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Midnight Moon (Love and Blood Series Book 1)

Page 4

by Raven K. Asher

  I look away from him as I finish off the remaining blood in my bag.

  Without waiting for direction, I move to grab another bag of blood from the small pile that Tobias had left behind.

  “That’s better.” Loki states. “You’re already learning control.”

  I look at him for a moment before speaking. “How long did it take you to learn control?”

  “It took me years, but that was because I could be wild. No one could stop me, and no one ever dared. It wasn’t until a hundred years ago that I began to value life and learned how to limit myself.” He answers.

  “How old are you?” I question curiously.

  “You wouldn’t believe me even if I told you.” He replies as a smirk crosses his lips.

  “Try me.” I insist.

  “I’m nearly five hundred.” He finally replies before continuing. “I am forever frozen at the age of twenty five though.”

  He then raises his brow as he studies me. “How old are you?”

  “I’m twenty-three.” I sigh.

  “That’s not a bad age to be forever, is it?” He snorts.

  I laugh lightly and shake my head. “I guess not, but I did not want this. I’m still not sure if I want this. I’m a monster.”

  “You’re not a monster,” Loki argues. “I was a monster; you’re just a girl who was at the wrong place at the wrong time. You are far from being a monster.”

  I sigh and then look down at the blood in my hand. “I’m suddenly no longer hungry.”

  “Good, but the hunger will hit you again soon. It always does when you’re new.” Loki warns.

  He then moves to pick up the rest of the blood. “Come, I’ll show you to your room. I’ll leave these with you so you can drink whenever you need to. Once night falls, I’ll make sure you get more.”

  Without another word I follow him up another set of stairs and then a short distance down a dark hallway before we stop at the door with the number two-thirteen carved into the wood.

  “This is it,” Loki announces as he turns to face me.

  He raises his hand to touch my cheek. “I hope to see you soon. I would like to get to know you better.”

  “I would like that.” I agree.

  A bright grin spreads across his lips before he drops his hand. “Good. I’ll see you tonight.”

  Without another word, he hands me the blood bags before walking away.

  I watch him until he disappears from view.

  Once he’s gone, I turn my attention back towards the door before placing my hand on the doorknob. I turn it and then push the door open.

  I flip on a light near the door and then pause in awe.

  “Wow…” I whisper to myself as I twirl around in a circle to take it all in.

  The room wasn’t really a room. It had a rather large bed against one wall, but there was also an area with a couch and TV and then a full kitchen. To my right was a door to what I assumed was a full bathroom.

  It was like a nice mini apartment, and it was beautifully decorated with antique furniture and an intricately painted ceiling like the halls. The walls were paneled with dark stained wood at the bottom and silver paint at the top with swirls in the plaster.

  After a few moments I shut the door and then move into the kitchen area. I place the blood down on the counter before sighing.

  I had no idea what to do with it.

  I leave it and then move over to the bed. I sit on the edge for a few moments before I lie back. I close my eyes and then let out another sigh.

  The minutes tick by as I begin to grow tired.

  Without a thought, I climb further on the bed before I curl into a ball. I stare down at the ring on my hand and remember the last moments I had shared with Jake.

  Those moments would forever haunt me.

  I had hurt the one person that I had claimed to love.

  As I lay there, I wonder for a moment if I had truly loved him at all. My mind said yes, but my heart was beginning to tell me another story.

  Instead of dwelling on it too long I close my eyes and then allow myself to drift off into a dreamless sleep.


  I wake up with a gasp as someone knocks on the door suddenly. It takes me a moment to realize where I am before I bury my face in my pillow and groan.

  The dream I was having had been beautiful.

  I had dreamt of my wedding. I had dreamt of Jake gazing at me lovingly. And how my white dress had felt as it flowed behind me.

  To wake up here had been a nightmare.

  The memories from the night before rush back like a tidal wave.

  Without warning the door opens, and Loki rushes in before he spots me. He raises his brow as he studies me for a moment.

  “Is everything alright, Ava?” He questions.

  “I just remembered where I was, so not really,” I answer honestly.

  “Come on; it’s not that bad, is it?” He tries.

  “Maybe not to you but I lost everything I knew. My parents will never want to see me again and my boyfriend…” I trail off.

  “You’ll fall in love again.” Loki insists confidently.

  “I doubt that,” I grumble.

  “It’s the vampire way to have more than one love.” He explains. “Many of the vampires you’ll meet here have already found a few companions. We call them harems.”

  “Oh…” I breathe out before raising my brow in question. “I’m not going to be required to form a harem, am I?”

  “No, you can become part of one if you’d prefer.” He replies.

  “Do you have anyone?” I blurt before I can stop myself.

  There was just something about him that intrigued me. I wanted to know more about him and how he ended up here.

  “I haven’t found anyone I’ve been interested in spending my time with.” He replies before grinning mischievously. “Until now…”

  I smile bashfully before I move to get off of the bed. I sit on the edge, and he moves to sit down beside me.

  He glances back at the blood on the counter before cursing. “I should have told you what to do with the blood.”

