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Hope's Path

Page 20

by Carrie Carr

  "When will it end, Lex?" Amanda asked. "How much more do we have to go through to finally be happy?" Why can't they just leave us alone? She felt tears well up in her eyes.

  Lex used her thumb to wipe away the tear that fell. "I am happy." She pulled her lover into her lap. "I've never been happier in my life than I am right this second." Lex caressed the soft cheek of her companion. "I would gladly go though everything again, just for the opportunity to be here with you right now, like this."

  Amanda took a deep breath and tried to smile. "I feel the same way. It's just that I'm tired of seeing you hurt. And we don't even know who put him up to all of this." Once Charlie had told Matt of his rights, he had asked him who had put him up to hurting Lex. The man, obviously in pain, wouldn't, or couldn't, tell.

  "We will. He's too stupid to hold up under any type of real interrogation. But, I honestly don't think he knows who it is." She pulled Amanda close. "Let's not worry about him right now."

  "You're right. It's not that important." Amanda pulled back slightly to look closely at Lex's face. She ran her fingertips gently over Lex's forehead. "Are you sure that you're all right? That's a nasty looking bruise."

  "I'm fine. Just ask Martha. I have the hardest head around." Lex kissed Amanda on the tip of her nose.

  Amanda tried to stay serious, but failed miserably. She just looks so darned cute when she grins at me like that. "That's not funny. You could have been seriously hurt." She looked down again at the discoloration covering Lex's side, touched the area softly, and sighed. "You're a walking bruise, love."

  Lex reached down to capture the hand and brought it to her lips. She kissed the delicate palm and brought it to her cheek. "It doesn't hurt at all." Lex waited until Amanda's eyes met hers. "You are so beautiful, did you know that?"

  "Uh, no." Amanda blushed and looked down at the bedspread. "I never really thought about it." She felt Lex's other hand cup her chin gently and raise her head. "What?"

  "Sweetheart." Lex studied Amanda's face intently, "You are. In so many ways." She trailed a fingertip down Amanda's jaw line and slowly across Amanda's throat. "Have I told you today how much I love you?" she asked quietly.

  A small chill chased down Amanda's back as Lex traced a gentle pattern down her neck. "Mmm. Yes. I believe you have." Her breathing quickened as deliberate fingers unbuttoned her shirt.

  Lex undid each button slowly, smiling at the effect her touch had on her lover. "You have the most beautiful skin, Amanda," she marveled in a low voice. Lex opened the oversized denim shirt that Amanda wore. She looks better in my clothes than I do. Her other hand reached behind Amanda to keep her from falling back. Once the last button was undone, Lex carefully peeled the shirt away from her companion's shoulders. "I said it once, and I'll say it again. Beautiful." She leaned down and kissed Amanda thoroughly.

  Amanda reached up and tangled her hands in Lex's hair. "Yes." she moaned when Lex finally pulled away from her mouth. Her entire body trembled as Lex blazed a trail of kisses down her throat. The shirt was carelessly tossed to the floor as her lover shifted slightly and turned to place Amanda on the bed. Warm hands quickly removed the blue lace bra that had been a recent gift from Lex.

  "Stunning." Lex leaned over Amanda. Her eyes sparkled with the overwhelming love she felt. She bent down and kissed Amanda again as her free hand mapped a course along Amanda's body. "I love you so much." Her hand continued its path down the smooth abdomen, until she reached the clasp on Amanda's jeans. "I think you're overdressed, sweetheart," Lex whispered in her lover's ear right before she nibbled on it.

  "Oooh." Amanda's eyes closed when she felt the warm breath on her neck. "I love you, too." She was barely able to speak as she felt her jeans being removed. "Oh, God," she mumbled when the rest of her clothes were expertly stripped from her body. Gentle lips kissed down her neck again as Lex's hands continued to explore.

  Amanda's body arched upward in response to Lex's questing hand. "I love the way your skin feels." Lex enjoyed talking as she touched her lover. She could always depend on Amanda to react to her words, as well as her touch. When she found a particularly sensitive spot, Amanda used the grip she had on Lex's hair to pull her more tightly to her. "I'm here, love," Lex whispered in Amanda's ear.

