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The Devil: A Paranormal Vampire Romance Novel (Devil Series Book 4)

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by Raven Steele

  "Could you stop staring at me like that?" May asked and dropped onto a leather sofa. She propped up her injured leg onto a coffee table. "You're freaking me out."

  He bit down, flexing his jaw muscles and curling his hands into fists.

  "Seriously, dude. You need to tone it down, or I won't tell you a thing."

  Lucien forced himself to turn away from her. He walked to a darkened window and stared through the blinds. The streets were quiet below. Not far away, he spotted the coffee shop where he had first learned about the Deific from Charlie and Eve. A heavy emptiness filled his chest at the thought of Charlie.

  "I didn't have much," Henry said, coming back into the room carrying a plate of food. "I hope you like peanut butter and jelly with a side of potato chips."

  "Perfect!" May accepted the plate eagerly. Before she took a bite, she opened the sandwich and placed a handful of potato chips inside, then squished the bread together. Lucien grimaced as she took a bite.

  "So," she said, her mouth full of food, "this necklace. The DSRD sure has their panties in a bunch over it. They're demanding to search Lucent Academy because they think it's in there even though we've repeatedly told them we know nothing about some stupid necklace."

  "Why would they think a school of Aurans would have it?" Henry asked. He opened a cupboard nearby and removed a first aid kit.

  "Supposedly this necklace is so powerful that it should be traceable, but even their best psychics, oracles and the President himself haven't been able to sense it. They believe only a place full of Auras with their ability to control light is the only thing strong enough to mask the necklace's power. But I'm telling you, we don't have it!"

  "Did they describe this necklace to you?" Lucien asked. He had slowly moved closer to her, anxiety swelling within him with every one of her words.

  "Liane said it was some glass orb that held blood."

  His knees buckled, and he dropped into the nearest chair.

  "I take it you know what they're after?" May asked. She took another bite of her sandwich while Henry bandaged her leg.

  "It used to belong to a powerful vampire that nearly destroyed us all," Henry explained.

  She swallowed. "Seeing how you're both sitting here, I assume you vaporized his vampire ass?"

  "It's true he's no longer with us, but his destruction scared us all. Charlie was one of the casualties."

  May lowered her sandwich. "I heard about his death. I'm sorry. Charlie really came through for us when we were having problems at Lucent Academy a few years back. I really liked him. "

  "We all did," Henry said, his voice soft.

  The room settled into an uncomfortable silence, but Lucien couldn't think about Charlie right now. He needed to find that necklace before the DSRD, which meant he needed to find Eve. She's the only one who knew where it was. After they had killed Boaz, Lucien had asked her about it. All she said was it was in a place where no one could ever find it again. He didn't question her further after that.

  "Did anyone ever say what they wanted the necklace for?" Henry asked. His brows were drawn together and lines creased his forehead, something Lucien rarely saw on him.

  "Not really, although I did overhear Liane say something about creating a mirror, but I don't know if that had anything to do with the necklace or not. Basically, they are just under strict orders to find the piece of junk. Where do you guys think it's hidden? You seem to know more than they do."

  Henry's eyes flashed to Lucien's before he said, "There's only one person alive who knows where that necklace is, but she's currently missing."

  Lucien closed his eyes. A heavy sorrow settled deep inside his bones. Maybe if he had done something differently with Eve, tried harder, showed her more love, she would not have left.

  "Was she kidnapped?" May asked.

  "Not exactly," Henry hesitated. "Something terrible happened to her and she left, by her own choice. We have tried to find her, but she's a powerful witch, maybe the most powerful on this Earth. She simply doesn't want to be found. She's become invisible to us."

  Lucien opened his eyes. May was watching him thoughtfully, the crust of her sandwich resting on her plate.

  "She means a lot to you, doesn't she?" May asked him.

  He lifted his chin a little. "She is my life."

  "But she left you."

  The sorrow in his bones turned to pain, and he glanced away.

  "It's not that simple," Henry said quickly. "Eve left everyone, including herself. She cast a spell that made her forget everything about her life, including all the people who are important to her. She may not even know she is a witch anymore."

