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Witch Hunters and Other Stories (2018-2019)

Page 22

by Ecallaw Leachim

  “Ah, my good friend Professor Jacobson, ladies and gentlemen. This noted scholar was a close associate of Doctor Magnusson, the man who discovered both Psy-wave tech and the tachyon cloth that allowed the development of the Light Drive. You have a question, Sir?”

  “Professor Paulson, might I first take a moment to thank you for these public lectures. Not only are they fascinating, they also serve to make Science the 'cool' subject to study, and both our mathematical school and the science departments in Stockholm are overflowing with candidates. My question is to do with how the Tachyon absorption cloth was discovered and how it was applied to the first concept of the Light Drive.”

  “Thank you, Professor Jacobson. A timely reminder to get back to basics, and so let us take a moment and go back to fundamentals, or as my dear associate Jake Hutchinson accents it: FUN-damentals! First and foremost, even though we are doing a grind on every aspect of any new science, or project, the creative spark is the key. Fun, discovery, excitement, this is what keeps it alive. If there is no sense of joy underneath it all, the process loses its spark.

  “So the first fundamental: the spark of curiosity. Without this, the once lowly unknown chemist who we know as Jake Hutchinson, a minion working with the Brotherhood in New Vegas, would never have imagined the notion of Anti-Grav. He would have never considered how an amalgam or quartz and various ionic metal could have a resonance that disconnected us from the force of gravity. He discovered Anti-Gravity partly from luck, partly from science, and partly from simply asking what was possible. Out of this discovery, the entire science of Crystal Valence emerged.

  “Then, the Brotherhood discover the alien “singers', who demonstrated to us that Interstellar was a possibility. After this, we apply their version of Crystal Science to new technologies, but far and away, the greatest breakthrough came to us from the distant past!

  “The chance discovery of an ancient artifact of power out of Egypt was the next quantum leap. Magnusson found the box which contained the Rods of the Builders, and in a discovery subsequent to this, the Light Drive was born. It started when Jake Hutchinson realized that the strange crystalline cloth, which lined the box the Rods were in, had the property of dampening the Tachyon Field that these instruments interacted with.

  “Logic determined that if the cloth could suppress tachyon activity, then if you could somehow invert this effect, it would encourage and draw tachyons. This was the missing link in what was a fairly old concept, the Light Motor. Let's look at this so we are all on the same page." Paulson brings up a large Hologram the whole audience can see.

  “The Light Motor is a simple sphere, a perfect sphere blown in space and constructed from super-reflective silica nano-particles. It is not complex, not even particularly clever, other than it has to be created in a perfect vacuum with no external forces acting on it. The idea came from the twenty-first century, but while endlessly reflecting plasma does generate extraordinary resonances, without the ability to get light INTO the ball, it was purely a novelty concept.

  “You could not have both, a perfectly reflective mirror that contained light, but which also absorbed the light it had to contain. There was no ‘two-way’ mirror that did not bleed light.

  “All this changed with Tachyon absorption cloth. It allowed energy to bypass the perfect mirror by drawing in non-reflective single-pole Tachyons. We have now drawn a force INSIDE the mirror-sphere that we could work with. This was Jake Hutchinson's light-bulb moment, if you can bare to cope with this awful pun. Inside this sphere, at the very center, he placed a “gold-chip” and attuned it so that it acted as a portal: He then set the thing to convert the raw Tachyons into Plasma. So ridiculously simple!

  Outside this sphere, we have endless energy that exists throughout the entire universe. The 'reversed' tachyon absorption cloth now no longer suppresses activity, it attracts it. The outer layer attracts, while the ‘reversed’ absorption cloth on the inside of this layer tops the tachyons from passing clear through. It holds them in place! These randomly interact with the Gold Chip, which converts Tachyons into Plasma. This Plasma subsequently bounces around inside the sphere, building pressure. By providing a release point, something with an atomic width of an opening, the random plasma becomes focused and acts as a rocket. It converts into a driving force, one that accelerates us to near light speed.

