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Billionaire Cowboy Kisses

Page 4

by Kristen Echo

  I followed him as he showed me one room after another, but none were his. He talked about his home with pride, pointing out the historical significance of the old place. We moved slowly, discussed his dude ranch and the possibilities of a summer grand opening. He had animals to buy and stock to replenish. For a man with his means, those things didn’t seem to daunt him.

  The tour took a long time. I found it surprising how easily the conversation flowed. We talked a lot about his business. His excitement was contagious. There was a twinkle in his eyes. It was sexy and distracting. We returned to the living room and sat on the couch next to each other. I leaned back against the cushion. It was comfortable.

  He draped his arm across the back of the sofa. “I probably should have kept this place open from the start, but the timing was wrong,” he said as his fingers brushed my shoulder.

  “Because of your injuries?” I didn’t need to look at his legs to know his knees still bothered him. His limp was minor most of the time, but noticeable.

  “Partly.” He rubbed his thigh. “I wasn’t in any shape to run the ranch when I first moved in. Then my ex really messed things up.”

  Trevor was a very private man. He rarely talked about his ex or his injuries. I appreciated he felt comfortable enough around me to mention them.

  “How so?”

  “I felt like I had nothing to offer the world.” He shrugged his shoulders and looked to the ceiling. “Failed at my career. Failed at marriage. I wasn’t prepared to fail at business too.”

  The way he saw himself differed greatly from the way I saw him. He was brave to chase his dreams. I wondered why he couldn’t see the strength and virility he projected.

  “Do you miss being married?”

  “Some days,” he answered. “There are things I miss, but I don’t miss her.”

  “Think you’ll ever do it again?” It was none of my business. “You don’t have to—”

  “I suppose that’s the plan. Find the right person and dive in. Right?”

  It seemed like the question was pointed at me. My cheeks heated. “It’s good… that you think you’re ready for work and relationships and all that stuff.”

  “Rose, are you looking to settle down and put down roots at your age?”

  I chewed my lip, searching my heart for a response. “I’m not opposed to the idea. My folks were married in their teens. I’m old by comparison.”

  He nodded, grabbed my hand and his lip curled into a mischievous smile. I liked seeing him happy. We talked more about his ranch. It seemed like the future he painted would be as intertwined as our fingers.

  “It’s late,” he said, rising to his feet. “We should call it a night.”

  “Where do you sleep?” I asked as I stood. During the tour, he’d shown me every inch of his home, except his bedroom. I assumed it was a mess or something, but the rest of his house was clean and orderly.

  “On the main floor. Last room on the left.” He pointed down the hall as we walked towards the stairs. “Take any room upstairs. If you need anything, you know where to find me.”

  “Thank you, Trevor.” I placed my hand on the banister and pressed my back against the wall. I didn’t want to say goodnight. “I won’t bother you.”

  “Sweet Rose, you are never a bother.” He rested his arm above my head and leaned towards me.

  With our mouths so close, I felt his breath against my forehead. His eyes softened as he licked his lips. I sensed a kiss headed my way. I wanted him to claim me, but I blinked, and he stepped back. It didn’t happen.

  “Sleep well,” he said, adding more unwelcome distance.

  I released the breath I’d been holding. “You too, Trevor.”

  I climbed the stairs slowly, knowing his eyes followed me. When I turned the corner, I felt the void instantly as if all the heat in the house had stayed with him. A chill ran through me. I picked the first room, trying to stay as close as possible to him.

  Sleeping was impossible. The bed smelled like him. After tossing and turning for several hours, I gave up. Cooking always calmed me. His kitchen became my playground as I replayed the evening over and over, getting giddier by the second. I couldn’t wait for him to wake up and start our new day together. I’d never been more excited for a birthday.

  Chapter 5


  * * *

  At the first flicker of morning light, I rolled over. I hardly slept a wink with Rose so close. When she’d asked to see my bedroom, I nearly directed her straight to my bed. I might have been out of the dating game for a long time, but I wasn’t blind to the attraction sizzling between us. Kissing her would have been as easy as breathing, but I didn’t like the idea of rushing into a relationship. Worried about anyone getting too close.