  "Why would she do that?" May asked.

  "The necklace. She was forced to wear it by Boaz, the vampire we mentioned earlier. It turned her into a monster, and she did some terrible things, things she couldn't forgive herself for, even though it wasn't really her. She couldn't control herself. The magic within that necklace is evil and extremely powerful. We need to find it before someone like Hansen finds it."

  Lucien came to his feet, needing to move around, as if he could somehow shake the pain from him. "I've already searched the world for her, consulted with psychics, other witches, everyone, but Eve's hidden herself well. Finding her will be impossible."

  He walked to the open window and inhaled deeply. The smell of coffee beans and bread filled his nostrils. The sun would rise in a couple of hours. He didn't want to be here. He would return to his cabin, maybe he could think more clearly there. There had to be somewhere he hadn't thought to look for Eve.

  "This Eve," May said, her voice slow as if she were thinking. "You say she has great power?"

  "Immense," Henry answered.

  "Is she a good person?"

  Lucien gripped the windowsill. "She has tasted darkness in the past, but her heart only craves light and truth now."

  "Just the answer I was looking for." May stood and bent over to pick up her cell phone off the floor. "I think I may know someone who can help."

  Lucien whirled around. "Who?"

  May smiled and began to dial a number. "Llona Reese. The most powerful person I know."

  Chapter 4

  May left the room while she made her phone call. Lucien attempted to listen in, a spark lighting the darkness inside him, but Henry approached him.

  "I have heard of this woman, Llona Reese. Charlie spoke of her once. She is the powerful Aura who helped save Lucent Academy from an army of Vykens. And do you remember the witch coven in the Andaman Islands? I spoke to you about them months ago."

  Lucien frowned in frustration. He really wanted to focus on what May was saying, not Henry. "I don't remember."

  "That doesn't surprise me," Henry mumbled. "You were searching Australia at the time while the witch coven rose to power. They even sent some of their own to America. We suspect they were working with Hansen because they weren't held to the same standards as other supernaturals. I wanted your help in destroying them, but I couldn't convince you to return. Do you remember?"

  Lucien had a vague memory of Henry needing his help and rejecting it. Eve had been his priority.

  "We were victorious," Henry continued, "but only because of this Llona. She killed their coven leader."

  "Does she work with the Deific?" Lucien asked.

  "No, but someone close to her does—Liam. He's a powerful Enlil and helped me in your absence."

  Lucien was familiar with the species, having met a few, but that had been centuries ago. They were powerful beings with the ability to manipulate wind. Had this been another time, he might've asked what happened to Enlils, but all he wanted right now was to know more about this woman who could find Eve. "If this Llona wasn't working for the Deific, what did she want from the coven?"

  "Liam told me she was searching for a cure to Vyken poison."

  Lucien's eyebrows rose. He had never heard of such a thing. Vyken poison was worse than a vampire bite. The venom completely changed a person into something dark
and loathsome, the power impossible to resist. He was about to ask more, when May returned to the room, smiling.

  "Llona will be here in the next half hour. Do you have anything else to eat?"

  "She's in Wildemoor?" Lucien asked while Henry walked back into the kitchen.

  "Nope, at the Academy."

  "But that's a few hours away."

  "She'll be traveling with Liam. He makes things move much quicker when he wants. Something I think you know a thing or two about."

  The next thirty minutes moved so slowly Lucien thought a century had passed. If this Llona could truly find Eve … his heart leapt at the thought. But if she had truly forgotten who she was, could he make her remember? Was their love strong enough?

  A sudden gust of wind blew through the window, lifting papers from a nearby table. Lucien crossed the room to close it, thinking perhaps a storm was coming, something he could really use right now, but May stopped him.

  "Leave it open. He's here."

  "Who?" Lucien asked.

  The wind grew stronger, whipping his long jacket into the air.

  "I would move back," May said.

  He did what she said, but only because the wind was blowing so strongly it nearly knocked him over. The Enlil must be here.

