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Hope's Path

Page 21

by Carrie Carr

  "Yes. I heard that a man who's afraid he would spend the rest of his days in prison made some accusations." She ached for what Amanda was going through. "But, until they are affirmed with evidence or proven in court, they're just that. Accusations."

  Amanda bit her bottom lip in thought. "But what if--"

  "No "what ifs.' We'll wait to see what happens." Lex covered Amanda's mouth with her fingers. "And, if the worst is true, then we'll get through it. Together." She removed her hand and kissed Amanda. "You and me. Together, we can handle anything. I love you. Nothing or no one can change that. Ever."

  "Always and forever," Amanda whispered, as tears of relief filled her eyes.

  "Always and forever," Lex assured her. "Until the end of time, my love."

  Amanda took a deep breath and gathered her wits about her. "Thank you. But, now I think I need to call my father and see what he has to say about this whole mess."

  Chapter Fifteen

  "WHY DON'T WE just spend the night at my grandparent's house," Amanda suggested, "and then come back in the morning? You said that you didn't want to drive home after dark because of the ice on the roads. This way, we can shop until the stores close." She also wanted a chance to talk to her grandparents before she called her father. Amanda was hoping Anna Leigh and Jacob could help her with what she believed would be a very difficult phone call. I hope that he had nothing to do with Mark posting the bail for Matt Sterling--but it's too big a coincidence to ignore.

  At Lex's insistence, they had gotten up early, intending to go into town to do their Christmas shopping. Amanda had tried to get her to reconsider because of the previous day's activities, but Lex refused.

  She's so darned stubborn. Amanda sat on the bed to untie a serious knot in the laces of one of her sneakers. "How on earth did I manage to do this?" Amanda continued to work unsuccessfully at the laces. "Crap."

  Lex walked out of the bathroom wearing only her jeans, a sexy satin bra and a towel around her neck. "Umm. That's kind of my fault, sweetheart." She walked over to the bed and took the white leather shoe away from her lover.

  "Your fault?" Amanda watched in amusement as Lex fought with the shoestring. "How do you figure that?"

  "I couldn't find mine." Lex walked over to the dresser and picked up a small pocketknife.

  "Oookaaay." Amanda drew out the word in confusion. "Not that I mind, but your feet are a little big for my shoes."

  A dirty look answered her. Lex sighed. "I didn't try to wear them. Dr. A told me that trying to tie shoes with one hand was a good exercise to rebuild the strength and dexterity in my arm and hand." All of her other injuries were almost healed, but Lex was still having trouble with her right arm. Dr. Anderson had assured her that it would heal completely, but the stubborn woman was impatient and ready for it to be back to normal. She opened the knife and started to use the dull side of the blade against the knot.

  "Hey. Don't." Amanda jumped up from the bed. Before she could cross the room, Lex tossed her the shoe. "Oh. Thanks." She sat back down on the bed and slipped the sneaker on. "So, do you want me to call Gramma and see if they mind us staying with them tonight?"

  "Sure. Maybe we can talk your grandfather into cooking stir-fry." Lex wandered into the closet. "Have you seen my blue shirt?" she called from inside.

  The question made Amanda sigh and get off the bed. "Can you be a little more specific?" She poked her head into the closet. "I swear you have nothing but blue shirts."

  Lex grabbed Amanda and pulled her the rest of the way into the closet. She wrapped her arms around Amanda and grinned. "Got you."

  "You sure do."

  "Can I keep you?" Lex leaned down until their breaths mingled. She watched as the eyes below her closed dreamily.

  A barely heard whisper was her answer. "Uh-huh."

  "Amanda?" Lex dropped her voice to a sexy murmur.

  Amanda swayed slightly in her lover's arms. "Mmm?" Her eyes were still closed, and her breathing quickened.

  "Where's my blue flannel shirt?" The quiet question sounded almost erotic.

  "Oooh, you." Amanda swatted her on the shoulder. Amanda leaned her forehead onto Lex's chest and sighed. "You are such a brat." She pulled back slightly and looked up into the eyes that sparkled with mischief. "I think Martha did laundry yesterday, so it's probably in the utility room."