  Hands quickly discarded the towel from Lex's body. "I need--" Amanda demanded in a soft voice. "Lex. Please." She almost cried with relief when she felt Lex's bare skin touch her own. "Yesss." The cold chill of the room was banished when Amanda finally pulled the long body down on top of her own. "Mine," she murmured, and then there were no more words needed as they shared their love.

  A QUIET KNOCK on the door made Amanda wake from a very pleasant dream. She always felt so relaxed after making love. Still smiling, she opened her eyes and glanced at the clock on the nightstand. Her eyes popped open fully when she saw that it was almost seven o'clock in the evening. Oops. Lex is going to kill me for letting her sleep this late. She looked over at her slumbering companion. Too bad. She needed it. And she always sleeps well after a soak and one of my massages.

  The door opened slightly, and Martha's graying head poked in. She looked over at the bed with a fond smile, then moved into the room when Amanda waved her in. She glanced down at the bed where Lex lay on her stomach sound asleep. "How is she?"

  "Not too bad, actually." Amanda sat up and ran her fingers through her hair. "Her back was bothering her earlier so I gave her a massage after she soaked in the tub. I think that really helped."

  "That's good to hear. I wouldn't be up here bothering you right now, but Charlie just called. They've finished questioning that hateful man." Martha sat at the foot of the bed. "Charlie wants you to call him at the office as soon as you can because he and the prosecutor have some questions for you."

  Amanda's brow wrinkled in confusion. "For me? I'm afraid I don't know much. Are you sure they don't want to talk to Lex?"

  Lex groaned and rolled over onto her back. "Martha?" She blinked several times and frowned. "What time is it?"

  Martha reached over and squeezed Lex's leg through the covers. "Almost seven. I thought that you might want to eat dinner since you didn't eat much lunch." She was privately worried about Lex's health. She had barely touched her lunch and then had slept the afternoon away. That's not like my Lexie at all. Maybe I should call Dr. Anderson to come and take a look at her. The housekeeper stood and walked around the bed to stand next to her charge. "How are you feeling?"

  "Hungry, now that you mention it." Lex started to sit up then realized that she had nothing on. I knew I forgot to do something before I fell asleep, but I was so damned relaxed after that massage I couldn't keep my eyes open. Knowing that Martha has seen her naked before, she sat up and tucked the sheet and comforter under her arms. She looked over at Amanda as she slipped from the other side of the bed. When did she get dressed? "I guess we'll be down in a minute."

  Amanda enjoyed the perplexed look on Lex's face. She had pulled on her long tee shirt after Lex had nodded off in case she had to get out of bed. She reached over for her robe and slipped it on. "I'm going to brush my hair and wash my face while you two visit for a minute." She disappeared into the bathroom.

  "Do you want me to bring your dinner up here, Lexie?" Martha sat next to the still groggy woman. She reached over and brushed the dark bangs out of Lex's eyes. "It looks like it's about time for another trim." She purposely stayed silent about the ugly bruise on Lex's forehead.

  "Again? Didn't you just cut it last month?" Lex saw the brown eyes across from her cloud in concern. "It doesn't hurt, you know, and we'll come downstairs for dinner. There's nothing wrong with me." She clasped the housekeeper's hand and squeezed it. "I wouldn't have slept so long, but you know how I am after a long soak."

  Martha laughed, relieved to see that Lex was indeed all right. "Did you fall asleep in the tub again?"

  Lex shook her head. "Almost. But Amanda made me get out and go to bed." Yeah. She really forced it on you. What a mushball. Nothing like the promise
of a massage to make me hop out of the tub. She had argued with Amanda about the need for a massage.

  Although I thought I provided her with pretty convincing evidence that there was nothing wrong with me. A small chuckle escaped her at that thought. Lex was certain that after they had made love Amanda would want to just curl up together and sleep. Despite being worn out, Amanda had insisted on giving Lex the promised massage anyway.

  "What's so funny, dear?" Martha was charmed by the look on Lex's face. I bet anything I know who's on her mind. She shook her head and stood. "Never mind. I don't think I want to know." Martha leaned down and kissed the top of Lex's head. "Hurry up and get yourself downstairs before dinner gets cold."

