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Old Ladies Club: Rage Ryders MC

Page 6

by Liberty Parker

  Her eyes seem to grow wide with shock at my words as all eyes are now on her and she looks around. “Me? Really?” she asks through the popsicle still in her mouth. Removing it, there’s nothing but silence as everyone is still focused on her and the question at hand. Removing the popsicle, she asks, “Y’all really want to see me deep throat a damn popsicle?”

  “Well, yeah, I think we kind of do,” Sidney tosses out there with curiosity-filled eyes.

  “Well, not me really because I know where that mouth goes and the thought alone makes my stomach turn,” Vanna adds. “Don’t they teach classes or something for this type of thing?”

  “Oh, hush, ya prude,” Jenalyn pipes in. “It’s like, well, an art. You should be able to appreciate that, Savanna Paine. You did study me in that department.” She winks at her.

  “Cover your eyes, Vanna. Don’t ruin it for the rest of us,” I supply, intentionally leaning in to hear every word she says and take in the advice Jenalyn is giving. I need to store it into my memory vault.

  “What Lizzie said,” Jenalyn looks specifically at Vanna while she speaks, “now, ladies everyone hold your popsicles to your lips and follow my lead. First, I start at the tip and as I open my mouth, I glide my tongue over the top. You know to taste that first little bit of precum.” She moans as her eyes close and she begins. She’s really getting into this as if it’s her man’s dick. “Then I go from base back to tip all the way around, soaking it with my saliva before I relax the back of my throat; then I go in for the kill.” Even with shut eyes, a grin forms around her lips. I wanted to know so badly, but now I feel a blush creeping up my cheeks as I watch her perform; not to mention a little bit flustered. “Now you slide your entire mouth around and down as far as you can. It’s totally normal if your mouth begins to fill with saliva; in fact, it should the more you get into it.” I look around and notice the other women are all bobbing up and down on their popsicles, forgetting that I’ve gotten so involved that I’m supposed to be doing the same. “Another trick I have up my sleeve that drives my Justice wild is that every so often, once I make my way back up to the head, I suck that in a little harder. You know, clamping down using only the suction of your cheeks and tongue how we do with our pussies when they’re inside of us. But, as I perform this little trick, I pause, taking time to circle my tongue around the tip of his head.” She keeps going; up, down and all around that thing as she really gets into it. “See, now it’s starting to melt and shrink, unlike what our men’s cocks would be doing.”

  I mimic everything that she does and begin to choke. My gag reflex isn’t my best friend, but I breathe in and out of my nose, trying to retain the moisture in my mouth. Ashton giggles at me as she takes hers down to the root of the popsicle without choking, making it look easy. Bristol is eyeing hers like it’s the devil as she too has issues taking in the whole thing. Rainey is having no issues...I think it’s because she has double the practice compared to the rest of us. Justice isn’t into sharing, so I know I’ll never get to practice on anything other than him, this popsicle, and possibly a banana. Behind closed doors of course.

  Rainey begins helping Bristol as Ashton comes closer to me. Suddenly, I become super shy; who wants their mom to help them practice sucking a dick? Looking around at my peers, DJ almost looks bored as she stops sucking and starts chomping and chewing. I internally cringe almost feeling sorry for her Ol’ man, Hatchet.

  I see Cara gamely working on hers and grin when I see her shrug then bite off the tip of the popsicle. “Don’t think Braxton would like that much,” DJ observes.

  “Shut it, bitch! If you chewed on Hatch the way you are on the popsicle, he’d put a cage around it!” Cara replies.

  My eyes widen when several of the ladies snicker. Pulling my popsicle out, I ask, “Are there dick cages?” My innocence is being shown with this inquiry.

  “Oh my innocent little girl,” Ashton replies, “Yes, there are cages that can be used but they’re usually for those folks who live a more experimental lifestyle.”

  “You mean like BDSM?” Hannah queries. When we all look at her she rolls her eyes and continues, “I read, y’all. I mean, c’mon, we all do and some of the hottest shit around has bondage and what-not in it. I may not wanna try it myself, but that doesn’t make it any less hot!”