  Lex smiled broadly. "Great. I'll just go downstairs and--"

  "I don't think that you're quite dressed to be running all over the house. Why don't you get your boots on, and I'll run and grab your shirt?" She reached up and ran a finger down the strap of Lex's dark blue satin bra. One of the first things Amanda had done when she moved in, was to buy Lex colorful satin undergarments. "I really like this one on you." She looked up and smiled. "Brings out the color in your eyes."

  The eyes she mentioned rolled in wry amusement. "If you say so. It is really comfortable, though." Lex leaned down and placed a quick kiss on Amanda's lips. "Thanks."

  Amanda frowned. "You call that a thank you? I've gotten better thanks from--umph." Her good-natured protest was cut short when Lex kissed her deeply. "Mmm." She stretched up and wrapped her arms around the Lex's head as she felt warm hands gently grasp her hips.

  The closet door opened wide, and a small hand reached in to switch on the light. "I swear, I find you two in the craziest places," Martha teased. She enjoyed the deep blushes that both women suddenly wore. I just love getting them like this.

  "I was just looking for my blue flannel shirt," Lex stated matter of factly. She slowly pulled away from Amanda and tried unsuccessfully to take the handful of clothes from the housekeeper. "You didn't have to bring these up, Martha. We're perfectly capable--"

  "I know. But I figured that you'd forgive an old woman her little habits." Martha took the clothes and hung them in their proper places. She kept one item out and handed it to Lex. "Here. Although I think it's about time to retire this one to the rag box."

  Lex pulled the garment to her chest protectively. "No. This is my favorite shirt." She quickly slipped the shirt off the hanger and put it on. "And you're not an old woman."

  Amanda asked, "Do you think that we could finish this conversation in the bedroom?" She gestured to the doorway. "I'm for togetherness as much as the next person, but even I have my limits."

  Martha backed out of the closet and waited until both women followed. "That was a little silly, wasn't it?"

  Amanda walked over to button Lex's shirt. "It was different, that's for sure."

  Lex started to argue, but shrugged her shoulders at Martha and allowed Amanda to continue her pampering.

  The housekeeper had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing out loud. They are just too cute together.

  "We've decided to stay in town overnight after we get through shopping," Lex informed Martha. "Do you want to come with us?" She crossed the room to retrieve a pair of socks from the dresser.

  "No, thank you. Charlie is driving out tonight, and we're going to watch movies." Martha watched in amusement as Amanda packed a small bag. "I thought you both had clothes there."

  Amanda nodded. "We do, but I like to pack a few extras just in case of an emergency." She waved in Lex's direction. "You know how some people always seem to get dirty, no matter where they go."

  Martha laughed. "I know that all too well." She waved off a glare from Lex. "Don't you be looking at me like that, Lexie. It's true and you know it."

  Lex shook her head. "I'm not that bad." A poke in her arm made her turn her head. "What?"

  Amanda pointed to the case on the bed. "Nothing. I've got our bag all packed. Are you about ready to go?"

  Martha frowned. "Now you wait just one dad-blasted minute. You're not going anywhere until you both have had a decent breakfast." She put her hands on her hips and a no-nonsense look on her face. "Lexie, you're going to start taking better care of yourself, or I'm going to sit on you and force you to relax." She pointed an accusing finger at Lex then turned and stomped to the bedroom
door. "Well?"

  "We'll be right down, Martha," Amanda answered. She looked over at Lex, who stared at the housekeeper in confusion.

  "Right." Lex nodded. She watched as Martha left the room then turned and faced Amanda. "What did I do?"

  Amanda crossed the room to where Lex stood. She wrapped her arms around Lex. "I don't think you did anything." She looked up and saw a flash of hurt quickly race across Lex's face. "Honey, she's just worried about you. The last couple of months have been really hard on her." Amanda lightly rubbed her hands across Lex's back in a comforting gesture. "Come on, let's go eat and then hit the road. I've got a lot of shopping to do."

  Lex sighed. "I'm going to regret this, aren't I?"

  "Probably." Amanda moved back and gave Lex a gentle pat on her side. "But I promise to make it up to you tonight." She winked and walked to the doorway with Lex closely on her heels.

  "Wait for me." Wearing a big smile on her face, Lex chased after a laughing Amanda.

  THE MALL WAS full of people, which was normal for the time of the year. It seemed like every shop had candles or incense burning. Even Amanda, who normally enjoyed the scents, waved her hand in front of her nose. "This stuff is overpowering, isn't it?"

