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Dacia Wolf & the Fallen Prince

Page 26

by Mandi Oyster

  It will not work if you do not want it to.

  What do you mean? Anger flared through me again. Of course, I want it to!

  Calm down, Dacia. You have to want it more than you fear it.

  Oh. I pictured Cody leaving the cafeteria. I saw how betrayed and hurt he felt. I don’t know if I can.

  Then you will fail, and Cody may not remain safe.

  I closed my eyes and took several deep breaths. Then I pressed my consciousness out, searching for Cody’s combination of strength and love. My head hurt from the strain, but I didn’t find him.

  We walked toward the dorms. I stopped every few feet, searching for Cody, hoping to find him safe. Praying Mavros would keep his word and leave Cody alone.

  I found him, Arion said. He is in the gymnasium. I will keep an eye on him until you get there.

  Thank you, Arion. I made sure I sent sincere gratitude along with my thoughts. I owe you.

  No, I have yet to repay my debt. Must I remind you? You saved my life.

  I sprinted to Lupine Fieldhouse with Dan and Samantha lagging behind. My only concern was making sure Cody was safe. As I reached for the door, something glistened in the corner of my eye. Turning, I watched Arion step out of the bushes. He shimmered like a diamond in the sunlight.

  Patting his neck, I asked, “Can you get Dan and Samantha back to our room and keep them safe?”

  He bowed slightly. “Consider it done.”

  Samantha squeezed my arm. “Good luck.”

  “Take your time.” Dan patted my shoulder.

  When they left, I went in. Several students were in the first room lifting weights and riding stationary bikes, but Cody wasn’t among them. I glanced at the pool as I walked by, not seeing him there either.

  I scanned each room as I passed it. I found Cody where I expected he’d be, shooting hoops. A few other students were playing a game on the far side of the court.

  I grabbed a ball and dribbled toward the basket. When I was by the free-throw line, I tossed the ball up. My shot missed, not coming anywhere near the hoop. My arms were trembling and weak. I went after the ball and held it against my hip.

  “Why are you here?” Cody asked without taking his eyes off his shots and rebounds.

  The sharp edge of his voice pierced my chest. “I needed to make sure you were safe.”

  “I am.” He dribbled to a different hoop. “Leave.”

  “I, uh.” I stopped and cleared my throat. “I also need to explain.”

  “Explain what? I saw.” His breathing accelerated. He shot again and ran after his rebound. “Don’t want you here. Don’t want to hear it.” He grabbed the ball and shot it immediately. The net swished, and he chased after it. “Leave me alone.”

  His words were filled with malice and hit me like physical blows. Their impact sucked the breath from my lungs and left me reeling. “I didn’t have a choice.” The words left my mouth of their own accord.

  “You didn’t have to be so passionate! You didn’t have to want it.” He turned toward me, and in his face, I saw all the grief and heartache he felt.

  My ball dropped to the ground and rolled across the court. “Is that what you think—that I wanted it?” I walked toward him, using my powers to force him to face me without moving away. I pressed my mouth against his, parting his lips with my tongue. His hands wrapped around me, and a moan escaped his throat. I wanted to keep kissing him, to have him hold me and love me, but I wanted it to be real, to be his choice. I stepped back and released him. “Do you still think I had a choice? Do you think I could control myself?”

  He looked down at the floor, kicking at nothing.

  “I chose to lean in and kiss him because he told me if I didn’t, he would know my mind was made up. I didn’t choose to keep kissing him. I didn’t choose to be passionate.” I turned and walked away. “I know it doesn’t seem like it, but I’m doing the best I can. And, I love you.”

  Cody didn’t stop me from leaving, didn’t make a sound, and with each step I took, I felt a piece of my heart tear away. Each shard caused more pain than any demon or dragon could ever inflict on me.

  I closed the door behind me and collapsed. Sobs tore through my chest. Tremors threatened to tear my limbs from my body, but I didn’t care. I’d just lost the most important thing in my life, and I couldn’t blame him for giving up on me.

