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Samantha in Singapore

Page 15

by Alex Jamieson

  “And now I will leave you both to settle in. Jake, Samantha, it will be my pleasure to serve your every need for the next three days. Call me soon with your dinner orders.”

  He left us standing in the middle of our beautiful villa, and I think it's fair to say that we were both a bit overawed.

  “Holy shit. This place is amazing.”

  We were rooted to the spot as we turned around to finally take it all in.

  “I suppose we need to unpack our few things,” I suggested. “And then we should look at the menu to decide on dinner.”

  “I know, I know, but Jake there are bigger decisions than dinner. Oh. My. God. I’ve got to decide whether to go naked in front of that gorgeous young man.”

  “Not only that, my beautiful… you’ve got to decide if you want him to go naked in front of you.”

  “I think that’s the easy one,” she laughed.

  We got our stuff unpacked and had a better exploration of the villa and gardens. We even went down the dimly lit path to check out the beach. Dedicated sun loungers were positioned under a canvas umbrella for our use. Tiki torches lined the edge of the beach circling the island.

  “I can’t believe how magical this place is,” breathed Sam, into my ear. “Charlie was right… it’s exotic and erotic.”

  It seemed like the atmosphere of the resort with its promise of nudity and stunningly handsome young black guys catering to her every need, had already had some effect on my wife.

  “Let’s go look at the dinner menu.”

  For a resort that was presently entertaining only two couples, the menu was both extensive and luxurious. Lobster, Grilled Filet Mignon, Caviar, the list went on. How could this possibly be cost-effective? Then I realized that it didn’t need to be. This was an example of the ultra-wealthy indulging their excesses. When I looked at it from that point of view, I found the whole thing a little distasteful. You’ll be amazed to know that I pushed my discomfort out of my mind.

  We made our dinner choices, and Sam pushed the “TALK” button on her special hotline, as I had come to call it.

  “Samantha. How can I serve you?”

  Sam placed our order, and before she could even hang up, we heard her regular cell phone ringing. Grabbing it from the nightstand, she looked at the screen and mouthed “Charlie” to me.

  “Put her on speakerphone.”

  Sam laid the phone on the coffee table in front of us, and we both laughed as Charlie’s excited voice started bombarding us with questions.

  “So, what do you think? It’s wonderful, isn’t it? Are you both naked yet? We are. More importantly, so are Julian and William. Sam, you should see their bodies. And, oh my God, they are hung like you would never believe. Have you ordered dinner yet?”

  We hadn’t had a chance to answer one of her questions, but Sam leaped in.

  “We just ordered. Simon seems so nice.”

  “He’s a hottie, isn’t he? Ohh, the things he’s done for me in the past.”

  Sam and I looked at each other, questioningly.

  “Did I ask if you’re naked yet? If not, then get your clothes off. Get Simons off too. Have you looked at the Activities Menu? You need to. Go wild. That’s what this place is for. I intend to.”

  “We haven’t had a chance to check out the activities yet Charlie. It’s all been a little overwhelming.”

  “Well, check them out. Live a little. Forget your inhibitions. We’re in the middle of nowhere, and we can do whatever we want. I’m starting tonight, and I fully intend for William and Julian to be exhausted by the time the seaplane arrives on Monday. Did I ask if you are naked yet?”

  By this point we were laughing so hard I thought Charlie might get annoyed with us. But she was enjoying herself too much.

  “Okay, just wanted to check in. Have a wonderful time. If we don’t see you again, we will meet you on the pier on Monday morning. Bye. Oh, one last thing… are you naked yet?”

  She hung up, and we dissolved into fits of laughter. How wonderful to have such an exuberant and life-affirming friend. She is a pleasure to have around.

  Laughingly we agreed that the next item on the agenda had to be GETTING NAKED. Luckily our past experiences at Hippy Hollow in Austin meant that nakedness was not too big a deal. Despite that familiarity with the situation, I found myself starting to get an erection. The entire set of circumstances were somehow seriously different to a bit of nude sunbathing by the side of Lake Travis.

