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The Devil: A Paranormal Vampire Romance Novel (Devil Series Book 4)

Page 4

by Raven Steele

  Llona was hunched over a table, focusing hard on a world map spread out in front of her. There were lines of string all over with pins holding them in place. May was asleep on the couch, while Liam stood in the corner of the room with Henry speaking quietly about Liane and the DSRD. They both glanced over and acknowledged him briefly.

  Lucien walked over to Llona and tried to make sense of the map, but he couldn't find any sort of pattern. Small parts of it had been scribbled out in black ink.

  "I focus on each section," Llona said as if reading his thoughts. "I block off areas where I sense nothing, while also marking areas where Light is stronger. Then I focus more on those places to see if there's a connection between me and the person I'm searching for."

  "You can sense it from a distance?"

  "If it's powerful enough."

  He pointed to the ink stains. "What are these?"

  She swallowed before she said, "That's where darkness festers. I don't ever want to go there."

  He noticed that there were several parts of the world blacked out. One of them was Washington D.C.

  Llona straightened and stretched her back. "So far I have it narrowed down to four places where I detect a strong presence."

  Liam and Henry walked over.

  "But Eve isn't like you," Lucien said. "She doesn't have an Aura's ancient Light."

  "No, but every being has either light or darkness inside them. With supernaturals, this energy is amplified, some more than others depending upon their abilities, which makes me able to sense them. See right here?" She pointed to a spot in Australia. "There's a lot of power here. I feel myself drawn to it."

  Lucien's heart leapt. "Could Eve be there?"

  "I doubt it. This is where Ruddy Academy is located, another Auran school. I guess it's possible that she might be hiding out nearby."

  "Where else?" he asked.

  Her finger slid across the map. "Here. In France. There is a strong entity—"

  "That's not Eve," Henry interrupted.

  "Who would it be?" Lucien asked, surprised at how quickly Henry had answered.

  "His name is Allkot, a powerful, but good witch. We've crossed paths many times. Where else?"

  "I'm particularly drawn here." She pointed to Louisiana. "Can I get a map of just Louisiana?"

  Henry disappeared behind a shelf.

  "Why there?" It was one of the first places Lucien had gone to search for Eve as Rouen was considered a hot bed for supernaturals. Many flocked there because they thought there would be safety in numbers, but he had found no trace of Eve.

  Llona furrowed her brow in concentration. "There's a powerful presence there, like nothing I've ever felt before. It's an ancient power, and I sense something feminine about it, a gentleness I don't typically find in male witches."

  Lucien met Henry's gaze, as Henry rounded the corner holding another map. "Do you think Eve has unlocked Genesis?"

  Henry handed the map to Llona. "It's entirely possible. That would be remarkable, indeed. So few can access that power, but it would explain how she has been able to hide herself and the necklace."

  Llona rubbed her forehead as if she had a headache. Liam came up behind her and gently placed a hand on her shoulder.

  "You should rest," Liam said.

  She visibly relaxed beneath his touch, making Lucien think there was something more than friendship between them.

  "I'll be okay," she said and unfolded the state map. She stared at it for several minutes and ran her fingers over it. "Definitely here, Rouen."

  "There are a lot of supernaturals there," Henry said. "How can you be sure its Eve?"

  She leaned back, her arms falling limp at her side. Lucien wondered how much of a toll this took on her body. He could only imagine the amount of concentration that would be required.

  "Like I said, I'm not sure," she answered. "All I can tell you is there is a powerful creature that's radiating Light there, and I believe it is a woman. There are a few others like this in the world, but not as strong. I suggest starting here."

  "Let's get you on the couch," Liam said and helped her to stand. She swayed slightly, then leaned into Liam as he guided her to the couch across from May who still slept.

  Lucien studied the map. Rouen was a big city. It could take him weeks to find her and by then Hansen could have gotten to her. "Is there a way for me to find her quickly?"

  Llona inhaled deeply before she said, "No, but I can."

  Liam turned to her, just as surprised as Lucien.

  "We're going to Rouen?" Liam asked. "But this is their business. We need to secure Lucent and the other Academies."

  "First of all, you don't need to go. I can do this."

  Liam reached over as if to grab her hand, but thought better of it. "Where you go, I go."

  She smiled warmly and said, "Dr. Han and May can take care of the Academies. Besides, there's a chance the DSRD won't be bothering Auras again."

  "Why is that?" Henry asked. He had moved to the open window and was peering down to the street. It seems that's all he did any more—watching and waiting for an attack from the DSRD.

  "Because you and Lucien saved May. I think they will turn their attention on you to see if you know anything about the necklace. You're also connected to Eve. I'd say that's enough reason."

  "Then we will have to be careful," Lucien said. "They may follow us."

  "I can't go with you." Henry turned around. "I need to find out all I can about where this necklace came from and who exactly is our President."

  "You should go to Lucent," May blurted. Her eyes were still closed, but she was clearly awake. "There's a basement full of old books, some of them bound by magic."

  "May's right!" Llona said, her voice sparking with new energy. "Auras are as old as time. We existed when there was no language. If anyone's going to know something, it will be Auras."

