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Knight's Salvation (Knights of Hell Book 2)

Page 2

by Sherilee Gray

  Rocco walked up and draped his arm around her shoulders, giving her a friendly squeeze. “You’re gonna be all right, Mia. I promise.”

  The unreasonable anger he’d been fighting to keep under wraps ripped from his chest by way of an unexpected growl. It tore through the silence and both Roc and Mia spun to face him. Roc looked pissed and Mia more terrified than she’d been moments ago.

  Rocco scowled. “What the fuck is your problem?”

  He didn’t know what to say, couldn’t explain what had caused his reaction if he tried. But then, he never explained himself to any of the males he fought alongside. Instead, he grabbed her bags and headed for the door. “I’ll meet you downstairs,” he muttered.

  The silence left in his wake was deafening.

  Mia stared out the window. The sky was clear blue above the cloud bank. Beautiful. And though she was looking, it wasn’t the view that had her focus. How could it when her mind was in such a whirl? Her belly fluttered madly with both excitement and stomach-twisting nerves. Her life would never be the same again. Finally, she could start living.

  Plus, it was kind of hard to relax when she was trapped twenty thousand feet in the air with two huge males—well, three if you included the pilot, another knight, named Gunner.

  She glanced away from the window to the seats across from her, and her nerves shot higher. Okay, Zenon was still looking at her, and he was still scowling. She couldn’t see those yellow eyes with his chin dipped, hiding behind his hair, but she could feel that cold stare like ice sliding across her skin.

  What was his problem?

  Dammit, for some reason she couldn’t stop her gaze from drifting back to him every few minutes, and every time she did, he caught her and scowled harder.

  The big male was intimidating, and the fact that he hardly spoke put her on edge. But that unease got a hell of a lot worse when he did force himself to talk. One-word, snapped out answers that sounded like rusted steel grated against concrete.

  And after Chaya warned her to keep away from him, that he was known to be unpredictable and unstable, well, it didn’t help settle her nerves any.

  Rocco was trying a little harder, and grinned her way every so often. But he also kept sending her puzzled looks, like he was trying to figure her out and failing miserably. She got the curiosity. Her situation was different than other demi-demons’. But she was starting to feel like the bearded lady at a circus.

  So much for finding a place where she would finally be accepted.

  Rocco twitched and shifted in his seat like he was having trouble sitting still. “So what are your plans after your training’s complete?”

  “I’ll join Chaya. Brent said he’d give me a job in his club.” Her sister’s boss was a demi-demon as well and had given her sister a job when she left the compound.

  Rocco raised a brow. “You know what kind of club it is, right?”

  Inwardly she rolled her eyes. “I don’t plan on donning a leather corset and whip. I’ve worked a bar before.”

  That handsome grin turned wicked. “I don’t know, I kinda like the corset and whip idea.” He held her stare for several seconds too long and she felt her face burn. With the blue-tipped mohawk and tattoos and facial piercings, he had the whole sexy bad-boy-rocker thing going on, and he knew it, too.

  “Not really my style,” she muttered.

  He shrugged his big shoulders. “Shame.” Then he opened a small bag of peanuts and started tossing them in his mouth.

  Zenon, who hadn’t said a word for the last half hour and didn’t appear to be in the mood to change that anytime soon, turned sharply toward Rocco. His chest expanded and a low, rough sound rumbled from him.

  Oh God. Was that another growl?

  “What?” Rocco asked, looking completely unaffected by Mr. Unpredictable. Zenon stared back with those cold eyes. He wasn’t even looking at her, but Mia couldn’t help squirming in her seat.

  “Someone’s cranky.” Rocco shook his head then tossed another peanut into his mouth.

  “Get fucked,” Zenon fired back.

  Well, at least now she knew he could string two words together if need be. The tension in the room shot through the roof. Mia needed a break from all the testosterone humming through the cabin before she broke out in a nervous rash.

  The speaker crackled above her head and Gunner’s deep voice spoke to them. “Down in twenty.” There was another crackle then it was quiet.

