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An Agent for Ulyssa

Page 11

by Patricia Pacjac Carroll

  She smiled and blushed. “If you do, I’ll hunt you down and slap you again.”

  He rubbed his cheek. “I was an outlaw.”

  She shook her head. “Are you now?”

  “No. What about Cade?”

  Rusty took his hand and kissed it. “He wasn’t right for me. Father was right. Will you be my shining knight in armor?”

  He nodded. “Till the day I die, I’ll watch over you and protect you. Ride with you so you’re not riding alone. I want to marry you, Rusty. I have two years that I have to serve as a Pinkerton. Will you wait for me?”

  She nodded and leaned against him. “I promise. From the first time I saw you, you’ve been working on my heart.” She stared deep into his eyes. “You are the one I’ve been waiting for.”

  He stared at her. “We better get back to the ranch. I’d like to ask Roy for your hand in marriage.”

  “You don’t think it’s too fast. We hardly know one another.”

  Sam rubbed his thumb on her cheek. “I don’t know. I think you’ve been in my dreams forever. I feel that I belong with you. I’ve drifted too long, with you, I’m home.”

  She nodded. “Father will be happy. He likes you. I can tell. He doesn’t take just anyone on a cattle drive and show them his favorite cattle.” She sighed. “I am so full of life right now I feel I’ll burst.”

  He held her hand as they walked to cool the horses out. It would be late before they neared the ranch.

  Sam pointed. “The sunset looks as if the heavens are rejoicing with us. Look at the colors.”


  “Like you.” Sam couldn’t take his eyes from her. There was no rush. They had the rest of their lives together.


  Ulyssa left her room and found Roy in his study. “Are you busy?”

  Roy waved her in. “How can I help you?”

  “It’s Cade. I’d like to see him again.”

  “Cade, huh? I take it Rusty has lost her infatuation with the man.”

  “I believe so.” She sat in the chair opposite his desk. “I don’t know how to explain what has happened to me but I—”

  “I can see it in your face and eyes. You like him. He usually isn’t far away. I can have Pedro find him.”

  “Would you? That would mean a lot to me.”

  Roy left the study and was back in a few minutes. “Pedro is looking for him.”

  “Thank you. I know I must sound foolish.”

  Roy cocked his head and looked at her. “No, not foolish at all. If you don’t go after your heart, you’re liable to miss out on life. I sense that you’ve missed out on a lot of the good that life has to offer. I hope Cade will be the one to help you find it.”

  Ulyssa nodded. “You don’t think Cade is a bad choice?”

  “What does your heart tell you? He wasn’t right for Rusty. But only you can say if he’s right for you.” Roy sat back and grinned. “I love it when the Lord works things out.”

  “I never would have believed that this case would be the one that changes my life for the good. I think I’ll go outside.” Ulyssa sat on the porch and was surprised to see that the sun was setting and spraying colors over the clouds.

  She stared at the sight and then turned as two riders came toward the ranch house. Ulyssa stood and waved. “Cade.”

  He rode to her and dismounted. “Pedro said you wanted to see me.”

  She nodded and went to him. “If you think there’s a chance for us, I’m willing to try. I’ve never felt about a man the way I feel about you.”

  They walked to the house and sat on the porch. “We need to talk to Roy and Rusty.”

  Cade looked at her. “And Sam. After all, you’ve been pretending to be married to him.”

  Ulyssa nodded. “I owe him a thousand apologies. I treated him badly to get back at a lifetime of hurt, and he wasn’t the one responsible. Actually, I think he’ll be a good man and a good Pinkerton if he wants to stay on.”

  Cade took her hand in his. “I’m glad you came out here. I will be returning to Chicago as soon as I clear things up with Mr. Allred and Rusty.”

  Ulyssa smiled shyly. “I’m based in Chicago.”

  “I’m starting my first year as a professor at a prestigious college. I wanted to study the west and being here on the ranch gave me some ideas. I might even write a book about Roy Allred.”

