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Dacia Wolf & the Fallen Prince

Page 25

by Mandi Oyster

  Instead, his weight shifts, lightening. Mavros’ ebony eyes stare down into mine. “If you choose the boy, you will watch him die. If you choose me, he can enjoy a long, happy life.” He smooths the wet hair off my face. “Nobody can make this decision for you, and nobody but you can save your friends. The choice should be simple, but every drop of rain tells me you’re going to make the wrong decision.”

  “Choice? What choice?” A humorless laugh flees from my shaking head.

  “I told you I was playing for keeps.” He sits up, straddling my waist, and holds my hands down. “You and Cody are about to wake up. Are you going to tell him that he’s going to live or that you’re sacrificing him?”


  I woke with a start. My breath caught in my throat as I flung myself into a sitting position. The sheet slid down my body. Goosebumps rose on my arms. My tank top did little to stop the chill.

  “You okay?” Cody’s voice was groggy from being startled awake. “Bad dream?” He rubbed my arms in a calming gesture.

  I jerked my head from side to side, searching the shadows for Mavros. I knew the room was blessed, but I felt his presence, his anger, and hatred. “I’m not sure it was a dream.” I leaned into Cody’s embrace, needing his strength and love. “I think Mavros was in my head.”

  He blew out a heavy sigh. “What’s he want?”

  “For me to choose him.” I folded my arms over his, tightening his hold on me, hoping it would chase away my fears. “What else?”

  “You can’t.” His voice had a desperate edge to it.

  “Do I have a choice?” I tilted my head and looked up at him.

  His eyes opened wide, and his muscles tensed. “Yeah … me.” A tortured expression crossed his face. “Choose me.”

  I turned so I was facing him. “If I choose you, he’ll kill you. That doesn’t seem like much of a choice to me.”

  “Choose me.” His thumb brushed against my cheek. “Then save me.”

  I drew my fingers over my eyes, trying to pull myself together. “If only it were that easy.”


  Damon and I strolled across campus. His arm was thrown over my shoulder, not lovingly but possessively. My body tensed when Cassandra and Bryce came into view … until I realized they were holding hands.

  “Dacia,” Bryce said. I looked at him, not sure what to expect. His smile was warm, and happiness sparkled in his pale eyes. “Thanks for the push you gave Cassi.”

  “Yeah, uh sure.” I stumbled over the words.

  Bryce nudged Cassandra playfully. She cleared her throat and shifted her weight from foot to foot. “Thanks,” she mumbled. “You were right.”

  “No problem.”

  Damon started to pull me away but not before Cassandra said, “You should really be with Cody, though. It’s obvious the two of you belong together.”

  “She’s with me.” Damon snarled. His fingers dug into my shoulder. Panther claws tore through my skin.

  “Let’s go,” I said through clenched teeth. We rounded a corner, and I pulled Damon behind a couple of spruce trees. I grabbed the neckline of my hoodie and pulled it down over my shoulder exposing five bloody claw marks. My eyes narrowed, and I curled my hands into fists. “Since I don’t heal from demon wounds on my own, I need to go see Aurelia.” I spun on my heel, but I only made it one step before Damon’s hand clamped down on my other shoulder.

  “I’m sorry, Dacia.” He stood in front of me, looking like he might shatter into a thousand pieces if I walked off. “I never meant to hurt you. Please believe me.”

  I pulled away from him. On the outside, I looked calm, but on the inside, a storm raged, threatening to break free and destroy everything in its path. “For someone who doesn’t mean to hurt me, you sure do it a lot.”

  “You have to believe me when I say it was not intentional.” He put his hand on my injured shoulder and closed his eyes. I sucked in a quick breath as the pain moved from my wounds toward his fingertips. When Damon opened his eyes, the only evidence that I’d been hurt was the blood on my shirt. If I’d have gone to Aurelia, it would’ve taken days to heal it.