  Obviously another male who was economical with words. Mia rose and both Zenon and Rocco turned to her. Her face heated. Again. “I just need to use the, um”—she pointed to the rear of the plane—“the bathroom.” Zenon quickly looked down, and Rocco just continued to grin. Jesus. Scooting out of her seat, she hustled to the tiny room and shut herself in.

  She took a moment to calm her frayed nerves and splashed cold water on her face. She could do this. Her sister managed it, and so could she. She just had to get through her training then she could start her new life. A life she’d had on hold for far too long.

  That’s what she needed to focus on. Her plans had changed, but she could work with it. It turned out her powers weren’t anything like Chaya’s. They’d been wrong, which meant her sister couldn’t train her like they’d hoped. So there’d been a small bump in the road. Did it really matter? The end result would be the same. It would just take a bit longer to get there. Big deal, right?

  She was doing the right thing. This would all be a bad memory in a matter of weeks. Then she could be with her sister again. Chaya might be a hell-raiser, constantly dragging her into her drama, but Mia missed her terribly. They hadn’t seen each other since she came into her powers and relocated to Chicago.

  She splashed some water on her face, dried off, and pulled her hair back in a ponytail. She stared at herself in the mirror and hated how pale and frightened she looked. “Pull it together, Mia. You just have to get past this last hurdle.”

  When she walked back out, Zenon was alone, and after the dire warnings from her sister, Mia felt her fear spike.

  Her step faltered. “Where’s Rocco?”

  Zenon didn’t look at her but tilted his head toward the cockpit.

  The silence stretched out until it became unbearable. She told herself to keep her mouth shut, but words started tumbling out to break the silence before she could stop herself. “So how long does it usually take for a demi to master their powers? I mean, I knew this whole demon power thing was coming and all, and would take some getting used to, but I’m guessing everyone’s different? Timewise, I mean. You know, it’s weird, but when you guys were close, I actually felt you coming. Well, not Rocco. Totally freaky, right? Is that normal?”

  Oh God, she was babbling, but the guy made her so nervous. His head shot up and his glare had morphed into a frown. When she raised her brows in question, he looked back down. His entire body had gone rigid and his hair hung forward to cover most of his face. “Depends,” he finally said.

  “What’s the compound like?”


  Okay, they were back to one-word answers. Now would probably be a good time to shut up. Thankfully, Rocco chose that moment to come back in and didn’t stop talking until they’d landed. But Mia couldn’t help sneaking glances at the big male across from her. He sat so still, so quiet, and had barely lifted his head the entire flight.

  Despite Chaya’s warnings about him being unstable and dangerous, not to mention her own unease toward him, Mia had the weirdest urge to get close to him. To try and make him talk to her—look at her.

  She shook off the feeling. She was being stupid. He’d made it more than clear that he had no interest in doing any of those things. In fact, he’d made it clear he didn’t like her at all.

  She needed to get over her desire to have everybody she encountered like her. This was about her training.

  So she could join her sister and finally start living.

  The drive to the compound was uneventful. Chaya had tried to describe it t
o her, but it hadn’t prepared her for the sight she faced when the massive gates shuddered open. The large, ominous gray building was cold and uninviting. All the concrete surrounding it made the place seem desolate, like they were the only living things left on Earth.

  They drove down a ramp into an underground garage. The temperature dropped, and she hugged herself. But it wasn’t the cold lifting the hairs on her arms. Maybe there’s another way? I shouldn’t have come here.

  But even as the thought crossed her mind, she knew there was no other option. Until she learned to shield her powers, this hell on earth was the safest place for her to be.

  The car stopped and they climbed out. The big males stuck close to her as they walked toward then stepped into a rusted-out elevator. Her stomach lurched as it started its ascent.

  The sheer power emanating from the giants surrounding her made her struggle for breath, but it was the ice sliding across her back that demanded her attention. Zenon.

  He was always alert, even with his long black hair hanging over his face, hiding that strange scar on his right cheek, and she knew he missed nothing.