  “Don’t lie, Hannah. Your men are some kinky motherfuckers and you know it,” DJ inserts. “I’ve seen the way they tag team you at the clubhouse. One latches onto your neck while the other sucks your lips.”

  “That doesn’t mean they tie me up or anything!” Hannah exclaims. “Well, except for that one time…”

  I watch her eyes get dreamy and realize we’ve lost her to a memory. “Sounds like you were right, DJ,” I state, nodding toward Hannah.

  “I knew it! Now I know what to get y’all for the Christmas white elephant exchange,” DJ announces.

  “Don’t you dare!” Hannah says. She’s beet red from her face down to where her shirt opens and I start giggling.

  “There’s no harm in playing as long as all consent,” I state. “So if that’s what it takes to keep the magic alive, no harm, no foul, I say!”

  I may have bitten off more than I can chew ‘asking’ for a course in Blow Jobs 101.


  “Surrounded by freaks in the sheets I am,” Vanna announces as her eyes shift between myself and Jenalyn.

  “Oh, please,” Jenalyn begins, “don’t start acting all shy and innocent now.”

  Holding up only the stem that once held my popsicle, I say, “I don’t need a course. But it sure was fun watching some of you amateurs.”

  “Oh, so maybe we should’ve asked you to give the demonstration? Clearly you’re not shy and this time out here has shed a lot of light on who you really are behind closed doors. Probably play fucking doctor and shit with Vault, too. Wouldn’t surprise me one bit,” Jenalyn rebuts.

  All I can manage to do is giggle. She has no idea. But, as I told them, or at least I think I did considering the amount of alcohol I’ve consumed; it will have to be left to their imagination. “A girl neither sucks nor plays and tells,” I reply sassily.

  “What was that? Did anyone else just hear something over there?” Vanna points to behind the trees and bushes about fifty feet in front of us.

  Jenalyn rolls her eyes. “It’s probably one of the ghosts, or spirits that you’re always talking to.”

  “I didn’t hear anything, but I wasn’t paying attention,” I add.

  “There it goes again!” Vanna stands, obviously shaken up. “Swear I saw the flash of a light!”

  “I would say you’re being called home, but I think I saw it, too,” Jenalyn replies, also taking a stand.

  “Oh, fuck this. Y’all are seeing things and it’s killing my buzz,” I tell them.

  “I’m not playing around, I really saw and heard something. And for once, Jenalyn agrees, seeing as she saw light too,” Vanna says with some fear behind her tone.

  At that very moment, we all hear something and our heads and eyes shoot up directly toward the trees and bushes. The prospects are suddenly hovered around us and immediately draw their weapons. “Inside. Now!” they all begin to bark orders at us.

  Well, shit. Just when things were getting fun again and I had a nice buzz going, something or someone always has to ruin the party.

  “I’m not going anywhere,” Jenalyn remarks, drawing her gun from inside her leather jacket.

  “You and that gun, always defiant. If Justice were here, you wouldn’t even think about doing this,” Vanna remarks looking at Jenalyn over her shoulder as we both begin to hastily make our way inside.

  “Yeah, well, he isn’t and I will not go down without a fight. So do as you’re told and go inside,” Jenalyn hollers back.

  “Fuck that shit, I’ve lived too long to sit on the sidelines and not protect my girls.” Ashton walks over to stand next to Jenalyn.

  “Let’s fuck some shit up!” DJ also decides to stay behind.
/>   “Well, if we’re going down in a blaze of glory, we should be doing so together,” Rainey responds.

  “I don’t know what to do,” Lizzie states. “I’ve never protected anything larger than a goldfish!”

  “How about y’all get in the fucking house like we said?” one of the prospects yells. “You’re going to get us killed by your old men if you don’t listen, for fuck’s sake!”

