12 Months of Temptation: MFM Menage Romance

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12 Months of Temptation: MFM Menage Romance Page 19

by Bailey James

  But I have to forget about them for today at least, I’m seeing Sophia and letting my hair down. I try not to speak about the twins with Sophia, but when your best mate keeps asking and after a shot or 5, it eventually all comes out.

  “Men,” is Sophia’s only response.

  Making me giggle. “Thanks for your pearls of wisdom.”

  She shrugs. “Hey, with my track record you shouldn’t be getting advice from me. No one stays long enough.”

  I feel and sense her mood shift downwards. I wrap my arm around her. “Hey, that happened once, and he was an idiot. Everyone else you make leave, remember.”

  She nods. “I guess… Okay, my advice is… Just go see them tomorrow, and talk it out, Becks. Don’t flip out on them, just have a conversation, stay calm, let’s hope he doesn’t offer you flowers, I really must meet them,” Sophia says, I nod and laugh.

  “You’re right. I guess I should tell them about my hate for cut flowers. Not that either of them has ever bought me flowers, that’s definitely not our thing.”

  Saturday night I decide to make a surprise visit to their house, I don’t know if they’ll be in, but I want to ask them about stuff, and we need to get things cleared up. I only hope Carrie isn’t there because then I really will flip, I’m trying to contain it the best I can. I go around to the back door as this is the one they tend to use the most. Logan answers looking like he’s just stepped out of the shower with his hair wet, bare chest and only jeans and bare feet. Yum. Fuck, these men are beautiful. I get a strong smell of perfume as the door opens. Is Carrie here now? He seems happy to see me, I look around him to look for Carrie and Landen. When all I can see is hundreds and hundreds of cut flowers in vases scattered around the kitchen. I pull a face and look at Logan. He bites his lip in the cute boyish way he does, then tells me to come in.

  “Mmh, why?” I ask Logan walking in gesturing to the flowers.

  “We need to talk, Becks.”

  I nod, confused. He gestures for me to sit and grabs some beers from the fridge, handing one to me.

  “You remember that grand gesture I told you about,” says Logan quietly.

  I nod, then gasp. “No! Shit, these flowers are for me?” Logan nods.

  “Do you think it’s a good time to tell Landen I hate cut flowers?” I say wrinkling up my nose.

  Logan laughs loud. “Shit,” he says shaking his head. So, maybe Landen does love me, and tonight he was going to declare it, but I cancelled on him not knowing.

  “Becks,” says Landen walking in. I get up and hug him, I stick my head in his chest and just hold him. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know,” I muffle into his chest. Now I feel bad that I cancelled on them, and he planned a big romantic evening. Fuck, I guess it sort of explains why he got pissed at me and paranoid.

  “Hey, no, I’m sorry, I was being irrational, you weren’t to know, Becks, and of course you can see your friends whenever you like,” he says inhaling my hair. He pulls me back, and I almost feel like crying. He holds my cheeks. “Becks, I’m so sorry, I’ve messed this whole thing up, but I just wanted to tell you that I love you, so fucking much.”

  I nod and look down biting my lips. “Landen, I love you too, both of you, I didn’t realise you were planning this.” He kisses me, and I feel Logan come behind.

  “I just need to know, if this thing with Carrie is truly over? Because I just feel that there is still stuff going on there,” I say looking into Landen's eyes.

  “Becks,” says Logan from behind, “I promise you with all my heart, there is nothing going on with Carrie. However, she is still sniffing about and is desperately trying to get back in our good books.”

  Landen nods. “Becks, for everyone’s sanity it’s best we keep her in our good books but at arm’s length, but you have nothing to worry about regarding her. She is very much in the past. I’m sorry about last night, and this morning too, you just sent me into panic mode. I freaked out and got all paranoid you were lying to us.”

  “Landen, I am not Carrie!”

  “I know, I was being ridiculous, I know that,” says Landen looking at the floor. “I want to move things to the next level, but I fear that too. I also want to do it big because that’s what you would like.”