  Callie’s matchmaking skills might be fantastic, but Rose deserved to be with a man in his prime. A man without limitations. Telling Roger I’d treat Rose like she was mine was the truth. I already considered her mine, which was wrong. A young woman like Rose had choices ahead of her. Her excitement about my ranch seemed genuine, but we needed to talk.

  Staring at my ceiling, the scent of coffee and bacon drifted into my room. Hearing the clanking of pots and cupboards seemed strange. I wasn’t used to having someone else around. From time to time, I’d hire people to do maintenance on the ranch, but they were never allowed inside my house. If I opened the ranch for business again, that would all change. I’d have to let people get close.

  I peeled back the covers with a smile and a morning hard-on that needed to be addressed. When I closed my eyes, a vision of Rose naked by the fire consumed me. I grabbed my shaft, and imagined bending her over the couch, sliding my thumbs over the adorable dimples above her big ass as I gripped her wide hips and thrust into her wet heat. I groaned and squeezed harder, picturing her big breasts crushed against the cushions as I claimed her tight pussy. Within seconds, ribbons of cum spilled from my cock, coating my hand. This wasn’t the first time I’d pleasured myself while thinking of her. It wasn’t appropriate then, and nothing had changed.

  “Dirty old man,” I muttered, climbing out of bed.

  My legs and back ached as I stood. I always moved slower in the morning. After cleaning up, I dressed in jeans and a plaid shirt. A sense of excitement swarmed my belly. I found Rose in the kitchen. Barefoot, wearing an apron and my cock instantly hardened. I could easily get used to this sight. Only I would have preferred waking up to her rounded curves next to me in bed. Running my fingers through my thick hair, I shook away that thought and stepped closer.

  “Good morning,” I said, a foot behind her.

  She screamed and turned with her hand over her heart. “Gosh! I didn’t expect you up for another hour.”

  “Sorry, Rose. I didn’t mean to frighten you,” I said, stepping closer. Needing to be closer.

  She smiled, still clutching her chest. “Well, you did. Has anyone ever told you that for a big man, you’re quieter than a field mouse?”

  “No,” I snickered, stopping directly in front of her. “Never took you for a someone easily rattled.”

  “It’s just you. You make me nervous.” She tucked her auburn hair behind her ears. The early morning sun kissed her features, adding an even more radiant glow to her flushed cheeks. “That came out wrong… please, have a seat.”

  “What’s all this?”

  I pointed to the spread. She’d not only cooked me breakfast; she’d baked. Almost every available surface had some kind of wonderful smelling, baked good cooling. From cupcakes to pies. It looked delicious. She looked even more delectable with a puff of flour on her chin.

  “Restless night,” she explained as she pulled off the apron, squeezed by me and hung it in the pantry. “I hope you don’t mind the mess. Baking helps me relax. I’ve got a sweet tooth.”

  She was so sweet. My clothes clung to her body. It wasn’t cold in the kitchen, but her nipples waved hello as she moved.

  “Don’t mind at all. But ladies first.” I pul
led out a chair at the already set table. I tucked her in and wiped the flour off her chin as I kissed her cheek and inhaled her sugary sweetness. “Smells good,” I said, meaning her, not the food.

  “Hope you like it.”

  “I’m sure I will.” I poured a coffee and joined her at the table.

  The meal was almost as mouthwatering as the woman who made it. I gobbled the food like I’d never eaten anything so good. I probably hadn’t. Except when her mamma brought me a meal. After shoveling a second helping of grits into my mouth, I put the fork down.

  “That was fantastic. Your cooking is spoiling me. Thank you.”

  She beamed at the compliment. “Glad you liked it. There are plenty of deserts to choose from.”

  Sitting back in my chair, I crossed my arms over my chest. There would be nothing sweeter than her lips. “Are you trying to butter me up, Rose?” I lifted an eyebrow and smiled. “Because it’s working.”

