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An Agent for Ulyssa

Page 10

by Patricia Pacjac Carroll

  Cade stood, but Rusty was already at Ulyssa’s side to walk her to her room. “I’ll wake you in plenty of time to get ready.”

  Ulyssa nodded and smiled. “You look lovely today, Rusty. Those colors compliment you.”

  “Thank you.” Rusty wanted to warn the woman to leave Cade alone. But Ulyssa hadn’t really done anything wrong other than getting lost because of Rusty’s carelessness.

  With Ulyssa safe in her bedroom, Rusty strode out to the parlor to confront Cade. Just what was he doing acting all sweet to that married woman? When she returned, she found him in her father’s study.

  That riled her too. He didn’t have the right to walk into her father’s study.

  Cade turned and smiled. “I thought I’d pick a book out for us to read together.”

  Her heart melted. She wanted him to be the one. To care for her in the way she saw him care for Ulyssa. But somehow, she knew Ulyssa had something she didn’t.

  “Did you find one?”

  “I found many. I love books.” He looked at her and hesitated as if he was holding something from her. “Rusty, would you always have to live here on the ranch?”

  She stared at him. What a foolish question. This was her home. “I love the ranch. It’s my home.”

  “I see.” He looked bothered. Then he pulled out a book. “Arabian Nights, we could read a story.”

  She nodded and went outside to sit on the porch. It was a lovely day with the air fresh and a bit cool.

  Cade sat down beside her, but he stayed on his side of the swing. “I’ll start.”

  Usually, when they met out on the open range, she’d lean against him and enjoy the deep rumble of his voice as he read. Today, she didn’t want to, and he didn’t welcome her. Too soon, the story was done.

  She didn’t even know what it was about as she’d not listened. Her mind was in a whirl of emotions. She didn’t feel safe with Cade. She didn’t feel as if he was hers like she always had before.

  Something had changed, and she didn’t know if it was with him or herself. But things were not the same. At all. Was it Ulyssa’s fault? The thought that Cade would interfere in a marriage sickened her.

  But what else could be the explanation?

  “You look nice, Rusty.” Cade had his arm across the back of the swing, and his hand brushed against her shoulder.

  She stared at him. “What has happened to us?”

  He looked away. “Nothing.”

  “That’s not true, and you know it.” She faced him. “Is it Ulyssa?”

  Cade faced her. “No, not really.”

  “You don’t love me, do you?” Rusty wanted the truth. She could take it, but what she couldn’t take was a lie.

  “Rusty, I do love you. But I’m not sure it’s the kind of love that we can build a life together on. I have some thinking to do.” Cade stood. “Tell Rosalie I won’t be staying for dinner.”

  Rusty looked up at him. “What should I tell Ulyssa?”

  He didn’t answer but went to the corral and got his horse. He mounted, looked at her with sadness in his eyes, and rode away.

  Rusty watched him go and felt so alone. All the while that she had Cade to think about, she could forget the loneliness. The great need in her life. Now it descended on her like a tangible darkness.

  She sat on the swing and watched Cade ride out of her sight. What would she do without him? Maybe she did need to go to the city. Father had said he’d send her to college if she wanted to go.

  But she loved her ranch. Everything about it. Except for the loneliness. Cade had filled that missing part of her life. Why had Father forbidden her to marry the man? He wasn’t bad. She knew that.

  She could run the ranch. She knew what to do. Her father had taught her all she needed to know. The hands obeyed her. She was good with the money and the accounting.

  Then she thought of Cade, and the way he’d looked at Ulyssa. Rusty had never had a man look at her like that. Cade admired her, but it wasn’t in the same way as Ulyssa.

  Rosalie called her for dinner.

  Rusty went to Ulyssa’s room and knocked on the door. In minutes, Ulyssa came out looking refreshed.

  “I feel so much better.” She handed the blanket to Rusty. “Thank you. I am hungry.”

  They walked to the dining room. Ulyssa sat and looked around. “Where is Cade?”

  “He left.” Rusty watched her to see how she’d react. Sadness stole the smile from Ulyssa’s face. Rusty didn’t need any more proof that Cade had interfered in a married woman’s life. She couldn’t forgive him for that. Never.