  “It was such a simple notion. No need for fuel, no combustion chambers for reactions, no need for anything. It was the perfect motor because it absorbed the ever-present tachyons, converted them into plasma, which then drives the motor in a specific direction. The point of this explanation is that this, or something similar, must be at the heart of the Tardis, and must be what provides the energy for its operation.

  “Obviously, it must take a portion of the plasma as it emerges and siphon this off to provide the power for life support and all necessary functions to sustain operations. The entire key to a motor like this is the ability to attract and absorb the core energetic principle that exists across all states, the thing we call the Tachyon.“

  Paulson paused, to let the watching media catch up, do the translations, run ads, whatever it was they were doing in the background. This was a Brotherhood presentation, so he knew that it was going to be monetized at some point along the way, and short breaks were always necessary. “So let us review the process so far! The Tachyon is the core energy that creates all known atomic and sub-atomic particles. Matter, Energy, Time and Space, as well as Sub-Space, are the five dimensions we know that are contained in and powered by the Tachyon Field. In one way or another, this energy is the driving force of our universe.

  “It bodes well for us to remember the Physical Universe is permeated by this Tachyon force. It exists below the structure of the atoms, it is responsible for the forming energies of Sub-Space, and thus indirectly the forming stuff of our own existence. Yet it is beyond anything that we can measure! However, we can know by the evidence that the Tachyon exists and appears to do so in a non-differentiated state, one which we cannot even begin to fathom. The Tachyon is, for all intentions, the God Particle, the originating force of everything.

  “The Light Motor draws on this immanent force and converts it to plasma in order to gently accelerate physical matter to near light speed, but this is just the start! Once a Light Motor enters through a portal into Sub-Space, the plasma stream driving it takes on extraordinary new properties. Once freed from the light barrier, plasma transforms into a stream of super-light-speed impulses.

  All matter going INTO the portal is converted to sub-atomic particulate and reassembled as we exit the 'arrival point'. Because of the unique properties of the plasma as it converts to super-light, it appears to encode its energy onto every particle that disseminates into the wormhole. As the Light Motor accelerates the disassembled ship and occupants to the destination, at a speed which we can only describe as instantaneous, the photons it emits take on a harmonic with allows us to reconstruct the entire craft and its inhabitants at a different point in space. We 'space jump' through our self-created wormhole and ALL of this is made possible by the Tachyon, specifically the thing we harness it with: the extraordinary tachyon absorption cloth.”

  Paulson looks over to the Swedish scientist. “Does this perhaps give our viewers a good oversight of the process, Professor Jacobson?” (The good professor smiles his approval)

  “So what happens next? We all know: It continues to feed in energy that coverts to super-light plasma, even through subspace. What becomes of the tachyon absorption cloth in sub-space? It still seems to function, even though the atoms themselves have been reduced to a wavelength.

  “And so the heart of everything is wrapped around the Light Motor. But I stress, the CONSCIOUSNESS that opens the portal and chooses the destination point is an equal partner in this process. As we all know, we were able to grow 'pods' from the tissues of the original Mother Ship. From this, we could develop our first Interstellar ships. We grew these 'living' ships around the Light Moto
r and the Gold Chip and trained our own Singers to pilot them.

  “This third aspect, the Pilot, is part a mystery. The onboard pilot is the bridge. They switch the energy in a process we truly do not fully understand as yet. It moves from positron to electron, the harmony of both being that point of time and space which is the target destination point.”

  Paulson pauses, and takes a drink from his water bottle. “But let us remind ourselves that a tracking beacon is needed to maintain integrity during the entire process. This means billions and billions of small calculations by the magnetic pulse delineator to ensure that each atom reassembles in the correct position as it rematerializes.

  This is the Harmonic Core of the calculations and the reason why the Singers in our modern ships must maintain a constant harmony as they traverse the void. Their harmony is the connecting point between consciousness and reality. The ship relies on the intuition of the pilot to integrate the sub-space wavelengths as it 'space jumps' in other words.