  Fury wrapped around my muscles, tightening them. My fists clenched, and my jaw clamped down. When I spoke, the words were soft, but there were sharp edges on them. “Why didn’t you do that when you attacked me before school started? You could’ve saved me three days of my life and a whole lot of pain.”

  His eyes widened in surprise. “I couldn’t.” Pain clouded his face. “You wouldn’t let me. I begged you to invite me in so I could help you.” He reached toward me but let his hand drop. “There was no way for me to heal you. I couldn’t even see you.”

  I stared at him, trying to figure out if he was telling me the truth or just trying to placate me.

  “When you told me you were still injured, I healed you. Didn’t you realize it?” He took a step closer to me. His shoulders slumped, and he looked broken. “The first time I met you, I healed you.” He stretched his hand toward me. “You never knew?”

  I shook my head, backing away from him. I thought about that day at the park, about how I’d been surprised when I got in my truck and my shoulder no longer ached. Had it really been him?

  “I drew the venom out. I never meant to hurt you. I didn’t know you weren’t healing. If you’d have told me, I would’ve helped you sooner.” He took a step back and lowered his head. “Please forgive me.”

  The storm raging inside me died down until I was in control. I nodded at him. “This time, but never again.”


  Samantha looked up from her homework. “Sarah called while you were out. She’d like to see you today if you have time.”

  I dropped my chin to my chest and shook my head. “I shouldn’t have kept her in the dark this whole time.”

  “I’m surprised she didn’t call sooner.” She tapped her pen against her notebook.

  Pulling my bloody sweatshirt over my head, I grabbed a new one, picked up the phone, and waited for Sarah to answer. “Hello.”

  “Hey.” I ran my hand through my hair. “Samantha said you called.”

  “I did. Can you come to my office? I’d like to talk to you.”

  “Sure. Is anyone there? Can I just show up?”

  “The coast is clear.”

  “Okay, see ya in a few.” I hung up the phone. “I guess I’ll be back.” I teleported to Sarah’s office. Guilt washed over me when I looked around the room where I’d spent so much of my first semester.

  “I wish I could travel like that.” Sarah sat on one of the couches, pouring lemonade into a glass. “Would you like some?” She held up the pitcher.

  “Sure.” I sat down across from her, grabbing my glass. “I’m sorry I haven’t been here more. I have no excuse for it.” I took a drink, not realizing how thirsty I was.

  She waved her hand. “Don’t worry about that. It’s probably best.”

  “Really?” My eyebrows puckered together.

  “Yes. Aurelia keeps me filled in. It keeps me off the demon’s radar and makes it so there’s one less person for you to watch over.”

  “I hadn’t thought of it that way.” I set my empty glass on the coffee table.

  “How are you holding up?”

  I looked down at my lap. “Not too good. I only have four days to figure out how to defeat Mavros, and I have no idea. I can’t say yes to him, but I also can’t say no to him. I can’t let him kill my friends, but I can’t let him have the world either. And, if he’s what he seems like most of the time I’m around him, I can’t imagine sending him back to the Abyss.” I looked into Sarah’s hazel eyes, hoping she would understand.

  She nodded. “I’ve heard nothing but good things about him from all the teachers. It’s amazing how a demon can seem like such a good person, bu
t you have to understand that he’s not.”

  My hands clenched. “How can you be sure?”

  “Demons are evil, crafty, manipulative creatures bent on destruction.” She leaned forward with her elbows on her knees.

  A muscle in my jaw ticked. “And angels are the exact opposite.”

  “Right.” Her eyebrows pinched together, and she sounded unsure.

  “Then how do you explain Lucifer?” A tight fist of rage clenched inside me. None of them knew what Damon could be like. None of them had seen the despair in his eyes when he worried about going back to the Abyss. “And, if he can be evil, how can we be so sure no demons are good?”