  “The stew is delicious, Rosalie.” Rusty forced herself to eat. While forcing herself not to get angry at Ulyssa.

  They ate quietly together. Neither speaking.

  Rusty knew she should be polite, but she wasn’t feeling very polite right now. When she was finished, she excused herself and left Ulyssa at the table.

  Outside, she sat on the porch and watched the stars come out. She’d just counted the second falling star when Ulyssa came outside.

  “Rusty, has something happened between us? I’m sorry if I’ve done something to upset you.”

  Rusty stared at Ulyssa. When the woman had first come to the ranch, her face had been hard, and her eyes angry. Ulyssa had changed. She was soft and by the tone of her voice, she did care. Tears stung Rusty’s eyes causing her to turn away until she could dry them.

  After gathering her composure and courage, Rusty faced Ulyssa. “What happened out there between you and Cade?”

  The woman’s cheeks reddened. “Nothing.”

  “You’re a married woman. How could you do that to Sam.”

  “I did nothing.” Ulyssa looked away but tapped her fingers on the arm of the swing. “Rusty, there’s something you need to know.”

  Not sure she wanted to hear, Rusty nodded. “Go ahead.”

  “Sam and I aren’t married. We work for the Pinkerton Detective Agency. Your father hired us to break you and Cade apart.”

  Rusty stared at her. “You lied to me? Sam lied? Does Cade know?”

  “He does now.”

  Rusty stood and went to the door. Before going inside, she turned to Ulyssa. “I guess you accomplished your goal. Good night.”

  She went inside and slammed the door behind her.

  Chapter 17

  Sam was up before Roy and making breakfast. He wouldn’t have minded working for him. Roy was fair, big and brash as the land he owned, and no one bossed him around.

  Least of all, a woman like Ulyssa. Truthfully, Sam wasn’t sure how much longer he could put up with his partner. Not that he minded sleeping on the floor. The outlaw years had made him tough. But the way she talked down to him as if she thought he was pure dirt. He didn’t like it or her.

  Sam wondered if he could trade his two years with the Pinkertons for two years working for Roy. The ranch owner was a far better man than a lot of the agents he’d seen.

  Roy came out stretching and sniffed the air. “Bacon, I hope you have biscuits and gravy to go with it.”

  “I do. May not be the best, but it will fill us.” Sam grinned. One thing he learned as an outlaw was how to make a quick breakfast.

  “We’ll be home around noon today. We could have ridden in last night, but I like spending time on the trail while I can. These old bones are getting a little cranky.” He poured a cup of coffee. “I love this country. The mountains that reach for the sky and sometimes look like they hold up the great blue. The wide-open land. Snow in the winter higher than a horse’s head. But I think it’s the stars at night. Millions of them twinkling like ice on a black pond. I wouldn’t trade it for the moon.”

  Sam sipped his own coffee. Then he nodded. “I’m not proud of my past, but that’s one thing I’m grateful for and that’s seeing the country like you do. I spent many a cold night outside looking up.”

  Roy looked at him. “I always wanted a son. If I had one, I’d have been proud if he was like you. Don’t let your past det
ermine your future. Even rivers divert their paths. You can too.”

  “Thanks, Roy. I have every idea to never go back. My sister risked everything to save me. I won’t let her down.”

  “She must be a brave lady.”

  Sam nodded. “That she is.”

  “Let’s pack up and get ready to leave. I’ve got some things to say to Rusty. I’ll be praying the whole way back that she’ll listen.”

  With breakfast finished and cleaned up, Sam helped Roy saddle the horses. Then they mounted and were on their way to the ranch. To Rusty.

  Sam would like to say some things to her, too. Like he wasn’t really married to Ulyssa. How he saw her riding, and the sun caught her hair and made it shine like polished copper. How that he wished she was free and didn’t look at Cade the way she did.

  Instead, Sam would go back and play husband to the Ice of Hearts.

  Just like Roy said, it was about noon when they rode into the yard at the ranch. Rusty was sitting on the porch.

  Sam stared at her. Something was different. Then he realized she was in a skirt and blouse and her hair was done up. She was a pretty little thing. Too bad Roy had told her he was married to Ulyssa.

