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Knight's Salvation (Knights of Hell Book 2)

Page 3

by Sherilee Gray

  “It can’t have been easy knowing what you were all this time, waiting for that ticking time bomb inside you to detonate.”

  That’s exactly what it’d been like. “Yeah, you could say that. Sometimes ignorance really is bliss.”

  His warm gaze held hers and softened further. There was interest there. She didn’t know why it surprised her, but it did. And not in a bad way.

  He slid his hands into his pockets. “So it’s nearly dinnertime. You wanna eat together?”

  He was a good looking guy, tall, kind—and he knew exactly what she was. Perhaps she didn’t need to wait to leave this place to start her new life after all. “Sure, lead the way.”

  His grin upped in wattage, and he settled his hand on her lower back in an intimate way that felt very nice and led her back out into the hall.

  The large dining room was filled with people when they walked in. Knights, trainers, and demi like her. Most were already seated, and everyone seemed to stop what they were doing and look up as soon as they’d crossed the threshold, all eyes coming to her. The head freak. A pretty impressive title in this room of people.


  She’d hoped coming here, among people like her, would make her feel less of a mutant. Apparently not. She focused on the only other familiar face in the room. Rocco lifted his chin by way of greeting, a big, goofy grin on his handsome face. She waved back.

  James touched her arm. “Sorry, you’re a bit of a novelty. As far as we know, there have never been full-blooded demi-demon siblings before, and the fact your parents were in a loving relationship is, well…unheard of.”

  Now she felt crappy for feeling sorry for herself. Most of the demi in this room would have had tougher childhoods than she could even imagine. At least she’d known what was coming. She’d also had a sister and mother who loved her.

  “Sure. I get it.” Still, it sucked just a tiny bit.

  “Don’t worry. They’ll get over their curiosity soon enough. Come on, grub’s this way.”

  James led her to a large banquet-style table loaded with food. Her stomach growled. She hadn’t eaten since that morning and was too nervous to touch a bite when lunchtime rolled around. She was a curvy girl, had never pretended she didn’t love food, and took advantage of the wonderful spread. They filled their plates while James joked and teased, managing to put her at ease despite the gazes she felt burning into the back of her head.

  He placed a buttered roll on his plate then handed her one. “So what did you do before you came here?”

  She laughed. “Um, yesterday?”

  He smiled. “Ah, yeah, I guess so.”

  “Well, I did temp work mostly. I knew I’d have to move on eventually, pull up roots and leave everything behind once I gained my power. So I never bothered with anything permanent. Besides my sister, I avoided getting involved too deeply with anyone, kept my possessions to a minimum…you know, that type of thing.”

  He shook his head. “That must’ve been hard, Mia. Never allowing yourself to get close to anyone or anything.” He moved toward some vacant chairs near the end of a table and motioned for her to sit.

  “I guess. Though I imagine my situation is easier than those of you ripped from your old lives without warning.”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. I mean, yeah, it sucks, but at least we’ve lived…you know, without fear of what was coming, experienced stuff. Sounds like you kept yourself closed off. That’s gotta be lonely.”

  An ache started up in the center of her chest. He was right; of course he was. Yeah, it’d been lonely, especially when Chaya left, but what else could she have done? Instead she said, “It wasn’t so bad.”

  Keeping her head down, she focused on cutting through the chicken on her plate because she didn’t want him to see the truth in her eyes.

  His hand covered hers, his palm warm, skin a little rough.

  “I’m sorry, Mia, that was insensitive of me.”

  “No. It’s fine, really. I’m tougher than I…”


  A plate groaning with food crashed onto the table beside her. Zenon dragged out a chair, and his leather jacket creaked when he folded his big body into it. His spicy scent invaded her space and her belly flipped. But he didn’t look at her. Those cold unblinking eyes were focused on James.

  The warmth of James’s hand disappeared and he cleared his throat while looking between her and Zenon. His eyes widened slightly then he dropped his gaze and started eating. It was several seconds before Zenon did the same, and she could tell James was trying not to squirm with all that intensity directed at him. Then as if nothing had happened, Zenon picked up his fork and started shoving food into his mouth. Mia stared at him, shocked by his sudden appearance and unwarranted aggressiveness toward James.

