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Longing For His kiss

Page 23

by Sherri Hayes

  For a moment, he thought she was going to protest, but then she nodded and stood. “I’ll be waiting for you, Sir.”

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  Chapter 25

  As it turned out, the exact charm Alexander wanted for Grace’s collar wasn’t in stock, which meant it wasn’t ready by the weekend. She wondered if he would forgo going to the club, but in the end they went. For the most part, they socialized. Alexander thought it was important for Grace to get comfortable with the club. She began to understand why when Katrina stopped by their group Saturday night.

  “Were you still interested in me doing the demonstration we talked about?” Alexander asked during a lull in the conversation.

  “Of course.” Katrina glanced over at Grace, an amused glint in her eye that Grace immediately recognized. It was the look Dominants got when they were about to push their sub’s limits “Just let me know when and what you’ll need. I’ll make sure everything’s set up and ready to go.”

  “I was thinking sometime next month. Maybe a week or so before Christmas.”


  The rest of the conversation consisted of somewhat vague talk of tables and toys, along with an exchange of emails. Grace had no idea what type of demonstration they were taking about, but she had a feeling she was going to find out. All the demonstrations she’d ever witnessed, which granted weren’t many, included a submissive. Since she was Alexander’s sub, Grace imagined she’d be filling that spot. He didn’t say anything for the rest of the evening and the conversation shifted to more mundane topics.

  On the drive home, Grace expected him to bring up the subject again, but he didn’t. He didn’t bring it up the next day either. So Sunday night as they were lying in bed, she broached the subject. “Last night you were talking to Katrina about a demonstration.”

  “Yes.” She could hear the smile in his voice even though she couldn’t see his face.

  “What kind of demonstration does she want you to do?”

  He rolled them both over so he was looking down at her. “She’s asked me to do a demonstration on medical play.”

  It only took a moment for Grace to realize what that meant for her. As anxious as she was about it, she could already feel herself getting wet at the thought of him doing things to her while everyone watched. She really was an exhibitionist. “What will I have to do?”

  A smirk appeared on his face. “You’re going to be my patient.” He paused. “My very naughty patient.”

  She felt her body temperature rise a few degrees.

  Alexander skimmed his lips along her jaw to her ear. “Do you trust me?”

  That was easy. “Yes.”

  He reached down between them and glided his fingers over her pussy. “I’m going to have a fun making you come in front of all those people.”

  Grace moaned as he slid two fingers inside her. She wrapped her arms around his neck, bit her lower lip, and held on tight as he moved his fingers in and out of her in a steady rhythm.

  It was so easy to get lost in the sensations as he touched and teased her, keeping her on edge for as long as possible before allowing her to fall. Her body knew what it wanted, what it longed for. She wasn’t going to fight it anymore.

  The next couple of days flew by. Grace had talked to her sister several times, including at their mom’s on Sunday afternoon. Gabby was still beating herself up over sleeping with Jax. To make matters worse, when Gabby had picked Taylor up at the babysitter’s Tuesday night, her daughter had asked if Daddy was coming to Thanksgiving. Her sister had danced around the subject and eventually redirected her daughter’s attention. “What am I supposed to say if she brings it up again? She’s only three. It’s not like she’s going to understand.”

  Grace felt sorry for Gabby. She was doing her best. It couldn’t be easy. Especially when her own feelings for Jax were all over the place. “Probably not. I hate to say this, but maybe you and Jax need to talk . . . figure out what you’re going to tell her. Chances are she’s going to ask more questions the older she gets.”

  A frustrated sigh came through the line. “Not exactly what I want to do at the moment, but you’re right. We do need to talk. About a lot of things.”

  That was probably the understatement of the year.

  “Enough about me, though. Let’s talk about something happy. How are things going with you and your doctor? Are you still bringing him with you Thursday?”

  Thinking about Alexander brought a smile to Grace’s face. “Yes, he’s still coming.”

