. Picking up the soap, he began to wash his Little girl’s face and torso. As he rinsed the suds off her petite body, Charlotte stopped him from washing his next target by taking the soap and beginning to wash his strong chest and arms. She giggled when she found he was ticklish as she soaped his sides.

  Benton was entranced by his Little girl. He stole the soap back despite her protests and ran it down the cleft between her buttock. He pressed slightly into her anus and smiled at her squeal. Shifting her soap to the area between her thighs, he quickly ran the bar of soap ac
ross her clitoris and through the slickened folds around her vagina. Waving the water around under the surface to rinse this sensitive area, Benton heard Charlotte gasp as the waves crashed into her aroused body. He was surprised that she still could focus on him when she grabbed the bar of soap and rubbed it against his erection and testicles under the water before reaching between his buttocks and pressing softly against his anus.

  Immediately, Benton stood up with Charlotte in his arms. He stepped out of the tub and set her feet gently on the bath mat. Benton dried her off before wrapping her body in the thirsty towel. He quickly rubbed the moisture from his body before picking her up and carrying her to the bedroom. Holding her with one arm, he threw the covers to the bottom of the bed and rolled her into the center of the bed unwrapping her from the towel. Benton stood by the side of the bed. “You are so beautiful,” he said softly before crawling in to straddle her body with his body supported on his arms and legs. He lowered his lips to hers first gently and then with every growing passion. Benton allowed his body to rest against her but supported his weight from crushing her.

  Charlotte groaned as Benton’s nude body pinned her to the surface of the bed. She loved this man so much. They had been waiting for the right moment to fully consummate their relationship. Charlotte wiggled against him in excitement.

  Benton shifted his weight to the side and began to kiss down her body until he was crouched between her legs. His position captured her in place with her thighs spread widely revealing all her hidden treasures. Benton locked eyes with Charlotte as he lowered his head to lick from her vagina to swirl around her clitoris. He watched her eyes roll back in pleasure as he deliberately brushed his stiff beard and mustache hair against her sensitive clitoris and labia. He continued to incite her pleasure with licks and nips as he slid his finger deep into her vagina and allowed another to tease her anus. It was only a few minutes before her eyes flew to his and she cried out her pleasure.

  Charlotte pulled at Benton’s shoulders. “Please, Daddy, please. I want to feel you inside me.”

  Benton’s face was a mask of desire. He looked at Charlotte and said, “I’m going to try to be gentle. If I hurt you, stop me.”

  “If you hurt me, I’ll love it. Please, Daddy. I need you,” Charlotte stretched her lips up to crash against his. She felt him shift between her thighs and to press his large erection against her soaked entrance. Charlotte lifted her hips to push his erection into her vagina slightly. She moaned in reaction as she felt her delicate tissues stretch to accommodate him. “So good. Make it better, Daddy.”

  That was all he could take. Benton pressed his large penis into her channel groaning at the squeeze of her tight, vaginal walls. He was panting from the exertion of going slowly rather than surging forward as his brain and body were urging him to do. Benton looked down at his Little and saw pure arousal and happiness on her face. The last coherent thoughts from his brain closed down as he heard her say, “Do it again, Daddy. Do it again!”

  Charlotte heard her Daddy take a deep breath and then his hips pulled back and launched forward to sink time and time again deep inside of her. Sensations swirled around her and she felt herself come over and over as she screamed into the room. Charlotte heard Benton’s breath catch and his hips jolted forward. She felt stream after stream of hot fluid jetting deep into her body.

  Benton collapsed over her keeping his heavy weight supported on his knees and forearms. When his breath settled, he said softly, “I don’t know how I was lucky enough to find you but I’m never letting you go now.”

  “I love you, Daddy,” Charlotte confessed.

  “I love you too, Charlotte,” Benton rolled over onto his back scooping his Little along with him to lay cuddled against his strong body. They lay there until Charlotte was just beginning to fall asleep. He rolled her onto her back and reached into his bedside table withdrawing a tube of medicine that he rubbed gently around the edges and inside her vagina easing the sting from his penis stretching it. Then, he raised her bottom to slide a diaper underneath. Fastening around her snuggly, he stretched out his arm again to pull one more item from his bedside table. Benton pulled her close before tucking into her arms the battered owl, Hoot. He smiled as he watched her nuzzle the owl first and then, kiss his muscled arm under her head. Drawing the covers around their entwined bodies, Benton kissed the top of her head smiling as he heard a delicate snore.

  He decided as he allowed himself to fall asleep that tomorrow was going to be a diaper only day for Charlotte and she would only be allowed to wear her diaper so he could unfasten that quickly. He would need to take her temperature vaginally repeatedly tomorrow. She had felt a little warm tonight.