  “I didn’t know what to do with it,” I reply.

  “You’re supposed to place it in one of those ice boxes.” He states. “It doesn’t go bad right away, but it doesn’t taste as good once it’s been left out for too long.”

  “I’m sorry.” I apologize.

  “You have no reason to apologize.” He replies. “It was my fault for not giving you the correct instructions. Sometimes I forget that not everyone is aware of what I know.”

  “I have a ton to learn.” I huff out.

  “Yes, you do, but I’m going to help you.” He replies as he pats my leg. “First, you need to get ready for class. You can start by learning how to defend yourself in an attack.”

  “Class…?” I breathe out as I look at him.

  “Yes. You’re not the only one who’s new to this life.” He answers.

  I sigh and then nod my head. “Alright, let’s go.”

  He grins and then motions towards my clothes. You’re going to want to change into something a bit more comfortable.”

  “I don’t have any other clothes,” I reply.

  With a smirk, he stands and then moves over to the dresser in the corner of the room. He opens a drawer and then pulls out a shirt and a pair of matching pants.

  Once he’s done, he moves back to my side. “I believe these should fit.”

  I stand up and grab the clothes. I inspect the new tags before looking at him in question.

  He bows his head bashfully.

  “Where did these come from?” I ask. “…And how did they end up in my room?”

  “I have my ways.” He laughs. “Plus, you sleep like the dead.”

  I shake my head. “I owe you for this.”

  “You don’t owe me a thing.” He insists.

  “I still feel like I should do something for you.” I push.

  He moves closer while g
rinning mischievously. “There is something that you could do.”

  “What…?” I whisper as he stops just inches away.

  “You could go out on a date with me.” He replies.

  “I don’t know if I’m ready for that, Loki,” I reply softly while bowing my head. “I can’t forget everything that’s happened to me.”

  He lifts my chin gently with his hand. “I understand that you need time to accept this life. I’m willing to wait until you’re ready. If there’s one thing that I’ve learned in my long life, it's patience.”

  “That’s all I’m asking.” I breathe out in relief.

  After a moment Loki drops his hand from my chin before running his hand through his unruly hair. “You should get dressed. Toby doesn’t like it when we’re late for his class.”

  I nod and then bite my lip before glancing down at the clothing in my hands.

  “I’ll give you a few minutes to change.” Loki states before taking a step back.

  Without another word, he turns and then walks to the door. He hesitates for a brief moment before he opens it and then walks out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

  As soon as the door shuts, I rush into the bathroom to change.

  I slip out of my jeans and shirt before slipping on the dark blue yoga pants that Loki had picked out for me. Once those are on, I slip on the matching shirt before sitting on the toilet to pull my shoes back on. I tie them and then stand.

  Moving over to the mirror, I stare at my reflection.

  I no longer knew the girl staring back at me. She was a complete stranger to me now.

  Sighing softly, I reach back and gather my hair into a ponytail before using the hair tie around my wrist to pull it back.

  Once I’m ready, I move back into the room before walking towards the door. I hesitate for a moment before I open it.

  I’m instantly greeted by Loki, wearing a bright smile.

  He holds out a bag of blood. “I figured you’d need this.”

  I nod and then take it from him before lifting it to my lips. With a sigh, I bite into the bag while closing my eyes.

  When I finish I pull the bag away while reopening my eyes.

  “Thank you,” I whisper gratefully.

  “You’re welcome, Ava,” Loki replies.

  He then holds out his arm to me. “Shall we go?”

  I nod and then toss the empty bag into the trashcan just inside my door before shutting it. I then slip my arm through Loki’s before allowing him to guide me down the hallway.

  We walk downstairs together before moving towards a room with open double doors.

  As soon as we walk inside every eye turns towards us.

  Seconds later a familiar face pushes through the crowd.

  She stands frozen in place for a moment while I whimper softly as I release Loki.

  “Tinsley…?” I whisper.

  “Ava…” She replies.

  Without hesitating, we rush forward and meet with an embrace. Both of us begin to cry softly as we hold onto each other.

  After a few moments, Tinsley pulls back to wipe away her bloody tears while I do the same.

  She smiles. “I can’t believe you’re here.”

  “I never thought I’d see you again. I had no idea what happened after…” I trail off.

  “My parents brought me here. They didn’t want to sit back and watch me die.” She explains. “They live in town actually.”

  She then searches my eyes before speaking again. “What happened? How are you here, Ava?”

  “I was attacked and forced to drink a vampire’s blood,” I answer her before pausing. “I attacked Jake, and my parents pretty much disowned me.”

  “Wow, Sweetie, I’m so sorry.” She replies gently.

  “Do you two know each other?” Loki suddenly questions.

  I turn and smile brightly. “She’s my best friend. We’ve known each other since we were little kids.”

  “That’s great that you’ve been reunited.” He replies. “At least now you won’t feel so alone, and I’m sure Tinsley could help show you the ropes around here.”

  “Of course I’ll help her, Loki,” Tinsley exclaims.