  Everything about him was designed to intimidate: the tats that covered his arms, the heavy design that covered every inch of his throat, right up to his jawline. And when he trained those cold, freaky yellow eyes on her, she felt his gaze like a physical thing, like he could see right through her.

  It worked, because one look from him and she wanted to run in the other direction.

  But something kept her rooted to the spot, no matter how wild and untamed he seemed. It was weird, but it was that part of him, the terrifying part, that drew her, to the point where curiosity overpowered her fear. She’d been the same as a little kid, had hungered to touch something savage and uncontrollable, and that thing inside her—that thing she’d never understood about herself—made her want to reach out to Zenon now, to touch him, to…to what?

  Inwardly she shook her head. What the hell is wrong with me?

  When Zenon looked at her, it was with distaste—maybe even hate. Had she done something to make him angry? She couldn’t think of anything, but he stared at her like she offended him by breathing. If she ever decided to follow through with the bizarre impulse, he’d more than likely bite her hand off.

  The doors slid open and she shook off her crazy thoughts.

  “Come on. I’ll show you your room,” Rocco said and strode ahead.

  She started to follow, but stopped when she realized the others weren’t coming. She turned and watched as the elevator doors began to slide shut.

  Gunner gave her a chin lift. “Later, Mia.”

  She smiled and waved, waited for Zenon to look up, to acknowledge her in some small way, but he kept his head down. Then the doors were closed and he was gone.

  Yep, the guy hated her guts. Whatever. His bad attitude was his problem. But even as she thought it, she had to fight the urge to go after him and ask why.

  Rocco showed her to her room, told her where she could find him if she had any questions, and left her on her own to settle in.

  The place was nice. Really nice. Better than any of the apartments she’d lived in with Chaya after their mother passed away. Heck, this was a five-star penthouse compared to the usual one-star hovels they’d lived in.

  It took a total of ten minutes to unpack her meager possessions and slide her suitcase under the bed.

  Now what?

  Her first training session wasn’t until tomorrow and she still had several hours to kill before bedtime. Her floor housed the demi-demons, and Rocco had said something about a common room on the top floor.

  May as well meet the other freaks.

  Chapter 2

  The common room was what you’d expect: big comfy couches and a huge plasma TV. The room was painted in cool, soothing blue—no doubt in an effort to keep the halfling demon spawn from flipping their wigs and destroying the place—and there was also a pool table over to the right, and a large table and chairs on the opposite side.

  A whimper came from the other side of the room. Mia turned to find a young woman, maybe in her early twenties, sitting on one of the overstuffed couches on the far side of the room. Her knees were drawn up to her chest, arms wrapped protectively around herself. An attractive dark-haired woman sat close to her, speaking in soothing tones. Another guy stood against the wall, hands shoved in his pockets, a small frown turning down his full lips as he watched on.

  Not wanting to intrude, Mia took a step back, preparing to make a hasty exit. The guy glanced up and his lips lifted on one side. “Hey.”

  “Ah, hi. Sorry to interrupt. I can come back…”

  “No, it’s fine. Don’t leave.” He beckoned her over and when she reached them, held out his hand. “I’m James and this is Kate. Like you, she arrived here at the compound today.” He motioned toward the other woman. “And this is Eve. She’s a permanent fixture here, like me.”

  Eve looked up and smiled. She had a wicked scar on her cheek, causing her smile to be lopsided. It seemed wrong, so out of place on her soft features. “Nice to meet you. Mia, right?”

  Mia returned her smile. “Yeah, that’s me. Nice to meet you, too.”

  “I heard you’d arrived. I was coming to you next, but thought perhaps Kate needed me first.”

  “Sure, no problem. And nice to meet you, too, Kate.”

  Kate looked up, eyes watery and confused. “This is your first day?”

  “Yep.” She felt her cheeks heat.

  “Why aren’t you a mess?” The girl looked dumbfounded and a little annoyed.

  “I’ve known what I am since I was eleven.”

