Old Ladies Club: Rage Ryders MC
Page 5
“I have a booger in my nose that won’t blow out,” Lizzie says stumbling into the room. She looks up and sees a stud shimmering from the nose piercing. “What did you bitches let me do! This will never be accepted by my family!”
“Who the fuck cares? We’re your family now, your parents are assholes and we have your back,” Rainey retorts as she glares. The anger is radiating from her body; she hates, as do the rest of us, Lizzie’s parents. They could all burn in hell and we’d not even spit on their graves. As a matter of fact, I believe we’d all throw a party over their burial sites and piss all over them. Those people deserve zero respect outside of birthing Lizzie and her two sisters, who are nothing like the parents either, thank fuck.
“Okay, little girls,” Jenalyn pipes up, “what’s on the agenda for tonight? It is our last night here, so we want to make it memorable.”
“More memorable than nipple piercings and ass tats?” Vanna questions. “I’d say that’s one for the books.”
So, we all decided on a campfire and grilling burgers and hot dogs over the heat. Vanna suggested s’mores which shocked the piss out of me. I mean, she’s not been eating her normal organic and fresh foods this entire trip, but for her to suggest junk food? Yeah, that sure was a surprise.
We take turns rotating our daily showers which also proved to be eventful considering we’re all sore somewhere. Not a single cuss word was left to the imagination by the time it was all said and done. But hey, no pain, no gain. And I am so happy that we all have matching tattoos now. I’m not usually one who has a lot of women for friends; it’s mostly always been Vanna and then Tess. I feel myself begin to feel a bit sad that our time is almost up, and that too, is odd for me.
“What’s got you looking so down, slugger?” Vanna comes up from behind and asks me.
Turning to her, I ask, “Slugger? Really?”
She shrugs. “You’re always so feisty and upbeat, albeit a little bossy too, but I’ve never seen you look so somber. And I’ve seen many of your faces. Just saying.”
I can feel my eyes narrow slightly at her, as I know she’s taking a jab at me, but I refrain from feeding into it. “Just thinking about how much I am going to miss everyone is all.”
Vanna clutches dramatically at her chest before grabbing my wrist and pressing her index finger across one of my veins. “Are you there? Yep, you still have a pulse. Here, check mine.” She extends her wrist. “Because one of us must be dead or dreaming. You of all people pass up an opportunity to lay into me after what I just said?”
Shoving her wrist away, I say, “It’s called growth.” I turn my nose up at her. “Something you always speak about when you’re talking about your spiritual stuff, remember? Maybe that’s what’s happening to me. Now quit pestering me before I lose all the growth I’ve worked so hard at and resort back to being my usual bitchy self.”
“I give it ten minutes,” she taunts me.
“Really? That long?” Sidney approaches, chiming in. “A one-hundred-dollar bill for five minutes or less, winner takes all.”
“First of all, this isn’t poker,” I snap back, “and now you bitches are taking out bets against me? The audacity. Have you no shame?”
They briefly eye one another and shake their heads answering simultaneously, “No.”
Throwing both of my middle fingers up in the air at them, I begin to walk out of the room but not before I hear Sidney tell Vanna, “Pay up!”
As evening approaches, the prospects start our campfire and DJ and I both begin making mixed drinks while Ashton and Cara begin prepping the food.
“Another night, and another round of shenanigans,” I say to DJ as she and I both cheer before we slam down our first shot of the night.
“Part of me wishes it could last longer, but I am missing my man and the kids,” DJ states as she pours us another round. “However, this time with y’all has definitely given me plenty of fodder for my books as far as dialogue and interaction go.”
“Hell yeah, it has!” I agree as I toss back my shot. “I know we’ve all had a lot of fun this week.”
Walking past us in the kitchen, Sidney and Vanna have a tray prepared with graham crackers, chocolate, and marshmallows. “Yeah, kind of missing my man, too,” Vanna announces as she frees one hand to reach over and slam back the shot I’d just poured for myself. “Thanks.” She winks at me as a grin spreads across her face and she puckers her lips, giving me an imaginary kiss.
