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A Luna's Curse

Page 14

by Kassie Cox

  It’s chilly outside, even being wrapped in the warmth of the wolf does little to stop the cold wind from whipping against me. I’d put up with the discomfort to meet his fur side, as this was a part of him, I did not want to forget either. Anything to do with Elias should be remembered, because the heart inside of me seemed to beat for him. I feel alive around him, even if I remain an empty shell for the rest of my existence, I will have known what living felt like. It may not last very long, but the experience is invaluable.

  Elias sets me down; the grass is soft, and I fall back on my hands with a sigh. I wait for the show to begin as the wolf looks down at me. His human side is enjoying this, the view of me below him awaiting his next move. It’s a slow transition for him, as he maintains eye contact, I watch them turn to the blackness. Jaw extending, back arching as he falls to his hands and knees.

  I’m entranced by his change, the difference in stature and the strength one must have to make the transition each time. This male is strong, and he’s mine. The mark on my neck will hopefully never leave, so that I can keep that piece of him with me. Even if his memory fades, the mark he gave me will not.

  The wolf stares blankly at me, a distrust in his eyes that does not sit well with me. I keep my movements small, only reaching one hand out for him to see. My body does not move any, but I keep my hand towards him so he can decide on coming near. The beast is larger than I remember from the last time I’d laid eyes upon it, dark and demanding of respect my male is. I shouldn’t think that way about an animal, but I do.

  He is mine. Every muscled inch of him belongs to me and I want to see if all while I am able. One day he’d find a woman to share himself with, and although I’ll be less than happy about it, I hope he is happy in the end. Maybe he will find the love he is searching for but could never receive from me.

  His body moves towards mine slowly, everything about him screams power. Elias sniffs at the hand I have outreached before licking it with his large tongue. A soft moan leaves my lips at the action and he growls at me with a look of desire in those big eyes. I want to scold myself for the attraction and yet I cannot because this his him. It is still him, the man that was made for me. Our souls are still connected no matter what form he takes.

  Elias growls out again, his nose trailing up my arm until he I at my shoulder, where he dips towards my neck. Long inhales can be heard, along with little grunts of approval. That tongue comes out to touch the mark and I’m falling back immediately. A rush of pleasure is moving through me, I cannot think clearly as the wolf shows me what this mate bond can do.

  After a few moments he moves down my body, my eyes clenched together as the beast moves. Another moan leaves me when his cold nose pushes my shirt up a bit and he touches the skin of my stomach. Our sounds are different as they leave us, mine is from pure bliss while his is a show of hunger. He wants to devour me, and I will gladly let him.

  A long monstrous growl leaves his throat as he approaches the place between my thighs. That snaps me from my trance, and I am on my feet quickly, staring at the beast as it shoots me a wickedly delicious grin. Licking its lips while it moves towards me and begins to circle, trapping his prey. It wasn’t often that I was put in this role, normally I was the hunter. The push of his head gives me permission, and I take off to the tree line. A small smile on my lips as I begin the chase.

  It takes almost a minute for me to hear him howl into the air, signally the beginning of his hunt. I know exactly where I am going as my feet carry me across the forest floor. I can’t hear him yet, which means I might just make it to the location. My heartbeat wildly, a thrill from this had me almost giggling as I dodged a tree and jumped over a few fallen limbs.

  This is fun. This is what I want every single day of my life. This excitement between myself and a man who looks at me with such passion in his eyes that my body almost melts. The entirety of my existence will have been worth whatever hardships are to come, and any that have passed, because I met Elias.

  The cabin is only a few yards away, and I’m almost giddy to be there. At the door waiting for my male to scoop me into his arms and carry me over that threshold for the first and last time. A time I will never forget. His heavy breathing and foot falls behind me let me know he’s caught up, a long growl when he sees where I have taken us. I only turn back to look at him once I am at the door. The large black wolf comes to halt in front of me, reminding me of the first time we came face to face.