  But he didn’t glance her way. Not once.

  She wanted to ask him what the hell his problem was, but maybe this was her chance to try and figure him out. Maybe rectify his low opinion of her. It kind of pissed her off, actually. He didn’t know her, yet for some reason he’d decided to hate her on the spot.

  She lightly touched his arm to get his attention. “So, Zenon, do you help with the training?”

  He jolted like she’d shocked him then stilled, unnaturally so. The fork on its way to his mouth, suspended halfway to its destination, lowered. It seemed like forever before he turned. He looked down at her hand resting on his forearm then his strange eyes lifted and caught hers. She couldn’t help it—she yanked her hand back in surprise. He blinked several times, his thick dark lashes such a stark contrast to the amazing color of his eyes.

  “I’m sorry…I…” The savage mask fell back into place and he turned away, dipping his head and letting his hair fall forward to cover his face. Oh God, she’d made it worse. “Zenon…”

  He shoved away from the table suddenly, so hard his chair crashed to the ground behind him. The whole room came to a screeching standstill, and again all eyes turned to her. Stunned, she tried to think of what to say. Should she try to apologize again? But she didn’t know what she was apologizing for.

  Before she could get her brain in gear, he stormed out.

  “Jesus. What the hell crawled up his ass?” James muttered. “I mean, apart from the usual.”

  The guy sitting to his left shook his head. “Beats me.”

  Mia swallowed the lump in her throat. “It’s my fault. I don’t think he likes me very much.”

  “Don’t let him get to you. He doesn’t like anyone. I’m surprised he even sat down at the table. He never eats with the rest of us. Prefers his own company.”

  It was crazy, beyond crazy actually, but she had the sudden urge to go after him. To try and pet the beast. But she didn’t; she stayed in her seat. He wouldn’t welcome her company, and she got the feeling she’d just end up losing a limb.

  Zenon ignored the startled glances as he pushed through the doors. What the fuck had he been thinking? That he could talk to her. That she wouldn’t take one look at him and recoil in disgust.

  That despite who and what he was, they could be…friends.

  He curled his lip. He hadn’t been thinking. All he’d known before he’d lost his mind and walked into the dining room was that Mia fascinated him. And for some fucked up reason, he’d gone with his instincts and sought her out.

  He’d tried to put her out of his mind all afternoon and when that didn’t work he’d convinced himself that one glimpse wouldn’t hurt. He’d stood back, watched her like a damn stalker, but then James had put his hand on her, and he’d reacted like a…like a…he didn’t know what that was back there.

  She’d flinched. Taken one look into his eyes, seen the monster he truly was, and freaked. And in that moment he’d known how foolish he’d been.

  He knew better.

  The sound of boots pounding after him pulled him out of his own head. He ignored whoever it was and slammed into the control room.

  “Zenon, hold up,” Chaos barked.

on stopped, but didn’t look at the other knight. Didn’t speak. He knew what was coming, and he deserved it.

  “What happened back there?”

  Chaos’s wary tone pissed him off further. “I like to frighten helpless women and children.”

  “Cut the attitude. I told you to leave the demi to the rest of us. You’re not good with that shit, you know that. I shouldn’t have to tell you.”

  Yeah, he knew it. He made himself look at the other male. “Won’t happen again. We done?”

  Chaos ran a hand over the inked side of his skull. He looked bewildered, as confused as Zenon by his out-of-character behavior. “Yeah.”

  Kryos was in the control room as well and stuck his head up from behind a computer screen. “Perfect timing. There’s a rogue having fun at Havoc downtown. Someone needs to get down there.”

  “I’ll go.” Zenon started toward the doors.

  “Hang on, Zen.”

  “What? I’m the motherfucking bogeyman, Chaos. This is what I do.” Yeah, he sounded bitter as hell but right then didn’t give a crap.