  Lex marveled at the woman who had raised her with so much love and care. I couldn't have picked a better mother. I really do need to do something for her. "Yes, ma'am. Should I get dressed, or do you want me to wear what I have on?"

  The housekeeper was almost to the door when she turned around. "I've seen you in your birthday suit most of your life, Lexington Marie. It won't matter to me one bit." She put her hands on her ample hips and gave her a stern look. "But if you catch cold from running around in your altogether, don't come crying to me to wipe your nose." She shook her head at Lex's laughter and left the room with a haughty air.

  Amanda walked out of the bathroom. "What's so funny?"

  "Martha's full of herself today, that's for sure," Lex tossed the bedcovers aside and slowly climbed out of bed. "Damn!"

  Amanda hurried over to Lex next to the bed. "What's wrong?" She reached for her but her hands were gently batted away. "What?"

  Lex grabbed Amanda and pulled her close. "It's cold when you get out of bed with no clothes on." She untied Amanda's robe and moved closer, pulling the robe closed around them both. "Ah, much better."

  "And how do you propose that we get downstairs for dinner?" Amanda asked, wrapping her arms around the bare body against hers. "Could be tricky."

  "But definitely fun," Lex teased. She was leaning down to kiss Amanda when a voice called from the hallway.

  "Don't be in there playing kissy-face all night, girls. I'm an old woman, and I need my rest." They could hear the housekeeper's laughter trailing in her wake as she descended the stairs.

  Lex looked at her lover and sighed. "She can be such a smart ass at times." She regretfully slid out of the terrycloth cocoon and bent over to pick up her sweat pants.

  Amanda giggled. "Must be where you got it, then." She went to the dresser and pulled out a sweatshirt. She didn't see the pillow that flew across the room and whacked her in the back of the head. "Hey!" Amanda turned around. Lex stood by the bed wearing sweat pants and nothing else. Nice. National Geographic, eat your heart out.

  "What are you leering at?" Lex asked as she stood there with her hands on her hips. "Haven't you ever seen a half dressed woman before?"

  "Not one who looks quite that good." Amanda continued to smile as she brought Lex the sweatshirt. "I suppose I should let you get dressed before you catch a cold."

  "Gee, thanks." Lex brought the shirt over her head gingerly. I'm still a little sore, but nothing too bad. She was in the process of pulling the shirt down when cold hands lay flat against her belly. "Damn, Amanda, your hands are cold." She batted the offending appendages away and finished dressing.

  Amanda grinned. "It serves you right for hitting me with that pillow." Amanda wrapped her arms around Lex.

  Lex happily returned the hug. "Come on, cute stuff. Let's go downstairs before Martha comes back up here to harass us." She pulled away, but kept one arm around her love and escorted Amanda out of the room.

  "HELLO? THIS IS Amanda Cauble. I'm calling for Sheriff Bristol." Amanda sat at the desk in the office, with Martha and Lex close by. Actually, Lex was more than close by--she was sitting in the desk chair with Amanda in her lap. She had her arms wrapped around her, and her chin resting lightly on her lover's shoulder. Martha, at both women's insistence, sat in the soft leather chair on the other side of the desk.

  "This is Sheriff Bristol," Charlie answered, picking up the line with a weary sigh. "Amanda? Thanks for calling. I've got the county prosecutor here with me--Mr. Robert Campbell. Do you mind if I put you on speakerphone?"

  Amanda took a deep breath. "No, not at all. Lex and Martha are here with me. Do you mind if I use the speakerphone, too? They may be able to help."

  "That's fine."

  She heard a click and then the slight noise as the sheriff settled his weight in a chair near the phone. Lex loosened her grip enough so that Amanda could press the speaker button on the phone. "Hey, Charlie." Lex was not one for formalities. "Mr. Campbell? I don't believe we've met. I'm--"

  A deep rich voice interrupted her. "Ms. Walters. I've heard a lot about you. Although Sheriff Bristol here says that most of it is not entirely true." Robert Campbell joked to break the ice. "It seems our prisoner claims your attack on him was unprovoked." The tone of his voice expressed what he thought of the accusation.

  "I wouldn't quite say unprovoked, Mr. Campbell. The man came at me with a blasted pitchfork." Lex felt Amanda stiffen and saw the housekeeper pale. Hell. I've got to learn to think before I speak.