  Him standing on one side of the property line and I on the other, staring at one another before any of the craziness happened. It hadn’t been long, by any means, but I feel like a new person. I’d be better from my days spent with this man and his pack; not matter how little time we’d been together it would have a lifetime effect.

  When the wolf begins to shift, I approach, slowly while I watch bones change place. Fur becomes skin and by the time he is fully human again I am only inches away. Breathing him in deeply, begging the moon to make this time with Elias unforgettable.

  One large hand is placed on the back of my neck, pulling my lips to his as his other helps lift me to wrap my legs around his waist. I push my fingers through his hair, enjoying the taste of him as he fucks my mouth with him—my core burning for him. Elias purrs as he walks me into the cabin, slamming the door shut behind as before pressing his hardness against me once more.

  I’d do anything to stay in this moment forever.

  Chapter 24

  He’s stealing every breath of air from my body, those rough lips bruising me in every direction as he uses his hands on me. Running over my skin and driving me mad, my mind unable to think as I enjoy this pleasure being given to me.

  At first Elias had pressed me against that wooden door, every naked part of him in contact with me as he took what he wanted from my mouth. Those claws digging into me as he ripped the shirt from my body, and soon left me in my underwear and bra. So much skin to explore, and I could not wait.

  He’d grinded into me, bringing the fire to my core as I ached to be stretched by him. The wolf had tired of the position, both hands moving to grip my ass as he carried us up the stairs, stopping halfway to pull me up and down against him. When the moans began pouring from my mouth Elias rushed up to the top of the stairs. He went into a random room, one he seemed to be dead set on getting me into.

  “This will be our bedroom. I’ll have it furnished sometime this week for us.” He growls, mouth meeting the junction between my neck and shoulder. I try not to flinch as his expectations of the future, and I hope I’m not giving off the emotions that will ruin this moment.

  I do my best to think happy thoughts, sexy images of him running through my head until I focus once more and stare at the male whose body has me reeling. Elias is a god, and I want to worship him. A thank you, and an apology. I’m still half clothed as I unwrap myself from him, making him give me a strange look. He doesn’t understand what I am doing, which will make this a hundred times better.

  I immediately fall to my knees, maintaining eye contact as my hand reaches for the cock that is harder than steel.

  Sweet fucks this is all mine.

  My mouth waters as my hand pulls it down to touch the tip with my tongue. Elias hisses, mouth falling open at my actions. I loved his fucking face.

  Slowly I take him into my mouth, his hands move to his own hair as he takes in a deep breath and looks to the ceiling. I didn’t like him looking away, I wanted him to watch. My hand grips him tightly, lightly twisting as I swallow him to the back of my throat. That gets his attention once more. One of those large hands comes down, moving the hair from my face while I pleasure my male in the most basic of ways.

  “Keres…” The wolf groans, eyes between gold and black as he grips the back of my head and begins thrusting gently. My eyes water, but I don’t push him away. I let him take me as he wants. His movements speed up, his soft curses and deep growls quickening before he finally stops moving. His cock is pressed against the back of my throat as he grunt
s his pleasure, my gagging only urges him on as he finishes in my mouth. When he pulls away it’s only for a moment, only long enough me to swallow.

  Elias throws me upwards, a long yelp leaving my swollen lips as he forces my legs over his shoulders and my covered sex sits right in his handsome face. It’s my turn to be surprised as he licks me through the fabric, one of his long fingers inches towards the place I want him most. A quick flick of his claw and my underwear are torn.

  When his mouth covers my wet sex, it feels like my soul is being taken from my body. An out of body experience as the pleasure rocks me harder than I could’ve imagined. His name falls from my lips like a fucking prayer, our worshipping is better than any I’d ever experienced. His groans resonate through me, making the contact even better.