  “I bet.” The way her sister said it made it clear she wasn’t talking about Thanksgiving dinner anymore.

  Grace felt her cheeks heat. “Can we please talk about something other than my sex life?”

  Her sister laughed. “I don’t understand why you get so embarrassed about it. I mean you were married for almost ten years and I know you tapped that as often as humanly possible.”

  If her sister only knew. Whenever Kurt had been away, whether on deployment or for training, as soon as he got back they would lock themselves in the house for two or three days. He’d taken her in every way humanly possible and she’d loved it. She’d be sore for several days after.

  Recalling that time left her with a sense of loss. She waited for the feeling of a weight pressing down on her chest and the nausea to settle in as it always did whenever she thought back on those times—on Kurt and their life together—but it didn’t come.

  “Grace? Are you there?”

  “Yeah, I’m still here.” Grace forced herself to refocus on the conversation. “Sorry.”

  Her sister grew serious. “I didn’t mean to make you sad. I know thinking about Kurt—”

  “No, it’s fine. I’m fine.”

  “Are you sure?” Gabby didn’t seem convinced.

  “Yes.” A change in subject was needed. “Now, what are you bringing to Mom’s? I was thinking about making some pasta salad.”

  They talked for a while about food and work, both avoiding the subject of their relationships, past and present. At nine thirty, she said good night to her sister, made sure the house was locked up, and headed upstairs to get ready for bed. Alexander had to drive to Kansas City for work and wouldn’t be back until the next day. It was the first time she’d slept alone in almost two weeks and her house felt incredibly empty. It was strange given she’d spent months alone at a time when Kurt was deployed, not to mention the months after his death. She was trying not to dwell on it, though.

  Grace burrowed under the covers and reached for Alexander’s pillow. The smell of him mixed with sex had her grinning as she recalled how she’d woken up that morning—with his head between her legs. She could still see the satisfied smirk on his face as he’d crawled up her body like a cat on the prowl.

  As she was lying there remembering, her phone dinged, letting her know she had a message.

  This bed is awfully lonely without you in it. – Alexander

  I was just thinking the same thing. - Grace

  A few seconds passed before he replied.

  I’d call, but I know you have to be up early tomorrow and if I get you on the phone I doubt either of us will be falling asleep anytime soon. - Alexander

  He was probably right. As much as she’d love to hear his voice, chances were good that if he called they’d either be up talking until midnight or they’d end up fooling around. Neither of those options sounded terrible to her, but he was right. They both needed their sleep. She wasn’t so worried about herself, but she didn’t want him groggy driving home.

  What time will you be home tomorrow? - Grace

  Hopefully by 2:30 or 3. I have a nine o’clock meeting that shouldn’t last more than an hour. - Alexander

  Grace bit her bottom lip as she contemplated how to respond.

  Call me when you get back? - Grace

  I will. - Alexander

  There was a long pause.

  Good night, gattina. Sweet dreams. - Alexander<
br />

  To give Alexander a taste of what his job would entail should he decide to stay, his boss had asked him to join her in Kansas City for several meetings. He’d been introduced to the company executives and a handful of lawyers the company worked with on a regular basis. It wasn’t as bad as he’d feared, but he still wasn’t sure this was something he wanted to do long term.

  Their final meeting ended and he began gathering his things. Alexander wanted to get on the road home as soon as possible. He’d received a voice mail this morning from the jewelry store saying the necklace was ready to be picked up. As they had no plans tonight and neither had to be up early tomorrow for work given the holiday, he wanted to go all out and make this special for Grace. That meant he had some planning to do.

  “Heading back?” Janet asked.

  “Want to beat the traffic.”

  His boss wasn’t fooled. “Sure you do.” She shook her head and chuckled. “Enjoy your long weekend.”

  “Thanks. You, too.”

