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Old Ladies Club: Rage Ryders MC

Page 4

by Liberty Parker

  “Just thought you were known for how lighthanded you were is all,” Jenalyn answers, visibly relaxing again so Vanna can get back to work.

  “I am and you’re on the receiving end of these light hands right now, so politely calm the hell down so you don’t become a walking display of the worst piece I’ve ever done,” Vanna finishes.


  I’m a little nervous as I sit down where Rainey motions. I’ve never had a tattoo before and listening to the others as they get theirs has me a bit squeamish. In addition to the one we’re all getting, I have her doing one to represent me and Chief. It’s a gorgeous quill and underneath, I have our names in script within a heart and our wedding date. That one will be a surprise for him as I’m getting it on my right hip so only he can see.

  “Which one are we doing first?” I ask Rainey.

  “Whichever one you want. I would suggest the one we’re all getting first because the other is a lot of shading and detail work. If it’s too much, we can get it started and outline it, then finish it up in the next day or so,” she replies as she readies the area where the first tattoo is going.

  “Then let’s start with the one everyone’s getting,” I reply. My face flushes when I think about how Turk will react when he sees the one I’m getting for us. I know that I’m likely the most innocent one around here based on everything I’ve heard, but my man never seemed to mind that I came to him untouched. Of course, he’s loved teaching me about the more intimate side of life; something that has me squirming a bit in my seat as Rainey puts on another pair of gloves.

  Seeing my look, she says, “The first pair tore a bit when I was wiping off your shoulder. Now, care to tell me why you’re suddenly rosy-cheeked?”

  “Um, just thinking about Turk.”

  She grins and replies, “He’s the tall one with all that luscious hair, right?”

  I nod, my face getting darker and she throws back her head and laughs. “Oh, you’ve got it bad, girlfriend.”

  “Yeah. I was sitting here thinking about him and our relationship and how different it is from everyone else’s, but he never seemed to mind how awkward I was in the beginning.”

  “You were a virgin?” she asks, as her eyes widen.

  “Mmhm,” I murmur, suddenly embarrassed. I mean, I’m not old by any stretch of the imagination, but I’m not a teenager either, and admitting I was a virgin until I was as old as I was is well, humiliating.

  I feel her hand on my shoulder before she says, “Nothing to be embarrassed about, Trinity. He obviously didn’t mind that fact at all and we all come into our sexual beings when it’s supposed to happen. There’s no specific age where we suddenly have to be experienced.”

  “He didn’t mind at all,” I state. “In fact, I think for the kind of man he is and what he had in his past, me being a virgin was a good thing, if that makes sense.” It still doesn’t stop me having the insecurities I do, especially being around a group of women like this who seem to let it all hang out.

  “It does, actually. Okay, I’m ready to start. I know this is your first tattoo, so if it gets to be too much and you need a break, you just let me know. Otherwise, stay as still as you can. You ready?” she inquires.

  “As I’ll ever be, I guess,” I admit. I close my eyes as I feel her tattoo gun touch my skin. The slight sting is bearable and I soon find myself lulled into a light doze.

  “Trinity?” The voice pulls me away from my light slumber.

  “Hmm?” I ask, opening my eyes.

  “Hon, we’re done with the first one.” Already? Dang, that didn’t take long at all.

  “Really?” I inquire.

  Rainey grins at me and nods her head. “Based on the fact that you fell asleep, I think we’re good to go on the second one. How about we take a break for a few minutes so we can both get up and stretch, then we’ll start the second one.”

  “Okay,” I reply. “I need to run to the bathroom anyhow.”

  She laughs before responding, “So do I.”



  I gave Rainey a hard time earlier, not because there was truly anything wrong with her work, it’s because I love to see her shine and she’s a sassy thing when provoked. My people are my everything, but sometimes they forget to let their guards down and I have to find a way to get their hackles rising. I don’t like to have my peeps not be themselves and personable. I’d rather have someone bite my head off than kiss my ass.

  “What are you so deep in thought about over here?” Lizzie asks as she comes up and sits next to me.

  “Let me see,” I say grabbing her hand and twisting her arm to where the outer forearm is on display. “Girl, that looks sick as fuck.”