  “You look like you’re enjoying the philosophy of the environment.”

  “What can I say. I’m in a clothing-optional resort with the sexiest woman I know, and we have been promised a weekend of exoticism and eroticism, whatever that might mean.”

  “Do you think Charlie really intends to screw William and Julian?”

  “If Bangkok is any indication, I’d say it’s a certainty.”

  “Both at the same time?

  “Probably, yes. It also sounds like she’s experienced our Simon in the past.”

  “And I assume Tony will watch.”

  “Almost certainly. And he will enjoy it. He’s told us so.”

  I saw her zone out as she pondered over our friend’s lifestyle.

  I wandered out onto the terrace at sat myself down on one of the thickly upholstered loungers. I’d taken the Activities Menu out there with me, and I started to cast my eyes down the list.

  It started as I’d expected under a sub-heading of “EXCITEMENT,” with all the usual water-based stuff like scuba diving lessons, water skiing instruction, snorkeling, jet skis and the like.

  My eyes were then drawn down to the second sub-heading “EROTIC.” The list of available activities was mind-blowing.

  “Sam, Sam, come out here. You have to see this.”

  She joined me on the terrace, and we looked at the list together. We read down the list in stunned silence. Under the EROTIC offerings we read:

  The Art of Intimate Massage – learn the most erotic methodologies for pleasing your partner through the ancient Ayurvedic practice of full-body massage.

  Techniques for Deep Throating – a beginner’s introduction to developing this time-honored means of achieving mutual satisfaction.

  The Delights of Anal Sex – conquer the fears and taboos to realize profound satisfaction from this intimate practice that dates back at least to ancient Greek civilizations.

  Unable to believe what we were reading; we both scanned the list again.

  “What. The. Fuck. I’ve never seen anything like it. What does Charlie think we are going to do from this list, for God’s sake?”

  Sam then shocked me to the core by bursting out laughing. Could she not see the seriousness of the situation?

  “Don’t be silly, Jake. Charlie must have had this planted here. It’s a joke.”

  I felt kind of stupid. Of course, it had to be a joke. Our friend is truly off the wall. No one goes to a stress-relieving resort to learn about deep-throating and anal sex. Do they?


  About half an hour later, Simon arrived wheeling a heated cart. Our dinner was ready. I answered the door and immediately realized I was naked. I walked smartly over to the dining table and sat down to hide the slight erection that still plagued me. Sam walked nonchalantly from the bathroom, as naked as the day she was born, and stood facing Simon as he set out our food and a bottle of Argentine Malbec to accompany our steaks. I saw his eyes quickly running over Sam’s gorgeous body as he worked.

  “Mmm, that looks wonderful, Simon. I’m famished.”

  “I hope you will both enjoy it. Our chef has worked at some of the top hotels in the world. Before I leave you, have you made a decision as to whether you want me to be clothed?”

  We hadn’t even discussed it, let alone decided, but before I could tell him that, Sam leaped in.

  “We have Simon. We both would feel a little awkward if we were naked and you had your clothes on. So, naked it is, please.”

  He took Sam’s comments entirely in
his stride and peeled off his white T-shirt and hung it on a hook in the small closet by the door. I felt almost voyeuristic as we both watched him with strange fascination as he undid his pants and pushed them, along with his bright white, form-fitting boxer briefs, to the floor. Stepping out of them, he put them in the closet as well, then he looked up at us and gave us a beaming white smile.

  “Much more comfortable.”

  It was inevitable that my eyes fell between his legs. It wasn’t my thing, but male curiosity got the better of me. For some reason, we are compelled to make comparisons. Charlie had told us on the phone that her twins were well hung, and I immediately assumed that was one of the attributes that had contributed to Simons hiring as well. The young guy was built like a sculpted Greek statue made of ebony, and he was hung like a stallion. His thick black cock hung limply, but heavily, down to mid-thigh. It was unfathomable to imagine what it would be like if he were erect.

