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Midnight Moon (Love and Blood Series Book 1)

Page 5

by Raven K. Asher

  “Seriously…?” I breathe out.

  She nods and then opens the door. “We have a lot of talents that you can use to your advantage. You have a lot to learn, but I’ll teach you as much as I can.”

  A sly smirk crosses her lips as we exit the room. “Loki can help you with all of the other parts.”

  My face heats as Loki, Matt, and Nick appear just around the corner. The grin on Loki’s lips told me that he had heard what Tinsley had said.

  “Are you girls ready to go?” Matt questions us as he wraps his arms around Tinsley.

  “Yes, we’re ready.” Tinsley answers for both of us.

  Matt, Tinsley, and Nick begin walking down the hall, but Loki moves to stand in front of me.

  “You look stunning.” He exclaims.

  “Thank you.” I reply as I glance down at my dress.

  My face heats even more when my fangs cut into my bottom lip. I groan softly and turn my face to hide from Loki.

  Instead of letting me hide he tenderly places his hand on my chin before turning and lifting my face to look at him.

  He smiles as his thumb rubs across my lip. “Don’t hide what you are.”

  “I can’t help it.” I breathe out. “What I’ve become is only a reminder of everything I’ve lost.”

  “You’ve lost a lot, but it’s not all lost,” Loki argues. “You’re not dead. You’ve been reunited with your best friend. You’ve found out what kind of jerk you were engaged to. The whole world is at your fingertips now. You have lifetimes to explore it.”

  I sigh and then nod my head.

  He was right.

  “I’m beginning to realize how Jake treated me. He would never have let me wear something like this out.” I state softly.

  “He’s missed out on a great thing,” Loki replies. “He could have stayed with you, you know. Vampires have been known to remain with humans. If he truly loved you, then he should have fought for you.”

  “I know.” I sigh sadly as I look down at my ring.

  I twist it on my finger before slowly pulling it off.

  If I intended to embrace this new life I had to let go of the past. Jake wasn’t going to come for me. Whatever relationship that we had together ended in my bedroom when I attacked him.

  This, right here, was my new reality.

  “Loki…” I whisper.

  “Yes…?” He replies.

  “Jake didn’t really love me, did he?” I ask.

  “I’ve seen love thousands of times. When you’re in love, you don’t force the person you’re in love with to hide who they are.” He answers gently. “When you’re in love with someone you embrace who they are, and you help them grow into the person that they can be.”

  Once again he places his hand on my chin. “When you’re in love, you’ll know it, and you’ll never second guess it.”

  I search Loki’s eyes for a few moments while he does the same to me.

  “Guys, are you two coming, or what?” Tinsley suddenly shouts, interrupting our moment.

  Loki drops his hand and then steps back while clearing his throat. He grins and then motions for me to lead the way.

  “Just one second,” I state before turning towards my door.

  I walk into my room and then move over to my dresser before opening the top drawer. I gaze at the ring in my hand for a few more moments before I sigh and then place the ring into the drawer.

  After one last moment, I shut the drawer and then move back towards the door.

  Loki smiles as I exit the room.

  “Are you alright?” He asks.

  I nod. “I’ll be fine with some more time.”

  He nods and then holds out his hand to me. “Let’s go before Tinsley comes and drags us away.”

  I snort and take his hand before allowing him to lead me down the hall.


  Together the five of us make our way through the town while Tinsley and Loki point out all the different places that were available for us to go to at night. There were all kinds of stores to go shopping in and diners to eat at.

  We come to a stop on the other side of town in front of a building just as large as the school.

  “What is this place?” I question curiously.

  “This is The Academy,” Matt announces. “This is where the half-breeds and the strongest of us go and train to fight.”

  “What do they fight?” I push.

  “They’re being trained to go to war with humans,” Loki answers reluctantly.

  “Seriously…?” I breathe out.

  “They’re being trained to fight against our kind too. They’re here to keep the peace.” Tinsley explains before smirking. “They’re also really hot. I’ve been trying to snag an Academy guy for months.”

  Matt and Nick roll their eyes while Loki shakes his head in amusement.

  “Come on; let me show you just how hot these guys are. They should be at the club by now.” Tinsley states before she grabs my hand to pull me down the sidewalk.

  I glance back at Loki once for some help, but all he gives me is a smile and a wink.

  Rolling my eyes, I allow my best friend to guide me towards the club that would hopefully have something to satisfy my thirst.

  After a few minutes we come to a stop in front of a large building with a large glass door revealing what was inside.

  The place was packed.

  “Tins…” I whisper unsure.

  She turns and then sighs. “I know you’re hungry, but you won’t hurt anyone inside. We’ll get you something to drink, okay.”

  I nod as my fangs cut into my bottom lip.

  My stomach groans while I close my eyes.

  “I’ll go inside and grab her something to drink. I don’t think it would be wise to bring her inside like this, not yet.” Matt suddenly states.

  Without waiting for anyone to respond, he opens the door and rushes inside.

  The scent of blood hits me, and I rush inside before the door shuts.