“Little bitch,” I mutter as she turns and walks off, having merrily stolen my shot. DJ looks at me and we both shrug as I pour myself another. The two of us are going to be wasted before we ever get these pitchers made.
“Oh, how nice,” I hear Sidney say from outside. Turning my head, I look behind me outside and notice how pretty the campfire is that the prospects have started for us.
Rainey comes strolling out the door with Bristol and Lizzie following closely on her heels. The two girls are giggling and whispering to each other and Rainey is dramatically rolling her eyes. “Did everyone remember to doctor their piercings and tats?” she questions.
“Sure did,” I holler out loudly over the sound of two blenders going at once. DJ and I both stop the blenders as the two batches before us are done. “Sidney did also I’m sure of it being a doctor and all. Vanna’s usually good about taking care of her body, too.”
“As we passed by Ashton and Cara, the two mother figures asked me to check in. I figured y’all did since most of us aren’t strangers to ink, but I had to do as momma bear asked.” Rainey places her hands on her hips as one pops out to the side. “Do y’all have an Ashton that means well, but drives you crazy at the same time?” Everyone can secretly see that she adores the VP’s Ol’ lady, but we can place ourselves in her shoes and all understand that overbearing, overprotective aspect of having an alpha female who takes on the role of being the club mother. Whereas we always respect the matriarch of the club, we also have to stop ourselves from pulling our hair out from the roots themselves.
“Well, we have my mom and a not-so-dead-after-all mother-in-law. My mom used to play a much more pivotal role in the club, but after my daddy passed away, she kind of branched off; traveled some. She’s back now, and she’ll always be the initial first lady of the Soul Shifterz, it’s just not the same. The back from the dead woman is Vanna’s mom, and my ‘Ol man’s mom.” Rainey’s brow arches as her eyes grow as wide as silver dollars. “Yeah, long, long story. Our life is like a soap opera.” I pop my hip, placing my index finger on the tip of my chin as I feign looking confused. “Or would it be Jerry Springer? It’s literally like something you’d watch on the big screen, only it is our new reality.”
“Nan is Braxton’s mom, and she pretty much involves herself in every little detail that’s going on,” Cara states, walking out and catching the last part of my conversation. “In fact, before I came along, she was instrumental in setting up our current clubhouse, although I think Braxton nearly had a stroke when he saw everything she did!”
DJ starts to laugh and adds, “Yeah, according to Hatch, she took one room and made it into a ‘classroom’ so that the guys who never finished school could get their GEDs and now, we use it for the kids when we’re at the clubhouse and they’ve got homework. Plus, there’s a supply room that is so stocked with stuff, we could handle any kind of apocalypse. In fact, a lot of it went to good use during this storm when we were down in our basement.”
“Braxton says as long as we keep the club credit card away from Nan, we’re good. She truly has a heart of gold, however, and she’s the reason I met him, so I probably cut her more slack than anyone,” Cara says, grabbing a shot glass and filling it up.
“You’re not doing one without me,” DJ cries, before she snatches up a shot glass and fills it up. “C’mon, ladies, let’s toast to a helluva good week, in spite of the circumstances!”
One by one, we all fill a glass and after clinking, we slam them back. “Let
’s get this party started!” I exclaim.
“Yay! I love parties.” Lizzie claps her hands and jumps up and down on the balls of her feet.
“That’s because you and I were deprived as children. Sheltered from the world and not allowed to cohabitate or socially mix with the opposite sex; unless it was an associate of our fathers,” Bristol replies to Lizzie with sadness dripping from her voice. “I never had any friends outside of the maids, cooks, chauffeurs and nannies.”