  Every flick of his tongue has me falling towards the edge, never having come so quickly in my life. A slap to my ass has me pressing impossibly closer, his entire mouth covers me as he does circles with hat wicked device. I expect it to take a few more minutes, but then it happens. My body flinging itself into oblivion as I grip his hair and scream my pleasure. He is licking me clean, making sure he gets everything he can from me. I don’t expect to be slammed down onto the wooden floor, but I’m not mad when it happens. The loud sound of our impact rings in my ears.

  Elias stares at me with black eyes, the beast within wants to destroy me. Take me in the way that mates should, and I can’t say no. I don’t want to fight him off because I need him in me. His cock filling me.

  “Mine.” The animal within groans from his human lips. He’s tearing my bra off, leaving me entirely exposed to his view.

  I take the moment to appreciate the sight in front of me. My male is muscle, pure strength hidden beneath human skin. Each movement is animalistic, the curve of his spine to the way he claws at my body with those large hands. His teeth have elongated, drawing my attention to the face of a man I want more than anything in the world. Dark scruff is the first thing my hand finds as I grip his chin and examine him. Every fucking detail committed to memory. I’d cry if I could.

  Slowly I move my hand down to clutch his throat, our eyes meeting as I give him a small smile. A promise of what will come as I pull his face closer to mine.

  “Nothing has ever felt like this before.” I tell him, my voice low as I put my hand around his cock. The man hisses, nostrils flaring as he takes in my desire. A look passes over him, one I don’t understand but I wish I could. He adored me, loved me to my core—that’s what the look meant. But that didn’t matter to me, even though it should. I’d never relate to that emotion. I push the thought away before it ruins our moment.

  Elias takes both my hands and pins them above my head before I can dodge him. His cock rests between my open thighs, brushing my sensitive area with every deep breath he takes.

  “Once we are fully mated, it’ll be so much more.” His nose touches mine, lips brushing my swollen ones as he speaks softly to me. “Finding you has been the best thing to ever in my life, Keres. I’ll work for the rest of my life to ensure you feel this happiness one day.”

  My stomach drops at his words, a disgusting taste in my mouth from the things he wants from me. The expectations he holds will never be met and I know it will hurt him when I leave. I don’t want him to be in pain. His expression of happiness soon turns grim at whatever he feels coming from me.

  It’s turned on me quickly, and it’s much worse than I’d thought. The guilt slowly creeps into me, my heart clenching at the emotion. The pain overwhelming me as my vision blurs, tears building up until they are released with a violent sob that I cannot hold back. Elias stares at me with knowing eyes and I fight to break away from him. Everything is crashing into me.

  This is what I had been wanting to understand so badly, how to break a curse so that I could feel these kinds of things every damn day. I’d abused a woman and forced her to use magic for the sake of something that would ruin me. These emotions are to heavy, every slither of guilt curling around me like a snake and constricting. Taking my breath my legs kick against the naked man and my newly found tears stain my face.

  “What were you going to do?” Elias growls, his body shakes with anger. He knows I was going to betray him. I was going to break his heart and give him up, the man meant for me was going to be left alone. While I went away with no ill feelings, he’d feel everything.

  I shake my head repeatedly, trying hard to breath but unable as the emotions consume me. It is everything at once. It’s the pleasure I’d had mixed with something I could describe as love. The guilt is stronger than them all. It crushes those feelings and shines clear as day. He knows I am guilty, just not of what.

  My urge to know what he’s thinking right now is so strong. It is unfair that he can see through me like glass, get to experience a part of me that I don’t. That brings in anger, frustration begins and overtakes just as quickly as the others had.

  “Get your hands off of me.” I bite out to him, the sudden shift in my mood confuses him. Is that not a normal thing? Elias releases my hands and I quickly wipe the salty water from my cheeks, gathering my bearings best I can.

  “We can’t just have something good, can we? You always have some plan up your sleeve or an agenda-“ I push him from me, and his naked frame rolls away easily. Elias doesn’t fight my anger, instead he allows it to overpower me. One naked wolf and one naked woman are about to go head to head in an empty cabin. A strange fight, I’ll admit but needed.