  Her face crumpled. “Oh.”

  “It will get better, Kate.” Eve’s gaze slid to the door, and no joke, the woman’s entire face lit up. Mia turned to see what had caused the transformation. A large male stood propped against the doorframe, his arms crossed over his massive chest. The faded black T-shirt he wore clung to his pecs and biceps, and his piercing green eyes were locked on Eve.

  “How we doing?” he asked.

  Eve squeezed Kate’s hand. “She’ll be fine. Isn’t that right, Kate?”

  Kate sniffed and nodded.

  Those bright green eyes slid to her.

  “Mia,” she said, because the male demanded a response with just one look.

  “This is my mate, Lazarus,” Eve said.

  Mate? She liked the sound of that.

  He pushed away from the door and strode over. “I know your sister, Chaya.”

  “Please, don’t hold it against me,” she said, only half joking. She loved her sister more than anything, but she could be a handful at times…well, most of the time.

  He smiled kindly. “Would have been helpful if she’d mentioned you.”

  Mia’s face got hot again. “She’s protective of me. She thought she had it covered.”

  He chuckled. “The female doesn’t lack confidence, I’ll give her that. Last I heard she was keeping Brent well and truly on his toes.”

  “She talks about him all the time. He sounds like a good boss.”

  He quirked a brow. “Does she now? All the time, you say?”

  Eve snorted. “Okay, stop digging. And anyway, Brent needs someone to throw him off balance every now and then.” She looked back at Mia. “Chay’s a good friend of mine, actually. I got to know her when Lazarus and I were staying with Brent. I can’t believe she kept you a secret.” She pursed her lips.

  Crap. Had she gotten Chaya in trouble? “Like I said, she’s protective of me.”

  Eve didn’t look appeased in the slightest. “Hmm, wait till I talk to her later.” She threaded her fingers with her mate’s. “Walk me and Kate to her room? We’re going to get her settled in.” She turned back to Mia. “I’m sorry to leave you on your own. We don’t usually get two new arrivals at once. Will you be okay?”

  James stepped closer. “I’ll keep an eye on her. Make sure she doesn’t get lost.”

  “Excellent. I’ll
be by in the morning to welcome you properly.”

  Mia couldn’t take her eyes off the couple as they left. Lazarus wrapped the fingers of one of his big hands around the back of Eve’s neck and leaned in to kiss her temple. The way he touched her was possessive. Sure. Their eyes met and something passed between them, something only they knew, and Mia felt an irrational tug of jealousy watching them together. She’d never had that. Nothing even close. Had never allowed herself to.

  “So what’s your power?” James asked.

  Caught openly staring at the couple, Mia jumped and, dammit, she flushed for the third time in less than twenty minutes. That had to be some kind of new record for her. “It seems to center around heat and fire.”

  James’s brows lifted. “Cool. Mine isn’t half as exciting.”

  “At the moment it’s a little volatile. I hope the trainers here can help me get a better handle on it.”

  He grinned and dimples creased his cheeks. His dark eyes were warm. Nice. “All demi-demon powers, no matter what the ability, manifest in a similar way. We just have to learn the best way to harness it in each individual. You’ll have full control in no time.”

  “You make it sound so easy.”

  He grinned at her sarcasm. “It won’t be a cakewalk, but it won’t be reaching the summit of Everest either.”

  “Okay, got it. So what are we talking? Stairs to the top of the Eiffel Tower, drunk and in six-inch heels?”

  He laughed. “Sounds about right.”

  She liked James. There was nothing terrifying or intimidating about him. It was the first time since she’d made the decision to come here that she’d felt at ease. “How long have you been here?”

  “Close to two years now. I chose to stay after my training. Now I help with the new demi when they’re brought in. I’ll be one of your trainers.”

  She relaxed, not even realizing until that moment how tense she’d been. James’s confidence in her gaining full control morphed that restless kind of sadness she’d been carrying around into a thrill of excitement. “How long is no time? I’m kind of keen to get on with my life, or, you know…start one.”


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