  Strong arms lifted me from the ground like I was a small child. I looked into Cody’s face. His blue eyes were as hard as ice. “Not safe for you on your own.” His voice was distant. His muscles were taut. Instead of feeling comforted by his embrace, I felt like I was being held by a stranger, or worse yet, by an enemy.

  “I … can …” A sob choked my words. I wiped the tears from my face but couldn’t stop new ones from falling. “I can walk.”

  He set me down beside him, making sure my footing was steady before striding away. He took me to my room, never looking at me or saying anything to me. When I stepped inside, he turned and trudged down the hallway.

  “Oh, Dacia, I’m sorry,” Samantha said, sending a fresh wave of tears flowing from my eyes.

  Dan walked over and rested his hand on my shoulder. “Give him some time.” He turned to Samantha and said, “I’m going to make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid.”

  “Thanks.” I tried to smile at him, but my lips formed into a look of pain instead.

  Samantha brushed her lips over Dan’s. “Be safe.”

  “I will.”

  When he left, Samantha led me over to the couch. “He’ll forgive you.”

  “Why would he?” I remembered the pain in his expression, the heartache.

  She stood in front of me with her arms folded over her chest. Her foot tapped against the lavender carpet. “Because he loves you, and it’s not like you wanted this.”

  “Are you sure?” I clutched the panther pendant. Heat flowed through my hand and up my arm. I jerked on it, trying once again to pull it off, but it didn’t budge.

  She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at me. “Yes, I’m sure.”

  “I think Sarah is right.” I tucked the necklace under my hoodie. “Damon wouldn’t have done that to Cody if he was good.”

  Samantha sat beside me “She’s not the only one who feels that way about him. We all do.”

  “Everyone but me.” I held my head in my hands.

  She pulled me into a one-armed hug. “But, you’re the only one he was trying to convince otherwise, and now that you know, hopefully, you can stop him.”

  “Let’s hope.” I leaned my head against hers.

  The phone rang, piercing the silence. “Please answer that,” I said with a desperate edge to my voice.

  She picked it up. “Hello ... Oh, okay. See you in the morning … Love you, too.” She hung up and walked back to the couch. “Cody’s fine. They’re in their room. They’re staying there tonight. I’m sorry.”

  I wasn’t surprised that Cody didn’t want me with him, but I felt more pieces of my heart tear apart never the less. I got up, grabbed my bathroom bag and pajamas, turned to Samantha and said, “I’ll be back.”

  “Hang on. I’ll go with you.”

  I knew she was coming to make sure I didn’t do anything stupid, so I turned to face her. “I’m not going to run off. I’m not going to challenge Mavros or get myself killed. I’m just going to get ready for bed.”

  She put her hand on her hip and glared at me. “If it’s all the same, I’m coming anyway. I need to get ready for bed, too.”

  Chapter 37

  Apology Not Accepted

  The pull was overwhelming. I tried to fight his call, but without Cody, I didn’t have the strength. One moment, I was pacing in front of the couch. The next, I was standing in the trees behind the dorm face to face with Mav
ros. Dressed all in black, he blended into the shadows.

  “Why tonight?” Anger tightened my chest. “Haven’t you caused enough trouble for one day?”

  “I wanted to apologize.” He looked into my eyes but didn’t try to control me.

  “Oh, okay.” I nodded my head and a humorless laugh escaped my lips. “Sure you did.”

  He lowered his head to his chest. “It wasn’t my intention to hurt you. I’m truly sorry.”

  “Apology not accepted.” Fire ignited in my hand. I looked at the flames in surprise. I hadn’t lost control for a long time. Closing my fist, I extinguished them. “Cody and I were there as friends, nothing more, and you pulled that stunt. I was afraid he’d wait for you and give you no choice but to kill him.”