  Chaos released a breath then turned to Kryos. “Text Roc. He can tag along.”

  Zenon didn’t wait. He headed for the double doors that led to a balcony off the fifth-floor control room. After yanking off his jacket, he tossed it on the ground, tugged off his shirt, shoved it in the waistband of his jeans to put back on once he landed, and with a partial shift—wings only—he took flight. He needed to get out of that place before he fucking suffocated.

  It was still early but the city pulsed with life. The bars and clubs wouldn’t be packed for another few hours, but the after-work crowd was giving it a decent shot. He landed behind Havoc, tucked in his wings, and when they vanished from sight, pulled his shirt on and made his way around to the front.

  No one manned the door, and people were drifting in off the street like they were in some kind of daze.

  The place was dark, with the only light coming from behind the bar and a few downlights edging the room, but it was easy to see the place was near to full. Music pumped from the speakers, a low throbbing bass that seemed to pulse through the room. The scent of sex, dark and exotic, hung heavy in the air.

  He looked around. People were grinding on the dance floor, and from where he stood he could see at least five couples fucking in plain sight. It wasn’t hard to work out the type of demon capable of transforming the place into an all-out orgy.

  “Jesus Christ,” Rocco muttered as he moved up beside him. “This shit’s out of control. You see him?”

  Zen tilted his head to the far side of the club. The sex demon sat on one of the couches that were scattered around the room, holding court, surrounded by panting, grinding, moaning humans. Zenon wished he could say he’d never seen anything like it before, but that would be an outright lie.

  Roc reached down and adjusted his dick. “Let’s get Casanova under control before I start dry humping a chair.”

  Zenon shook his head.

  “What? You gotta feel it? Tell me you don’t have a raging boner right now.”

  Shame knotted Zenon’s gut. His dick hadn’t so much as twitched.

  As they made their way over to the demon, people bumped into him, touched his hair. It took all his control not to shove them away with brutal force. One female grabbed his ass and pressed up against him. He growled and bared his teeth, sending them all scattering.

  He didn’t like to be touched. Ever.

  He heard Rocco’s low moan when they stopped in front of the demon. This close even Zenon could feel the change in the air. It was alive with energy, and going by the Ron Jeremy sized bulge in the front of Roc’s jeans, it was definitely having an effect on the guy. Zenon felt nothing but a light tingling across his scalp. That was it.

  The demon was relaxed back against the cushions, a human on her knees between his thighs, sucking him hungrily. Another female pressed into his side, her skirt up around her hips, his fingers buried inside her.

  Zenon remembered him. He’d come through the hell’s gate last solstice, begging for sanctuary.

  “I don’t usually do dudes,” Roc muttered beside him. “But right now I’m having a hard time deciding whether to kill him or fuck him.”

  The demon’s eyes flew open at Rocco’s words. “I’d prefer the latter if it’s all the same to you. I’m a lover not a fighter.” He smiled up at them, his fingers still pumping languidly between the female’s legs. The head bobbing in his lap had increased in pace and was just plain distracting.

  Roc shuffled forward a little, so his groin made contact with the edge of the table, and groaned. Jesus. This demon wasn’t holding anything back. Zenon slammed a hand against Rocco’s chest and forced him back a step.

  “Right, sorry.” Roc had the decency to look embarrassed and shoved his hands in his pockets. “I need out of here, Zen.”

  Out of patience and not in the mood for small talk—which was good, because the job he did for the knights didn’t require him to speak at all—he stepped over the bodies on the floor, grabbed the perverted little fucker by the front of his shirt, then shaking off the humans attached to him, started for the door.

  Rocco followed, and when they hit the street, he smacked the demon in the back of the head. “Put your dick away, asshole. Nobody wants to see that.”

  The demon turned his smug smile toward Roc. “That wasn’t what you said two minutes ago.” But he did as he was told and tucked himself back in his jeans. His smile vanished when Rocco shoved him against the alley wall.

  The demon blinked repeatedly. “Wait. What’s going on?”