  “Um, is that a good thing or bad?” Lizzie scrunches up her nose, confusion clearly written on her face.

  “It’s good, dear.” One more reason to add to the list of reasons why I can’t stand Lizzie’s stuck-up parents. One’s a mobster wanna be and the other one pretends like her head’s lost in the clouds and doesn’t pay close attention to her children. When you have a husband, who humiliates and abuses your children, you don’t Stepford Wife the shit, you step up and embrace your inner momma bear. I was taken and abused for over twenty years. I know that people think I contradict myself, but my situation was different. If I didn’t allow Wasp’s brother to hold me hostage and steal my daughters from their father, a lot of people were going to either die or spend their lives in the penal system.

  “Are you okay, Ashton?” Lizzie asks me.

  “Yeah, I’m good. My mind took me down a road I try to steer clear from.” She leans over and wraps her arm around my shoulder. I pat her hand in appreciation for the way she cares about me.

  “Love ya, Momma Ash.” She leans her head on my shoulder and makes loud kissy noises that cause me to laugh. I always do and I always will. She doesn't have many people she can depend on and is closest to me and Bristol in the club. She has a good and decent relationship with the other Ol’ ladies and most of the brothers, but she gravitates more toward us when we’re all together.

  “What’s up with the gloom and doom over here?” Jenalyn interrupts our little moment, but I can tell she’s really just trying to lighten the mood.

  “Are the tattoo sessions nearly done?” Lizzie calls out.

  “Fuck off, bitch,” Bristol hollers back, “I should’ve gone before you. This shit hurts.”

  “Need some tequila?” I ask her, knowing that she enjoys a little liquid courage now and then.

  “No alcohol, she’s already looking green at the gills over here,” Rainey spews out. “If she pukes I’m outta here, I can handle blood and guts, give me projectile and I’m out.”

  “Pussy!” Jenalyn hollers out through laughter as she holds a bottle of liquor up. Yep, the courage of alcohol is a crazy thing.

  “I got one, so the fuck what?” Rainey continues with the banter. I think this is all done to take Bristol’s mind off of the needles penetrating her skin.

  “Breathe in through your nose and out of your mouth,” Ashton supplies.

  “I am!” Bristol pissingly yells at Ash.

  “Don’t get all pissy with me, young lady! I’m your elder, I deserve your respect,” Ash admonishes Bristol.

  “Sorry, Momma Ash, I don’t do pain well,” Bristol replies through gritted teeth. Ashton looks at me and winks and I duck my head into my chest to keep Bristol from seeing the smirk I’m wearing.


  Motherfucker! Whoever said this feels like a sunburn is a lying piece of mother fluffing shit. I’m trying to look anywhere other than the gun that has tiny, prickly needles pierce my skin. I had perfect skin, it was blemish-free and I always sport a healthy bronzy glow, now I have to go home and explain to Ghost that I’ve been branded not by him, but by the women. Ghost liked my skin ink free which is the reason I don’t bear his mark, but I’m forever tagged by the old ladies club. He’s going to have a conniption fit that the Flash would run from.
  “Let’s play never would I ever!” DJ enters the room shouting with a bottle of bourbon tightly gripped in her hands.

  “This might be a short game, DJ, because there’s not much you wouldn’t do,” Cara replies, walking in behind her.

  “Some kind of bestie you make. I’m in the market for a new one. Any applications?” DJ hollers.

  “Only if your friendship comes without Shirley the pliers,” I respond.

  “Those trusty bitches go everywhere with me. Wanna see them?” DJ asks the room at large.

  “Oh for heaven’s sake, DJ, no one wants to see the pliers,” Cara states before sticking her tongue out at DJ. Alrighty then, gonna be another one of those nights!

  “Are you finished torturing me yet, Rainey?” I whine.

  “Just a few more places that I need to go over then you’re done.” Thank the heavens above. I may have to get Ghost’s brand after this so he’s not offended, but it’s not happening today, that’s for damn sure. My poor virgin skin is no more, I need my man here to kiss my boo-boo. I have a feeling that this isn’t information I should share via a phone conversation. Then again, if I do he’ll have a chance to cool his jets.

