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Billionaire Cowboy Kisses

Page 5

by Kristen Echo

  “So,” we said in unison.

  I tugged on the ends of my hair. “This is all happening rather fast. Way faster than I imagined. When I decided to reopen, and your mamma said—”

  “Trevor be honest. Is this hesitation because of my age or something else?” She sat upright, cradled her hands on her lap, and dangled her legs off the table. “The age difference doesn’t bother me. Do you think I’m too young?”

  “No. You’re an adult. It’s not you, it’s—”

  “Don’t finish that sentence. If you regret what happened, that’s fine. It isn’t a big deal.”

  “Rose, what we did changes everything.”

  Her eyes glanced down at the bulge in my pants. “It doesn’t have to. We can keep this between us.” She reached for my crotch, but I stopped her.

  I was making a mess of this situation, but I had no idea how to make it right. On one hand, I hadn’t felt this great in ages. Rose was amazing. But on the other hand, she was my best friend’s daughter. She was old enough to make her own choices. I could tell she wanted to rip open my jeans, grip my cock and wrap her lips around me. I wanted that too. Except, the only person to see all of me since the accident was my ex. Her disgust still sliced me to the core. I hadn’t let anyone see the scars on my back and legs since. Rose was different. However, I couldn’t bear to witness her lustful gaze crumble when she saw the ugliness beneath my clothing.

  “I don’t regret kissing you, but we should slow down. Get dressed,” I said. “We’ll continue this conversation as I take you home.”

  I turned and limped away. As I prepared the horses, I couldn’t get Rose out of my head. Her taste lingered on my lips. If she was willing to see me again, I vowed to do better. She deserved more than an animal prying her legs apart before an official date.

  After changing into her clothes, she joined me outside. We never mentioned the kiss that went too far as we rode towards her home. When we arrived, my tongue pressed against the roof of my mouth, refusing to address our next step. I lowered my hat, hiding my face and stalling.

  What would her parents say when they saw us? My neighbors may have set us up, but the rest was up to us. She dismounted and tied her horse to the hitching post.

  “Don’t come in,” she said abruptly.

  “After what happened, I need to talk with—”

  “It’s best to seek forgiveness than permission,” she whispered and placed her hand against my arm. Her warmth penetrated through my jacket.

  “I’m not following. I apologize for the way I acted, but I want to see you again. If you give—”

  “Shhh.” She covered my lips with her finger. “We’re good. No apologies needed because you’ve made this birthday perfect.”


  She withdrew her hand and smiled as a bright pink blush covered her cheeks. “I’ll come by tomorrow and we’ll pick up where we left off.”

  Her eyes twinkled with desire and hope. I nodded and licked my lips. Her taste would forever stick with me. At that point, I would have said yes to anything she wanted. I’d work to overcome my insecurities for her.

  “Happy birthday.”

  “Thank you, Trevor. See you soon.” She blew me a kiss and disappeared into the house.

  I rode away, avoided my friends, and prayed I’d find the strength for what would happen next.

  Chapter 6


  * * *

  Trevor had given me the best birthday gift of all time. A birthday kiss followed by the most explosive orgasm of my entire life. Being with him was even better than I had imagined, but his reaction left a lot to be desired. He told me he didn’t regret what happened, but his actions in the two weeks that followed made me believe otherwise.

  Over a dozen times, my daddy had asked his employees to go over to Trevor’s and help him with his reopening plan. I’d gladly volunteered. Each time, we talked but avoided getting overly physical. After the rest of the crew left, we flirted, and we kissed. I couldn’t get enough billionaire cowboy kisses, but he wouldn’t let me get too close. He refused to let things move past a PG rating.

  A cold breeze ghosted against my heated cheeks. Dark clouds covered the sun, casting a large shadow over the trough as I filled it with feed. I spilled some on the ground and cursed. Daydreaming about Trevor’s talented mouth on my body had led to a few mistakes and extra-long hours fixing them. Herding cattle was a lot easier when I wasn’t replaying every second of our time together. I didn’t understand how couples got any work done when they could be pleasuring each other twenty-four-seven.