  The drive between Kansas City and St. Louis seemed to take longer than it did the first time around. Maybe that was because he was anxious to get home. He turned on some music, hoping that would make the time go faster.

  He ran into some traffic about a half hour outside St. Louis. It took him almost thirty minutes to travel less than five miles. Luckily, once he got past the accident, things got moving again. Still, it was later than he’d hoped. So instead of going home and changing first as he would have liked, he drove straight to the jewelry store.

  There weren’t any other customers in the store when he arrived, so he was able to get in and out quickly. He made a quick pit stop at his apartment to shower, change, and grab enough clothes for the weekend since he didn’t plan on sleeping at his place for the next few days.

  Alexander didn’t even have to ring the doorbell. She was there waiting for him with a shy smile on her face. He scooped her into his arms and gave her a thorough kiss. “Hi.”


  They separated so he could close the door, remove his coat, and set his bags down.

  “Are you hungry?” she asked.

  He reached for her again, crushing her against him. “Starving.”

  Grace giggled. “I meant for food.”

  “Oh.” He leaned down to kiss her neck. “Yeah. That, too.”

  She tilted her head to the side to give him better access. “I made lasagna and some garlic bread. I figured you’d be hun—”

  His lips covered hers as he backed them into the living room toward the couch. He reached between them and began working her sweater up her torso. “Do you have anything in the kitchen that will burn or catch on fire if it isn’t attended to in the next fifteen minutes?”

  Grace shook her head. “No.”

  “Good,” he said, working his own shirt over his head and letting it drop to the floor. “There’s something that needs my attention first.”

  An hour later, their bellies full of pasta and bread, they curled up on the couch to watch a movie. He ran his fingers through her hair as she rested her head in his lap. It was one of the most relaxing things he’d done in a long time—just the two of them, lounging on the couch. There was nothing requiring their attention. No reason to rush to bed since they didn’t have to be up early the next day.

  The movie ended, but neither moved. He glanced down to find her looking up at him. There was something in her eyes that had him concerned. “What is it?”

  She smiled and reached up to cup the back of his head, drawing his face down to hers. He allowed the distraction, mainly because he didn’t want to push her. This thing between them was still so new and they both had baggage.

  “I saw you brought a bag,” she whispered.

  He hummed and lifted her so she was straddling his lap. “I figured I’d need clothes for tomorrow.”

  Grace averted her gaze and he wondered if this was what had been on her mind a few minutes ago. He wasn’t overly concerned with meeting her mother, but maybe she was having second thoughts about it. Meeting her family was a big step. “Do you not want me to go?”

  Her eyes widened as she looked at him again. “No. I mean, yes, I still want you to go. If you want.” She paused. “I’m sorry. This isn’t coming out right.”

  Alexander took her face in his hands and waited for her to gather her thoughts.

  She closed her eyes and sighed. “I just don’t want you to feel you have to.”

  He pressed his lips to hers with the gentlest of pressure, but it was enough to get her to open her eyes. “Grace, you’re important to me and if we’re going to continue our relationship, I’d like to get to know your family.”

  “Even after all Gabby’s questions?”

  “I had commanders barking orders at me for ten years. I think I can handle your sister.”

  He’d meant to lighten the mood, but Grace wasn’t having it. “Just remember you said that.”

  Deciding it was best to let it go for now, Alexander gave her another brief kiss before letting her go. “Why don’t you head on up to bed and I’ll be up in a few?”

  Something changed in her eyes. She stood and shot him a look through lowered lashes that spoke volumes.

  Almost instantly, with that one look, there was less room in his pants. When he’d suggested they turn in, he hadn’t been talking about sex, but now it was at the forefront of his mind. “Get undressed and wait for me.”

  “Yes, Sir.” He caught sight of her grin as she turned to make her way upstairs. She was rather pleased with herself since she thought she was getting what she wanted.

