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The Keepers Collection

Page 9

by Pepper North

  “Ooooohhh,” Payi groaned at the almost painful stretch of both orifices. She could feel the thick potion warming her inner tissues and relaxing them as Oreg slid further inside. Finally, she could feel the brush of his fur against her inner thighs.

  “I’m almost there, Payi. Take a deep breath . . . And let it out slowly,” he kissed her again. When she exhaled, Oreg surged inside fully inserting his neeblings. Payi’s eyes flew open and met his. “Just feel,” he told her with warmth in his eyes.

  Payi began to feel the neeblings in her body move. They widened and narrowed within her channels. “Oreg?” she said shocked. The control he had over his neeblings was astonishing. Her head fell back against the table as both neeblings began to vibrate. Oreg neeblings didn’t move in and out of her but moved within her body. The vibrations reached her clitoris and stimulated her more than she ever believed was possible.

  “Just feel,” he responded as he looked at her beautiful body. Her hands clasped two of his hands. Her nipples were tightly gathered and thrust into the air attesting to her arousal. Oreg leaned over to roll the right nipple in his mouth before repeating his actions to the left.

  They were both aware of Dr. Irte standing close to monitor their sealing. At times, he would readjust Oreg to match her openings. He spread additional thick potion on the base of Oreg’s neeblings.

  It did not take long for Payi to orgasm for the first time. She screamed Oreg’s name as the pleasure crashed over her. Again, and again, she climaxed until her body was limp on the exam table. Finally, she felt herself be lifted and held against Oreg’s soft fur. Payi wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her head in the hollow of his shoulder.

  Dr. Irte patted Oreg on the shoulder. “I was a pleasure to assist you and Payi in the sealing. I wish you many happy years to come.” He wrapped a soft blanket around their shoulders covering both of their bodies. “Go home and enjoy the sealing,” he opened the door allowing Oreg to carry Payi from the room. Everyone,waiting to see the doctor, had formed a line outside the door. Everyone smiled, wished them well, and patted Oreg or Payi on the shoulder as he walked to the door.

  Payi thought she should be embarrassed, but Oreg’s neeblings moved in her body with his every step. She barely restrained it, crying out softly as another orgasm overtook her as he walked out the door.

  Chapter 22

  Oreg walked slowing trying not to jar his human. His neeblings were very happy. They enjoyed every climax by Payi as she squeezed her muscles tightly around them. Finally, when they reached Oreg’s home, Oreg carried them into his bedroom and onto his large bed. He laid on his back with the tiny Payi stretched across his torso. He watched her carefully as she slid into an exhausted nap. His eyes remained fixed on her as he let her sleep.

  He had never expected to feel so much for this little human female. She had accepted his neeblings into her body stretching to accommodate his mass. Even now as she slept draped over his body, he could feel her body reacting to his continued invasion of her soft body. He would have more to explain to her when she awoke, but for now, he enjoyed the squeeze of her body.

  Oreg allowed himself to doze lightly. When he felt Payi beginning to stir, he immediately opened his eyes to watch her expressive face. She wiggled a little to the left and then back to the right trying to figure out why her body wasn’t moving from its anchored spot. Oreg could tell the minute she realized that they were still joined as she froze before her eyes flashed open to meet his.

  “Payi, you know own my heart and my body. I have never known such joy as I feel now. Our sealing is still fresh and new but I know I will treasure you for all the pinknesses and greennesses to come,” Oreg said solemnly.

  “Ummm. . .” Payi tried to figure out how to ask and finally just was direct. “You are still inside me. We had sex in front of Dr. Irte. He was touching us both. What was that stuff? Is it normal that you’re still in me?” she asked in a tumble of words as she turned red.

  Pulling her mouth to his, Oreg kissed his little human deeply. He moaned as her body clenched on his in the enjoyment of his kisses. “My neeblings are enjoying being inside you. I hope you are experiencing enjoyment as well?”

  “Ummm . . . Yes, Oreg. I am enjoying your neeblings being inside of me as well. Is it normal that they’re still inside me? I can’t slide off,” she said with a little panic in her voice.

