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Witch Hunters and Other Stories (2018-2019)

Page 21

by Ecallaw Leachim

  “Excellent. I can see you have read your text books. Let me remind you, the Electric Universe Theory you have just espoused was once scoffed at by all learned professors. The message? Keep your minds open to possibility, and the doorways to learning will never be shut on you. But let's go a step past the text books, one step past the Electric Universe, and ask ourselves 'What is the tachyon field?' ”

  Another young volunteer puts his hand up. So many young minds! Science is sexy again, it would seem. Paulson nods for the boy to continue. “Primarily, as we cannot measure the field itself, we can only measure its effect. We are living in the effect of Tachyons every day, every single thing is imbued with the remnants of its initial charge. As we understand things, the field itself is essentially the driving force of the universe, a mono-pole of non-differentiated energy that holds the potential to form into anything, at any time, for any purpose. It exists outside, yet at the same time inside our MEST Universe, and this state of Flux can as easily form in the past, future or present of any individual. It existed before the physical universe, though the term 'before' is meaningless as it is a constant. The Tachyon Field will survive the collapse of this galaxy in much the same way that a person survives the cropping of a toenail.”

  Paulson nods at the lad. “Excellent summary, but again, does this really tell us what the Tachyon Field ITSELF might be? No, we can describe the effect it has, in both creating and sustaining the physical universe, but the field itself is rather beyond anything we can determine in physics, and perhaps this is because it exists BEYOND physics.”

  There is a murmuring in the class, “Yes, I understand that nothing could possibly be beyond physics,” Paulson laughs. “But while there must be a set of constraints of guidelines the Tachyon Field obeys, it is not something we can currently quantify or measure. Even reading its EFFECT is a thing we presently can barely grasp. Obviously, when we call it the God Particle, we are joking. This is a presumption because we have no God-like ruler by which to set it against. BUT!” Paulson pauses and watches the class, “We CAN determine the DIRECT and SPECIFIC EFFECT of Tachyons on our environment via time dilation.”

  “This is where a study on the possibility of creating our own Tardis becomes truly fascinating. Here we need to understand a basic truth: Matter, Energy Space and Time, these old definitions of the Physical Universe remain true, up to the point of where we start to flex any one of these. Change one dimension of reality, and this alteration transmutes across all dimensions. Bend ONE and they all start to oscillate. In doing so, we can measure these oscillations as waves flowing through the other three! And yes, Gravitational Waves are precisely the tools we use.

  “This is in principle what gives us the ability to 'measure' a tachyon field: by affecting one area and then watching how it paints a change in reality. It is the old story of taking one end of a rope and whipping it up and down. This generates a wave of effect along the rope which moves in exact accordance with the energy input. We can predict the density of mass that the rope passes through because we can measure the energy input, the energy of the wavelength generated, and then calculate the loss to give us a field strength

  “Tell me, HOW do we measure oscillations in time and space? Yes, we all know, graviton fields moving through an intense magnetic flux tell us this. As we also know, the intense magnetic fields generated by super-novas and collapsing stars create a perimeter effect of gravitons, which we can observe and subsequently measure time-space dilation.”

  Paulson paused once more, letting the preamble settle into the minds of those watching. ”And logically, what does this then tell us? What is a necessary requirement for the fabled Tardis? Anyone?”

  A weedy child puts up a hand. He barely looked old enough to read physics, let along understand it, but Jonas nods for him to stand. A similar misfit from society was the reason they managed to stabilize Interstellar, and travel to the stars. He glances down at the comlink, and checks the lads stats. Interesting, genius levels in every attribute. The boys thin voice breaks the silence. “If a machine were to be able to travel accurately through Time and Space, it would need to be able to measure Tachyons. It would need to know exactly and precisely the charge required to shift the polarity in order for it to leave point “A” and become extant at point “B”. Unless it can match exactly the energetic principle of its arrival point to what was disseminated at the departure point, the atoms would become scattered or distorted. This is a known, but it would be especially accented with the increased variables of time shift.

