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The Keepers Collection

Page 8

by Pepper North

  “Come on, Oreg. You have to push me so I can fly!” Payi called.

  “I do not think I want you to fly,” Oreg answered stoically.

  “I can’t really fly. I mean I’ll just swing higher. It’s fun. Stand behind me. When I swing back, push gently on my back,” Payi instructed. This was so much fun.

  Oreg walked behind the swing and began to push Payi. His first push was too hard, and she squealed as she held on tightly going way too high to Oreg’s liking. He tried again using only one hand, and that was perfect. Payi laughed with each swing. “Are you enjoying your surprise, Payi?” he asked after a few minutes.

  “Thank you, Oreg. It is very fun to feel so free. Can I swing for just a little more?” she asked turning to smile at him.

  “You may wish to greet our guests,” he replied pointing to the group of Nrantians who were approaching from different sides. “Some Keepers are bringing their humans to meet you,” he explained as he stopped pushing the swing to allow Payi to slow it to a stop. He turned to greet the Keepers with their humans cradled carefully in their arms. He felt a small hand grip his tightly as she pressed her small body against his leg. His Payi was scared. He wrapped his other arms around her to comfort her.

  The first to reach them held a human boy. “Payi, this is the Keeper Huma and her human, Pien,” Oreg introduced Payi. “Huma, Pien, this is my human, Payi. She is a little shy. Payi did not know that you were coming to visit today. She is very surprised.”

  Payi looked carefully at Pien. He was blond with curly hair that came down to his broad shoulder. He was suntanned and very fit. She greeted the pair with a Nrantian greeting. Huma returned the greeting and gestured toward Pien explaining that he was having difficulty learning Nrantian and asking if she would talk to him in human. So Payi tried, “Hi!” in English. Pien shook his head and tried his language. Payi tried, “Bonjour?” and Pien’s face lit up. He began speaking in rapid French. It had been a while since Payi had studied French, but she learned that Pien had been on Nrantia for a long time. She was the first person that had been able to speak to him. His native language was Swedish, but he knew French well. He was very excited to have someone that could talk with him. Huma placed Pien on the trawl, and he immediately came over to hug Payi.

  When Payi looked up, the other Keepers had arrived. Slowly, Oreg introduced them all. Visiting today were: Jupi and human Crin, Aste and human Rux, Yoha and human, Srah, and finally, Wbem and human Evik. The Keepers all placed their humans carefully on the ground and stood back to watch their interactions with Oreg’s new human.

  Srah immediately came to hug Payi. She immediately asked, “You can talk to Pien? His Nrantian is lousy, and none of us spoke his Earth language. What can languages can you speak?”

  Payi nodded her head. “Pien speaks French. I learned it in school. I also speak Spanish,” she explained.

  The light-skinned Rux stepped forward. He asked in Nrantian, “You don’t speak Russian by chance?” Payi answered in that language and chattered eagerly. She had learned Russian from her grandmother who had immigrated to the US. Payi had always loved languages. Switching through all these languages was quite a challenge to her brain.

  She promised Rux that they could speak Russian in the future when they switched back to Nrantian so Payi could meet the other humans. Crin was a native of Antarctica. She was short with large dark eyes and long black hair. Evik was from Australia. He had red hair and freckles. At nineteen, he was the youngest of the group.

  Oreg and the other Nrantians carefully watched as Payi seemed to link the group together. The humans sat in a circle grouped closely together on the trawl. Pien sat right next to Payi so she could help him understand the conversations. All were glad to see each other and have a chance to talk to another human. Payi asked them if they were happy here on Nrantia. All, including Pien who had been so isolated by not being able to talk to anyone, reported that they had strong feelings for their Keeper and would choose to stay on Nrantia if given a choice. This choice was made easier Srah pointed out because people on Earth had already aged twenty years just in the time it took to arrive on Nrantia. For the return trip, an additional twenty years would be added. The Earth that they remembered would be very different after over forty years had elapsed. Families would have grown old and passed away.