  They dismounted, and Sam took the horses to the corral. It was hot, but that wasn’t what had Sam slowing his steps. He could barely face Rusty. He cared for her more than he should. Roy wasn’t going to like that either.

  Rosalie beat the triangle to signal lunch was ready.

  Sam walked inside and sat down beside Ulyssa. He turned to her and smiled. “You look pretty today, dear.”

  Ulyssa glared at him and slapped him across the cheek. Hard.

  Holding his cheek, he stared at her in shock. “What, what was that for?”

  Ulyssa slammed her fork down. “You wouldn’t understand.” She bolted from her chair and left him.

  Sam glanced at Roy, who also looked confused. Sam shook his head. “This is good food. I’m not going to leave it sitting.”

  Rusty was on the other side of him. This time she glared at him. “You men. You’re all alike.” She slapped Sam’s other cheek and left.

  Sam rubbed his face where she’d slapped him. “What do you make of that, Roy?”

  He grinned. “I’m not quite sure what to make of it, but if I was to guess, I don’t need to worry about Rusty and Cade any longer.”

  “Yeah? How’s that?”

  “Oh, just a hunch. Let the women cool down some, I think they’ll be out to explain things shortly.” Roy ate as if didn’t have a care in the world.

  Sam finished his lunch. What had gotten into Rusty? She didn’t have any call to hit him. As for Ulyssa, she’d probably saved up her anger until it had to spill out. It probably only took her five minutes at that.

  But Rusty? He thought they got along well. Maybe even too well seeing how he was supposed to be married to Ulyssa.

  Roy stood and headed for his study but stopped. “Sam, I think we can tell Rusty that you and Ulyssa aren’t married. She might already know.”

  Sam scratched his head. “Hadn’t thought of that. Ulyssa more than likely told her just to get me in trouble and make me look like a liar.”

  Roy laughed. “I’m going to my study and read for a little while.”

  Sam went outside and enjoyed the sun’s warmth. He could get used to living on this ranch. He liked it. Not to mention Rusty. Too bad he’d been an outlaw. Too bad Rusty liked Cade.

  Well, he was shackled to Ulyssa and the Pinkerton’s anyway.


  Rusty ran from the table. Everything in her life was a jumbled mess right now. She liked Cade. Although, just the other day, she would have said she loved Cade. Now, she wasn’t so sure. He’d changed.

  Or maybe her father’s warnings were rubbing off on her. She’d begun to watch Cade and see that he was always a little behind her. He didn’t protect her but expected her to know what to do.

  There was the time that old longhorn steer had charged them. Cade froze. He’d have been run over and gored straight through if she hadn’t picked up a stick and charged at the ornery critter. She’d stopped the beast in his tracks. He snorted and turned and ran.

  That was only one instance. Cade didn’t know how to run the ranch. If she was to marry him, she’d be doing all the work. He enjoyed reading and writing in the notebook he carried around.

  Rusty had thought how romantic he was when he read the books to her. But she was beginning to see that she’d be the one working the ranch. Pedro listened to her orders, never Cade’s.

  To be fair, Cade didn’t have the authority. He was a nice man. Gentle to her. Always seeing to her comfort, but not for her protection. He wasn’t her knight in shining armor. Not at all. She saw that now.

  Father had been right all along. Deep inside, Rusty had known it. She laughed at her father for hiring Sam and Ulyssa to pretend they were married to show her how it should be.

  They were not exactly the greatest example of a loving couple. Ulyssa practically snarled at Sam. And he looked at her as if she were a rattlesnake. It all made sense now.

  Rusty knocked on Ulyssa’s door. “Can I come in?”

  “Yes.” Ulyssa opened the door and let her in. “I’m sorry the way I acted. Sam just makes me so mad. He hates me, you know. Not that I blame him. You know what the other agents call me? The Ice of Hearts.” Ulyssa shook her head and sat on the couch.

  Rusty sat on the couch. “That’s cruel.”

  Ulyssa shook her head. “True, though. I’ve been hard-hearted. Mostly because I thought I needed to protect myself. I’ve not had good dealings with men. I am sorry I slapped Sam, though. He didn’t deserve it.”