  “How many times has Mavros in any of his forms attacked you?” She shifted on the couch, looking uncomfortable. “How many times has he controlled you? If he’s good, he wouldn’t do that. If he’s good, he wouldn’t threaten to kill your friends if you don’t choose him. I know you want to believe he can change, but he can’t.”

  I refilled my glass and took a drink while I thought about what she’d said. “Most of the time, I would agree with you, but there are times when he looks so honest and sincere that it breaks my heart to think about sending him back. Then there are times like today.”

  “What happened today?” Her body went rigid.

  “Bryce and Cassandra thanked me for hooking them up.” I laughed. “Can you believe that? Anyway, Cassandra told me I should be with Cody, not Damon, and Damon’s claws extended into my shoulder. He healed me; he didn’t have to. Why would he unless there is some good in him?”

  “Because he wants you to believe he’s changing. He wants you to believe you have the ability to make him better.”

  I tugged my hand through my hair. “What if I can?”

  “You can’t.” She sat on the coffee table and patted my leg. “This is a game to him, and if he wins, it’s one hell of a prize.”

  I leaned back, resting my head against the couch. “I have no intention of letting him stay, but I don’t know how to send him back either.”

  “You’ll figure something out.” Her tone was sympathetic.

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “You sound just like Cody.”

  Her face turned solemn. “How’s he doing?”

  “This is killing him, but he’s doing his best to hide it.” I remembered his expression yesterday when he thought I was gone, and my heart broke a little more.

  “I noticed you’re not wearing the ring he gave you.” She pointed at my finger.

  I looked down at my hand and sighed. “Damon commented on it, so I thought it’d be best not to wear it all the time.”

  “As hard as it must be for you and Cody, I think that’s a good idea.” She patted my knee one more time before standing up. “You have to do your best not to let Mavros or Damon or whoever know how you feel about Cody.”

  “He knows.”

  She spun around and looked at me. Her eyebrows rose up until they were covered by her hair. Surprise and fear mingled together on her face. She cleared her throat and regained her usual composure. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, but I told him I’m trying.” I twisted the strings on my hoodie together and stared at the edge of the coffee table. “It seems like he’s buying it.”

  “I hope so.”

  I pressed my hands down on the couch on either side of me. “If it’s okay with you, I’m supposed to meet everyone for supper.” My stomach churned. I pinched my eyes shut and stood.

  “What is it?” Sarah’s voice was soft, concerned.

  “Nothing.” I tugged a shaking hand through my hair. “Just a feeling.”

  She clasped my shoulder. “If you need to talk, I’m here.”

  “Thanks.” I closed my eyes, and when I opened them again, I stood in my room with Samantha, Dan, and Cody looking at me. I looked into Cody’s blue eyes and fought the urge to throw myself into his arms. Instead, I asked, “Anybody hungry?”

  “Starved,” Cody answered.

  We walked to the cafeteria. Cody and I were separated by Dan and Samantha. I tried not to glance at him, not to seem interested in him at all, but I’m sure I failed miserably. I got a chicken Caesar salad and glass of water and sat down beside Samantha, leaving two chairs between myself and Cody. When he talked, I looked at my food or around the room, even though I was hanging on his every word.

  I was almost done eating when the chair beside me scraped against the floor. I looked up into Damon’s eyes. “May I?”

  I glanced around the table and shrugged. “Uh, sure.”

  Damon scooted the chair right next to mine, sat down, and threw his arm over my shoulders, never looking away from Cody. Cody’s expression darkened. His jaw clenched, and his eyes narrowed to slits.

  Still watching Cody, Damon traced his fingers from my ear to my chin. I clutched my fork in my fist. You’re supposed to be his girlfriend, I reminded myself.

  I looked up at him through my eyelashes and curved my lips into what I hoped was a convincing smile. “Damon, let me finish eating. Then we can go for a walk or something.”

  “That’s okay. I just wanted this.” He cupped my face in his hands and leaned forward. I felt his breath on my ear. I wanted to pull away, but I fought the urge. “Will you kiss me in front of him, or have you made your decision?” he whispered so only I could hear him.