  As Payi talked with the others, she let her gaze run over the Nrantians. She stared at Huma. Oreg had introduced the Keeper with the words ‘her human.’ This must be a female Nrantian. From conversations with the other people from Earth, Payi had gleaned that Wbem and Jupi were both females while Aste, Yoha, and Oreg were males. She tried to observe the differences between the males and the females of the species. The only thing she could see was that Aste, Yoha, and Oreg all had triangular shaped faces while Huma, Wbem, and Jupi had round faces. She decided to ask.

  “So, since I’m new here, I’m trying to figure everything out. How do you tell whether the Nrantians are male or female?” Payi asked hoping that she wasn’t asking a really dumb question. “I see they have different shaped faces. Am I missing something else?”

  “I noticed that males are left handed, and females are right-handed,” Erik mentioned leaning in to speak quietly.

  “Has anyone noticed that females don’t have a lighter colored streak down their fur on their backs? Srah asked.

  The group of humans fell quiet as they all rotated to look at the Nrantians standing next to Oreg’s home casually talking. “That’s not a good sign,” Aste observed. “All the humans are looking at us. What in the world are they talking about?”

  “It’s time for the Keepers to round up their humans,” Huma observed. “We’ll get them back together soon. Oreg, thank you for sharing your human. I have never seen Pien talk so much. I know he has felt alone.”

  All the Keepers walked to the circle and picked up their humans despite all their protests and wiggles to get down. Each Keeper stopped to talk to Payi and welcome her to Nrantia. Payi heard many compliments given to Oreg about her intelligence and language ability. Payi just turned red and began to hide her face against Oreg. He kindly patted her quobon-cushioned bottom and said their goodbyes to the visitors.

  Chapter 19

  Oreg carried his human back in the house. She’d had a busy day. From the invasive doctor’s visit to meeting some of the Keepers in their area, Payi had expended a lot of energy. He sat her in the high chair at the table and arranged a variety of foods in front of her along with a bottle full of nourishing liquid.

  Payi was settling into her new routine nicely. She drank her bottle without question and tried the new foods that Oreg placed in front of her while still preferring some tastes that were now becoming familiar to her. As her tummy filled, Payi began to yawn and rub her tired eyes. After washing her face free of all traces of dinner, Oreg carried Payi back to her room. He removed her clothing and helped her use her quobon before removing it.

  Oreg picked up the reading device and lubricated it thoroughly. Despite Payi’s protests, he separated her buttocks and pressed the device into her rectum. It whirled and processed as Oreg wiped her body clean from her head to her toes. As it flashed important results on the wall computer, Oreg read quickly and pressed a button. A tube of golden liquid emerged from a slot in the wall. Oreg quickly removed the reading device and pressed the cylinder into her bottom.

  Payi rocked her hips and tried to push out the cylinder. At each of her moves, it pressed itself further into her rectum until her anus clenched over the top of it covering it from view. Payi could feel it inside her. It seemed to be injecting a squirt of fluid into her rectum every few seconds. “What is that? Can you take it out?” she asked quickly.

  “Your body needs some supplemental nutrition. The cylinder will stay inside your bottom until all the medicine is released and then the tubing will dissolve as your body absorbs it. You will feel even better tomorrow. Now, it’s time to sleep.” Oreg explained. He wrapped a new quobon around her hips and transferred h
er over to her bed. Kissing her lips tenderly, Oreg laid her down and covered her with the soft blanket. She mumbled protests and turned over on her tummy. She was asleep before the transparent shield was lowered into place.

  Chapter 20

  Payi was beginning to understand her schedule. She would soundly sleep until Oreg entered her room and lifted the transparent shield. She was embarrassed to find that each morning she would awake with a wet quobon. Oreg would change her quobon and clean her thoroughly. He acted as if this was normal behavior and soon, Payi was beginning to adjust to urinating in her quobon. She would have breakfast and then spend as much time as Oreg would allow absorbing everything the computer allowed her to learn.

  Oreg would drag her away from the computer and carry her outside to play on the beautiful Nrantian trawl. She played on her swing often. Her favorite days were when Oreg would carry her to visit another Keeper and his human. Somehow it made her feel more human to be around others that had been brought to Nrantia as well.