  Rusty shook her head. “I slapped him, too.”

  Ulyssa stared at her. “Why, what did he do to you?”

  “He complimented me.” Rusty folded her arms. “The truth is I kind of like him. He’s come between me and Cade.”

  “He has?”

  Rusty nodded. “I don’t know why or how, but the first time I saw Sam, I liked him. We touched hands once, and you’d have thought lightning went between us. That never happened to me and Cade.”

  “Oh.” Ulyssa looked at her hands. “I didn’t want to say anything, but I like Cade. He saved me after the rain. I didn’t want to come between you, though.” Ulyssa shrugged. “And I won’t come between the two of you. Even though that was the case that I was working on. Your father hired us to break you and Cade up. But now, I wouldn’t feel right—”

  Rusty put a hand on Ulyssa’s. “I realize that Father was right about Cade. He’s not the man for me.”

  “You’re sure?” Ulyssa put a hand to her chest. “Sorry, I have not felt this way about a man in my life. Or anyone for that fact. But something happened to me out there on the prairie all alone. And then Cade was there to find me and bring me back. Did you know he said that there was a rainbow above me?”

  “Ulyssa, do you think it was a sign? Rosalie always talks about signs.”

  Ulyssa nodded. “I do. I hope I can find Cade.”

  “I hope you do, too. I thought I loved him, but now I know that I was more in love with the idea of loving someone. I guess from loneliness.” Rusty closed her eyes and wished that Sam would care for her. But up against Ulyssa, Rusty wasn’t nearly as pretty.

  Well, she’d turned Cade loose. And given Ulyssa permission to pursue him. Rusty had been alone before. She could get used to it again. The ranch had plenty of work to keep her busy.

  Chapter 18

  Sam stared at the horses in the corral. If Rusty was no longer interested in Cade, then they would be through with their case. He didn’t want to leave. Mostly, he didn’t want to leave Rusty.

  She needed a man to protect her. She was too wild, and she shouldn’t be riding by herself.

  He’d no sooner thought of her when she came outside. She glanced at him, stopped like she wanted to say something to him, but she continued onto the corral. In minutes, she had a horse saddled and was riding off

  A prick in his heart urged him to go after her. He shook his head, still feeling the place she’d slapped him. She didn’t want him. She didn’t want anyone. Sam watched her ride away and couldn’t fight the idea that she shouldn’t be alone, and he was the one to protect her.

  Sam ran to the corral and saddled his horse. By the time he mounted, she was a speck with a trial of dust. He reined his horse in her direction and kicked him to a gallop.

  Rusty didn’t show any signs of slowing down.

  Sam urged his horse to catch her. He was gaining.

  Rusty ran her horse down a steep ridge.

  “She’s crazy.” Sam followed her and gained on her.

  She glanced back and saw him. With a determined look, she slapped the reins and urged her horse up a ridge and down to a creek.

  Sam followed, seeing that she was riding reckless as if daring him to catch her. He kept his horse at breakneck speed down the ridge and jumped the creek.

  Only twenty feet behind her, he called out. “Rusty, stop.”

  She didn’t. But pushed her horse harder and ran along the valley to a stand of lonesome pine trees.

  The air was cooler. They’d been riding toward the mountains and gaining altitude. Sam caught up to her and grabbed her horse’s bridle to stop him.

  Rusty jumped down and ran toward the trees.

  Sam followed. Leaped from his horse and ran to her. Grabbing her from behind he stopped her and pulled her to him. “You crazy little fool. You could have been killed.”

  She struggled.

  He held onto her and looked into her eyes.

  Rusty stopped struggling.

  Time stood still. The air was lit by the sun and warmed them while shining yellow light about them.

  “Rusty, I don’t want to leave you.” Sam put his hand behind her and drew her close to him. Gently he kissed her. Life thundered through him, and Sam felt as if he were home. In love. And wanted only to protect and provide for her.

  Breathless she pulled back, looked at him and then returned his kiss.

  He let her go and stepped back. “I love you, Rusty Allred. I don’t want to leave you, ever.”


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