  “Relax, little one. It is normal for my neeblings to be inside of you frequently now that we had had our sealing. Dr. Irte was pleased to help us with the sealing. I take it this is different on Earth. You do not require a doctor to be present so that the male’s sexual organs can be positioned correctly?”

  “What? No! On Earth, men only have one penis. It’s pretty well positioned the way it becomes erect. There usually isn’t anyone else present unless the people are into kinky stuff,” she answered avoiding his eyes.

  “Ahhhh! Now I understand. A Nrantian male has two neeblings. When he meets the female with whom he wishes to be sealed, a third person assists the couple by anointing them with the sealing compound and helping place the neeblings correctly. The sealing compound holds the couple together for several hours allowing the Nrantian male’s body to adjust and move his neeblings into the correct locations to fit his female’s body and to bring the maximum pleasure. This happens only once. That is why it is so important to know that the coupling will last for life.”

  “So, you can’t have sex with anyone else?” Payi asked as the information began to register in her brain.

  “No, Payi. It will be my goal in life to bring you great happiness and sexual satisfaction,” Oreg said with a happy smile.

  “And Dr. Irte was there to spread the sealing compound on us. What does the sealing compound do exactly?” Payi asked nervously.

  “When two Nrantians are sealed, the seal remains until the couple conceives a young one – a baby, I think you call it. For a Keeper and his human, the seal remains until the human’s secretions dissolve the bond. That usually takes a full cycle of pinkness and greenness.” Oreg flipped them over so that Payi was positioned on her back with her legs curled around his body. “Let me help you enjoy our bond,” he said softly before beginning to move his neeblings inside her.

  The vibration and increase in width and length of his neeblings thrilled Payi. Her eyes closed in the enjoyment of the sensual dance happening inside her body. When Oreg’s mouth closed on her tightly clenched nipples, Payi’s body arched into his with a massive climax. Goodness, if she survived all this pleasure, she would beg to do it all again.

  She realized that she had spoken aloud when Oreg answered. “Payi, you will never need to beg me for gratification. I plan on pleasuring you often,” he fondly said. Then he added, But, you can always beg me for more.” Oreg laughed as Payi’s hands covered her face to hide from him.

  Payi learned over the next Nrantian day that Oreg could be very creative. It turns out that Yoha had suggested a new use for the swing outside. Srah had enjoyed it so much that he felt Oreg should know. The table in the dining room could hold the weight of one small human easily when Payi’s arousal during meal time had caused her body to begin squeezing Oreg’s neeblings. He was very glad to indulge her needs with several orgasms. As it turns out, neither of them were particularly hungry for food.

  With regret that the special sealing time had elapsed, Oreg helped his sleeping human settle softly by his side when the sealing compound eventually released as they lay in his large bed. Oreg leaned over to reach the quobon that he had known would be needed soon. He wrapped it around her small bottom before tucking her against him and holding her close. Oreg broadly smiled when he heard his little human mumble, “I love you, Papa.” He had waited a long time for Payi to decide that she could call him, Papa.


  Payi played outside with her new human friends. Srah had become her best friend, and the two talked about everything much to the chagrin of their Keepers. Most of the time, the small pack of humans e
njoyed just sitting and talking, but sometimes they played silly games that they remembered from childhood. Today, Evik had suggested that they play hide and go seek. Srah and Payi were delighted by the idea, and they soon explained to the others how to play.

  Pien was it. He closed his eyes by leaning against his Keeper, Huma. She promised not to tell him where everyone decided to hide. As he started counting in Swedish, the others scattered. Rux tried to hide behind a Varitus tree, but his padded quobon stuck out from his bottom and made him easy to spot. The Keepers were enjoying this game almost as much as the humans. Crin tried laying down in a thick patch of trawl. Her black hair stood out from the bright blue giving away her location. Srah climbed under Yoha’s chair and hid behind his furry legs. She was well hidden, but Yoha’s hairy legs kept tickling her nose and making her sneeze. Evik decided to climb the straps that suspended the swing, he didn’t count on the lines being slippery, and he slid like a fireman down to the ground just in time for Pien to finish counting and turn around.