  “So that’s why you came out here?”

  Cade shook his head. “Not entirely. I need to speak to Roy. Excuse me.”

  Ulyssa watched him go, wondering what he had to say to Mr. Allred. Wondering if they’d see one another in Chicago. Hoping that they would. For the first time in many years, Ulyssa liked a man. She was so tired of being the Ice of Hearts.

  Chapter 19

  Cade knocked on the door of the study.

  Roy Allred looked up from his desk. “I was expecting you.”

  That surprised Cade seeing he wasn’t even supposed to step foot in the house. He entered and sat across the desk from him. “I need to talk with you. Honestly.”

  “It’s about time. Want to tell me your real interest in the ranch and Rusty?” Roy wasn’t angry, but he wasn’t going to make this easy.

  Cade nodded. “Do you remember a man, Stephen Caldwell?”

  “Sure, I do. We were partners once. What do you have to with him?”

  “He was my stepfather. He took me in when no one else would. Saw that I had an education. He was like a father to me.” Cade could feel the old anger rising.

  Roy nodded. “I’m glad he did something good in his life. Would it surprise you to know that he was a thief and an outlaw?”

  “Aren’t you talking about yourself?” Cade was standing now, pointing his finger at Roy.

  “So that’s it. Caldwell convinced you that I took his farm and ruined him. Is that it?” Roy was standing now shaking his head. “I don’t know how to tell you, but that farm of his was stolen from the rightful owners. They came to me and asked me about Caldwell. I told them the truth.”

  “I don’t believe you. Caldwell was a good man.”

  Roy sat down and looked at him with kindness in his eyes. “I guess to you, he was. But like most men of this wild west, they came from a broken country. The war did terrible things to good men. I knew Caldwell when we were kids in Texas. We went to war together, and he changed. I guess we all did. During the war, I heard he was running with Quantrill’s Raiders. He stole that ranch.”

  Cade sat down and stared at the man he’d hated for all these years. But the revenge was gone now. Pieces added up. His stepfather never told him about how he started the farm. Now, Cade saw the truth. It had been staring at him all this time. When he was young, night riders would come through. He was never told who they were or why they came. It made sense now.”

  “The rightful owners of the farm had fled for their lives. They came to me and asked me to help them get their farm back. I told the authorities who Stephen Caldwell really was and who he had ridden with. That’s all I did. I didn’t want to hurt him, but he’d taken that farm from the family that had worked hard to clear the rock and plow the earth. It wasn’t right. I offered Caldwell a place here on my ranch. He refused. It wasn’t much later that I heard he died in a saloon fight.”

  Cade could only nod. He felt his whole life had been lived in a lie. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

  “And Rusty?”

  “The first time I saw her, I fell in love with her. Or I thought I had. Then when I learned she was your daughter, and only child, I thought the best way to hurt you would be to marry her and take her to Chicago.”

  Roy nodded. “And now? Do you still love her?”

  Slowly, Cade shook his head. “I really thought I did. But when I met Ulyssa, what I felt for her was deeper and more mature. I don’t think Rusty loved me. I believe she was in love with the idea of not being alone.”

  Roy nodded. “I think you’re right. But I couldn’t tell her that. She wouldn’t listen. I had to
let her decide. I hoped she wouldn’t want to leave the ranch.”

  Cade shook his head. “She doesn’t. Oh, we talked about Chicago. Denver. But it was always with her idea that they would be visits and we would come back and live on the ranch. We never were right for one another.”

  “Cade, I’m sorry that Caldwell’s lies hurt you. And yet, I’m glad that he does have something good and to be proud of for his life. That’s you. You’re his award. Go and continue to be a living marker for my old friend. I know that I could have stayed on his path and been the same kind of man if it hadn’t been for my getting shot and another farmer taking me in. And I did marry his daughter and took her west. Rusty’s mother. I’m not sure if her father ever forgave me for that.”

  Cade nodded. “Maybe we’re more alike than I’d like to know. Tell Rusty I’ve gone back to Chicago.”