  As much as I wanted more toe-curling bliss, I was happy to just spend time with my big old cowboy. He was such a great man. Each hour we spent learning about each other, the closer we got and more of his walls came down. The hard shell he projected had cracks and soon I’d break through. He made no promises about hiring me or opening his heart to me, but I had a feeling deep in my gut that both would happen soon enough.

  My crush had morphed into something more. I loved his dry sense of humor, his husky voice, and the excitement in his tone as he talked about his land. I loved that he asked for my opinion and seemed to value it. No one had ever involved me in their decision-making process before.

  The loud roar of an engine pierced through the silence. I glanced over my shoulder. Linda Lufton’s old diesel truck drove down the gravel driveway, kicking up dust. I set the bag down and wiped the sweat from my brow as Mamma greeted her friend. Linda’s husband had passed away a few years ago. Mamma had been on a mission to find her a new man for over a year. It was slim pickings.

  Linda climbed out of her truck with a big smile on her beautiful face. Her blonde hair was tied back in a braid that hung near her tiny waist. She wore a red petticoat over her dress and heels on her feet. An odd choice, but she looked stunning. The women hugged as I approached.

  “Great outfit,” Mamma said, adjusting her gloves.

  “Not often I get to wear something pretty anymore. Except for church.” Linda worked as a ranch hand at a place on the opposite side of town. We didn’t know each other well because she had graduated a decade before me. She reached into the backseat and handed a box to Mamma. “Here’s your batch.”

  “That’s mighty sweet of you.”

  Linda’s cheeks pinked. “Least I could do. I appreciate you providing this introduction,” she added. “Are you ready?”

  “What’s in the box, and where ya’ll going.” I dusted my hands and adjusted my cowboy hat. Other than my daily rendezvous with Trevor, I hadn’t left the ranch in ages. “If it’s off this ranch, can I come?”

  Linda’s green eyes sparkled as she smiled. She looked to my mother for guidance. “Pickled beets. Got more in the back for Trevor.”

  “Linda makes the best pickled beets in the county,” Mamma praised as she walked to our porch and set them down. “He’s going to love them and your thoughtfulness.”

  “If you’re headed to Trevor’s, I’d like to come too.” I chewed my lip, trying to hide the excitement from my face. Shoving my hands in my jean pockets, I rocked on my heels.

  Mamma’s brow creased. Seconds ticked by and my pulse raced faster. She raised an eyebrow as her eyes narrowed. I thought for sure she saw through my attempt at being nonchalant. As she stepped towards me, I backed up an inch and tilted my head towards the sky. The clouds moved, letting the sun’s rays blanket the area. With Christmas nipping at our heels, the mountain’s peaks were dusted with snow. The sun brought enough warmth for it to be considered a mild winter day.

  “Perfect afternoon,” I said. “Wouldn’t you agree, Linda?”

  “Time will tell how perfect,” she answered. “I guess that depends on Trevor.”

  My mouth opened to ask a question, but my mamma shoved me towards the barn. “If you’re joining us, then go wash up. Hurry child. We haven’t got all day.”

  I didn’t hesitate and ran into the barn. Using the hose, I quickly cleaned the dirt from my hands and splashed w
ater on my face. My outfit wasn’t nearly as pretty as Linda’s but there was no time to change. As I jumped into the cab of the truck with the women, I felt grimy by comparison.

  The drive went quickly as the ladies chatted. I stared out the window, barely listening to the conversation. I was too excited to see my cowboy. We hadn’t issued any declarations of ownership or love, but I considered him mine.

  As we pulled onto his property, my heart skipped a beat. Trevor sat on his porch, rocking on the swing with a steaming cup in his hand. He set the beverage down and rubbed his hand through his beard as he eyed the truck. He stood slowly, using his cane for assistance. His shoulders tensed. It was clear he didn’t recognize the truck.

  We parked a foot away from the porch. I stepped out of the truck and waved. As soon as he spotted me, his posture relaxed, and he smiled. My heart melted faster than the snow on a warm spring day. I had to fight the urge to run into his arms.