  She giggled. Her laugh was exactly what was missing from my life. It filled me with a sense of ease. She reached to grab my plate, but I stilled her hand.

  “You cooked. I’ll clean.” I stood too quickly, and my knee buckled. I had to grip my chair to avoid falling over. My eyes shot to Rose, expecting to see pity, but she chewed her lip and played with a lock of her hair. She obviously hadn’t seen my blunder as she stared out the window.

  I cleared the empty plates while she talked about her love of sweets and how her mamma taught her to bake. The conversation focused on Rose. I wanted to know everything. All her likes and dislikes. I could listen to her sweet voice for hours.

  After I rinsed the dishes in the sink and placed them in the dishwasher, I returned to the table. As I hovered over her shoulder, she stopped talking. Her lip lodged between her teeth. I wanted so badly to taste them.


  “Um. Tell me more about what you’re looking for, Trevor. This will only work if we’re on the same page.”

  It had been a long time since I’d dated. I hadn’t expected to be grilled on my wants and desires. Rubbing the back of my neck, I took a moment to collect my thoughts before answering.

  “I’m not so different from other men. My needs are similar.”

  “You are not like any of the guys I know from school or town. I consider that a good thing,” she added.

  “Fair enough. I guess I’m looking for someone who shares my desires for this ranch and wants to see it succeed. Someone who can put up with an unfriendly jerk like me day in and day out.” I smiled. “One day, I’d like to fill this house with kids, but no rush.”

  The image of Rose pregnant with my child had my cock reaching for her and straining against my jeans. She’d look magnificent. Not to mention, I already knew she’d be an amazing mother based on the way she’d dropped everything to care for her sister. Rose was the most caring and nurturing woman I had ever met.

  “Your smile makes you look years younger.” She covered her mouth and stood. “Not that you’re old. You’re a great age. It just makes you even more handsome is all.”

  It was good to know she found me attractive. The sentiment was mutual.

  “Speaking of getting older, isn’t today your birthday?”

  She gripped the back of her chair and nodded. “I’m surprised you remembered. It’s not a big deal.”

  I rummaged through some drawers. “Sit down. If I recall correctly, twenty-one is a big deal. You deserve to be celebrated.”

  Her cheeks flushed as she sank into the chair. I grabbed a cupcake off the counter, stuck a candle in the center and lit it. I wasn’t great at romance, but I wanted to make her feel special. As I placed the small treat in front of Rose, her lower lip trembled. I wanted to lean down and tug it between my teeth. Her beauty outrivaled the picturesque sunrise out my kitchen window.

  “Trevor, you don’t have to—”

  “Hush, Rose. I’m not sure how you celebrate with your family, but I’d like to start your day off right.” I leaned closer. “Close your pretty eyes and make a wish,” I said before launching into a horrible version of happy birthday.

  She giggled as I sang. My voice could hold a melody, but I had never been a great singer. If this made her happy, I’d gladly sing every day for the rest of my life.

  “Best birthday ever,” she said, and blew out the candle.

  Her eyes shone brighter than a sunny day and her smile melted my heart. If I had to guess, not many people made a fuss about Rose. Damn shame.

  “Did you make a wish?”

  “Sure did. Want to know what it is?” She pushed away from the table and stood only inches from me. Her eyes met mine, daring me.

  I smirked. “Believe you’re supposed to keep it a secret or it won’t come true. Don’t you want it to come true?”

  “If I don’t tell you, it probably won’t.”

  I stepped back, knowing I shouldn’t ask, but curiosity won out. “Okay. Tell me.”

  “I wished for a birthday kiss.” Her hand landed on my chest as her gaze fell to my mouth.

  “Is that so?”

  If we kissed, I’d never be able to stop. Rose was the type of person who gave her heart fully. No games. That was a huge responsibility. A kiss would be like staking a claim. My claim.

  Her pink tongue drifted across her plump lips. “It’s just a kiss. Nothing more than a silly birthday wish.”

  She wanted me to kiss her. A million reasons barked at me to back away, but I couldn’t deny her. I cupped her cheek in my palm and closed the gap between our bodies. Her rounded breasts smashed against my ribs.