  “Therefore, for Time Travel to exist, the Tardis would need to generate a tremendous magnetic/graviton field, one possessing the strength of a collapsing star. However, such a field would ionize all forms of living matter to such a degree that life could not be sustained, so, therefore, it must generate this field in sub-space. If this COULD be done, the strength of the field could be insignificant, yet attain the same effect for calculating wave variance. So we are talking a nano-bot magnetic pulse generator in a reflecting containment field, similar to a light motor, but using the energetic steam that is emitted as a sort of 'ticker tape'. And logically, when plotting variances in time and space, you would need an awful lot of them all working on a lineal trajectory that would allow for 'on the fly' calculations to place the Tardis at a specific era and place.”

  “Excellent work young man, Tom Shackel is it? (The boy nods) Truly excellent work.” (He made a note to add this Tom Shackel fellow to a shortlist for the intensity course) “But how do we read anything in Sub-Space? Computers don't work, physical matter no longer exists!”

  The boy is still standing, “Obviously, the singers would need to be attuned to harmonic variance. The energetic principles could be read as a series of harmonic bursts and experienced as resonance. You would literally need to feel your way by following the song-line.”

  “Precisely young Tom Shackel. This is precisely the nature of variance that constitutes the 'hum' of Sub-Space. And to add to this, even in the Myth of the Doctor, the Tardis itself suffered continual variance in destination points, did it not? It appeared to be following the beat of its own drum, as Thoreau once put it.

  “Was this happenstance, or is there a message in this for us? Was this myth planted in the Twentieth Century consciousness in order to send a message to us here in the Twenty-Second? Tell me, what was the essential ingredient needed for us to successfully implement Interstellar, beyond the use of the light motor itself?”

  The class answers in a sloppy unison, “Pilots.”

  “Yes, the Pilot. The living connection to the computer. The pilot can modulate the tonal variance and control the traverse between the two points in the Physical Universe. The pilot determines the point you go into, and exit from, the sub-space continuum. Without this focus, the Tachyon energy will distort and disrupt the structure of the atoms themselves. And tell me, what is at the heart of the Tardis? A BEING, a consciousness. This is what is able to establish a fixed point in time and space, and yet so often the good Doctor ends up somewhere he didn't plan to go. As we know, always there was some adventure he needed to solve at this point.

  “Clearly, while this remains conjecture, the consciousness inherent in the Tardis must be able to read agendas and energy in a way that is opaque to physical awareness and accordingly direct the energetic fields to points of ITS choosing. So now we have three elements that are part of the makeup of the Tardis.” The plex screen in front of each student lights up with the points array.

  1.A Light Motor/Tachyon converter

  2.A Sub-Space Magnetic Pulse Delineator

  3.A Tachyon Field Pilot that is NOT just the good Doctor.

  “Now this consciousness is not fully explained in the myth. It is examined and represented as a slightly mad woman in one episode, but it is also abundantly clear that this consciousness cannot be contained in our Time-Space framework. It is also clear that, whatever the Tardis is, it is a tool that intersects with, and between, the tachyon field and o
ur physical reality. And here is a real clue!

  “What is the thing that moves through our physical universe yet cannot be contained in it? Yes, the Tachyon Field itself. The reality is, we cannot reach or touch this field directly. The closest we can come is sub-space, but beyond that our consciousness falters. Yet our imagination, our thought retains form in this realm, even though our atoms are disparate. We are effectively dis-incarnate entities while traveling through this state of being. Time travel suggests that it is possible to go deeper, to go past sub-space and into the Tachyon Field itself!