  “Well, this is a pleasant surprise,” he said, climbing down the steps and clutching the railing. It was obvious his legs were bugging him, but he never complained. His strength had no limits.

  Mamma stood next to me. “Took me a little longer than I anticipated, but I told you I’d come around soon. Did you think I’d forgotten our conversation? Yee of little faith,” she scolded and placed her hands on her wide hips. “In case you haven’t had the pleasure yet, I’d like to introduce you to Linda Lufton.”

  She stepped out of her truck and closer to Trevor. Linda extended her dainty hand. “Nice to meet you.”

  He adjusted his hat and furrowed his brow as he shook her hand. “Likewise.”

  “Callie’s been talking about you nonstop for weeks.” Her cheeks flushed. “All good stuff.”

  He shuffled his feet, shoved one hand in his pocket and gripped his cane with the other. “Not sure why she’d be talking about me or why you’ve decided to come out here.”

  Mamma marched towards him, slapped his shoulder, and laughed. “Well, how else am I going to find you a girlfriend?”

  His brown eyes shifted to mine. He didn’t laugh or dismiss her comment. My heart sank, my stomach twisted, and my knees buckled. I leaned against the truck to stop from falling over. I’d been so foolish. The past weeks, I’d thought we were a couple or building towards that. I’d pictured our future together, filling his house with babies and living happily ever after. Meanwhile, he’d been talking to my mamma about dating someone else.

  “She figured we’d hit it off. We actually have lots in common but no pressure,” Linda added. “I brought you my famous pickled beets.”

  As my eyes filled with tears, I turned away. The truck door was still open. I leaned inside and exhaled as the two chatted. Grabbing the box, I steadied my breathing and blinked away the moisture. Trevor wasn’t mine. I knew it was too good to be true. Instead of making a scene and cussing him out, I lifted the box and painted a smile on my face. I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of seeing my pain.

  Mamma rambled about them being a great match. Trevor remained silent. His lack of response said everything. When I turned, his eyes were on me as Linda stood next to him. She was tall and slender like his ex. They made a striking pair.

  “Here.” I shoved the box against his chest with more force than required. I flinched as his fingers grazed mine. “Don’t choke on it.”

  “Rose! What’s gotten into you?” Mamma crossed her arms over her chest. “You feeling all right, child? Your cheeks are red.”

  “I’m actually not feeling well at all.” I tore my eyes from Trevor’s. “I’m going to walk home. The fresh air will do me some good.”

  Linda placed her hand on his forearm, twisting the knife lodged in my heart. “Trevor, would you mind if she rested inside?”

  Trevor and I yelled no in unison. The two women looked at me as if I’d grown two heads. I couldn’t stand to be near him or his spicy, mouthwatering scent for another second. I certainly couldn’t watch him flirt with another woman without breaking down. Instead of explaining my outburst, I left.

  My anger increased with every step. He’d been playing with my emotions and using me for some twisted reason. After an hour of walking, I couldn’t figure out what went wrong. At the halfway point between our properties, I stopped. I needed answers. I turned around and marched back towards his home.

  Linda’s truck was gone when I returned. I was glad I wouldn’t be interrupting their date. My fist slammed against his door. A long moment passed. I knocked again, but he didn’t answer.

  “Trevor open the darn door! I deserve answers.”

  After a minute, I opened the door and walked inside. The living room and kitchen were empty. My feet halted when Trevor limped out of the hall bathroom, wearing nothing but a towel.


  Drops of water dripped down his chiseled chest. My eyes drank in the rows of muscles and the spattering of hair on his tanned skin. If he thought tempting me with his sexy body would make me hold my tongue, he’d misjudged me. I barged past him.

  “How could you?” I stopped in front of the roaring fire, refusing to look at him. “What kind of game are you playing?”

  “You shouldn’t be here,” he said from the hall. “I wasn’t playing games. I made a mistake and misread the situation with—”

  “Why is my mamma trying to hook you up with Linda? Why are you trying to hurt me?”

