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Marcus (Signature Sweethearts Book 6)

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by Kelsie Rae


  Signature Sweethearts Series

  Kelsie Rae

  Copyright © 2019 Kelsie Rae

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters, and events are fictitious in every regard. Any similarities to actual events and persons living or dead, are purely coincidental. Any trademarks, service marks, product names, or named features are assumed to be the property of their respective owners, and are used only for reference. The reproduction of this book in whole or part, electronically or mechanically, constitutes a copyright violation.

  Cover Art by Sly Fox Cover Designs

  Editing by My Brother’s Editor

  Proofreading by Stephanie Taylor

  April 2019 Edition

  Published in the United States of America


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33


  Sneak Peek

  Chapter One

  Dear Reader

  About the Author

  To Remy the Rat from Ratatouille

  Thank you for teaching the importance of stepping out of our comfort zones to pursue our dreams!



  Moving in with my little sister's best friend isn't the brightest thing I've ever done. In fact, I'm pretty sure you can have me committed for accepting the offer. I've been in love with her for as long as I can remember, and I've been able to keep my hands to myself for all these years.

  But now? Now, she’s moving on without me and I’m scrambling to keep up without letting her slip through my fingers when she’s always been out of reach.

  I’m going to fight for her.

  I just hope I’m not too late.


  The guy I've been in love with since I was a little girl is officially shacking up in my spare bedroom. Pretty sure I'm breaking every rule in the book by having him sleep under my roof, but it doesn't matter anymore. Not when I've already let go of my silly crush to pursue other dreams that don't involve a sexy guy who has only ever seen me as his little sister's shadow.

  No, it's time to let him go and move on.

  I just hope I can.

  Chapter One


  Me: How’d the dr appt go?

  Soph: Good. They’re growing like little weeds. I’m getting huge!

  I chuckle to myself as I picture my fairy-sized sister growing two tiny humans inside her miniature frame.

  Me: That sounds promising. Does the doctor honestly think you’re going to be able to fit two in there?

  We found out a few months ago that not only is my kid sister pregnant, but she’s having twins. I guess we shouldn’t be too surprised, since we have a set of younger twin sisters too. Apparently, they run in the family.

  Soph: Hey!! I’m gonna rock the baby belly! Just you wait, mister!

  My mouth turns into a full-on grin.

  Me: I have no doubt.

  My thumbs hover over the screen on my phone as I have the same debate with myself that I’ve had since I found out she was pregnant. I want to move closer to her. We grew up in California together with our family. Almost a year ago, however, she and her best friend, Natalie, decided to move to New York for some life experience. I roll my eyes at the thought. If she counts getting knocked up from a one-night stand life experience, then sure. Seems like she succeeded.

  Regardless, she’s my little sister, and we’ve always been inseparable. I know her boyfriend is a good guy, but that doesn’t seem to make a difference to my over-protective alter-ego––aka Big Brother. I need to be there for her. Especially because she’s having twins.

  What the hell is she gonna do with twins? I groan at the thought. Sophie’s always been a handful. She’s a little reckless. A believer in flying by the seat of her pants. A spontaneous little shit that’s gotten herself into trouble more times than I can count. I’ve never worried too much, though, because she had me and Natalie looking after her. But now? Now, she has her boyfriend. The guy who knocked her up in the first place and decided to stick around.

  For now, anyway. I still can’t decide how I feel about him.

  Regardless, Sophie being a mom is enough to bring out my brotherly instinct. I normally keep it in check but...I want to be there for her. For her little family.

  Shit. Sophie’s going to be a mom. The reminder is enough to shove my ass in gear and type the message to broach the subject I’ve been dreading to bring up. Procrastinate much?

  Me: Question.

  I hit send before I can stop myself then grab the packing tape and close the last box in the house that isn’t mine anymore.

  My cell phone vibrates seconds later.

  Soph: Answer.

  Me: What are your thoughts about me changing my scenery?

  Soph: ??? Huh?

  I laugh. Way to make me spell it out, Soph.

  Me: I’ve been thinking about selling my house…maybe trying a new city. You know I’m not great at sticking in one place for long.

  Soph: And when you say “new city” do you mean…THE new city?

  Me: Would you be mad if I did?

  Hitting send, I pray that she won’t be pissed at my overprotectiveness. And won’t question how I was able to sell my house in less than twenty-four hours, since that’s when my flight leaves. Yeah, I’m definitely going to leave out the part where I’ve already sold it...and that I need to be out by the end of the week.