  "I know, Lex." The prosecutor paused. "May I call you Lex? Charlie has told me so much about you."

  "That's fine. Just don't believe everything you hear from him. The man tends to exaggerate." She winced as Amanda pinched her leg. "Umm. Sorry about that. Do you want to go ahead and tell us what this call is all about?"

  Charlie took a deep breath and shuffled papers. "Amanda, from what you told me the other day, a former employee of your father's contacted you last week. Is that correct?" The sheriff was certain of the information, but he wanted Amanda to verify it for the prosecutor.

  "Yes, Mark Garrett used to work for my father. He told me he quit and came to Somerville to find a house and to settle his family here. Remember I told you he brought flowers to my grandparents' house when he found out about Lex's accident? Is something wrong?" Amanda felt Lex's arms tighten around her reassuringly. "Is he okay?"

  Robert Campbell answered her question. "We're not sure, Amanda. He seems to have disappeared."

  "I don't get it," Lex interrupted. "What does Mark Garrett have to do with all of this? And, why all the concern over his whereabouts?"

  "He fits the description we got from Matt Sterling of the man who posted his bond," the prosecutor said. "And, we checked with the clerk who accepted the bail money. She's pretty sure that a man with his build and coloring gave her the cash."

  Amanda gasped. "Why would someone who used to work for my father post bail for someone he doesn't even know? What's Mark's connection in all of this?" Oh, no. I should have listened to my instincts after he brought the flowers. She didn't want to think of those possibilities right now. If my father is responsible for almost killing Lex, I don't know what I will do.

  "Let's not go jumping to conclusions before we have the facts, okay? We don't know for sure if Mr. Garrett is involved and we certainly have no reason to believe that he still works for your father. But, we did want to talk to you and see if he had contacted you since we talked last. Maybe left an address or phone number with you to reach him?"

  "No, I--I don't have that," Amanda said.

  Worried about how Amanda must be feeling, Lex decided to end the conversation as quickly as possible. "Mr. Campbell, Charlie, if we hear from Mark or find out anything else, we'll be sure to give you a ring." She looked over at Martha who had a concerned look on her face. "Is that all for now? I'm really not feeling one hundred percent just yet and would like to get some rest."

  "Of course, Lex. I'm sorry we had to bother you after the day you've all had. Amanda," Mr. Campbell sounded sincere, "thank you for your time. I'll leave my home number with Charlie. If you need anything, please don't hesitate to call."

  Charlie cleared his throat. "I'm sorry about all of this. But when Sterling told us who had posted his bond, I remembered the conversation that yo
u and I had, and that you were a little leery of how he knew about Lex's accident. I doubt that he has any ties left to your father, but we wanted to cover all our bases."

  "That's all right, Charlie. I understand." Amanda felt a knot of dread in her stomach. "If I can think of anything, or I hear from him, I'll let you know immediately."

  "I know you will. Now don't you worry. I'll call you as soon as I find out anything, okay?" Charlie's heart broke at the pain these accusations would cause Amanda. He had already become quite attached to her and considered her family.

  Lex sensed her lover's upset. "Thanks, Charlie. And we hope to see you out here for dinner tomorrow night. No excuses, all right?" She looked over at Martha, who gave her a grateful smile.

  "Okay. I know when I've been beaten. Mind if I bring a guest?"

  Martha finally ended her silence. "Only if it's Mr. Campbell. I know he's new around here, and it's about time we get the chance to meet him, outside the office."

  Charlie said, "I hope you don't have any plans, Robert, because my Martha doesn't take no for an answer."

  "Nope," the deep voice answered. "My wife and daughter won't be here for another week at least, so I'm all yours."

  "Martha? You win, sweetheart. We'll see you all tomorrow night. Bye for now."

  Amanda disconnected the call and sat quietly on her lover's lap. Does Mark still work for my father? Could they both be involved in what happened to Lex? What am I going to do if any of this is true? How can I possibly face Martha or Lex?

  Lex could feel the struggle her partner was going through. "Amanda?" Martha nodded at her and left them alone in the room.

  "Talk to me."

  "What's there to talk about?" Amanda allowed Lex to turn her around so that they were looking eye to eye. "You heard what they said."


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