  “You break the rules, you pay the price.”

  “But…I’ve been given sanctuary.”

  “Yeah, dipshit, you were. But we still get to kill you if you breach the conditions set down by Chaos and Silas.”

  His panicked gaze darted over Rocco’s shoulder to Zenon. Zen shook his head. If he was looking for sympathy, he was looking at the wrong knight.

  “But…” He floundered and stuttered for several seconds. “But I just went in for a drink. What did I do wrong?”

  Rocco shoved him harder into the unforgiving brick. “Are you serious? The entire club was one mass orgy. You used your sex hormone juju on those humans to get off. Not okay.”

  “I didn’t think…”

  “What part of don’t use your powers on humans did you not understand?”

  His eyes widened. “I’m sorry. I…” Then his forehead scrunched as Rocco’s words registered. “Never?”

  Rocco shook his head. “Not even while you jack off, asshole.”

  “Okay, all right. It won’t happen again. I swear.”

  The guy looked stricken. Zenon almost believed him. Rocco stepped back and looked over his shoulder. “Let me call Chaos, see what he wants us to do with this guy.”

  Zenon would rather kill him and be done with it. He needed to kill something. And sex demons were nothing but filthy pieces of shit that preyed on the weak and vulnerable. He’d left his Li Kweis, the twin fighting axes he usually fought with, at the compound since they tended to attract attention, but he always carried a knife. He slipped the blade from the side of his boot in anticipation of Chaos’s order.

  Rocco murmured into his phone for a few seconds then slid it back in his pocket. He glanced up at Zen and shook his head. “He wants us to bring him in.”

  The demon sagged against the wall, and Zenon growled in frustration. “What for?”

  The other male shrugged. “Guess we’ll find out when we get there.”

  Chapter 3

  Zenon circled the compound. From above it looked abandoned, rundown, like it should. The windows were boarded so no light could escape. He couldn’t see what went on inside the multistory building, but he could sense those within. Right then, one presence rose above the rest. It called to him like the sweetest song from the heavens. He’d heard it once while training under Silas, the angel who had trained and watched over them. Zenon was sure he�
��d never again hear anything as sweet. That was until now—until he heard Mia say his name.

  The direction of his thoughts sent dread lancing through him. He had to stop thinking about that female. For her good as well as his own.

  Tucking his wings in close to his back, he let himself drop from the sky. He plummeted toward the cracked concrete below, feeding off the adrenaline racing through his veins. The rush was the only way he knew to feel alive. To make sure this wasn’t all a dream and that at any moment he’d wake, still in hell, chained in his cell like a dog waiting for his next beating.

  At the last minute he spread his leathery wings, halting his descent to land softly on his feet. Not long after Silas came for him he’d done the same thing, only from the top of a cliff, but that time he hadn’t pulled up at the last minute and discovered hitting the ground wouldn’t end his waking nightmare—no, it just hurt like a motherfucker. And waiting weeks for his body to repair itself had nearly driven him insane.

  That was how Silas found out about Helena…

  He shoved the bitch out of his head.

  The compound was quiet as he entered through the parking garage. Chaos had sent a car so they could transport their prisoner, but Zenon hated traveling in cars, hated any type of confined space, and had told Rocco he’d meet him back here. Zenon had taken his time.

  The door off the garage was open and he descended the flight of stairs into the basement. His boots echoed off the concrete floor as he headed down the hall to where the interrogation room and cells were located. If this guy needed to be executed, he wanted to be the one to do it. Sex demons were disgusting vermin that needed to be wiped out as far as he was concerned.

  What if Mia hadn’t called them this morning? What if she’d been in that club? He knew his train of thought wasn’t logical, but logic had a way of scattering when he thought about that female.

  Rage, wild and barely controllable, reared up inside him. His demon wanted the driver’s seat, but he maintained control easily. It wouldn’t have been so easy six months ago. When Tobias, a knight and one of their brothers, devastated after the death of his mate, had purposely succumbed to his inner demon, he had nearly dragged them all back to Hell with him.


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