  My heart plummeted as I closed the gap. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my lips against his. He pulled me onto his lap. His fingertips brushed the skin on my back and sent shivers of desire through my body.

  With a crash, something fell. I jumped up and turned to see what had happened. Cody’s chair was lying on the floor, and he was darting toward the door. The noise in the cafeteria quieted until the humming of the air conditioner was all that could be heard. One hundred and fifty eyes turned to stare at me.

  Damon chuckled softly. “My work here is done. I’ll see you in class tomorrow.”

  I reached out and grabbed his hand, yanking him back. “What was that for?”

  He smiled at me, not just any smile. This was a smile that melted the hard edges of my anger, softening me, almost making me forget what I wanted to say.

  I shook my head, trying to regain my concentration. “Please leave him alone.”

  “Oh, I have no intention of harming him tonight. I’ve had my fun for today.” He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer until our bodies were pressed together. Desire burned in his eyes. “Can I come to your room tonight?”

  “After that stunt you just pulled,” a red-faced Samantha yelled at him, “you’re not welcome.” Dan’s hands wrapped around her waist, restraining her.

  “Like you could stop me, little girl.” Damon’s voice was so cold, I trembled.

  I pulled myself together. “She just did. I can’t invite you in now.”

  He took a step back. “Your time is running out. I’d advise you to think about what’s best for you and your friends.” He turned and sauntered through the room.

  “You have to go after Cody.” Samantha clutched the back of her chair. Her eyes darted toward the door. “You have to make sure he’s safe.”

  A black hole opened up inside of my chest, sucking all of my joy, all of my happiness, and all of my hope into it. My arms hung limply at my sides, and my eyes burned. “He won’t want to see me.”

  “Go.” Dan pointed. “We’ll give you a minute.”

  “No.” I tugged my hand through my hair, looking from them to the door. “You better come along. Samantha just pissed Damon off. I need to make sure you guys stay safe, too.”

  As we walked through the cafeteria, students—too anxious to wait until we were out of earshot—began whispering. “What do they see in her?” “She could have a piece of me.” “What a slut!” “Cody’s better off wit
hout her.” “I could cheer him up.” “But Damon’s so hot. Can you blame her?” “What was that about?”

  I kept my head up, not letting them know I heard what they were saying about me, but by the time I got outside, my eyes were full of unshed tears. I wrapped my arms around my waist, trying to hold myself together.

  The sun was below the mountains, turning the sky dark blue. A few stars dotted the heavens, but it was still bright enough out to see. Unlike me, Cody had made it more than a few steps outside the door.

  “Where do you think he went?” Samantha rested her hand on my shoulder.

  “I … I don’t know.” My lip trembled. “I hope he didn’t confront Damon.”

  Dan stood in front of me, holding my gaze with his. “See if Aurelia knows where he is.”

  Aurelia, do you know where Cody is?

  I thought he was with you. She sounded confused. I imagined her perfectly trimmed eyebrows pinching together.

  I shook my head at Dan and Samantha to let them know she didn’t know where Cody was. He was.

  What happened?

  Damon. I projected images of what had happened to her.

  Arion and I will help you find him.

  Thanks. I pulled my bottom lip into my mouth and fought the urge to cry. “She doesn’t know where he is, but they’ll help us find him.”

  “I’m sure he’s fine.” Samantha squeezed my shoulder before walking away. “Damon said he wouldn’t hurt him tonight.”

  Dan snorted. “And you trust him?”

  “Da-aan.” Samantha shot him a look that let him know she didn’t think he was helping.

  You can sense him. Aurelia’s voice sounded in my head.

  Only when he’s close.

  Start close to you. Then push your thoughts out until you find him.

  I’ll try. I stood still and searched for Cody’s aura, scared that when I found him, he wouldn’t want to see me.


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