  “I don’t know about y’all, but Ghost will tan my ass if I don’t follow instructions. To the ‘T’ were his exact words. I’ll catch y’all on the flip side.” Bristol hurries up and follows the directions that were previously given.

  “Go with her, Lizzie,” Ashton instructs. Lizzie salutes her before rushing after Bristol.


  As I stand side-by-side with my sisters, I hear two voices that make me wish I’d followed the prospects’ orders. “Rainey! The fuck are you thinking!” Levi hollers at the same time I hear Carson call out, “I’m gonna turn your ass red, little one!”

  “Um. Hi, guys, what are y’all doing here?” I act innocent; hoping to tame the beasts that reside within.

  “Do not change the topic, Rai,” Carson growls his frustration out.

  “Did you or did you not promise to abide by the prospects’ orders?” Levi angrily questions. At this point, all I want to do is hide behind Ashton. My guys are scary when they're pissed off.

  “Ash? You know better. As the president’s Ol’ lady, you know how this is played.” Wasp marches his way to where we’re standing; his stride is strong, commanding and powerful. “You are supposed to be a good influence on the younger generation of women. Right now, I’m fucking livid and disappointed in you.” I nearly snicker when I see Ashton roll her eyes, but refrain knowing we’re all in deep water here.

  Noticing a tall, extremely menacing looking man push his way through the others, I look around to see which of the two left he belongs to; but my wait is short-lived. “Jenalyn Paine, of all the things!” He approaches her and swats the popsicle stick from her hand. “You’re supposed to be out here representing us, but instead, you’re giving free courses on blow jobs and defying prospects’ orders!” he roars. Turning around, he looks at the other men as if he’s gauging their expressions before turning back to her. “And guess what, my everything, I am here and honestly, I’m still trying to figure out why any of this shit even fucking surprises me!” he lashes out at her.

  She steps closer to him, inches from his face as she looks up at him. “Litterbug.” She begins to tuck her gun away, but he wraps his hand around hers. “What? You throw my popsicle stick on the ground and now you want to take my gun?”

  “You’re damn right! And that’s just the start of your punishment. This, all of this.” He gestures around the campfire where our fun was being had. “Have you no shame? You’re a mother now, for fuck’s sake! You of all people know that when given orders by a prospect that you’re always supposed to follow them. That was the agreement when I allowed you to come on this trip,” he admonishes her. He’s also a big motherfucker, and not one to be messed with as being clearly displayed.

  She rolls her eyes. “And you knew the day you made me your ‘Ol lady that following orders is something I struggle with. And what does it matter, anyway? We’re all fine. It was just all of you. See, no harm no foul,” she tells him, trying to downplay her recent act.

  Vanna walks out of the door and heads toward me. “When I recognized it was the men; I figured it was safe to come back out. Get ready and brace yourself for what we refer to as the Justice and Jenalyn show. This is going to go on for a while. Excuse me, I see my man.” She scurries away and I’m still trying to keep a distance between me and my men. Deciding my best option is to continue to watch the train wreck happening in front of me, I ignore their looks and keep my eyes glued to the showdown in progress.

  “Oh, you can try to evade this all you want, but it isn’t over.” He takes her gun and tucks it into the backside of his jeans before picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder. She screams out as he catches her off-guard. “Excuse us. We have some issues to privately sort out,” he announces loudly, never looking back as he walks them inside of the house.

  When she gets carted away, I look over at my men and watch as they pursue me. I turn and haul ass, praying for once that I’m faster than they are. “You can run, Rai, but you can’t hide from us.”

  “No! But I sure as hell can try,” I call back, never letting my feet slow down.

  “Gotcha!” Levi laughs as he too throws me over his shoulder.

  “Caveman!” I slap his ass at the same time as Carson slaps mine. “No fair, you two can double team me. I need another me!”

  “Woman, we couldn’t handle another one of you.” I huff out my frustration, knowing it’s gonna hurt to sit for a few days once they’re finished with me.