  “You’re not calling Ghost,” Rainey admonishes me.

  “How did you know I was contemplating calling him?” I ask her.

  “It’s written all over your face,” she answers.

  “So, who’s gonna start never have I ever?” Trinity asks. “More importantly, how do you play?” I like her; she’s a breath of fresh air with her demure behavior and mannerisms.

  DJ bounces up in her seat. “If you’ve done something someone says they haven’t you take a shot. If you haven’t, you sit still,” she advises before handing out shot glasses that look suspiciously like Dixie cups.

  “Fine, I’ll begin. Never have I ever had sex in a public place.” I know with this one half the damn room’s gonna be drunk. When everyone in the room downs a shot, except for me and Trinity, I giggle.

  “Never have I ever had a threesome,” Trinity states. Rainey and Hannah grin before downing their second shot.

  Surprisingly, I watch both Vanna and Sidney down shots. “You been holding out on us with so much, Sid,” Jenalyn announces. “Does your man know?”

  “Who says it wasn’t while I was with my man?” Sidney shockingly responds and the room erupts in oh’s and ah’s.

  “Okay, eww. I really don’t want to know that,” Jenalyn responds while making a gagging motion. “Now I will never look at Vault the same.”

  Sidney shrugs. “You’ll never know,” she tells her, “not for certain, anyways, because I’ll never tell.”

  “Thank goodness for small favors,” Jenalyn begins before she randomly slams down another shot. “I know you were a wild heathen back in the day,” she looks at Vanna and states.

  “Don’t you start on me. You’ve been fucking my brother since we were kids. That’s forever seared into my head seeing as how y’all are the reason I learned what sex was in the first place. Couldn’t even get a room. Still can’t believe Don let Justice live,” Vanna responds back.

  “Never have I ever had a one-night stand,” I blurt out, trying to break the ever-growing tension between Jenalyn and Vanna.

  “Well, fuck me.” Ashton turns crimson red as she picks up her dixie cup and swallows it in one shot.

  “No,” I say as all of our mouths are hanging open in shock.

  “I was young once too, ladies.” I just can’t believe it. For one, I picture her coming out of the womb issuing orders and two, Ashton has had a wilder life than all of us combined.

  “Okay, okay. I’ve got one,” Sidney chimes in. “Never have I ever waited until getting an ‘Ol man or waiting until marriage before having sex.” Her eyes shift and focus directly on Trinity knowing she hasn't had a shot yet. Smooth, Sidney, smooth.

  I watch as Trinity and Hannah both down their shots. Well, at least Trinity won’t be left out of the fun. Finally, being done with my tattoo, I briskly walk over to the women, yank Lizzie’s shot cup from her hand and down it in one gulp. “Well, that was fun.” I stare at Lizzie who said it wouldn’t hurt, just be annoying.

  “Who does piercings?” Sidney questions loudly with slurred speech. Lifting her shirt, she exposes her bra before revealing her tits. “Want these puppies pierced!”

  “,” Jenalyn’s words are thickly laced with shock as her jaw drops. “Vault will…” She stops momentarily. “Alright, everyone here is my personal witness that I did not encourage this, right?” Her eyes search the room for allies.

  “I’m your witness,” Vanna responds with wide eyes. “But, nice rack by the way, Sid.”

  “You really wanna pierce the girls?” Rainey asks her. “Cause I’m a piercer, I have my piercing needles with me and I have temporary rings you can use until we get to a parlor and purchase good ones.”

  “Works for me! Let’s do this, I’m ready,” Sidney answers pulling her shirt back down.

  “You’re a doctor, Sidney; a professional in the medical community,” Jenalyn tries to talk her out of it.

  “And?” Sidney begins as she scrunches her nose, “Won’t be showing my tits to any of my patients or colleagues. As far as Vault goes, I know him better than you two and what he likes. Trust me when I say that he’s going to love them.”

  “It feels like this is TMI and I don’t even know the dude,” Lizzie jumps in.

  “Does it hurt?” Cara asks, glancing down at her chest. “I wonder if Braxton would like mine done?”