  “Landen, I love you, however again, I am not Carrie, and as much as I appreciate the effort, you have gone to make me feel special and loved. I’m so sorry I ruined it for you. I just want you, I don’t want a fancy declaration of love, or presents or flowers because, to be honest… I hate cut flowers,” I whisper, turning away from him and picking at the flowers.

  “You do?” says Landen.

  “I just want it to be real, in the moment, that’s what makes it special, Landen. All this other stuff is fake shit. I love you for being you, not what you can provide. I am not Carrie.”

  He kisses me again deep and passionate. “I’m sorry, Becks, I’m so sorry,” says Landen.

  “Just show me you love me with actions,” I say.

  He nods. “You’re so right, and I’m so going to show you how much I love you right now.”

  “Oh yeah?” I say as he takes my hands and places them above my head pushing me backwards up to the large refrigerator.

  “Oh yes.” His hand slips inside my clothes, and he begins to touch me. “I’m going to fuck the love right into you,” says Landen with a sexy grin.

  “Is that so?” I say between kisses. Logan moves in close and takes my hands that are above my head and holds them while Landen feels down my body stripping me of my trousers.

  “Becks, I need you,” says Landen.

  “On the table?” I ask excitedly.

  “Mmh,” says Logan beginning to kiss down my neck. “No time for beds, they’re overrated.”

  “Most definitely, I don’t think we’ve christened the table yet,” I say smirking at Logan as Landen kisses me between my legs.

  Logan pulls my top off. Then they suddenly both pick me up, Logan clears the table in one scoop, and they place me on it. Opening my legs wide, so Landen's head is between my thighs, I gasp at his first lick and squirm at the sensation.

  “Becks,” says Logan kissing me, “I fucking love you.”

  I smile. “I love you too,” I say.

  “It’s been killing me not saying it. I was just waiting for this idiot to catch up,” Logan says.

  I gasp as Landen licks deeper on those words.

  “I think if he carries on like this, all is forgiven. Logan, give me your cock.”

  Logan groans and steps forward placing his cock into my mouth.

  “Fuck, Becks, that feels so good,” Logan says as I suck his cock deep into my throat. Landen continues to lick my pussy as I squirm and groan on Logan’s cock. As Landen makes me cum, Logan pulls out of my mouth, making me shout out Landen’s name and grab his hair. As I come down from the pleasure rush, Landen rubs himself against me and then Logan suddenly straddles me on the table facing away from me. All I can see now is Logan’s naked butt and it’s gorgeous. I stroke Logan’s body as I feel them both touching my pussy, pulling me apart as Landen slides in slowly with his large cock.

  “Fuck, that’s hot,” says Logan obviously watching Landen slide into me. As Landen begins to thrust into me, I ask Logan to move backwards. He asks why but does so anyway. I immediately bite him, making him groan. Then I grab him and pull him back further. But he doesn’t move. “Logan, sit on me,” I say.


  “Move back a little,”

  “Why?” he says moving anyway. I open his cheeks and stick my tongue inside him. He gasps in shock, but I continue, and he doesn’t move. I stick the tip of my tongue in deep, and he gasps again.

  “Fuck, Becks you dirty, dirty girl,” says Logan. I feel movement from Logan. I think he’s stroking his cock. Landen continues to fuck me hard, while I start to insert a finger into Logan. Logan begins to protest at my invasion but then groans with pleasure. Logan starts to rub my clit, Landen fucks me harder just on the right spot. This make
s me cum again, after a while. I bite Logan’s butt while thrusting my finger into him making him groan and lose control. I feel Logan’s cum dripping onto my body. Landen groans my name and cums and then laughs.

  “Fuck, Becks, what were you doing to him?” says Landen recovering.

  “I’ll show you next time,” I say.

  Logan gets off me and sits on a chair beside the table looking shell-shocked. “Wow, Becks, you dirty girl.”

  Which makes me giggle. I get carried up to bed by Landen and snuggle in the middle of my twins.