  Pien was running around tagging everyone as fast as he could before they could reach the designated safe spot. Everyone stopped instantly as Payi’s scream of “Papa!” echoed through the air. Oreg immediately stood and raced into the thicker foliage a little further from home. He called her name repeatedly as he crashed across the trawl. Another scream came from his right, he adjusted his run and caught a glimpse of Yoha and Jupi running behind him. He was glad the others had stayed with the humans to keep them safe.

  Oreg instantaneously stopped when he saw a large derisp stalking toward his little Payi. She stood shaking against a Varitus plant with her hands behind her back. He would never get to her in time. He watched the derisp sink down as it prepared to jump on his cornered prey. Just as it leaped, Payi swung her hands from behind her back with all her force meeting the derisp with a long, thick branch from a Unene tree. Oreg roared as he watched the little human’s blow rip the head off the attacking derisp. Thick blood from the dying creature arced in the air coating Payi from head to toe.

  Oreg stalked forward to pick his human up in his arms, hugging her tightly to his fur. He tried not to laugh as Payi looked disgusted and tried to scoop the thick goo from her outfit. “Yuck! I really hate those derisps!” she exclaimed. Oreg lost the battle to restrain his laughter as Yoha and Jupi joined them looking incredulous that the small human had defeated such an aggressive foe.

  Of course, Payi earned a spanking and had to stand on the naughty spot for leaving the Oreg’s eyesight. Her attempts to explain the whole purpose of the game HIDE and GO seek were totally lost on him; she thought as she rubbed her sore bottom. She was proud of herself for being a vicious derisp killer. She’d gotten a few more spanks from Oreg when she refused to promise that she’d leave the derisp killing to the Nrantians. “It turns out my street cred in Nrantia outshines my reputation on Earth,” she thought, giggling a little. She peeked out of the corner of her eye at Oreg. He’d been so concerned about her. She’d known that she loved him for a while, but now, she knew he loved her back. “Maybe getting taken by the Nrantians was her lucky break,” she thought as her Keeper called her to come to the gliding chair. She looked forward to reassuring Oreg that she was fine by playing a little hide and seek neeblings later.

  Part II

  The Keepers: Pien


  Huma stood in the receiving bay of the space center. She tried to look calm and collected, but inside her seven-foot body, she was a bundle of excitement and nerves. Many cycles ago, she had completed the complicated forms and submitted all the information required to be considered as a Keeper. Only a very small number of Nrantians qualified to become Keepers. Of that elite group, even fewer were ever matched with a human. She was here to be matched with the small human whom she would tend carefully for the remainder of his life. The responsibility was enormous, but Huma knew the rewards would be even greater. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, practicing once again the human expression called smiling.

  Chapter 23

  Last week, she’d pressed her hand to the panel next to her outer door to answer a calling. She was startled to find an inspection crew at her home. They swept in without any notice and took an entire pinkness and greenness to examine her home and the nursery that she had prepared for her human. Huma had stood straight and proud next to the front door without a single movement. She did not wish to jeopardize her impossibly lucky honor. She knew that if everything passed their inspection, she would bring a human home to tend for the rest of his or her life. This was the dream of many and the reality of a very select few.

  Finally, the inspectors had gathered in her largest room. They compared notes and quietly discussed their findings in low voices that were impossible for Huma to hear. She held her breath, hoping with every bit of energy in her body. When the lead inspector turned, the decision glowed on his triangular face. As he walked over to her vigilant position, Huma released her breath silently. When he extended his top arm on his dominant side, Huma knew that she had not only passed, but that she had passed with the highest honors.

  She allowed herself to smile at the inspectors as she thanked them for their consideration and dedication to safeguarding the precious humans. They all patted her on the back and congratulated her. She was given the instruction to attend the Keepers’ Institute starting the next pinkness. The legendary Oreg would lead her classes. Her human would arrive in four pinknesses. She had many preparations to complete.