  Loki, Tinsley, and Nick curse before running after me. Unfortunately for them, I lose them in the crowd. I pinpoint the scent in the middle of the room before I turn towards it.

  Before I get far someone wraps their arms around my waist before I’m pulled in the opposite direction.

  Moments later someone else pushes a glass filled with blood towards my mouth while the hands remain wrapped around me tightly.

  “Drink, Vampire.” The guy holding the glass commands sternly.

  He places the glass against my lips before tipping it back. I drink it slowly while staring into his dark eyes as he watches me.

  “Oh, thank god you found her before she could get into trouble, Adam.” Tinsley breathes out in relief.

  “Is she a friend of yours?” He questions with a raised brow.

  “We were friends before I was turned. She was turned recently.” Tinsley explains.

  As I finish the last of the blood, Loki pushes his way through the crowd. He breathes out in relief before glaring at whoever was still holding me from behind.

  “Let her go.” He snaps.

  “Not until she promises not to attack any of the humans here.” A deep raspy voice replies from over my shoulder.

  Without warning, Loki grabs me from his hands. He spins me around and pins my hands behind my back much like the other person had been doing. The only difference was the way that he made me feel.

  I close my eyes while leaning back against him.

  “Do you need more blood?” Loki whispers into my ear.

  “Yes…” I breathe out while reopening my eyes.

  “I’ll get her more,” Tinsley announces before walking away abruptly.

  My eyes lock with a dark set that were watching me closely. His eyes narrow as he glances over my shoulder towards Loki.

  “I’m surprised to see you out, Loki.” He states.

  “I could say the same to you, Nix,” Loki replies.

  Before anyone can say another word, someone else joins us.
  “Nix, you’re up. Tim won, so he’s going to be who you’re up against.” The stranger announces.

  Nix nods absently before turning his attention towards Loki and me. “Are you going to be able to control your girl alone, Loki?”

  “I can handle her.” Loki bites out a bit harshly.

  Nix chuckles and then nods before turning to walk away.

  As soon as he disappears from view, Loki releases a heavy breath. “I thought he’d never leave.”

  I turn in his arms to face him. “Who is he?”

  “He’s been a thorn in my side for years.” Loki laughs before becoming serious. “He’s a stubborn asshole and one hell of a fighter.”

  “Oh…” I sigh.

  Loki places his hand on my chin. “He didn’t hurt you, did he?”

  “No. He kept me from attacking someone though.” I reply.

  “I should have known it was too soon to bring you here. I should have known that there would be humans here.” Loki growls at himself.

  “Why don’t you just take me back to my room?” I push.

  He nods. “That would probably be for the best.”

  Just then Tinsley appears with a large glass in her hands. She glances at Loki and me before holding it in my direction.

  I take it and then place it to my lips before taking a long drink.

  “What did I miss?” Tinsley asks Loki.

  “We’re going back to the school as soon as Ava’s done drinking,” Loki replies.

  Tinsley looks towards me. “I really wish you’d stay.”

  Pulling the glass away, I lick the blood away from my lips before glancing towards Loki. “I think it’s for the best until I can control myself better, Tins.”

  “Do you want me to come with you?” She presses.

  “No. You can stay.” I insist. “Loki can keep me from getting too bored.”

  Loki smirks. “I can do that.”

  Tinsley sighs. “Alright, but I’m coming by before dawn to check on you, Ava.”

  “I’ll be fine,” I reassure her.

  She nods and then waves us away. “Go. Behave yourselves.”

  Without another word, Loki begins guiding me through the crowd and away from Tinsley.

  Before we exit, I stop and drink the remaining contents of my glass before I place it on a tray filled with empty glasses.

  Loki grins and then begins pulling me along again.

  I exit the building feeling lighter than I had in a very long time. It was an unexpected feeling but definitely a welcome one.

  7-That Escalated

  As soon as Loki and I walk into the school, he stops and turns towards me. “I’m going to grab us some fresh blood. You can go ahead up to your room. I’ll join you in a few minutes, okay.”

  I nod and then reluctantly release his hand before walking away.

  I couldn’t help the overwhelming feelings I was having for Loki. I wanted to be close to him, closer than just holding his hand. I wanted to feel him, all of him.

  Once I reach my door, I hesitate to open it.

  Right before I do, Loki appears behind me abruptly.

  “Come on slow poke, let’s go in.” He chuckles.

  I laugh lightly and shake my head before opening the door.

  We walk in together before I move to sit on the edge of the bed while Loki steps over to the kitchen area.

  He quickly tosses away the bags of blood that I had left out before placing the new bags into the refrigerator.

  “From now on make sure that you store your blood in the fridge. There’s a warmer on the counter that you can use to heat it, so you don't have to drink cold blood.” He explains while pointing out the warmer.

  I watch as he places two bags into the warmer and then presses a few buttons.

  He turns to look at me as the machine turns on. His brow rises, but he doesn’t say a word.

  After a few moments, the machine dings and Loki turns back around to pull the bags out. He turns and then holds one out for me.

  I stand and move towards him before taking it from his hand.

  My eyes lock with his while he lifts the second bag to his lips. I watch him as his eyes turn red while his fangs descend and then pierce the plastic.