  After lunch, Oreg would warm cuthrim juice insert it in Payi’s bottom. He enjoyed the feel of her small body draped over his lap with her bottom pointed up so that he could easily access her rectum. Payi did not enjoy this. Frequently, she was spanked until her bottom was red and she was crying. Only then would she stopped wiggling and allow Oreg to insert the medicinal juice. He would rock Payi until she fell asleep for her afternoon nap.

  When she woke up and had released the cuthrim juice into her quobon, it was time for the anal sensory probe. Payi tried to pretend that she didn’t want Oreg to treat her intestines in this way but she experienced numerous orgasms as it deeply invaded her intestine deeply and emitted its arousing vibration and hum. She was embarrassed to react so strongly to this treatment until she noticed that Oreg’s neeblings would emerge from his body attesting to his arousal.

  Payi’s menstrual cycle came and passed. She worried about dealing with her period, but Oreg relieved her of any responsibility. He changed her quobon frequently and massaged her back and abdomen when she had cramps. He placed her tranquilizer in her mouth when she became upset or negative as her hormone levels changed. Payi compared her painful periods on Earth when she was unhappy and prone to overreacting with her new life where Oreg made everything easier and more pleasant for her. She easily concluded that her life on Nrantia was much easier and satisfying.

  Her relationship with Oreg continued to grow. He took his position as her Keeper very seriously, and his life revolved around making her happy and taking care of her health. Oreg had learned her body’s reactions so well that he could slowly coax her into an orgasm or blast through all her defenses and force her into an explosion of sensation in a very short time. Payi often noticed that his neeblings would extend from his abdomen demonstrating his arousal. She had tried to talk to Oreg repeatedly about the possibility of a physical relationship, but he would answer that they had not been sealed together. When she asked what that was, he would distract her in some way letting her use the computer, play outside, or visit another human. Payi was puzzled by this but didn’t know what to do.

  Payi remembered that Dr. Irte had instructed that she return following her period. One afternoon after her nap, Oreg did not insert the anal sensory probe, but he pressed a large nozzle into her anus announcing that it was time for a cleansing. He held her on his lap with her legs held up in the arm by one strong hand with another pressed between her bare breasts to hold her in place.

  “Payi, you are doing very well. Your body is filling with the cleansing fluid much easier than your first cleansing. Dr. Irte will be very pleased that the sensory probe has worked so well to heal your tummy. It is possible that he will allow us to choose to seal together,” Oreg said smiling as he rubbed her abdomen spreading the cleanser deep into her intestines.

  “What does that mean, Oreg? You’ve said something about sealing before. I tried to look it up on the computer, and it was blocked,” Payi said peevishly. She didn’t understand what the mystery was around the sealing.

  “Only Keepers and their humans who can establish a very close relationship are permitted to be sealed together. It is a commitment for the rest of their lives. Neither the Keeper or the human can survive without the other following a sealing. It is a big step. I have known from the first day that you are the only one for me. I changed my life so that I could have you with me forever. Whether to become sealed or not is an easy decision for me. For you, it may not be easy. I want you to think about this. Tomorrow we go to Dr. Irte. You will need to tell him your decision. If you say yes, we continue living as we have but there will be a greater bond between us. If you say no, you will either choose to live with me but I will only be able to touch you as required to tend to you. I will not be able to explore your sweet body and help you find pleasure. Or you can choose to leave my home and be assigned another Keeper who might be a better match for sealing.”

  Oreg did not allow her to ask any questions distracting her from both the cleansing and the thoughts of sealing herself to him. As before, Oreg filled her body with the stinging cleanser replacing the nozzle with a plug when the liquid had completely entered. With her anus clenching around the thick, anal plug, Oreg ran his talented fingers across her clitoris and labia. “You are so wet for me, Payi,” he noted before lifting her body so that her legs draped over his shoulders and her head was supported by his strong legs. Oreg sniffed deeply, “I could never forget your sweet aroma, Payi. I hope I’ll be privileged to scent you for the rest of our lives,” he met her eyes and held them as he lowered his mouth between her thighs to taste her juices and use his talented tongue to bring her to a rapid orgasm.