  “Are you out of your fucking mind?” DJ screeches. “Cara, you can barely handle a hangnail, for fuck’s sake. You want needles piercing your tatas? Really?”

  “I’ve heard they increase sensation,” Cara replies.

  “I’ve also heard that,” Sidney pipes back in.

  “So does that warming gel you can buy,” DJ retorts.

  “The gel works, so-so,” Rainey teeters her hand back and forth, “but the piercings are a magical line from your nips to your vajajay.”

  “You would know because?” Ashton questions.

  “Because I’ve been pierced for many years and my men aren’t the only ones who enjoy that metal,” Rainey winks at me. I know I’m wearing a scarlet blush.

  “Do you think Turk would like it?” Trinity interjects, looking at DJ.

  “Girl, you could parade around him wrapped in Saran wrap and he’d like it. If you want to do it, go for it. You know he’s never going to tell you no,” DJ replies. When Cara goes to say something, she shakes her head and continues, saying, “Caraleigh Callahan, I’ve known you for too fucking long. While Axe might like your titties bejeweled, you can’t handle the pain of having them done. Hell, you don’t even have your fucking ears pierced!”

  “We could start there,” Rainey says. “See if you can handle your ears being pierced before you go all gung-ho and get your nips pinched.”

  “Ooh, I want a nose ring if we’re dishing out orders,” Lizzie supplies.

  “I’ll take one of those too, as long as it’s one of those tiny studs, not a huge-ass hoop,” DJ states. “And before you say a word, Cara, you know I can handle it.”

  “I wasn’t going to say anything, dammit! Fine, we’ll start with my ears,” Cara mutters. She’s clearly upset with DJ getting involved, but that’s what friends should do; keep us from making stupid mistakes when we’re not fully aware and based on the size of the shots we’ve been drinking, no one is really thinking with a clear head.

  “This might not be a good idea,” I state, looking around the room. “Aren’t you supposed to be sober when you get pierced or tatted?”

  “We’re fucking badass biker bitches, we can handle it,” DJ shouts.

  “Hell yeah, we are!” Ashton agrees. Oh dear Lord; have they been taking extra shots when no one’s been looking? They seem to be a bit further along than the rest of us. Trinity’s the exception since she’s only had the one shot.

  “Why in the hel
l does my ass hurt?” I ask myself as I stand up and make my way into the bathroom to pee. I rub my hand on it as I walk down the hall, but every time I touch it, it feels like the tat on my arm. “Oh, God. Please no, please say I didn’t.” I quicken my pace and pull my pants down past my knees. “Fucking hell! I have a property of tag on my motherfucking ass! How am I supposed to sit on my bum all day long with this type of pain? I’m gonna fucking kill each and every one of my sisters for allowing me to stupidly get a drunken tattoo.”

  “Talking to yourself in there?” Jenalyn peeks her head in and asks. I gently rub my hand over my ass cheek again and my facial expression must give it away. “Ah, yes.” She nods. “You got two tattoos. Bet that fucker is sore.”

  “I am so with you, Bristol,” Sidney pops in, hovering her hands over the front of her breasts. “Liquid courage is a real bitch. But hey, no regrets, right?”

  “I don’t know if I can say that about all of me. My ass sure is sorry right about now.” I tenderly rub the spot that’s aching. “Ghost is going to go ballistic; he loved my skin untouched.”

  “He’ll get over it or he’ll deal with me.” Ashton enters the room like the ninja she is causing us all to jump, yelp and cuss.

  Vanna’s with her and her giggling rapidly turns to full blown laughter. “So, you’re saying you’re a sorry ass?”

  “You say tomato, I say tomahto.” I roll my eyes in an attempt to not let her know I find her funny as hell. I would package Vanna up and take her home with me if I thought Ghost would let me keep her. Then again, Ty may have some sort of objection to that as well.

  Jenalyn bats Vanna’s arm. “Seriously? So you’ve got jokes this early I see. She’s our friend, our sister and her ass hurts. And when Ghost sees this it’s going to hurt even worse.” As she says this looking at Vanna they both break out in fits of laughter before the others join in.


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