  I looked over at Sam and found that, while I’d been undertaking my male-based review of Simon’s attributes, she had simply been ogling the amazing specimen in front of her. She had been rendered speechless.

  ‘Please, Samantha, take a seat.”

  He broke the spell and Sam came to join me at the dining table. Simon stood by the side of her, took her folded napkin from the table and shook it out, then he leaned down to spread it on my wife’s naked lap. As he stood up again, it was impossible not to be drawn to the sight of his impressive manhood. It was right by Sam’s face, and I saw her eyes widening as she stared at it. I hoped he didn't intend to stand there and watch us eat, but he only wanted to see that we were happy with everything before leaving.

  “Please call me when you are finished, and I will come to clear away.”

  I started to tuck into the fabulous looking meal, as Sam put her hand out and touched Simons' arm, to stop him from leaving.

  “Would you do me a favor, Simon?”

  “Anything Samantha,” he said, with a little too much intensity.

  “Would you tell Charlotte that we loved her joke.”

  “I’m not sure I understand.”

  “The Erotic Activities list Simon. Tell her we were very amused.”

  “Miss Charlotte didn’t arrange the list, Samantha. It's not a joke. Those are simply the services we offer to our guests.”

  I choked on my beef, and Sam looked stunned.

  “Now remember to call me when you want me to clear. Bon Appetit.”

  He left. We ate. As the effects of the wine started to kick in, we finally felt able to talk about Simon’s revelation. The list was genuine. They really did offer those things.

  “Do you think they have specially trained therapists on site?” Sam wondered.

  “I have no idea. Should we call Charlie to ask?”

  “God, no. She’d think we were interested in those things. We’ll just ask Simon how it works when he comes back to clear. Not because we want to participate, mind you. Just as a matter of interest.”


  By the time we’d finished the delicious meal, we were feeling tired, stuffed, and a little tipsy. Sam called Simon to clear away our table, and he arrived within minutes of her call. He strode into the villa like a proud, naked warrior that you see depicted on ancient Greek ceramics. I always wondered why the ancients went to war without clothing… it seemed to be asking for trouble.

  Sam’s tipsy status meant her inhibitions were dramatically lowered.

  “Simon, I have a question for you.”

  “Yes, Samantha.”

  “The list of erotic offerings… do you have trained specialists on the island to help guests with those, erm, items?”

  “All the Personal Butlers have been specially trained in the instruction of the techniques on offer. We don’t need other staff because we can each do it ourselves.”

  “So, if I were to choose an item from the list, you would personally help me with those skills?”

  “I would. And, if there were a requirement for more than one instructor, then I would enlist Julian or William, or if need be both, to assist me.”

  “Mmm. Thank you, Simon. Dinner was delicious. We’ll see you in the morning.”


  “What are you thinking, Sam? You’re looking devious.”

  “I was just thinking about how nice it might be if you learned the art of intimate massage. Think of the fun we could have. I assume Simon would need to demonstrate on me…”

  Her voice trailed off, and we climbed into bed. My cock was as hard as a rock as I imagined that young black stud running his hands over my wife’s body. As the title involved the word “intimate,” I could only assume that his touch would be more than just a learning experience for me. It would be the hottest thing in the world for me to watch.

  This must be Charlie’s plan to take Sam’s mind off J. I remembered what she’d told me on the pier when we first arrived… anything that might happen this weekend, just let it happen.


  When we woke the next morning, Sam called Simon and ordered us a light breakfast. It still struck me as a little incongruous to have breakfast delivered by a young, naked Personal Butler. But he came in with a breezy “Good Morning” as if it was all the most natural thing in the world. The fact that his huge cock was swinging lazily between his legs did not go unnoticed by Sam. She seemed perkier than usual. No one would normally describe Sam as a morning person, but Simon’s naked and impressive presence was providing her with an unusual and amusing degree of vitality.