  Repeatedly she climaxed before he lowered her softly into his arms, cradling her small body. He held her close to him for a long time allowing the cleanser to work thoroughly. He was very proud to see that she trusted him enough to fall asleep in his arms despite the cleanser that filled her tummy.

  Chapter 21

  Oreg carried his precious human tightly against his chest for the trip to see Dr. Irte. Once in the office, he unwrapped her from the shielding blanket and removed her quobon so that she would be ready for her exam. He continued to hold her against his chest. Oreg paced across the exam room floor.

  Dr. Irte entered and greeted both Oreg and Payi. He conducted his thorough exam finding that the problem spots that had appeared on her inner intestinal walls had improved greatly. “Oreg, you have done a good job using the cuthrim juice and the anal sensory probe. Continue using them from time to time, say every third pinkness. That should maintain her healing.”

  The doctor looked seriously at Oreg. “Are you ready for the sealing ceremony?”

  Oreg replied immediately, “I knew the first time I saw Payi that she was the one for me. I am ready.”

  Dr. Irte turned to look at Payi with his shrewdly observant eyes. “And you, little human? Are you ready for the sealing?”

  She cleared her throat as she felt both sets of eyes lock on her as she sat nude on the examination table. “I’m not sure exactly what the sealing is. . . And I suppose you can’t tell me before I make my decision?” she looked to both Nrantians. When they both shook their heads to indicate ‘no,” Payi said slowly, “I trust Oreg. I could have been very lost in a new world with new practices without him. I do not wish to have another Keeper. I wish to stay with Oreg for as long as I can. It sounds like sealing is the way to do this,” she spoke softly yet decisively.

  Payi watched the largest smile she had ever seen spread across Oreg’s mouth. He started toward her only to be stopped by the arm extended by Dr. Irte. Payi was shocked to see that the stern doctor was also smiling. Her shoulder relaxed releasing the stress of making a life-altering choice about something that she didn’t understand.

  “Lie back, Payi,” the doctor instructed gently. He placed her feet on extensions that slid smoothly from the sides of the exam table. This spread her thighs widely displaying her private areas between her legs. The bottom third
of the table dropped leaving her weight supported by her shoulders and her feet. The doctor stood between her legs and applied a slippery fluid to vagina pressing two fingers in deeply to reach all the delicate tissues. He then lubricated her clenched anus saying gently, “Relax, little human. Oreg will take good care of you, but you will find more pleasure if you do not try to close your bottom.” He pressed a cylinder of lubricant through her inner sphincter and injected warm fluid.

  Payi watched in confusion as Dr. Irte stepped back and went around one bent leg to stand at her side carefully watching as Oreg walked forward to stand closely between her legs. Payi looked down between her legs and saw Oreg stroking his fully exposed neeblings.

  “I have looked forward to this sealing from the first time I saw your beautiful face and body. Thank you for choosing me as I chose you,” Oreg solemnly said as he pressed his top neebling toward her vagina. Dr. Irte adjusted the position of his neebling at the entrance of Payi’s vagina and then spread a warm thick potion first around her entrance and then, around the tip of the erect neebling. The doctor nodded at Oreg, and the Keeper began to press his large neebling into Payi’s vagina.

  Payi could feel the burn of the sensitive tissues stretching to allow Oreg inside her. She was embarrassed that Dr. Irte was watching and touching both of them. She bucked her hips up when she felt the second neebling press against her anus.

  Oreg held her body down on the table. “I know, Payi. It is overwhelming. Soon, we will be fully together. Relax, little human. Trust your Keeper. Trust me,” he said leaning in to kiss her.

  Entranced by Oreg’s kiss, Payi relaxed allowing Dr. Irte to spread the potion around her anus and on Oreg’s lower neebling. The doctor held the neeblings in place adjusting them slightly to align with Payi’s vagina and anus as Oreg pressed inward with determination and care.


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