  Lex rubbed her nose with one hand. "You could say that." She looked over at Amanda, who hefted her packages. "How about if we get something to drink, and take a break over there?" She pointed to a large open area with several benches that was artificially shaded by indoor trees.

  "That sounds wonderful," Amanda admitted. "My feet are beginning to complain. Why don't you take the bags and sit, and I'll go get the drinks?"

  "Nah. My feet are fine. You take the bags, and I'll fetch the drinks." Lex handed over her packages and walked away before Amanda could argue.

  Amanda stared after her. I can't believe I let her win. She smiled thoughtfully. Yes, I can.

  Lex went to a nearby refreshment cart. She smiled at the young woman working behind the counter, who was frantically trying to keep up with the orders. When the teenager looked up and saw Lex, she stopped what she was doing and returned the smile.

  "Hi, can I help you?" The young girl's eyes never strayed from Lex's.

  "Hello. I'd like two large Dr. Peppers, please." Lex was shoved from behind. She turned around and glared at a teenaged boy behind her.

  The boy stared up at her defiantly. "What?" he snapped.

  "Don't push your luck with me, boy. I'm not in the mood." Lex sharpened her glare, which made the young man turn away.

  The girl behind the counter sighed appreciatively. "He's been here several times today, harassing folks. Thank you." In exchange for some bills, she gave Lex two Styrofoam cups filled with soda. "You have to get the lids on the counter there beside your left hand. I'm afraid, I don't have room for them back here." She winked at Lex. "I get off in about an hour and a half, if you're interested."

  Ooh, boy. Jailbait. My favorite. Lex hid her wince. "Umm, thanks, but I can't. My girlfriend is sitting over at the atrium, and she's the jealous type." Lex winked at the girl. She left the cups on the sideboard momentarily and grabbed a couple of lids and straws. "Thanks again."

  Covering the drinks, she looked around and noticed the teenaged boy had disappeared. Good. Maybe he'll leave that poor girl alone. Lex picked up the drinks and made her way back over to Amanda.

  Amanda's face was animated as she focused on an elderly woman sitting nearby. "And I told that clerk that I could get the same pair of gloves at the discount store downtown for half that price. And do you know what she told me?" Amanda shook her head in disgust. "She said that maybe I'd be better off buying from there, since it's apparent that I have no taste."

  The elderly woman laughed. "Those folks in that store always think that they're better than anyone else. Still, I figured they're the ones having to work there, and I'm the one that's shopping, so I think that makes me a little better." She looked up at Lex. "Oh my, you're a tall one, aren't you?"

  Lex chuckled and handed Amanda her soda. "So I've been told, ma'am. Would you like a drink?" She offered the other drink to the woman.

  "Oh, honey, you don't have to do that. I can get my own," the elderly woman demurred, but gratefully accepted the cup. "What about you?"

  "I'll just go grab another one. I've got a friend working at the drink stand, so it won't take but a second." She winked at Amanda and walked back over to the refreshment booth, much to the delight of the young girl working behind the counter.

  HOURS LATER, LEX slowly pulled her green Ram truck into the driveway and parked beside Jacob's Suburban. She turned to her companion and released a heavy sigh. "Are you sure that we left anything at the mall for anyone else to buy?" She could barely see through the rear windows of the vehicle due to all the packages piled in the back seat of the X-tra cab.

  "It's not that bad." Amanda reached over and clasped Lex's arm. "But you seem completely beat. Why didn't you tell me I was wearing you out?" Although I'm feeling a bit tired, too.

  Lex grinned evilly. "You'll never hear me complain about that."

  Amanda flushed darkly. "Oh, boy. I can't believe I walked right into that one." She lowered her head and tried to ignore her heated face.

  "You're so cute when you blush." Lex covered Amanda's hand with her own. "But seriously, love. I'm fine." She glanced past Amanda through the window. "Looks like our welcoming committee is here."

  Bounding toward the truck were Frank and his wife. Jeannie was draped over her husband piggyback style, using one hand to slap at his ribs as if she were riding a horse. Once they were close to the truck, she reached out and rapped on the window. "You two going to sit in there all evening, or are you coming inside?" Jeannie frowned when her sister blushed and covered her face with her hands. "What?"