  The dots appear on my screen, telling me she’s typing something as I sit on pins and needles. I should probably focus on something else while I wait for her reply but….

  Soph: Are you saying what I think you’re saying?

  Me: Maybe….

  A picture message appears seconds later. It’s a selfie of Sophie with a big-assed grin on her face, instantly calming my nerves.

  Me: So I take that as a…you don’t mind?

  Soph: Hell no! That sounds amazing!!! I’d love for my two little peanuts to live close to their favorite uncle!

  I roll my eyes knowing that I’m also their only uncle. But she likes to leave that part out.

  Me: K. You cool if I come and stay with you until I find a place?

  I cringe as I hit send, because we both know that I can afford to stay in a hotel for a while, but I want to be close to watch over her. To take care of her.

  Soph: You know you’re always welcome. But you’ll have to take the couch. Our tiny two-bedroom apartment isn’t much bigger than a couple of closets.

  She’s talking about her and Natalie’s place in New York City. And she’s not wrong. That place is tiny.

  Me: No worries. My flight leaves tomorrow. See you then.

  I put my cell back on the table when it vibrates again.

  My brows furrow as I reach for it and open our conversation.

  Soph: You’re not gonna ask about Noo

  Releasing a sigh, my fingers tap against the screen before deleting the message and starting over a dozen times. Noogie is Sophie’s best friend. Her real name is Natalie, but my little sister has a habit of nicknaming people. I don’t know where Noogie originated from, other than the fact that Nat hates it with her entire being, which means it’s naturally what I call her too.

  I can’t decide how to answer Sophie’s question. Why? Because it’s Natalie. I’ve been attracted to her since she hit puberty and had liked hanging out with her even before then. We were actually pretty close for a while there. The three of us would hang out all the time until they decided other guys their age were cooler than Sophie’s big brother. It didn’t sting too much, because, let’s be honest, I didn’t struggle to find girls to spend my time with. But still.

  None of them were Natalie, so none of them ever really mattered.

  I take a second to crack my neck from side to side before replying. I hate that I don’t have the courage to ask if she’s okay. If she’s dating anyone. If she ever asks about me. Typing a message, I loathe myself a little more with every word I send into the cyber world, because each and every one of them is a lie.

  Me: Why would I ask about her?

  Rolling my shoulders, I tell myself to put the phone on the counter but do the opposite. Instead, I cling to it like it’s a lifeline to an infinite amount of possibilities. All of which include Natalie. Maybe Sophie will throw me a bone and tell me how her friend is doing, even though I’m an ass and refuse to ask her myself.

  When my phone vibrates, I scramble to open the message.

  Another picture comes through, making me laugh when Sophie’s bossy face fills my screen with her middle finger on perfect display as she flips me off. Shaking my head, I refuse to admit I’m a little disappointed it isn’t another one of Natalie in a towel. Sophie had sent that gem to me a couple of months ago while they were in the Maldives for her friend, Indie’s, wedding.

  The image of Natalie with her hair piled on top of her head and a towel wrapped around her curvy body, water clinging to her damp skin from the shower, is still hidden away on my phone. Sometimes, when I’m feeling particularly weak, I look at it, and my mind wanders to all the possible outcomes if I ever considered pursuing her. However, anytime I do, the guilt quickly follows. Another text comes through, and it brings me back to the present.

  Soph: You’re an ass. See you tomorrow.

  I toss my phone to the side and finish packing, with images of the Natalie I used to know filtering through my mind.

  Chapter Two


  Grabbing my mail, I begin to sort through the thick stack of bills when my phone rings in my purse.

  Hastily, I shove the copious amounts of bills under my arm before rifling through my bag until I can find my cell.

  When I see Sophie’s name, I grin widely before answering the phone. “Hey, you!”

  “Hey!” she returns. “Do you have a minute?”

  My steps falter for a split second before I answer. “Sure. What’s up?”

  “So…you know how I haven’t quite had the chance to tell Marcus about me moving in with Nathan?”

  I tilt my head in consideration before pinning my phone between my shoulder and ear as I search for my keys. “Yeah?”

  “And you know how anytime he comes to visit, he always stays on our couch?”

  I pause, my eyes narrowing as suspicion courses through me. “Yeah….”