  Landen Johnson


  I have a delivery with Logan today, we somehow managed to get buddied up, which doesn’t happen too often. But it’s a good chance to catch up with him. I’m also nervous as I have something that I want to ask him, and I’m not sure how he will feel, but being together all day seems like an excellent opportunity.

  I sigh, but Logan takes it wrong.

  “Don’t worry, 3 months, that’s all,” he says.

  “It’s not that, but I would like to stop having to do earlies and lates.”

  “I don’t know, I kind of like them,” Logan says.

  “Seriously,” I ask.

  “Yep 9-5’s gets boring, and I like the variety of our shifts being all over the place.”

  “Yeah, I think maybe we need to have a bit more organisation in that area?” I say.

  “We do, I guess it needs to be fairly flexible for the company’s needs,” says Logan.

  “Are we getting information about the sale?”

  “Anytime now, it’s looking like they want a quick sale so that will be good for us,” says Logan.

  “When should we tell Becks, I feel bad for not telling her everything,” I say.

  “Not yet, we need to make sure all goes through before we say anything to anyone. Especially, if Carrie’s dad does get wind of it. I just worry that he’ll buy it from under us.”

  “Mmh, your right, he’s always wanted what we have.”

  “I do wonder sometimes, Landen, if Carrie ever really wanted us?” says Logan.

  I look at him. “What do you mean?” I say.

  “I sometimes wonder if she was always in it for the money and what she could gain. I mean, who knows, her father may have even put her up to it,” says Logan.

  “Do you think? But then why does she still want one of us now?” I say.

  “Because she wants privy to information,” Logan says.

  “But, as far as she knows we aren’t in that world anymore.”

  “Yes, but maybe she’s suspicious and knows we are up to something?”

  I think about this and wonder, Carrie has left me alone, but she’s currently been trying to get Logan to meet her constantly. She still believes that she is pregnant with his baby. I think Logan’s right when he says she’s trying to get one of us. She doesn’t believe that Becks could want us both. So, she’s pleased I’m with Becks and believes that leaves Logan free for herself. We have told her numerous times we are together as a three-way relationship, but she just doesn’t want to believe it. Luckily, she has stayed away from Becks. We have managed to keep her at arm’s length.

  Since declaring our love for Becks, she has stayed with us most nights. It feels like she lives there too, and I really want to ask Logan about this. However, I know it’s another big step and one we never attempted with Carrie. I’m anxious if he’ll want to make it official. But I’ve been thinking, then Becks could sell her house and have a bit more money for herself. I know she struggles a bit with cash, not that she would ever admit to it. However, having that fast sports car probably eats at her money. But I wouldn’t dare ask her to trade that in for a sensible car, she would bite my head off.

  “Logan, I’ve been thinking how nice it would be if we made it Becks’ home too.”

  “Wow, really, are you ready for that leap?” he says looking at me surprised.

  I shrug. “I think so, it’s a big leap, but I can’t bear it when she goes home.”

  “Not just your possessiveness talking, is it, so you’ll know where she is?”

  I laugh. “No, it would be handy, but no.”

  “Then yes, I want her living with us, but think about it carefully, Landen, once you say it you can’t go back.”

  “I know. How do you think Becks will take it?” I say.

  “I can’t see why she wouldn’t want to,” says Logan.

  “Okay, shall we ask her tonight?” I say.

  With that my mobile goes, it’s Becks.

  “Hey, boys.”

  “Hey, beautiful,” I say.

  “I’m thinking, how do you fancy going out tonight, my treat?”

  I look at Logan surprised, “Where to? With both of us?”

  “Yes, with both of you, silly, I’m not just going to take one of you when I can have two gorgeous men on my arm.”

  “Okay, but people will stare,” I say.

  “Let them, if they’ve ever had two, they’d know what we have. It’s just jealousy, that’s all. I’m not ashamed of having shit hot sex with two sexy beasts.”

  “I love you, Becks,” I say smiling.