  “But here we confront the obvious. Go any deeper into the non-differentiation that is Sub-Space, and we cannot function with awareness. In a state of uni-pole, our individuality would disappear, it would be extinguished. That is, unless the ancient Vedic scripts are correct and Man is being slowly drawn back to his true individuality, into the state of non-differentiation. Perhaps there is a way we CAN in some way master this ‘state of statelessness’? One thing is certain, the consciousness that is the central pilot of the Tardis CAN exist in the mono-pole state. But possibly it cannot exist outside of this. It is a consciousness not unlike the Tachyon field itself, where it apparently cannot exist in pure form in any form of STATE and must remain stateless to retain its nature.

  “We are not here for metaphysical conjecture. We cannot suppose that the Tachyon field itself is self-aware, yet at the same time, we ARE talking about transcendence. We ARE talking about reaching a state of being where we are able to manipulate time itself, which is undeniably a form of transcendence. And we are talking about consciousness existing in this transcendental state, on a permanent basis.”

  Paulson stops, takes a breath, and looks at his audience. “But this raises the question: Is the Tachyon Field itself conscious? Does it perhaps have conscious entities living and breathing in there, directing it? We are just guessing at this point. We know something or someone designed the first mothership, but who this is, or what this is, remains an unknown. There is a certainty, however, that there is SOMETHING there.

  A hand goes up. Paulson nods for the student to stand, a tall lanky fellow. He glances at the plex for his name, “Yes Ronadson, what is it?”

  Ronaldson says. “In the myth, the Doctor interacts with the Tardis, and is involved in tweaking control levers or sorts, in order to target specific points in time and space. This suggests that the Doctor itself is also part of the frequency bus that determines a course of action.”

  “Thank you, Ronaldson for reminding us of the obvious. Was this action by the Doctor merely decoration value, a way of painting the myth? Or is it an actual indication of what is required for time-space dilation to occur? I would suggest that IF a conscious force WAS involved in seeding the human mind with the concept, then yes indeed, the good Doctor being part of the equation is something we must consider as a fourth element in how the Tardis works. But remember, other persons than the Doctor manage to work these controls, but ONLY if the Tardis accepted them.

  “What then do you imagine constitutes acceptance by the Tardis? What is this, precisely?”

  Silence fell on the room. Social acceptance? Spiritual Salvation? What was the good professor speaking about? A lone voice, a small voice, clearly that of a child, speaks up from the back of the room. “It would have to like you!”

  Paulson laughs, “Yes, as simple as this. It would have to like you. Or in terms of physics, you would have to have a matched valency. Now, in cold reality, the consciousness of the Tardis is most likely positron based. If there were an electroencephalograph for a Tardis Mind, I would suggest it would have to be a form of anti-matter reader. Yes, this consciousness is most likely to manifest as a form of anti-matter. Can you imagine this? An Anti-Matter mind? We seriously do not know, but this would also seem to be the most likely explanation as to why a Tardis would need a physical operator on the 'matter' side of the equation. In this case, the Doctor, or another suitable candidate. In other words, the Tardis may well need someone it ‘likes’ to order to function in the physical.”

  Paulson paused once more, allowing translators to catch up. “Let us stop for a moment, and ask ourselves this question: If there is an anti-matter MIND, what else exists in the mirror of our universe? Do we need to meet and come to an agreement with an entirely different culture, an Anti-Matter way of life, to be able to time travel?

  “On this point, we can only guess, but the Tardis, or whatever we create that is its equivalent, MUST have some sort of intelligence. But further, as the math in sub-space is harmonic, we can presume that for any awareness to function well in this realm, it would need to feel harmony with whoever or whatever it is working with. Harmony is the one true constant. Harmony is the key. Regardless of all the technical and complex equations, we learn in order to resolve differentiation, the true core of this resolution is always harmonic.”

  Another short break, and then Paulson continues, “Can anyone advise me what the opposite of harmony is?”

  As expected, a few voices call out “Dissonance!” Paulson just shakes his head. “Dissonance is just a disorganized potential from which we can arrive at harmony. As an example: Nature works in dissonance, yet possesses a form of harmony. Schoenberg in the 19th Century created dissonant harmonies, for one. Stravinsky pioneered atonal dissonance to create a harmonic whole. Anyone else?”