“I went to an all girls school, so I had friends there, but not outside of it. I learned at an early age from my sisters that reading and gaining that imaginary friend was the best way to survive our childhood,” Lizzie replies. I wanna go and find Bristol and Lizzie’s parents and teach them a lesson. Some people should be sterilized and unable to procreate. It takes more than a woman with ovaries to be a mother, and just because a man has a dick and sperm; doesn’t mean he should father a child. We should all have to go through some sorta process to see who is able to raise a child without said kid growing up bearing emotional traumas. I was an only child, but that wasn’t because my parents didn’t want anymore. My mother suffered a miscarriage or two after me and they decided to stop trying. Was I spoiled? Yes. Was I also taught standard morals and values? Yes. I just find it both infuriating and sad that the women and men who can produce children like a factory don’t understand the gift they’ve truly been granted. As I’m thinking about this, I think of Tess back at home with baby Carter. She’s been through absolute hell trying to conceive and bear a child of her own with Ace, only to face the fact that it will never happen; not biologically anyway. But the way those two love and adore their son is unlike anything I’ve ever seen and it makes my heart smile. Still, who knows, maybe I can be a surrogate for them one day if Justice stops knocking me up long enough. I’ve got my two, I’m done and he better be too.
“Okay, they don’t deserve us to reminisce about our past. We both have bright futures ahead of us, and amazing family and friends,” Bristol blurts out. “They are scum of the earth and will never understand the love we have found.”
“Here motherfucking here!” DJ shouts out. “Just saying, if you ever want me to teach them a lesson, I’m handy with a pair of pliers.”
“Oh fucking hell, here we go again.” Trinity joins in on the conversation.
“What? I have mad skills.” DJ puffs out her chest.
“That may be true, DJ, but you can’t use violence as a solution every single time,” Trinity states. I like her calm, collected manner, especially since the rest of us are a bit high-strung. Well, except for Cara. She’s another who seems laidback and easy-going.
“I for one appreciate the offer,” Bristol responds, “but my father is no longer in this world and my mother is living a life of solitude. Kid, my cousin, and Ghost, my Ol’ man, have her scared to even step out on her front porch.”
“My parents don’t mess with the Rage Ryders nor my Justice. My Ol’ man has them on a tight leash. We still do family dinners, as requested before we married, but they no longer talk shit to me about my clothing, makeup or weight. He’s threatened them to the point that dinner is nearly always about my sisters and their families,” Lizzie informs us. “It’s nice to see my father not having authority over someone. He’s always been over the top when it came to punishing us three girls.”
“I’m glad you have that,” Cara says. “Every woman should have a man who has her back no matter what’s going on at home. And every man deserves the same. Happy houses, happy spouses and all that shit!” Hmm, she seems a bit chattier the more she drinks.
We’re finally all outside, sitting around the firepit, drinking and snacking on the appetizers that Ashton and I put together. I smile thinking about this past week. I’ve enjoyed getting to know the other old ladies and even though our clubs are nothing alike, at the core, it’s all about family, brotherhood, and loyalty. “Y’know, I know my old man was concerned about us doing this, but at the end of the day, we’re women and moms who love our families. Whatever our clubs get into or not, it doesn’t matter because us women are typically not involved. Does that make sense? I know I tend to chatter more when I’ve been drinking.”
“I agree,” DJ replies, refilling both of our glasses. “And somehow, our personalities aren’t clashing all over the place. I mean, it’s obvious that none of us run with a lot of female friends because of who our old men are and what we supposedly ‘represent’ to the rest of the world, but we’re all getting along just fine.”
“Do you think the alcohol has played any role in that?” Trinity asks, sipping her drink.
I start to laugh because she’s probably correct. At least a little bit. But at the same time, I could see myself getting together with these ladies again.
“So could I,” Trinity states.
“Shit, I said that out loud, didn’t I?” I question.
“Yeah, girlfriend, you sure did!” DJ exclaims. “But, that’s one of the things I love about you so never change.” A bunch of Amen’s and Truth’s are hollered out.
“When are we making these s’mores, anyhow?” Lizzie asks. “I’m ready for some ooey gooey chocolate goodness. Anyone else?”
“Is the fire hot enough? If it is, I say we do it now,” Hannah responds. I look over at her because she’s been relatively quiet.
“Everything okay?” I whisper after leaning over.
“What? Why would you ask that?” she returns.
“Because you’re awfully quiet,” I reply.
“Just missing the guys. I didn’t realize how hard it would be to sleep by myself because normally, I’m wrapped up in snuggly warmth.”
“With hard dicks, no doubt,” DJ quips.