  May sat up and stretched her arms high. "I can take Henry there and show him around."

  "I'd like that," Henry said.

  "Of course you would," she said and winked at him.

  Henry averted his gaze.

  "And we'll go to Rouen," Llona said, eyeing Lucien and Liam.

  "Why are you helping me?" Lucien asked. He had never met these two people. It amazed him that they would take the time, especially considering they had their own problems back at Lucent Academy.

  "You gave us back our friend," Llona said, her eyes flashing to May's. "We're going to give you one in return."

  He was about to say thank you, but she kept speaking.

  "There is one more reason I have for helping you. I have sensed the growing evil in the Capital for some time. The President needs to be stopped. What he’s doing to supernaturals needs to be stopped too. If there is something he deems valuable in this world, then we need to find it first and find out why. I have a feeling that whatever he wants with the necklace, it's not good."

  "When should we leave?" Liam asked, his body looked as tense as Lucien's felt.

  "I need a few hours of rest," she breathed.

  "Of course," he said. "I forgot—"

  "It's fine," she said, smiling kindly at him. "Sit with me?"

  "Well that's my cue," May said and stood, baring weight on her good leg. She turned to Henry. "Think you could do that super cool trick and beam us to Lucent Academy? I want to sleep in my own bed."

  "I think I can manage."

  "How's your arm?" Lucien asked.

  Henry glanced down and rubbed at the wound. "All better."

  May leaned over and gave Llona a hug. "I'll see you soon. Be safe."

  "You too," Llona whispered.

  After Henry said goodbye and promised to contact Lucien soon, he disappeared with May.

  "Do you mind if I sleep on this couch for a few hours?" Llona asked.

  "Not at all," Lucien answered as he backed up to the window "No one will bother you up here. Liam, you are free to stay too. I'll make all the flight arrangements for us before sunrise."
/>   "Where will you go?" Liam asked.

  Lucien hesitated and stared up into the starry night, the moon barely a sliver. There was nowhere he called home anymore, not since Eve left. But maybe all that was about to change.

  After months, tomorrow may be the day he will come face to face with her. The thought both excited and frightened him. If she had buried her memories like he suspected, how deep did they go? A small part of him hoped that the instant she saw him, whatever spell she had cast on herself, would break. That's how strong their love would be … but what if it didn't break? And what if she wanted to run away again, even knowing her life was in danger? There's no question he would stop her. To save her life. She may hate him forever, but at least she would be alive. And his heart wouldn’t be so shattered.

  "I'll be around. See you soon," Lucien said, before he could plague himself anymore with these torturous thoughts. He jumped from the window and into the darkness that felt like home.

  Chapter 6

  It was 92 degrees in Rouen with eighty percent humidity. Even though Lucien's body wasn't sweating from exertion, his clothes were still damp and clung to his flesh like a second skin. He tugged and flapped the bottom of his t-shirt for the tenth time, hoping to get some air between the thin material and his stomach and back. He couldn't wait for night to fall to take away the oppressive heat.

  A taxi had dropped them off thirty minutes ago on the outside of Rouen. Llona was confident that she could find Eve if she was able to walk the streets to seek out Eve's power. There didn't seem to be any particular pattern to her route. Sometimes she even circled back the way we had come.

  He glanced up at Liam who was walking in front of him next to Llona. He looked just as uncomfortable as Lucien in this heat, even though they were sticking to the shade as much as possible. Lucien had been watching Llona and Liam ever since they boarded a private plane back in Wildemoor. Something seemed different between them today, more space than the day before. Maybe they weren't a couple like he had originally thought, although he still spotted each of them stealing glances at the other.

  These two were a mystery to Lucien. Half Vyken, yet still able to resist the dark poison that killed a person's humanity. And daylight? It should burn them up, but they were unscathed.

  "I don't get it," Lucien said to Liam when Llona had gotten several feet in front of them.

  "What?" Liam asked.

  "The sunlight. Shouldn't you both be dust?"

  Liam's eyebrows drew together, and his jaw flexed. For a second, Lucien didn't think Liam was going to answer him, but then he said, "Llona's Light. It allows us to be in the sun."

  Lucien narrowed his eyes. He could understand Llona with Light in her blood, being about to withstand sunlight, but for Liam …

  Lucien paused. "Does that mean you—"

  Liam's cold look stopped him from completing the sentence. "It's a long, complicated story. I don't like taking her blood, but sometimes it's necessary for us to work in the daytime."

  "I'm not judging. You do what works for you both."

  Liam visibly relaxed and wiped sweat from his brow. "I almost wish I didn't have it in me right now. At least then I'd have an excuse to stay indoors."

  "This heat is miserable," Lucien agreed.

  "It is, isn't it? Let's change that." Liam jogged up to Llona and pulled her into the open door of a laundromat. Lucien followed after them.

  "What's going on?" Llona asked.

  "It's hot," Liam panted. "Oppressively."

  "I agree," Lucien added.

  Llona laughed. "It's not that bad."

  Liam tugged on the shoulder strap of her white dress. "You're in a sun dress, and we're in jeans. I feel like I'm melting."

  "Would you like me to get you a sun dress?" she asked, deadpan.