  Tom Shackel put up his hand once more, Paulson nods. “Control, authority and rigid control, this is what opposes Harmony.”

  “On the right track Master Shackel. But WHY?”

  Tom keeps standing, “When people are forced to move in harmony, it means that minds have to be entrained to think along the same line. This is the ‘Romanization’ of Caesar, the organization of Europe to sustain the Empire. This is done either through reward or punishment. Think act and work in accord with the existing structure, you rise to the top. Object, and you are shoved to the bottom. In this scenario freedom of thought and an awareness of the moment are diminished in those who control things.

  “Those at the bottom of the ladder are now the creatives, but for them to rise and influence social order, there needs to be a renaissance. But until this point is reached, mechanical thinking rules - This is the enemy of any form of true, unrestricted harmony.” The boy sits down.

  Paulson smiles broadly. Here was one that ‘got it’. “And here we have the simple truth. Those of you who thought the opposite of harmony was dissonance are like those who say hate is the opposite of love. They are really two ends of the same stick. The OPPOSITE, or the opposition to true harmony, is control-like thinking that restricts the creative spirit. Why? Because when you force harmony in the majority by enforcing convention, you destroy creativity, and thus random fluctuation ceases.

  “TRUE harmony emerges when two lines of thought, or being, or voice, find such a deep and resonant connection. This is where the third harmonic is CREATED. Without this free state of creation, there can be no true harmony. Without equal voices singing in equal freedom, the magic of the third, the created voice from the ethers, struggles to exist.

  “I know quite a few of you have made a study of Vedic Math as part of your curriculum, but how many of you have understood that a Sutra, which is a SONG, is being used as a mathematical equation? The SONG is the heart and soul of combining freedom with harmony. The Sutras were created in the Sixth Century BC because the intellectuals and teachers had to run for their lives from an invading army that hated education. They had no pens or paper, no school rooms, and so they created universities in the jungle, where students were taught songs as a way of remembering complex mathematical equations.

  “These ancient peoples were preserving their very culture by combining harmonics and mathematics, and there is far more to this than most realize. For one: Did you know that all the ancient Vedic Chants ALL represent mathematical truths?

  “As an example, the Om Mane Padre Hum is a sonic equation for Pi. The ancient Indian culture understood that the true nature of math i
s harmonic. But they USED math to EXPLORE thought, not to nail down and control another’s thinking. Just as we use singers to sail the cosmic seas, they used sonic equations to sail through the geometry of building.

  “But it was not just the SONG that had purpose, the very FORM they used for these songs of mathematics also were conduits for a powerful energy. A Twentieth Century artist, Bill Witherspoon, noted how the use of Vedic Patterns, which themselves are mathematical and geometric harmonies, could effect a change in reality. No energy, no apparent effort, just shape the patterns on the landscape and the landscape itself changes.

  “I noted this in my freshman year studies at the Naval Academy. (Go to:

  “Now at the time, science could neither explain nor describe the events that occurred as the result of an individual carving a pattern into alkaline flats of the Oregon desert. It effected change on the Earth, brought water up where there was once desert, and changed the nature of the barren alkaline pan itself. Chemical change, physical change, all because a HARMONIC PRINCIPLE was encoded into the ground.

  “Now just imagine how powerful this will be at a SUB-SPACE level! When we enact harmonic principles in this frequency it is extraordinarily energetic and the effect is instant. It is almost like the unformed particulate is yearning for the natural order, for harmony, and when it finds it, all of its existence wraps around this. It CREATES reality BECAUSE it discovers Harmony!

  “The Ancient Greeks called it the “E” or the audible stream of life. Less known is the fact that Socrates was accused of heresy and forced to take the Hemlock because he claimed that you could reach INTO this ‘stuff of life’ - and when you did you would ‘rise up unto the ethers and be as a God’.” A question flagged on his plex, from Professor Jacobson of Stockholm University.


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