  Seconds later my fangs cut into my bottom lip as I try and fail to stay in control of my overwhelming emotions.

  The sight had my hormones on overdrive.

  I needed him in the worst way.

  Loki raises his brow while pulling the bag away from his lips. A small bit of blood trickles from the side of his mouth, and I completely lose all control.

  I rush forward and press my lips against his.

  At first, he stands frozen in place before he wraps his arms around me while taking the kiss deeper. He groans as I nip his bottom lip with my fangs just enough to draw blood.

  Closing my eyes, I taste him. I allow his blood to flow over my tongue.

  The moment comes to a halt when Loki pushes me away from him. “We can’t do this. You’re not ready, and I’m not about to take advantage of you.”

  Instead of allowing him to push me away I step forward. “Shut up and kiss me, Loki.”

  He snorts while shaking his head. “You’re not making this easy for me.”

  “I need this,” I argue as I move even closer to him.

  “Are you sure?” He pushes while placing his hands on either side of my face.

  I nod. “Yes.”

  Before he can say another word, I push my lips against his again. This time he doesn’t hesitate to match my intensity.

  Within a few minutes, Loki lifts me into his arms without breaking our kiss before he carries me over to the bed. He gently lays me down while hovering over my body.

  “Are you absolutely sure that I’m who you want?” He pushes while searching my eyes.

  “Yes, Loki, you are exactly what I want and need,” I reply breathlessly.

  “If we do this I’m not going to let you go.” He warns. “I’m not going to just be a one night stand or a way for you to escape your emotions.”

  “I know.” I breathe out.

  “I’ll be yours if that’s what you want.” He insists.

  I smile and place my hands on his face. “Just kiss me.”

  He snorts and then becomes serious before leaning down to kiss me sweetly. “In all my years I have never met someone quite like you.”

  Without another word he kisses me again with more passion than I had ever felt before. It was intense and just enough to help me forget all about Jake.

  Loki’s touches easily erase the memories of how Jake had touched me.

  To be honest being here with Loki felt right; I felt as if I was exactly where I belonged.

  I pant for my next breath as Loki trails his lips down my neck while reaching for the bottom of my dress with his hands.

  When his fangs scrape against my skin, I nearly scream with need.

  That need quickly vanishes when my attacker’s face appears in my mind. That vampire would always haunt me. Instead of pushing Loki away I push all thoughts of what had happened to me to the back of my mind. I couldn’t deal with that yet.

  “Are you alright?” Loki whispers against my skin.

  “I’m fine,” I answer before realizing just how far we had gotten.

  Loki had somehow managed to strip us both without me noticing. He was now positioned to take things further.

  “You don’t exactly look alright.” He stresses.

  “I just had a moment, but it’s over now,” I reply before wrapping my arms around his neck. “Now, make love to me.”

  He smirks. “That’s exactly what I intend to do.”

  With one swift motion, he connects us as one while a moan falls from my lips. Seconds later his lips trail down my neck before his fangs sink into my skin.

  My world spins in a hurricane of pure bliss right before I bite my fangs into his shoulder.

  Without warning, everything goes dark.

br />
  “Ava…Ava…is everything alright in there?” Tinsley shouts from the other side of the door.

  I groan and lift my head up seconds before she bursts through the door in a panic. Once she spots me her eyes go wide before she covers her mouth with her hands.

  “Oh my God, Ava…” She whispers.

  Beside me, Loki groans before he pushes up to look over my shoulder. “What’s going on?”

  “You didn’t kill someone did you?” Tinsley stresses as she motions towards us.

  My eyes go wide as I take in the amount of blood covering the bed and the parts of our bare bodies not hidden by the blankets.

  “No, we didn’t kill anyone,” Loki answers with a light laugh. “We did get a bit carried away with a few blood bags though.”

  Tinsley breathes out in relief. “Thank god, for a moment I wasn’t sure.”

  Neither one of them notices the look of horror on my face though. I couldn’t remember anything that had happened after Loki had bitten me.

  “Ava…?” Tinsley whispers as she takes a step into the room.

  She had obviously noticed.

  “What did I do?” I whimper.

  Before anyone can respond, I grab a sheet and wrap it around my body before I jump up from the bed.

  Loki curses and covers himself quickly. “What is going on, Ava?”

  Instead of answering him I run into the bathroom. I slam the door shut behind me before locking it. I pant for my next breath as I turn on a light.

  My reflection catches my attention, and a sob gets caught in my throat.

  I was covered in blood. Every inch of my body was red. I looked exactly like the monster that I was.

  “Ava, Hunnie…are you alright?” Tinsley tries from the other side of the door.

  Tears fill my eyes before streaming down my cheeks. I was far from being alright. What I had done with Loki had been a huge mistake.

  “This is my fault, Tinsley. Let me see if I can fix it.” Loki sighs.

  “What happened?” Tinsley pushes.

  “I bit her and then she bit me.” He answers. “I didn’t realize that she had lost control.”

  “What did you expect, Loki? She’s new at this. There’s no way she could have kept that side from taking over.” Tinsley screeches.


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