  If you’ve enjoyed this story, please take a moment to review it on Amazon. I always love to hear from my readers about their suggestions for future stories and what they enjoy and dislike when reading an alternate love story featuring age-play. You can contact me on Facebook or at

  For your reading enjoyment, the other age-play stories previously published in this series are:

  Zoey: Dr. Richards’ Littles 1

  Amy: Dr. Richards’ Littles 2

  Carrie: Dr. Richards’ Littles 3

  Jake: Dr. Richards’ Littles 4

  Angelina: Dr. Richards’ Littles 5

  Brad: Dr. Richards’ Littles 6

  Coming soon will be the story of two twin Littles and their new Daddy

  Turn the page to find a selection from two of the Dr. Richards’ Little stories. Enjoy and check out all the Dr. Richards’ Little books on Amazon.

  Excerpt of Zoey: Dr. Richards’ Littles 1

  By Pepper North

  “Dr. Richards’ residence. May I help you?” answered a strong, elderly man’s voice.

  “Good evening. I’m afraid I’ve been terribly delayed in arriving. My name is Zoey Geller and I had an appointment to speak to Dr. Richards at 2:00 would it be possible for me to speak to him now?” Zoey asked with a hopeful tone.

  “I’m sorry. Dr. Richards is not receiving applicants this evening. You will have to call to reschedule your appointment tomorrow,” the voice declared with finality.

  Zoey heard the speaker click off. Her thin shoulders sagged back into the miserable position they had occupied for all the miles throughout the long walk. Just her luck for the weather to decide to settle on gentle spring showers all day. Zoey was soaked through to her skin and now after the sun had set, the brisk spring air was becoming distinctively cold. Zoey shivered and looked for a place to get out of the rain while she decided what to do now that all hope of making it in time to have an interview had evaporated.

  The entrance to the estate was free of sheltering trees - probably a wise security move. The only small area of covered space was the nook under the security speaker and camera. She turned around and wiggled her body, bottom first into the space. Barely! She fit though and she was out of the rain for a little while. She hugged her knees to her chest and tugged her skirt over her shins to conserve her body heat.

  Dropping her head to her knees, she debated her best move. Her feet were torn and blistered in her shoes. Would she be able to walk back to town? If she stayed here tonight, there was the possibility that she could get an interview with Dr. Richards tomorrow if he would forgive her missing her appointment. Should she take her car breaking down as a sign that she shouldn’t have come for an interview? This was definitely not her regular waitressing job that she’d done since she was 15.

  She’d met Jon and Cecily at the diner where she worked. Jon was a tall, handsome gentleman that was obvious very successful with his business. He wore suits that even to Zoey’s inexperienced eye were custom fitted to his wide, strong shoulders. Cecily was a short, chubby woman who bubbled with enthusiasm and childlike enjoyment of life. It was obvious from the beginning that these two had a different relationship. Jon made all the decisions and took care of Cecily in all ways: ordering her meals, cutting up her food, making her drink the mi
lk he always ordered for her. Cecily dressed more as a child than an adult woman in short, ruffled dresses with socks and flat shoes or in leggings and a long colorful shirt often decorated with juvenile designs of kittens or toys. The fitted and ruffled clothing seemed to hint that she wore something padded under her clothing. Cecily always held Jon’s hand when they weren’t seated and never was out of his eyesight.

  The couple made the other waitresses nervous so Zoey always volunteered to wait on them. She liked the eccentric couple. They obviously loved each other. It warmed Zoey’s heart to see Jon so concerned in taking care of Cecily even when it he acted more like Cecily’s father than her husband. Even Zoey was a little concerned when Cecily received the steely-eyed stare and warning of “Little girl, you need to behave or there will be consequences,” that Cecily received when she was bouncing too energetically around on the bench seat or refusing to drink her milk as directed.

  Zoey had gotten friendly with the couple over the last few months. Last week, Cecily had blurted out that she thought Zoey should apply to be the companion of her doctor, Dr. Richards. Cecily immediately had turned red and looked with hesitation to see what Jon would say to this outburst. Jon had looked thoughtful and replied slowly that if Zoey wanted to change her entire life, he could see that she would be a perfect match as a companion for Dr. Richards. He went on to speak glowingly of the doctor professionally and personally as he wrote a phone number down on the back of a business card. “Here’s his phone number. Give him a call and set up an interview. I’ll tell him you will be calling, if you are interested?” Jon looked at her with the penetrating gaze and Zoey felt herself nod in agreement.


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