“Well, duh,” Hannah sasses. “That’s part of the reason I’m missing them.”
“Don’t feel bad, Hannah. I’ve been missing my guys too. When you’re used to waking up with one laying on one side of your body and the other using you as a bed, it gets hard to sleep any other way. I even had a dream about Levi and Carson last night. And let’s just say it’s not the kind of dream you can take care of personally after waking up all sweaty and full of sexual desire and need,” Rainy whines.
“Son of a bitch!” Jenalyn cries out. “My tongue. Just burned the end of it on this s’more. Careful ladies, these suckers are hot as hell.”
“We’ve got popsicles,” Sidney states, going into doctor mode.
“I’ve got them,” Ashton says, standing and heading into the resort. “Be back in a flash,” she hollers out over her shoulder as the door closes behind her.
“Damn, now a popsicle sounds good,” Lizzie complains.
“Same,” Bristol responds.
“Okay, I’m taking names. But everyone needs to realize, you end up with whatever flavor I hand y’all. I am not going to hold up every single one of them to determine what they are,” Rainey advises.
“I don’t like orange,” DJ states. She’s so emphatic that Rainey stares at her. “What? I got sick on an orange one when I was a kid and haven’t been able to eat them since!”
“If you get orange and I get another flavor, I’ll switch with you,” I reply. “I’ve got your back.”
“You’ve had it for a long time, Cara,” she says to me.
“No, no sappy shit. I’ve had too much to drink and I’ll end up crying and looking like a raccoon!” DJ is good at that too; she’ll say something about our long-standing friendship and the next thing I know, we’re sobbing and laughing in each other’s arms. We’re either Lucy and Ethel or Thelma and Louise. Guess it depends on the day of the week and what’s happening.
“I can get as sappy as I wanna!” DJ states. “Do y’all know this woman is one of the reasons I found my old man? She just had to move next door to Braxton.”
“Well, you didn’t have to come visit,” I reply.
“Fuck that noise! Besides Rae missed Luca.” DJ tries to play the same game as always. Blame the kids and she
doesn’t have to admit she has feelings.
I snicker because it’s more like DJ missed me, but if she wants to put that on the kids, I’ll give her that play. “Whatever. You know I love you.”
“I love you too, woman. Now, who needs a refill while we wait for our popsicles?” DJ asks, holding up the pitcher of margaritas. I start laughing because the trays with snacks, the s’mores, and the drinks make us look like we’re having a drunken sorority bash instead of hanging outside with new and old friends.
“I’ve had a good time,” Trinity admits. “I know I haven’t really said very much, but I genuinely like all of you ladies and am glad y’all included me.”
“Trinity, I make enough noise for all of us; I’ve got you covered,” DJ says.
“Trinity, I haven’t said much either,” Hannah adds. “But that’s okay, we’re all different and that’s what I think makes it all work.”
“It’s good to get to know other women who are in the same lifestyle and understand our feelings and frustrations. I love you all!” Lizzie shouts out.
“Aww, Lizzie, we love you too,” Ashton states with mist in her eyes. “You’ve all become like daughters to me and I’d do anything for any one of you,” Ashton says as she and Rainey join us and start handing out popsicles.
“Ashton! Don’t make me cry. I’m too buzzed to get all emotional and shit.” Bristol wipes a stray tear away from her cheek.
“Ah, fuck. Now you bitches are going to have me all emotional and I don’t do emotions,” Jenalyn throws out there with watery eyes as she wraps her mouth around the end of the popsicle and begins to suck on it. “Ah, oh, yes! This feels so good,” she moans out, as the icy cold goodness hits the spot.
“Oh my God! Look how deep she can take that into her throat. Teach me how!” I beg Jenalyn with my eyes. I’ve always wanted to learn that skill, but Justice barely lets me blow him before he’s yanking me up and either tonguing my pussy or slamming his dick home. Not that I’m complaining; I love my man’s dick pounding inside of me, but I want to satisfy him in the same way as he does me. A relationship is supposed to be fifty-fifty, but sometimes I feel like he’s the one who does all of the oral pleasuring.