  Alexander took his time making his rounds downstairs, making sure every window and door was locked. With casualness he didn’t feel, he retrieved his bag from where he’d left it by the door and headed up the stairs. His heart rate rose with each step as his anticipation grew. He knew what he’d find when he walked into her bedroom, but even so the sight had his cock begging to be let out of its confines.

  Strolling into the room, he set his overnight bag on the end of the bed, removed her collar, and placed his bag in the corner. He wasn’t going to need clothing tonight.

  The entire time Grace remained in position, waiting. He palmed her collar in one hand and went to stand behind her. One of the advantages of his long drive from Kansas City was that he’d been off his leg for most of the day. Alexander didn’t need his cane, which meant that both his hands were free.

  He rested the palm of his hand on her head, allowing both of them to take in the moment. Everything was quiet. It was just the two of them, completely at peace.

  With a featherlight touch, he petted her hair, letting them both sink deeper into their roles. She released a noise from deep in her throat that sounded almost like a purr.

  “Are you relaxed, gattina?”

  “Yes, Sir.” The words came out on a sigh.

  Alexander continued to pet her hair. “The jewelry store called me this morning to let me know your collar was ready. I picked it up this afternoon.”

  She remained silent, but it seemed more as if she was in the moment rather than any sort of discontent.

  He moved to stand in front of her. “Look at me.”

  Grace tilted her head up, meeting his gaze. There was no hesitation in her eyes, no uncertainty.

  “Will you accept my collar, Grace?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He held the necklace so she could see the charm on the back next to the clasp. On the underside of the heart it said La Sua Gattina—His Kitten. “Lift your hair for me.”

  The love he felt for her filled him as he unclasped the necklace and secured it around her neck. Alexander gathered her hair in both his hands and she released her hold, giving over control. He tilted her head back, admiring his collar around her neck.

  Of course it didn’t hurt that at this angle he had an amazing view of her breasts as well. He bent to kiss her while reaching down with one hand to toy with her nipple. The sound she m
ade had him wanting to throw her onto the bed and lose himself in her warmth. It was only years of experience that allowed him to remain in control of his baser instincts.

  That didn’t mean he wasn’t going to get what he wanted. Fucking her senseless had its advantages, but so did indulging.

  He gave her nipple one final tweak before releasing her and stepping back. “On the bed and spread your legs. I want to taste my pussy.”

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  Chapter 26

  Grace was a nervous wreck by the time they arrived at her mother’s house. Alexander kept sneaking glances at her as he drove, the frown on his face deepening the closer they came to their destination. He parked along the street, put the car in park, and reached for her hand. “Why are you so jittery?”

  “Sorry.” She shot him a feeble grin. “It’s just been a really long time since I brought a boy home to meet my mom.”

  Alexander chuckled. “It’s been a while since anyone’s called me a boy.”

  He was right, of course. No one in their right mind would call Alexander a boy. “I meant—”

  “I know what you meant, gattina, but I promise you it will be fine. I can handle whatever your mother—or your sister—throw at me. They aren’t going to scare me off.” He cradled the side of her face in his hand and brushed his lips against hers. “Relax.” The pad of his thumb grazed her bottom lip. “That’s an order.”

  She closed her eyes, leaned into his hand, and concentrated on the feeling of his skin against hers. This wasn’t wrong. She had every right to move on, to find happiness again. It’s what Kurt had wanted.

  This time when Grace looked at him, she was more at peace. The anxiety was still there, but if he wasn’t going to worry about it then she would try not to as well. “Yes, Sir. I will try my best.”

  He smiled. “That’s all I ask.”

  Alexander balanced two casserole dishes in one hand while Grace brought in the pasta salad and a pumpkin pie. If he hadn’t needed his cane, she knew he most likely would have insisted on carrying everything. They’d been up late the night before. He’d brought her to the edge time and time again, not allowing her to go over until he was inside her. Her nipples were still a little sensitive from where he’d clamped them and sucked on them to the point she was begging him to allow her to come.


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