  Lex patted Amanda's arm and opened the truck door. "Come on, beautiful. Let's go see what Jacob's got cooking." She walked around the truck and opened the passenger door. Lex paused when her partner stumbled from the vehicle. "Amanda? Are you okay?"

  "Great. Just great." Amanda sighed and allowed Lex to help her from the truck. She reached over and tweaked her sister's nose gently. "What are you two doing chasing around outside like a couple of teenagers?"

  Jeannie playfully swatted the offending hand away. "Waiting for you guys, of course." She spied Lex, who had pulled a small duffel bag from the back seat of the truck. "How are you feeling, Slim?"

  "A little tired." Lex closed the door and put her right arm around Amanda's shoulders. "Remind me to never take Little Miss Bargain Hunter here to the mall Christmas shopping again, okay?"

  Frank watched Lex with a new respect. "Good lord, Lex. No one in their right mind would be that brave." He quickly spun around and walked back to the house.

  "Giddy-up." Jeannie gently kicked her husband's thighs with her heels. "Better watch it, handsome. My sister has that evil glare on her face."

  "Oh, no." Frank galloped comically up the steps. "Anything but that." With a laugh, he grabbed for the screen door.

  Amanda watched her brother-in-law run for the house with Jeannie hanging onto him for dear life. "Those two are crazy." She snuggled up against Lex as they walked slowly to the house. Amanda glanced up and noted the dark circles under her lover's eyes. She's probably exhausted, but I bet I'll never hear about it from her. I'm feeling a little run down myself. I hope I'm not coming down with something. She inhaled heavily.

  Lex felt the fatigue pull at her. "Maybe we can sneak a nap before dinner." And I love the idea of snuggling up with her. God, I've completely gone off the deep end. World class mushball. As soon as they cleared the threshold, Lex closed the door behind them.

  "Mandy. Lexington. It's great to see you both again." Anna Leigh rushed from the den and wrapped her granddaughter in a bone-jarring hug. "I know it was only yesterday, but it seems like forever." She pulled away from Amanda and studied Lex standing quietly nearby. "You appear exhausted." And my granddaughter doesn't seem much better. I think it's time to get tough with b
oth of them.

  Lex allowed Anna Leigh to pull her into a gentler embrace. "I'm all right, Gramma." She didn't think that she would feel comfortable using the name bestowed upon Anna Leigh by Amanda, but it slipped out quite easily.

  Anna Leigh beamed with happiness at the name. "I don't think so, Lexington. You're pale and look like you're about to fall over." She peeked over at her granddaughter, who stood between Jeannie and Frank. "Honey, why don't you help Lexington upstairs and rest a bit before dinner? It's still about two hours away." The ringing of the telephone interrupted the young woman's answer.

  "I've got it!" Jacob called from the den. A moment later he walked from the room. "Hello, girls." He noticed the exhaustion on Lex's face. "I hate to bother you Lex, but Reverend Nelson is on the line. He's returning the call I left for him the other day."

  Amanda went and wrapped her arm around Lex's waist. "Maybe I should just take the call for you. There's really not much you need from him now anyway, is there?"

  "No, but since he's nice enough to return the call, the least I can do is talk to him." Lex squeezed Amanda gently and led her into the den. "Thank you, Grandpa." She stopped and kissed the older man on the cheek. When Amanda had told her how happy the older couple was that Lex called them by more familiar names, Lex had vowed to herself to try and continue the practice. They've done so much for me; I'll gladly do it for them if it makes them happy. Besides, I like having them as grandparents.

  Jacob face lit up when she spoke. "Any time. The rest of us will be in the kitchen when you get finished." He moved to his wife and pulled her close. "Shall we?" They went into the other room with Jeannie and Frank close behind them.

  Lex went to the desk and picked up the phone as she sat. "Hello, Reverend Nelson?" She waited for Amanda to sit in her lap before she continued. "Thank you for returning our call."

  The voice on the other end of the line was that of a much older man, deep and resonant. "No problem at all, young lady. I don't know the Caubles that well, since they don't attend our church, but I've made their acquaintance. Jacob has done some very fine woodwork for us in the past." He cleared his throat and continued. "Now what is it I can do for you?"


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