  “Why don’t you tell me yourself?”

  Cade turned to see Rusty and Sam standing in the doorway. “I guess you heard some of the story. I’m sorry, Rusty. I really did think I loved you. I know that’s not true now. I hope someday you can forgive me.”

  Rusty went to him and smiled softly. “I think we met a need in each other for the moment. I was lonely. You spent time with me. And they were good times. I’ll never forget sitting in the grove by the pond and listening to you read. You’ll make a fine professor. I hope you can find a woman that will love you for what you really are.”

  “Thanks, Rusty.” In that moment, Cade could have kissed her, except he saw the look on Sam’s face and new that Rusty had found her shining knight even if he’d been an outlaw.

  Cade nodded to Roy. “If you’re ever in Chicago, stop by. I might even write a book about you someday.”

  “That would make me proud, Cade.” Roy shook his hand.

  Cade walked out of the study and nearly ran into Ulyssa.

  “I was waiting for you.” She put a hand on his chest. “I was hoping you’d escort me back to Chicago.”

  “Glad to.” Cade took her hand and they started to walk down the hall when she stopped.

  Ulyssa smiled, a real friendly smile. “Sam, I’m sure between me and Roy, we can persuade the Pinkertons that they don’t need your services for two years in exchange for working with Roy on his ranch.”

  Sam smiled. “I’d like that. I promise not to go against the law.”

  Ulyssa nodded. “I know that Sam. You’re a good man and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.” She waved and walked out of the house with Cade.


  Roy hollered from in the study. “Well, Sam, do you have something to ask me?”

  Sam smiled at Rusty. “Yes, sir, I do.” He ushered Rusty in before him and then sat next to her. “Mr. Allred—”

  “How many times to do I have to tell you, it’s Roy.”

  Sam nodded. “Roy, I’d like to ask for your daughter’s hand in marriage. I love her and promise to take care of her.”

  Roy grinned. “And you daughter, what do you say?”

  “I love him, Father. I thought I loved Cade, but this is different. I want to make a life with this man. A good life. Right here on this ranch. If you’ll let us.”

  Roy stood and raised his hands. “I give you both my blessing. Welcome home and into the family, Sam. You’re the son I always wanted, and the one man that has made my daughter’s eyes sparkle like her mother’s eyes did for me.


  Rusty and Sam were married later that month. Together, they rode the plains and explored the ranch. Soon, they found their own special place just like her mother and father had. They didn’t have a lake, but they found a hidden valley.

  Sam built a little cabin in the valley, and they would take special times to stay in their place.

  Rusty loved Sam more than she thought possible. And Sam, there were days he had to remind himself that he’d not gone to heaven he was so in love.

  Roy was happy and looked forward to seeing his future grandchildren.


  In Chicago, Cade and Ulyssa took up where they’d left off at the ranch. They were married in a church soon after getting back. The reason for such a quick courtship was they both felt they’d wasted enough of their lives going down the wrong road.

  Cade couldn’t believe he could have found such a wonderful woman. Ulyssa was the perfect match. They both loved the city. Went to theater and the opera. Walked through libraries. And he read to her.

  Ulyssa was happy and content. No more the Ice of Hearts, Cade had made her his Queen of Hearts. She still dabbled in the Pinkerton business, but in about six months, she’d have to quit. After all, they wanted this baby to know his parents loved one another and that he was loved. They had a lot to make up for and weren’t wasting anytime to make their dreams a reality.

  And they all lived happily ever after.

  ~~~ Author’s Note – I hope you enjoyed An Agent for Ulyssa. It was a fun story to write. My next Pinkerton will be released on April 17th An Agent for Zennia. She is on preorder now.

  Here is a list of my Pinkerton books:

  An Agent for Charity

  An Agent for Arabella

  An Agent for Sabrina

  An Agent for Evangeline

  An Agent for Ulyssa

  An Agent for Zennia

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  Books by Patricia PacJac Carroll

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