  “Now, to the point of this dialogue: Extrapolating from the Interstellar 'Space Jump' to the process required by a time machine. A Tardis does not at first seem to present vast differences, other than the enormous increase in processing power that is needed. The essential difference is that we suppose that this type of Ship, like the mothership, needs its own brain. More than this, the ship itself must be imbued with its own consciousness. We know the Elvin Mothership was equipped with self-aware A.I. and that it can time-jump. We need to find a way to replicate this sense of heart and soul into the (we presume silicon) brain of a new Tardis or ship.

  “Again, this is theory, but in truth, we see little need to radically change the requirements of Space-Jump to achieve Time-Jump. In principle it must be similar, however, the variables in TIME jump are exponentially greater, thus the potential to go wrong is likewise increased to an enormous degree. The Tardis will need to have a HUGE processing power - It needs its own mind, one vastly superior to ours. More than a processor, this brain needs to be intimately connected to every aspect of the craft. And as we know, these silicon brains can only be grown, they cannot be manufactured.

  “Which brings us to the next logical parameter. Who created the first artificial intelligence? We know in the Myth that the Time Lords themselves did not create the Tardis, they merely discovered and made use of them. The good Doctor 'stole' his, though obviously, the Tardis wanted him to pilot it. In truth, he was simply accepted by the Tardis and took action accordingly. We can also deduce from our limited information that the likely basis for the 'war' between Time Lord and Dalek was really about getting control of these time-shift instruments.

  “But we remain completely unaware of answers to some of our most primary questions. Who, or what, was the civilization that created the positronic brains that are the 'transmat tables' we found in the ancient caves here on Earth? Why were they left there? The Elvin people who founded the Earth civilization, and who developed the human out of the free-standing ape, did not construct them. They merely used them as dimensional portals. The heart of the mothership that brought them to Earth was a positronic brain, and let us be clear on this: We cannot construct one of these, despite all our advances in crystal science.

  “Why can't we construct an artificial intelligence using electronic anti-matter? For one, we simply do not have tools that can handle positronic currents. Even glass explodes on contact with a single positron, yet they are HOUSED in glass. It is an ionically resonant form of silica that oscillates between dimensions, yes, but it is still glass.

  “So at the very heart of the Tardis, there is a technology we cannot replicate. A silicon-based life-form that lives across dimensional realities is, however, the most likely possibility for something that can keep track of time and space variables. And yet, some fifty years ago Doctor Magnusson WAS able to traverse time and space to collect the Rods that allowed him to cross the time barrier. Doesn't THAT seem an impossibility married to an implausibility! Now, regardless of the fact we do not fully understand it, and despite the reality that we cannot manufacture it, the reality is that a variety of instruments that can shift through time have already been demonstrated to us. It can be done!

  “Primarily, there is the mothership of the Elves, but also the precursor to this that Magnusson discovered, the ‘Rods of the Builders’. The question is, who and what were these ‘Builders’?

  “What is more, the instrument used by Magnusson consisted of two rods, one apparently of a carbon state, the other of a crystalline-silica state. No Light Motor, no apparent artificial intelligence, just two simple instruments. And by just using his imagination the good Doctor Magnusson was able to traverse time and dimension. This leads me to an inescapable conclusion, that time itself is an illusion. Just as distance and gravity can be fooled, so can time.”

  Tom Shackle put up his hand. Paulson nods for his comment. “It is like the dimensions we experience are given only reality by our perception.”

  “Precisely young Tom. Space jump requires propulsion to instigate it, yet time jump appears to only require a cognizance of place and a tool to alter the harmonic structure around us.” Paulson concludes.

  A hand goes up, a graduate in the 5D math department. “Are you suggesting a further step, the development of a Sixth-Dimensional Mathematics, Professor?”