  Once the inspectors had left, she allowed herself a brief minute to celebrate. She danced around her large living room, swinging her arms around in joy. Finally winded, she stopped to wrap her arms around herself. She had been chosen. Her life now had a new purpose. She would be a Keeper! Huma walked to the nursery that she had designed so meticulously for her human. Without ever knowing if she would even be chosen, she had designed the nursery for a special human male. She had not been notified of the sex of the human whom she would tend. Somehow, she knew that he would be male. She sat in the large gliding chair and allowed herself to dream.

  Chapter 24

  The next pinkness, she arrived at the Keepers’ training center to begin her first class with Oreg. Walking into the training room, she discovered that there were four other Keepers in training attending the classes. As they all congratulated each other, Oreg entered the room. They quickly straightened to alert status and greeted Oreg with the traditional Keepers’ greeting. “It is an honor to meet you, Keeper. May you have the skill and devotion to protect your human at all costs.”

  Oreg inclined his head toward them and waved a careless hand to indicate that they should sit. He was an average-sized Nrantian, but his reputation as the undisputed expert on facilitating human adaptation to their world filled the room. Virtually all the humans who survived past a hundred Nrantian lora had been assisted in their transition by Oreg or someone he had trained. Oreg did not waste any time. “Welcome to the most important training you will ever undertake. You have been chosen to be a Keeper. Your final pairing with your human will only occur if I feel that you are ready and able to accept the responsibility of this job. With that said, let’s get started. The humans are slated to awaken from stasis in three pinknesses. We have a lot to discuss.” With a wave, the tops of their desks began to glow with the first topics: Transition, Tools of Acclimation, Early Challenges.

  By the end of the first pinkness, all the Keeper trainees were staggering under the load of information that had been shared with them. Their instructions were to return to their homes to eat a nutritious dinner before putting in a special code to their computer learning systems. They were to listen to this as they slept to internalize the training. During the second day, they would focus on Training, Nutrition, and Rewards. It would be followed by another round with the learning system. The following day, they would be introduced to their human.

  On the second day, they had a few very important guest speakers. Several Keepers from surrounding areas at
tended with their precious humans to illustrate techniques and share challenges. Their humans were very shy around the unfamiliar Nrantians except for one adorable blond-haired male. He had walked right up to Huma and climbed up on her lap to cuddle against her warm chest. She had instantly fallen in love with him. The new Keepers had already previously decided that the most challenging of all the possible personality traits of humans would be the stubborn, I-have-to-do-it-myself type. Huma immediately changed her mind when the blond’s Keeper pointed out to her the danger of the human being stolen or damaged. He was so friendly that his Keeper had greenness terrors in his sleep that an evil Nrantian would just carry the human away.

  Huma thrived on the training. She absorbed all the information like a magriri plant. She spoke to Oreg often, asking for his advice and opinions of the different theories of human-raising. The two developed a friendship that Huma hoped would continue after her training. She had a feeling it would.

  Chapter 25

  Finally, on the third pinkness, Huma stood in the receiving bay in line with the three other Keepers who had passed the training. One of the trainees had broken under the immense pressure and had voluntarily withdrawn. This was not a job for everyone. Huma was impressed that out of the five trainees, Oreg had inspired four to undertake this massive responsibility. He had mysteriously spoken of the rewards of the caretaker’s job. They would need to discover this for themselves he had informed them.

  She stood straight and strong as the ship docked. A large cargo door opened, and three stasis beds were wheeled toward the new Keepers. The four new Keepers looked at each other in concern, watching the cargo door to see if another stasis bed would emerge. It did not. The Chief Medical Officer stopped in front of Oreg. The two men talked briefly before Oreg turned around with the bad news written on his face. He walked to the new Keeper on the far left. Huma tried to keep her eyes trained on the stasis beds, but at the sound of pure grief, she turned to see her classmate sag with emotion. The purple of his fur turned a dull, dark shade from the grief that filled his body. Tears flooded Huma’s eyes. His human had not survived the long journey. Oreg comforted him and called forth another Keeper to escort him home.


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