  Mavros closed the distance between us. “Maybe to everybody else, it looked like you and Cody were there as friends, but I know you’ve been lying in his arms at night.” His hand brushed my neck, sliding under my t-shirt. He lifted the panther necklace between his fingers, then leaned in, his eyes hard. “I know where you are at all times. I could’ve stopped you. I could’ve made you come to me instead, but even though it was breaking my heart, I let you go to him. I went to you tonight to see if you would hurt him the way you’ve been hurting me these last few nights. I needed to know if there was still a chance for us. Can’t you see what you mean to me?”

  “No, I can’t.” I glared at him, too angry to hide my true feelings. “I see that you can be kind and gentle with me when you want to but cruel and heartless to my friends. They couldn’t see any good in you even when I could.”

  He brushed a curl behind my ear. His fingers were soft but not manipulative. “Your friends don’t know me like you do. You’ve seen the true me. You bring out the good in me. For you, I can change.”

  I stepped back. “Stay away from me tomorrow. I need some time to think.” Without waiting for an answer, I turned and walked back to my room. Branches and rocks stabbed at my feet. The pain kept my anger from turning to sorrow.

  “Is everything okay?” Samantha asked as soon as I opened the door.

  I rolled my eyes without meaning to. “No. Nothing’s okay.” I tugged my fingers through my hair and slumped down onto the couch, holding my head between my hands. “Mavros apologized. He knows I’ve been staying with Cody. He knows everything. How could I have been so stupid? How could I think he wouldn’t know? How could I think for even one minute that we were fooling him?”

  “It’s not your fault.”

  “Whatever.” I clutched Cody’s pillow and lay down. “I told him to stay away from me tomorrow.”

  Chapter 38


  Cody didn’t show up to Scientific Computing Monday. Dan, escorted by an invisible Arion, met us at Kalmia Hall. He shook his head, not meeting my eyes. “He’s not ready to see you.”

  I nodded, not trusting my voice to hold up without cracking. Will you or Aurelia keep an eye on him today? I asked Arion.

  Of course.

  We went into the classroom. I scanned the seats and didn’t see Damon there either. I sat through class without hearing anything Professor Granite said. When it was over, I followed Samantha and Dan out into the hallway in a zombie-like state.

  Tuesday morning, Dan showed up for Mythology without Cody. He wrapped his arms around Samantha in a quick hug. Then he squeezed my shoulder. “He’s still not ready.”

  “Oh.” My heart dropped like an elevator with no cables holding it up. “Is he okay? Should I check on him?”

  “No. Give him his space.” Sympathy softened his masculine features. “He’s trying to cope. If he doesn’t talk to you by supper tonight, I’ll bring him to you myself.”

  I bowed my head and swallowed the lump in my throat.

  We went into the classroom, taking our customary spots. I doodled on my notepad, waiting for class to start. Right after Dr. Cedar walked in, Samantha leaned over and whispered, “Damon isn’t here.”

  I shook my head. “No, he didn’t show up this morning either.”

  “Well, at least that’s a blessing.”

  “Actually, it’s making me a nervous wreck.” I couldn’t help but wonder what he was up to. I’d never expected him to stay away for one day, let alone two. With only a few days left to win me over or return to the Abyss, I thought he’d be pressuring me constantly. I’d even wondered if he’d kidnap me to keep me from hiding in my room all day on the last day he could be on Earth. “I can’t help but feel like he’s sitting somewhere plotting his revenge.”

  Dan glanced at me around Samantha. “That seems likely.”

  Dr. Cedar discussed Greek Gods, but I didn’t hear a word of his lecture. I couldn’t focus on anything but my own mistakes.

  After class, we stood outside Primrose Hall. Aurelia and I waited apart from Dan and Samantha, giving them the semblance of privacy.

  Seeing them with their arms around each other sent a piercing pain through my chest. Cody would be better off if he stayed away from me, but I was lost without him.

  I squeezed my eyes shut, willing my tears not to fall. “Go with him, Samantha. Aurelia’s with me. I’ll be fine. I won’t do anything stupid.”

  “Are you sure?”

  I nodded and cleared my throat. “Bring him back to me. Okay?”