  "Much more of this, and I may take you up on it. How about if we rent a car?" Liam motioned his head to a rental place across the street. "It may not be as effective, but if we could at least try it until nightfall. That's only a few hours away."

  "We could…" Llona said, pondering the idea. "Or how about if you two go find a hotel? I can call you when I think I've found the woman."

  "No," Lucien said, a little too quickly. "I want to be with you when you find her."

  "You do realize that this lady may not be Eve, right? All I could sense was a woman with a lot of good power in her."

  He glanced away unable to speak. He wanted to hang on to the glimmer of hope.

  She turned to Liam. "What about you? Coming or staying?"

  "I want to stay, but let's get a vehicle."

  Llona huffed. "Fine. We can try it."

  The car they rented was black with tinted windows. The air conditioner was on full blast, and already Lucien felt better. He had insisted he drive. He already felt like a tag-a-long and didn't need one more thing to make him feel useless.

  Driving was much nicer, but Lucien could tell Llona was frustrated. Sometimes he had to drive around a block three times before she would rule it out. Other parts of the city, however, she immediately told him to leave. She said it was smothered in darkness.

  While he drove, Lucien wondered if he should reach out to Samira again. She was in this very city after all. Maybe she could help. In the end, however, he decided to wait and see how far Llona got.

  "I'm sorry this is taking so long," she said from the front passenger seat. "I really didn't think it would be this difficult, but there are so many supernaturals here."

  Lucien turned a corner when Llona pointed to the right. "Can I ask how you were able to sense Eve—this woman, I mean—from a map, but are unable to now?"

  "From a bird's eye view, it's much easier to sense great power, but when you're surrounded by all different kinds and levels, it's like wading through mud to find a pearl."

  Almost two hours passed. The sun was finally touching the horizon, taking some of its heat with it. Lucien felt like Llona was finally narrowing it down to the east side of the city. That was still a big area to cover, but at least it was progress.

  The three of them didn't speak much. Lucien might've tried to get to know them, but he was too nervous about meeting this woman. If it was Eve, would she recognize him? Would she be angry? Happy? But most importantly, would she be safe? So much time had passed. Anything could've happened to her.

  "I think we should walk from here," Llona said after driving another couple of blocks.

  Lucien paid an attendant to park in a small lot next to a tall brick building, then exited the vehicle along with Llona and Liam. The streets were quiet now, but in a few hours that would change. He had been here one other time about ten years ago, but only for a few days, which was as much as he could stand. Too many supernaturals for his liking. And by the electric feeling in the air, much the same way it feels just before a lightning storm, the number of supernaturals had doubled.

  Once again Llona took the lead. She crossed a busy intersection and passed several souvenir shops, but after a few blocks she stopped and touched her head.

  "What is it?" Liam asked her, placing his hand on her elbow as if to steady her.

  "There's just so much of everything. It's hard to focus on the Light I'm searching for through all of this … muck."

  Even though he didn't want to, Lucien suggested they take a break. "Let's get something to drink."

  "I know of a place," Liam said. "It's two blocks up. They have freshly squeezed lemonade."

  "You've been here before?" Llona asked him.

  "I used to live here."

  Liam kept walking even when Llona stopped, staring at him in confusion. She must've thought she knew everything about him, but how could she? Liam must have decades on her.

  When Lucien passed her, she finally started moving again, falling in step next to him. Liam was several feet ahead.

  "You immortals are such a mystery to me," she said.

  He glanced sideways at her. "But aren't you one too? The Vyken poison inside you …" He let his voice tra
il off, unsure how much more to say. Surely Liam filled her in on how her life was going to change.

  "I am, but I don't feel it at all. I'm just a twenty-year-old woman."

  He nodded and stared ahead. He remembered that feeling of youth, of not truly comprehending what being an immortal actually meant. "That will change, but not for a few decades. Enjoy it while you can. It's a bitter feeling when you realize that even though you look the same age as others, you have years and years of pain and sorrow on them, and an endless lifetime of more of the same."

  "Does it have to be that way?"

  "What way?"

  "All misery and pain."

  He thought about this as a man in a tight skirt and heels walked by, eyeing Lucien as if he were candy. "There are joyful moments, but they don't last. Someone always leaves, either by choice or in death." His voice sounded more bitter than he intended it to.

  She lifted her chin a little. "Just like you, I've experienced death and people leaving, but, despite this, I'm going to fill my life with good things, happy things."

  "Say that to me after you've lived for two hundred years."

  He expected her to snap at him for being glum, but instead she looked away, sadness in her eyes.

  Up ahead, Liam glanced back at them and held open a door to a restaurant crammed between a clothing shop and a small grocery store. The inside was surprisingly clean with white, wooden slat tables and brightly colored floral art hanging on the walls. It smelled like cinnamon and fresh linen just out of the dryer.

  Lucien slid onto a chair away from the front window and closest to the air conditioner, which was thankfully still running even though the sun had set. Liam and Llona sat across from him. Liam was eyeing a nearby painting on the wall, his body slightly positioned away from Llona. A waitress arrived at their table with three glasses of water. Liam ordered them all lemonades and a slice of cheesecake.


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