  In addition to the breakfast, we’d ordered Simon produced a chilled pitcher of mimosas and explained that it was a tradition at the resort.

  It was me who took the plunge. If Charlie thought her plan, whatever it was, would work, then I needed to be all in.


  He turned to look at me.

  “The Art of Intimate Massage. It sounds interesting. When you teach guests those skills, do you find it is generally beneficial to their relationships?”

  “Without fail, Jake. It brings couples so much closer together. Would you like to schedule a session?

  I looked over at Sam, who was studiously avoiding my eye.

  Simon continued on.

  “We could maybe do it after lunch. That would be my recommendation. Have a morning relaxing in the sun. Go to the beach or stay by your pool. Then maybe a light lunch with a glass or two of wine and the mood is perfect for the lesson. At least, that’s my experience.”

  He looked over at Sam, who was lounging languidly on the sofa, pretending to be disinterested in the whole conversation. I couldn’t help noticing the slightest of smiles, which meant that she was intrigued by what the afternoon might bring.

  “That would be great, Simon. Put it on our schedule. And thanks for your advice.”

  He left with the remnants of our breakfast, and I suggested a walk down to the beach. We strolled, hand in hand, through the thick vegetation surrounding the narrow sand path that curved to the beach. The setting was sublime.

  “Should we do a slow circuit of the island to scope it out a bit.”

  “Yes, that would be nice. I wonder where Charlotte and Tony’s villa is.”

  We were both feeling mellow from a good night’s sleep and a couple of mimosas. We felt almost like young lovers as we walked in the warm shallows of the ocean. An ocean that seemed to stretch endlessly as far as the eye could see.

  We were incredibly impressed with the design of the island. There was no sign of any support facilities, like kitchens or a laundry or generators, but we knew they must exist somewhere and speculated that they must be hidden away in the center of the island to keep them from intruding on the guests’ access to the beach.

  As we strolled along contentedly, the only sounds we could hear were the gently lapping waves and a variety of squawking sea birds that would noisily express their excitement every time they spotted potential prey.

  We figured we had probably completed half a circuit of
the island, judging from the position of the sun, when the birds and the waves were joined by another sound. Sam squeezed my hand, and we stopped.

  We’d been pulled up short by a woman’s voice. A voice that was quite obviously Charlotte’s. It was equally obvious that she was enjoying some form of sexual activity. Her screams were intruding on the peaceful atmosphere, but at the same time, they were compelling to listen to. We stood there, a little self-consciously, and couldn’t help but eavesdrop.

  “Oh, God, Julian, deeper. Fuck me deeper. Oh, oh, harder than that, William, Oh, oh, yes. Oh, hell, it’s so good to feel you both inside me at once. Look how I’m letting them use me, Tony. Oh yes. YES. YES.”

  The unmistakable sounds of our friend in the throes of a wild orgasm were enough to break the spell. We walked on with a slightly quicker pace. We still held hands, but the mood had been shattered. Sam looked pensive.

  “Do you think she was having sex with both of them while Tony watched?”

  “I think that would be a clear assumption.”

  “So, do you think she was doing that thing that you explained before… you know… that spit roasting thing?”

  “No, my beautiful, I don’t think it was that. She wouldn’t have been able to cry out like that if one of them had his cock in her mouth.”

  “Then what was she doing? I don’t get it.”

  How did I explain to my naïve wife that her best friend was taking one young black guy in her pussy and another in her ass, without shocking her to the core?

  “Come on, Jake, what were they doing. You know, don’t you?”

  “I could make an educated guess, Sam. It was likely to have been something called double-penetration or DP where a woman takes a man normally while another man takes her anally.”

  I’d tried to do it as clinically as possible so as not to shock my dear wife to the core.

  I looked at Sam’s face. I’d shocked her to the core.

  We walked back to our villa, and Sam was deep in thought. By the time we got back, it was time to look at the lunch menu. This island life was just too exhausting!


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