  She hugged me, and I hung on longer than I should have.

  Aurelia, I’ll teleport back to my room. Will you see them safely to Dan’s?

  Yes, I will take them there. Stay safe.

  You too.

  I walked between Primrose Hall and Quartz Building. Hiding in the shadows, I teleported to my room. I stood by the door alone. Silence filled the space, and the emptiness beat down on me. I needed Cody’s strength. Setting my bag down, I found a note on my floor. I snatched it up, hoping Cody was ready to see me, but when I opened it, it wasn’t Cody’s handwriting I was looking at. It was Damon’s.

  My Dearest Dacia,

  I stayed true to my word and left you alone yesterday. Now, I would like you to return the favor and meet me outside on our bench at 4:00. If you are not there, I will understand that you still need more time.

  With all my love,


  My first impulse was to crumple the letter up and set it on fire, but I restrained myself. Deep down I knew I had to see him. I only had until Thursday to keep up the charade.

  By the time I read his note and looked at the clock, it was already 3:51. I grabbed a bottle of water and my book and darted out the door. I dodged people in the hallway and raced down the stairs. Once outside, I sprinted toward the bench.

  I had no idea what Damon would do if he showed up and I wasn’t there. My legs burned with each step, and I made a promise to myself to spend more time in the gym.

  Rounding a corner, I spotted the bench. It was empty. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked at the clock. 3:56. I set my book and water down, then stretched my legs.

  Damon, in either of his forms, still hadn’t arrived. I sat on the bench and gulped my water. Then I read a few chapters before looking up, wondering where he was. “One more chapter,” I said out loud, “then I’m going back to my room.”

  I started reading the next chapter when I heard Aurelia’s voice. Mavros took them.

  A hand latched onto my arm, spinning me around. I sucked in a breath as my heart leaped to my throat. Then I was yanked into Mavros’ Abyss.

  “Sorry, I’m late. It took me longer to find your friends than I had planned, but don’t worry. They are safely hidden.” I heard Damon’s voice but couldn’t see him. “But, if you choose wrong tomorrow—”

  Panic rose up inside me, making my voice high-pitched. “What do you mean tomorrow? I have two more days.”

  “No. I. Have. Until. Tomorrow. Then you will send me bac
k to the Abyss, but not before I take care of your friends. Or, you will choose me and save us all.”

  “No,” I gasped. “Let them go. Don’t hurt them.”

  “I told you from the beginning this would happen if you didn’t choose me.”

  “Please … please let them go.” Icy fingers of dread pulled on my legs, dragging me to my hands and knees. “I waited for you.”

  “Yes, but that doesn’t mean you plan to choose me.” His voice sounded closer now. “I didn’t want to give you the chance to squirrel your friends away.” His fingers brushed my cheek, and I jerked away from his touch. “If you want to see them alive again, you’ll have to face me. Tomorrow, Dacia. If I don’t have the answer I want by tomorrow, you will watch your friends die. When I’m done with them, I’ll end your miserable life.”

  “Why can’t you just let them go?” I asked through my tears.

  “I tried to be the good guy. I tried to be reasonable, but you wouldn’t join me. Now, I’ve run out of time for games, so I’m playing hardball. If you want them to live, you’ll have to join me.”

  I wrapped my arms around my legs, hugging them to my chest. “Isn’t there another way for you to stay on Earth?”

  “If there was, don’t you think I would’ve found it by now?” His voice rose in anger. “Your dragons made it so the only way is for me to be bound to a mortal.” Damon stood in front of me. I blinked back the light, waiting for my eyes to adjust. We were back by the bench. I wondered if we’d ever really left here. The back of his hand brushed against my cheek. When he spoke again, his voice was soft and loving. “I chose you, Dacia. You were supposed to be my saving grace.”

  After what he’d just told me, I wasn’t in the mood to play games. However, I should’ve thought about what I was going to say before I opened my mouth. “Just a word of wisdom for next time, maybe you should choose somebody who hasn’t already given their heart away.”


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