  Paulson laughed. “Well done Ms. Saunders. I think you have found the subject for your thesis, now that the possibility has occurred to you. Yes, the only possible explanation for how the Tardis actually works is a math that calculates past Time, Space, Matter, Energy, and Sub-Space. We need a math that describes the Tachyon Field itself, which is really somewhat of an apparent impossibility because it is a non-differentiating field.

  “But, that said, it must follow some rules. So while it cannot be a math of expansion, addition or division, there must be a progression of impulses that activate its ability to instigate what amounts to the butterfly effect. And it will be an effect of such minuscule power it may be almost impossible to measure, but SOMETHING tells a Tachyon to begin devolving to a muon or a bosun. SOMETHING instructs it to effectively kill its own individuality, and separate off from the whole to become the particular. Something instructs it to go: From one to the many, to refold back to the one, as the Vedas say.

  “So, the real question is this: Can we start a dialogue with the God Particle Itself? Because THIS, no matter which way we look at it, THIS appears to be the question at the heart of the Tardis.”

  Spontaneous applause barks out. People have sensed they have come to the end of the days discussion.

  “Thank you for participating, and for your homework, I would ask you to contemplate the unknown. Please evolve a rationale for an impossible force, the Tachyon, choosing to disseminate itself into a lesser state, that which we know as the sub-atomic and atomic universes.”

  Paulson leaves the stage amidst applause and cheers. He nods to the cameras. He is used to the media by now, but lingering on the edge of his awareness is the simple reality: Mankind needs an entirely new type of genius. All the extraordinary progress to the current day is all well and good, but the real question is: Where is the next Einstein? Where is the next mind that will shape the future of man?

  Because they will need it. Both he and Hutchinson had come to the understanding many years ago: Something out there is looking for something in here! The Tachyon field devolves into the physical because it simply wants to experience life in a different state - but something is driving it HERE.

  They will need this dialogue, this connection, with the Tachyon force if they are to solve the puzzle of the bubble that was currently, and rapidly, eating through the physical universe. They will need a Tardis to break through the impermeable shell of that galaxy eater in order to see what is driving that thing.

  (Extract from "The God Eaters" - Book available on Amazon)

  Ode to Bernie

  The Financial Crisis in an Eggshell

  How to cook the books, have your cak
e, and eat them all

  Once upon a time, not so very long ago, the EggMan stood up and said "I am going to become a chicken!" It was an instant hit with everyone in the forest where he lived. All around there was rousing applause from the animals and the rocks and trees.

  "What a fine notion." said the tree.

  "Excellent idea." said the stream.

  So the EggMan imagined his chicken-self emerging. He dreamed of everything that was needed to become a Chicken. He created all sorts of plans, and talked about it to everyone. Soon the whole forest was buzzing about the forthcoming chicken creation.

  It was drawn up, 3D models were made, experimental mechanical chickens were built and then, on anticipation of the new chicken becoming a boon to the fast food industry, the Chicken Concept was registered on the forest stock exchange.

  Everyone bought into the chicken stock. It became the new ‘thing’! Mums and dads enthusiastically brought their sons and daughters to see how much their stocks were rising. It was the buzz of the forest. The excitement was infectious! It spread to the fields beyond and even to the mountains in the distance. Soon everyone was buying into Chicken Stocks.

  There was only one problem, something the EggMan was feeling increasingly embarrassed about. The sad truth was, he really had no idea how to become a chicken. In fact, he was becoming increasingly worried that he may have been destined to become something else: a turkey maybe, or worse, a Dodo. The ancient question arose: What to do, what to do?

  So, off went EggMan to see the Old Forest Tree, who was ancient beyond belief and wise beyond imagination. He knocked on the trunk, waking the sleeping Soul up. Then he asked, “How do I become a chicken?”

  Old Forest Tree looked down, mystified as to why anyone would want to become a chicken, but then realised it was an Egg before him. “Well,” said the tree, “It all depends on what is inside you. Life will grow what it will, and you have to trust it. You are what you are, dear Egg.”


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