  My man stands out as he’s the only milk chocolatey goodness. Running up to him, I wrap my arms firmly around him and he lifts me up until my legs are around his waist. “I’ve missed you so much, sexy!” I tell him and as he begins to smile, I plant my lips directly on his.

  “I missed you, too, blondie,” he tells me through our kiss.

  “And just where in the hell has Sid run off too?” Vault speaks up. “Guess I’m gonna have to go search for her inside,” he finishes before making his way toward the house.

  I begin to giggle. “Either she’s also going to have a lot of explaining to do, or they’re about to need some major alone time,” I whisper into Ty’s ear.

  A puzzled look crosses his face. “Do I even wanna know? I mean, whatever it is, just please tell me that you didn’t do anything too wild?”

  “No, sexy. I mean, we did get matching tats, but that’s the extent of anything life altering I did,” I assure him.

  “And my sister?” he questions me about Jenalyn.

  “Just the same. She’s mostly been her usual self as you can obviously see.”

  He chuckles into my ear. “Glad you behaved, blondie. Mmm, I sure have missed you,” he murmurs against my cheek.

  “Donna Jo Hatchet, what in the ever loving fuck do you think you’re doing?” a big muscled guy asks as he stands toe-to-toe with DJ, pulling my attention away from Ty.

  “Hi, handsome. Miss me?” DJ replies, throwing her arms around his neck.

  “You know the answer to that one, now answer my damn question,” he growls out.

  “I couldn’t let the younger girls stand out here by themselves,” she states in a ‘duh’ kind of tone. I don’t wanna be her right now; I’d rather be receiving all the attention I’m getting from my man.

  “That’s the fucking point! The prospects clearly told y’all to get in the motherfucking house and that, my beautiful wife, includes you! You’re the fucking enforcer’s old lady and supposed to follow your president’s old lady’s lead! I see Cara is inside.” Yeah, he’s hot under the collar but I suspect from her body language that he’s more bark than bite.

  “Honey, you know Cara doesn’t know how to shoot. That’s the only reason she went inside. Well, either that or she was making another pitcher of margaritas. Anyhow, who cares? We’re all okay and that’s what matters.” Now she’s trying to placate him. I see her dropping kisses on his cheek and neck. He shakes his head at her antics before he claims her lips in a blistering kiss.

  “We’re gonna talk about this some more, gorgeous,” he mutters before scooping her up and heading into the house.

  With just me and Ty left, I bat my eyes and ask, “Feel like getting a shower so we can get reacquainted?” His low chuckle has my insides clenching as he picks me up and follows everyone else into the house.


  “Cara? You in here?” I hear the voice that makes my world go around and I turn around to see him walking through the kitchen door. He never stops until we’re face-to-face. When I’m close enough, he cups my face and proceeds to kiss me until I’m breathle

  Finally, I pull back and say, “That was one helluva welcome, Braxton. Now, let me see you.” I look him over and spot the bandage up near his temple. “I’m going to wanna look at that, y’know.”

  “Later, sweetheart. I need a shower in the worst kind of way and then I need to hold you.”

  “I sure hope you plan to do more than hold me,” I sass. I’ve missed him like crazy and with the margaritas coursing through my body, my inhibitions are at an all-time low right now.

  “Ah, I’ve got tipsy Cara tonight,” he says, grinning down at me. “She likes to play.”

  “Mmhmm. C’mon, handsome, let me show you where our room is at.”


  I sense Turk before I see him. Instead of waiting for him to reach me, I practically run and jump into his arms. “I love you, Turk,” I whisper before I kiss him.

  “Not sure where that came from, sweetness, but I love and adore you,” he replies.

  I don’t want to explain that some of the women have made me feel a bit self-conscious in my naivete, but I know my man; he’ll get it out of me at some point.

  “Do you want something to drink?” I ask.

  “Water, please,” he replies. I grab two bottles then take his hand in mine. “Where are we going?” he inquires as I start walking through the building.

  “Our room,” I tell him.

  “Good, then you can tell me what the hell caused that look on your face when I walked in.” Dammit, he’s too intuitive for his own good.


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