  “It has been days of knowing one another! You expect so much from me when I can’t control it. No matter what I do it’s going to be wrong, you’re going to be angry and then force these emotions down my throat like I’m a toddler!” He’s staring at me form his knees, I’ve gotten to my feet now. Pacing back and forth as he continues his onslaught of pushing these feelings through me. “This is enjoyable, it’s a great time. Why can’t we just leave it at that? You can find someone who make you happier than I do, who can give you everything you want in life. It’s entirely apparent that I am not what you want.” I’m searching for anything to cover myself with. His blazing eyes on me make my skin crawl, that desire coming back quicker than I’d prefer. I don’t was passionate kisses and a much-needed sexual encounter to distract me from something I should’ve done as soon as I’d realized the price of breaking that curse.

  It was useless to fight this, there is no winning. I’d been stupid to want closure, to ache for a male I’d be hanging high and dry in a few hours. I’d planned on sneaking out in the middle of the night. The thought had been to not see his reaction at my departure.

  “You were going to leave me?” The sound of a broken heart almost kills me. Every fiber of my being screams at the breaking of his voice. Those broad shoulders fall forward and the beast bends to support himself with his hands. Slowly melting into the floor as every piece of him shakes. I can see the beast trying to claw from the skin holding him hostage, bones trying to shift but being held back.

  “I don’t have a choice, Elias. We can’t do anything about this curse, there is no breaking it!” I keep my tone steady, hiding to pain I’m drowning in. He feels it, of course he can. I remind myself that this is temporary. Once I am gone, he’ll be okay. I’ll be fine. Everything will go in a better direction for everyone and no one will have to bear the weight of my burdens.

  “We won’t let you leave.” His wolf is in control now, the way he rises is animalistic and causes a chill to run down my spine. Black orbs look at me with anger or hunger I honestly can’t tell the difference at this point. Pity is pushed into me, for the man who believes he will have a happy ending with the most horrible of women. Elias doesn’t understand, and I’m not sure I want to make him.

  “This isn’t your choice to make, Wolf. It’s mine, and I’m leaving.” I push past, my nude run down the stairs less than appealing as I hear him stomping behind me. I’m sure we’d be a sight for anyone to see, two crazy mates going at one another. This wasn’t a fun moment for me, even t
hough chaos happens to be one of my favorite things I hated this moment. The feeling of my heart breaking as I walk away from the man I want to be with. The one I’m destined to love.

  “I thought you were a fighter, Keres!” My hands are already pulling on my shirt and shorts as he yells at me with more anger than I’d ever witnessed. I’m desperately covering myself so that he can no longer see the flush of my skin, and I hope the layer of clothes will keep him smelling that I still desire him. I always fucking desire him. “This is a coward’s way out, because you don’t want to keep trying. When the going gets tough you give up. Is that it? You’ve fought in how many battles, killed how many for the crown and you won’t put in the effort for me?”

  When I whip around to look at him, I try to hide the tears framing once more. Every beating of my heart hurts, throat constricting as I think of the words to say to him but falling short. There are no lies I can tell him to make this easier. My shoulders fall a bit as I stare at him with sadness. Pity for us both.

  “Death, Elias. The only cure is death.” My voice is weak as I explain myself to him. The wolf seems almost surprised for a moment, as if he’d thought I was overreacting to something and not dealing with the horrible truth myself. There was nothing we could do.

  “Well whose death, who do we need to-” I shake my head quickly at him. It’s shocking that he’d be willing to take a life to break this wall between us.

  “It’s me. I have to die.”

  Chapter 25

  A shattering of hope fills my view, and that creates even more unbearable pain in my chest. Throat tight as I clench my fists to stop myself from comforting the broken man in front of me. It shouldn’t be this emotional, we barely know one another. Our connection is so short, and yet it’s deeper than I could have ever imagined. I want to tear my eyes from him, to continue my walk back to the pack house so I can grab that idiot man I’d come here with and leave. Escape and never return to this land of confusing feelings.


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