  “I never want to hurt you.” The slap of his bare feet against the floor grew louder as he came closer. “Your mamma is playing matchmaker. Rose, why did you come back?”

  “Are you going to date Linda?” I closed my eyes.

  His hands landed on my arms. My body trembled. I didn’t pull away because I relished the warmth from his touch. Saying goodbye would hurt, but I preferred to face the truth head on.


  “Why not?” My voice shook as a tear slipped over my cheek.

  “I don’t want Linda.”

  I wasn’t sure if I should have been relieved or livid. “Does your decision have anything to do with me?”

  “Yes, but it’s complicated.” He turned me around, tilted my chin up and forced me to meet his gaze. “Please don’t cry.”

  “I love you,” I blurted.

  Based on our previous conversations, I’d learned he had rushed into his previous relationship and it had cost him. His ex-wife had hurt him a great deal. He was still leery. I didn’t want his money. He was enough. I wanted to have his babies and build a life together.

  He bent his knees and pressed his forehead against mine as his eyes fluttered shut. His impossibly long lashes caressed his cheeks. “Your parents are going to skin me alive, but I love you too. More than I thought possible.”

  I cupped his jaw, tugging lightly against his beard to bring his mouth to mine. “Kiss me.”

  “I want to, but I’ve made a giant mess of everything.”

  “We’ve kissed before. If you love me, then why are you hesitating?”

  “Because I thought I had your parent’s blessing from the start.” His jaw clenched as his hands moved into my hair. “The first night you came by, I assumed Callie had sent you over to be mine. The past few weeks have been so busy I haven’t spoken more than a few words with them, but I assumed they knew about us.”

  I laughed. “Seriously?”

  “Yes. I’m an idiot.” His eyes opened and locked with mine. The heat in his gaze burned hotter than the fire next to us. “She said she’d send a strong and beautiful woman over, and the next night you appeared. You talked about my ranch and me—”

  I tugged harder on his beard, bringing his lips to mine. The soft brush made my toes tingle. “Lucky coincidence for me. If you want me, Trevor, I’m yours.”

  He pulled away before I kissed him again. “Rose, all this time I honestly thought we were on the same page. When you talked about my project, I was thinking of building a life with you. What were you talking about?” He paced the living room, tugging on the ends of his damp hair. �
�Never mind. How in the hell did I get the signals mixed up so badly?”

  “I assumed the project was reopening your ranch; not your search for love.” I smiled at his revelation as I crossed the room and reached for his hand. “Why would you need Mamma’s help? You’re Trevor Knolls.”

  He threaded our fingers together and gripped his towel with his other hand. “I’m just a man. And I’ve never picked the right women. Until you. Which I assumed was with your parent’s help. Roger will kill me when I tell him about us.”

  “Daddy won’t… us?” My pulse raced. “You want me?”

  His gaze met mine as he squeezed my hand. “I want you so bad. I’ve been fighting my urges, going slow and trying to win your heart the old-fashioned way.”

  “We don’t need to go slow. My heart, my love, and my body are yours.”

  I swallowed hard and tugged on his towel until he let go. It opened and slipped off his hips. My eyes dipped to his newly exposed lower half. Virile. Scars marked much of his skin, but he still took my breath away.

  “I haven’t been naked with a woman since my ex,” he admitted.

  “You’re magnificent.”

  “I’m hideous.”

  “Not to me.” I ran my fingers along his thigh as I sank to my knees. I kissed and licked along the marred flesh.

  “Rose,” he hissed as his cock reached towards me. Long and proud.

  Without waiting for permission, I gripped his shaft. It was smooth and a lot warmer than I expected. His heat filled my palm as I squeezed and continued kissing his knees. His injuries weren’t ugly. They were part of him.

  A pearl of precum glistened on the tip of his manhood. I gathered it with my tongue and sucked the tip into my mouth. He released a feral roar. I sucked harder but couldn’t take more than a few inches. Trevor was a big man. I twisted my grip along his base, earning more appreciative grunts.

  “Keep that up and I’ll spill my seed down your throat,” he said. “But I don’t want to fill your pretty mouth.”


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