  Before anyone can say another word, Tobias walks into the gym. He claps his hands together and then glances at me before turning his attention toward the others in the room.

  “Alright, as you can see we’ve got a new student joining us. Be nice, she’s new to this life, and she’s going to need a bit of help adjusting.” He states before pausing.

  “Now, let’s give Ava a warm welcome to Darkwell Prep.” He exclaims before turning towards me with a bright grin.

  The whole room erupts with shouts and friendly welcomes.

  I smile happily for a few moments before I suddenly become overwhelmed with sadness. Tears fill my eyes and pour down my cheeks while Loki grabs me into his arms.

  He strokes his hands over my hair soothingly as he whispers into my ear. “Everything will work out the way that it should. Not every day will be filled with heartbreak.”

  After a few moments, he passes me to Tinsley.

  “Shhhh, Sweetie. These moments will pass. Your emotions are going to get the best of you until you gain full control.” She explains softly before laughing lightly. “I cried for nearly two whole days before I was able to stop.”

  “Tinsley, why don’t you Loki, Matt, and Nick take Ava out for the night. Show her what makes this town so great.” Toby instructs.

  Tinsley nods and then wraps her arm around my shoulders before she leads me out of the gym with Loki and two others following close behind.

  Finally gaining control of my emotions my tears dry up as we walk down the hallway together.

  We reach the main doors before stopping.

  “Where should we go?” Tinsley questions the others.

  “I think we should take her to the club.” Loki answers.

  “That would be perfect.” One of the others agrees. “She would probably feel more comfortable there. I know I did after coming here.”

  “Can I get changed into something better first?” I ask.

  Tinsley nods as a smile spreads across her lips. “Of course and I think I have the perfect outfit for you to wear. I hope you’re still the same size.”

  “I am,” I reply with a smile.

  “Good, let’s go get sexy.” Tinsley squeals before grabbing my hand.

  She glances towards Loki and the others. “We’ll be back in like ten minutes, okay.”

  The guys nod in response.

  Without another word, she pulls me down the hallway.

  6-A Night Out

  “You look fantastic, Sweetie.” Tinsley proclaims as I exit her bathroom wearing the black dress and black boots that she had pushed me into putting on.

  I had to admit I did feel sexier than I had in a very long time.

  Jake hadn’t liked me wearing something as revealing as this. He would get jealous and a little crazy when I tried to wear something like this out.

  Instead of pushing his buttons I had packed away my dresses and had opted for less revealing clothing.

  “Jake would have hated this.” I sigh.

  “Forget about Jake. You’re going to have a lot more guys falling at your feet now.” Tinsley replies.

  I had told her my story in more detail while changing.

  “He should have pushed you to feed rather than let you die.” She adds.

  “It was my choice though,” I reply.

  “Yeah, but he didn’t have to agree to it. Plus, who gives an engagement ring to someone who’s dying. That’s just terrible.” Tinsley argues. “That’s like saying ‘hey I know you’re about to die but here was the ring I would have given you if you would have lived.’ It’s morbid.”

  She had a point. It had hurt to have him give me this ring.

  I probably would have been better off if he hadn’t given it to me.

  I sigh and gaze down at the ring on my finger. No matter what I t
hought, I couldn’t find the strength to remove it. It was the only thing I had to connect me to my human life.

  “Sweetie…” Tinsley breathes out. “No one is saying that you have to take it off. I get it. I understand the need to hold on, I do, but it’s okay to let go too.”

  I nod in agreement before turning my attention towards her. “So, who were the two guys downstairs?”

  She grins. “Those are my guys. The blonde is Nick, and the shaggy brown haired one is Matt. We’ve been together since I got here.”

  “You’re seriously dating two guys?” I question in disbelief.

  “Yes, it’s the vampire way.” She replies.

  “Loki explained it to me, but I didn’t believe it.” I laugh. “I don’t think I could see myself with more than one guy. Don’t they get jealous?”

  “It’s easier than you’d think.” Tinsley insists. “Matt and Nick love to take care of me. They don’t mind at all that they have to share.”

  “Oh…” I breathe out.

  “If you don’t want to deal with more than one guy you could always share a guy with a group of girls. On rare occasion, some vampires stick with just one person.” Tinsley explains.

  “I don’t want to share either.” I snort.

  “Give it some time. You’ll figure out what you want.” She replies.

  She claps her hands together. “Right now let’s go out and have some fun. Let me show you just how much fun being a vampire can be.”

  “Are you sure I’ll be alright around people?” I ask as we move towards the door together.

  “You’ll be fine. Typically there aren’t any humans at the club at night.” She reassures. “…And if you have any problems, I’m sure someone will be able to handle you. You can play the damsel in distress and see if you catch any hot guys.”

  I snort and shake my head. “That’s something I’m not ready for.”

  “You already got a hot guy.” She laughs. “Loki has never given anyone attention like he’s doing with you. He must like you.”

  “He’s just being nice,” I argue.

  It was a lie. He wanted more, and he had already made his intentions clear.

  Tinsley raises her brow. “Don’t lie to a vampire, Ava. We can tell.”


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