  “Yep,” says Logan.

  “Love you too, so I’ll meet you at yours.”

  I end the call and look at Logan, he’s beaming away smug and content.

  “I fucking love that girl, don’t ever let me forget it,” I say.

  “Me too, so pleased you picked her up all those months ago. That reminds me, I must go and get a whip and bullet vibrator soon.”

  I laugh hard.

  Becks Winter


  I had been reminded at the weekend when talking to Tally at rugby that Carrie never went out with the twins together, ever. Apparently, she only ever took one, and if anyone asked it was Logan. So, I wanted to treat them and take them out for dinner, both of them together, and I can’t wait. What we have may not be considered normal, but most people won’t ever dare say anything even if they didn’t like it.

  I feel like the luckiest girl alive to have these two gorgeous men that are all mine. Okay, maybe I am feeling some of Landen’s possessiveness towards them. But I want to go out and have fun with them. Make them realise being together as a three is nothing to be ashamed of, and if anyone does have a problem, well, then I will tell them to go and stick it up their arse. It’s as simple as that. Life has been good since the twins told me they loved me, and I found all those flowers. I can’t believe Landen did that, it must have cost him an absolute fortune. Which makes me feel bad. Maybe I should have offered him some money for them, as I ruined his grand gesture. I will make it up tonight with a fantastic steak.

  I pop home to get dressed before I head over to the twins’ house. When I do get there, I walk into them both dressed up, and my legs go wobbly just at the sight of them.

  “I don’t know, maybe we should stay in,” I say, walking in the door. I want to grab them both and get naked as they look so sexy all dressed up. The way they both turn and look at me makes me feel bad.

  “We understand,” says Landen.

  “How about we toss a coin, so just one of us goes tonight and the other tomorrow,” says Logan.

  “What are you talking about? I meant I want to stay here and get you naked because you both look so fucking hot. Not that I am ashamed to be seen with you both,” I say.

  I walk up to Logan and kiss him hard pouring all my emotions into it and pushing myself up against him. I then pull off him and turn to Landen, doing the exact same thing. “All I meant is you two look hot,” I say pulling off Landen. They both smile.

  “Same goes for you,” says Logan looking me up and down and stripping me naked with his eyes.


  After dinner, I am so determined to make a night of it and make them feel more secure with me. So, I encourage them both to go dancing.

  I’m pressed in the middle of my men dancing. “I think we need to go home,” I say suddenly.

  “Why’s that
?” says Logan from behind.

  “Because I’ll be on my knees with your cocks out in a minute if you don’t stop grinding yourselves against me.”

  “Oh really?” says Landen and they both start to grind harder against me.

  I drop to my knees. They both laugh picking me up.

  “Come on then, let’s go,” says Logan.


  We are lying in bed, having just had another crazy sex session. I’m in the middle of them both. Logan is laying on my chest, and Landen is on the other side, twirling my long hair through his fingers. I feel so calm and content.

  Sleepily I wonder how I will ever be able to go back to one man now. I need these two beautiful men in my life. I never realised how lonely I was until these two crashed into my life causing drama and chaos. Logan must have been thinking the same thing.

  "This feels so right, doesn't it? Us three together," says Logan.

  Landen and I nod.

  “I want it like this permanently, I hate it when you sleep at your place, Becks. I want you here every day. I want to be able to fuck you together every night and every morning," says Landen.

  Logan nods and sighs. My heart warms at his sweet words, and I squeeze his hand.

  "Becks, we've been thinking. How, would you feel about moving in here and selling your house?” says Landen.

  I close my eyes and gulp, shit. I would love to move in with them, but I won’t be able to sell my house until after my birthday. They both must sense my hesitation.

  "I know it's a big step, please, Becks, if it's too much too soon we get it, we do, but we would really like you to be with us," says Logan.

  "Okay,” says Landen jumping up on his knees. “Look, don't say anything now but think about it, okay, please?" Landen strokes my cheek with his thumb, trying to get me to look into his eyes.


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