  Just as Lucien stepped back, there was a flash of bright light and the wind stopped blowing. Standing in front of him was a girl with long blond, nearly white hair. Her skin was pale, but her eyes were a vibrant bright blue, like the color of a sapphire in the sun. There was power behind those eyes. It nearly took his breath away.

  A man materialized behind her. Tall, like him, with dark hair. But there was something different about him, something dark and dangerous. Vyken. On instinct, Lucien's fangs grew in his mouth. He hissed and darted around the girl to attack one of the deadliest creatures he knew of, deadliest because they had no humanity.

  The Vyken met him with equal furiousness. Lucien plowed into his stomach, driving him back into a long table. It shattered beneath them and books flew into the air. The Vyken shoved him away with strength matching his own. Lucien leapt into the air with his fist raised high. He had every intention of smashing it through the Vyken's skull, but a blast of light hit him so strongly it burned his insides. He dropped to the ground on all fours gasping for air.

  "Enough!" the girl with the white hair shouted.

  Lucien looked up. She glared at him, a glowing ball of light hovering above her hand. She must be Llona, which meant the Vyken, who was also an Enlil (Lucien wasn't sure how that worked), must be Liam. He only looked a few years older than she did, but because of the skilled way he’d fought, he had to be at least a century old.

  May laughed out loud and limped across the room to her. "This always happens when Liam's around. People just can't trust a Vyken."

  "Half," Llona and Liam said at the same time.

  The light extinguished in Llona's hands, and she threw her arms around May. "I'm so glad you're okay! I've been so worried."

  While the two continued to talk, Lucien came to his feet. His insides still felt like they were on fire, but he managed to keep his expression even. Not far away, Liam also rose.

  "It hurts, doesn't it?" Liam asked him, posturing just as tall as Lucien.

  Lucien grunted. "So you're Liam."

  He nodded once. "You could've asked me that before you attacked me."

  Lucien didn't relax his stance. He could still feel a heavy darkness pulsing off Liam. "You're a Vyken. I sense it."

  "I'm half Vyken. That's very different."

  "How is that possible?"

  Llona came to Liam's side, her chin jutted out. "So am I."

  Lucien glanced at her surprised. "But I don't—"

  "See past my light," she interrupted.

  Lucien focused all his senses and reached out until his mind touched hers. The hairs on his arm rose when he touched a sliver of darkness that clung deep inside her.

  "We were both bitten," she continued, "but we've never given in to the darkness. It's something we live with and is a constant battle."

  He said nothing but met her gaze. This young girl seemed wise beyond her years. He felt great sorrow for her to have to endure such a challenge. His eyes flashed to Liam. Him too. He couldn’t imagine the strength of character required to fight off a Vyken bite. Lucien didn't think he would've been as strong.

  Liam stepped forward. "Despite the fact you just attacked me, we are in your debt. Thank you for saving May's life."

  "Actually," May said after drinking from a glass, "I think it was me who saved him." She chuckled. "Did you hear how that witch screamed when I lit her on fire?"

  Lucien couldn't help but smile. It had been a sweet sound.

  "You lit someone on fire?" Llona asked, alarmed.

  "Yeah. She nearly killed me and this guy here, but she got hers, didn't she?" She looked at Lucien and raised her hand. "High five for witch on fire!"

  Lucien remained still, staring at her open palm.

  "Pshhhh, whatever." May dropped her hand.

  "You killed someone, May?" Llona asked.

  May shrugged. "Possibly, but I'm not sure. The witch disappeared. Poof! Just like that."

  Llona's lips tightened, and Lucien had the distinct feeling that there were some underlying issues between her and May. She clearly didn't approve of how May handled the situation, but Lucien saw nothing wrong with it. He would've done the same.

  "This was Liane, correct?" Henry asked, stepping away from the wall. He hadn’t said a word during the fight between Liam and Lucien. Only watched with mild curiosity.

  "I know what you're thinking," Lucien said. "Liane's magical abilities shouldn't be that strong, especially to beat me, but she said Hansen gave her a boost of magic. She was incredibly powerful."