  “You sure about this?”

  If she said yes, I’d keep it simple. Just a kiss. I could grant her wish without turning it into a big deal.

  “Yes. I’m sure, Trevor.”

  I didn’t hesitate. My lips pressed against hers fast and hard, almost like I feared she’d change her mind. Her fingers dove into my hair, pulling me closer. Her contented moan vibrated through my body like the rumbling of an earthquake. The aftershocks rippled as the sweet taste of her lips made me greedy for more.

  I trailed my fingers along her side and grabbed her ass with both hands. I lifted her onto the table and settled between her spread thighs. The heat from her core nearly caused my knees to buckle. I pressed my erection against her, letting her know the effect she had on me.

  She gasped. When she opened her mouth, my tongue slipped inside and found hers. There was nothing simple about our kiss. It rocked me. I hadn’t been intimate with a woman in a long time. I couldn’t recall ever being this turned on or out of control.

  Her body molded to mine. I grazed the exposed skin on her chest. I needed more. The buttons of my shirt gave way easily, granting me access to her bared flesh. Without taking my lips from her skin, I kissed down her neck and over the swell of her breasts. Her nipple pebbled as I sucked on the tip.

  “Please,” she begged.

  I licked and kissed her breasts. Her soft belly. Her pale flesh above the waistband of my shorts. I gripped the sides, and she lifted her hips, helping me remove her final article of clothing. Her naked body was gorgeous. The glistening moisture between her legs drew my attention. Her pretty pink pussy was so damn appealing.

  “Do you want me, Rose?”


  I growled like a beast. A primal savageness took hold as I kissed her thick thighs, spread her delicate lips and licked along her folds. She trembled and pulled my hair.

  Inhaling her fine nectar, I buzzed with adrenaline. I kissed her clit. Inserted two fingers into her tight channel and moaned at how perfect she was for me. Her hips lifted from the table, pressing her pussy against my face. I licked and sucked, tasting her sweet innocence.

  “You are mine,” I declared.

  “Yes,” she agreed. “Make me yours, Trevor.”

  Her words made me feel like a superhero. As I feasted on her delicate bits, her moans grew louder. I flicked my tongue over her clit and pumped my fingers deeper until she was ready to co
me apart. She rubbed herself against my face, taking what she needed. I loved the way her body reacted to my touch.

  “Come for me, Rose.”

  “Trevor… oh… Trevor!” My name tumbled from her mouth over and over until the final wave of bliss subsided.

  My cock ached to feel those walls stretch around me, but this wasn’t about me. A birthday orgasm was better than just a kiss, I reasoned. Maybe I had pushed things too far. Roger often bugged me about the way I jumped headfirst into things without thinking long term. Once again, I had moved too fast.

  I backed away from between her thighs. A sense of guilt washed over me. I never should have rushed into something physical.

  “I’m sorry, Rose.”

  The sight of her beautiful naked body sprawled across my kitchen table made me want to dive all in, but I couldn’t. I had to think rationally and not with my cock. Easier said than done as my eyes roamed her lax limbs. Sunlight spilled across her curves. I’d never eat at this table again and not think of her.

  “Don’t be sorry,” she said.

  “Not sure what came over me.”

  She leaned back on her elbows with a look of pure happiness on her face. “That was amazing. I want more.”

  My chest puffed with pride. Just as quickly, my shoulders slumped. Rose wasn’t some random woman I could play with and discard. She was Roger and Callie’s daughter. “Your parents—”

  “Forget about them. This is between us.”

  “Us,” I repeated.

  I liked the sound of that. Falling for her would be easy. But was I ready for a relationship? Ready to let someone see my vulnerable side? Letting her get close would mean she’d be forced to see my weakness. I wouldn’t be able to hide my body forever.

  We stared at each other as if assessing the meaning of our actions. As our breaths synched, I realized I wanted to claim every inch of her body and hear every thought in her head. I liked the possibility of having her by my side now and in the future. My eyes widened. I added more distance as the implications hit me.


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