  "I thought the President was human," Liam said. He and Llona shared a glance.

  "He appears that way," Henry said. "Even most supernaturals can't tell he's one of them."

  "What is he exactly?" Llona asked.

  "We're not sure," Henry continued. "He's able to use magic, while also be able to give it. He also has vampiric powers, speed and strength. We're not sure how he's able to mask it. We have no information in any of our databases on any such creature."

  "And what of this necklace the DSRD keeps harassing the Auras about? Why would they think they have it?" Liam asked. He shifted his weight toward Llona almost in a protective stance. Lucien wondered if Liam was aware of the motion. He didn't seem to be.

  May finished the last of her food and told them everything Lucien had already mentioned about the difficulty of hiding such a powerful necklace. She also told them about Eve being a powerful witch, and how she was the last one to see it.

  "Is it possible she could've hidden it within Lucent Academy without anyone knowing it?" Liam asked Llona.

  Llona shook her head. "I don't think so. Our security is extremely tight."

  Liam turned to Henry. "Is this woman strong enough to mask the necklace's power on her own?"

  Lucien also looked at Henry, waiting for him to answer. Eve had grown incredibly powerful, especially toward the end. Sometimes he wondered if the power she had when she had been transformed into Alarica had stayed with her, especially the ancient language, Genesis. It wasn't out of the realm of possibilities. Genesis allowed a witch to do so much more: create long-lasting illusions, increased mental strength and power, spells he could only dream about. But would it mask the strength of an object that was just as old, if not older?

  "Possibly." Henry's brows were drawn together in concentration as if he was thinking the same thing as Lucien.

  Lucien forced air out his nose in frustration and resisted a growl. "Even if she was, we still don't know where to find her. I've searched the globe, spoken to anyone who I thought could help—"

  "You haven't talked to me," Llona said. She lightly placed her hand on his arm. Intense heat, but pleasant and soothing, crossed over into his body. It touched the deepest part
of him, releasing tension and pain that had long since become a part of him. He gasped and swayed back and forth involuntarily.

  May chuckled. "Don't you wish you could bottle that shit up?"

  "If this woman is as powerful and good as you say," Llona continued, "then I may be able to find her. Or at least narrow down the area for you. You see, I can sense light in others, even at great distances. Let me try."

  Lucien inhaled a hitched breath. "Please."

  He stood quickly, emotions threatening to overwhelm him. Whatever Llona had done to him had left him feeling raw and vulnerable. He didn't like it. The sadness and despair were crawling all over him, practically exposing him to everyone in the room. He needed to get out of here.

  "Do you have a map?" Llona asked.

  Lucien paced near the window while Henry disappeared to fulfill her wishes. Lucien should stay, he knew he should, but the thought of possibly seeing Eve again so soon, when he had all but given up, was crippling him.

  "Why don't you get out of here?" Liam said to him, as if he could sense Lucien's sudden anxiety. "This can take awhile."

  Lucien glanced over Liam's shoulder at Llona and May. They were laying out various items on a table: candles, pen, string.

  "I'll return soon," he said, his voice low. He dove out the window, turning to smoke before he hit the bottom.

  Chapter 5

  Lucien flew fast through the night, trying to purge his body of the emotions Llona had unlocked. There was so much heartache and sadness. And anger. More than he expected. It burned right through him, making him see red everywhere he looked.

  He crashed through a billboard, splintering it into a million pieces. Why did Eve leave him? Couldn't she trust that their love was enough to help her? Wasn't he enough? Another billboard fell victim to his wrath. He would've done anything for her! All she had to do was ask. He wasn't a mind reader!

  He burned through his energy in less than an hour. By the time he returned to the Deific and appeared inside the library, his anger didn't burn as hot. He hadn't been inside Eve's mind to know the enemies she faced. Maybe it was far worse than he could ever imagine. He had buried a portion of his life because of his own demons, after all. Maybe she had to bury all of hers because it was the only way she knew how to survive. One day he would ask her, but at this point, all he wanted to do was find her.


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