  “Well, he’s decided to come visit. Again.”

  Finding my keys, I shove them into the lock before twisting the nob and heading into my lonely two-bedroom apartment.

  “Okay…what does that have to do with me? You’ve got the three-bedroom apartment with Nathan. He can just stay there, right?”

  “Well…” she hedges.

  My fingers tighten around my phone as I shift it to my other ear. “Well what, Soph?”

  “You’re mad. I can tell you’re mad. And I haven’t even told you yet. Never mind. Forget I said anything.”

  I toss my purse and keys onto the kitchen counter near the front door as I wait for her to continue. We both know that she’s not going to drop it until she’s given me the whole enchilada.

  This time, the silence creeps in, right along with the guilt for my short temper.

  Sighing, I make sure to soften my tone before probing further. “You can tell me, Soph. Sorry I’m a bit snippy. It’s just been a long day….”

  She releases a deep breath through the speaker. “I know, and that’s all my fault. I swear these doctor appointments aren’t going to last forever. One day, you’ll be free and clear from covering my ass every four weeks. Promise!”

  I laugh dryly. “Yeah, soon it’ll be every two weeks then weekly, and then maternity leave, and that’s if you even come—”

  “Oh shush! I’ve had enough of your pessimism, Noogie! Now, who put the stick up your butt so I can send my pregnancy wrath their way?”

  Grinning, I roll my eyes before hunting for something to eat in this damn apartment. Unfortunately, the cupboards are pretty bare. “No one put a stick up my butt, Tink. Sorry I’m grouchy.” Her nickname slides past my lips without thought. The girl is almost an exact replica of the pixie from Peter Pan. Short blonde hair? Check. Tiny? Check. Spit-fire personality? Double check.

  Her forgiveness is instant. “You’re fine, Noogie. You’re allowed to be grouchy. I’m just sorry I’m not there to cheer you up. Sounds like you could use a friend right now, and I’ve been kind of absent. That’s my fault, not yours. What if we all go out for drinks or something this weekend?” she suggests.

  I pinch the bridge of my nose before opening the fridge. Seeing an old pizza box from last weekend, I dig in, not even bothering to heat up the food in the microwave. “When you say we all, I assume you mean us and the guys, right?”

  “Oh, umm…” she stumbles. “It could just be us. Not a big deal.”

  “And when you say drinks, you mean…what exactly? You’re pregnant, Soph. What are you going to order?”

  Silence greets me for a solid ten seconds before I pull my phone away from my ear to make sure we didn’t get disconnected.

  Nope. She’s still there.

  “Ouch,” she replies honestly.

  Tossing the almost empty pizza box onto the counter, I press my hand against the chipped Formica and take a deep breath in through my nose while making a mental effort to picture my lungs expanding. It’s always helped me in the past to center myself.

  “I’m sorry, Soph. I don’t know where that came from. Seriously. I must be about to start my period or something. Plus, there isn’t any food in this damn apartment, so I think that’s factoring into my moodiness too. I’d love to go to dinner or grab drinks or whatever you want. And I’d love for Nathan and Rhett to come too.”

  Nathan is Sophie’s boyfriend. The one who knocked her up during a one-night stand and ended up sweeping her off her feet all over again a couple months ago at my other friend, Indie’s, wedding.

  I really do like the guy, even though he was a bit of an ass in the beginning. But that doesn’t mean I don’t miss girls’ nights too. I get it. Their relationship is still so new. Doesn’t mean it isn’t hard to see my best friend move on without me, though.

  Sophie and I? We’ve done everything together. Hell, we even joked about joint weddings when we were younger, because we love each other so freaking much.

  And now? Now she’s in a serious relationship, and she’s pregnant with twins. It’s rough. Selfish. But rough, nonetheless.

  “I actually think it’d be pretty great if it were a girls’ night,” Sophie agrees. “Let me send a text to Indie, and we’ll see if we can figure out a time, okay?”

  I sigh as guilt eats away at my lower gut. “You sure? I don’t want to throw anyone off or anything….” My voice trails off, leaving me a pathetic mess who feels like she has to beg to have her friends come hang out with her.

ie mimics my sigh through the speaker, boosting my guilt to a whole new level. “You okay, Noogie?” she asks point-blank.

  “Yeah. Of course.”

  I can almost see Sophie’s eyes narrowing on the other end of the line. “I call bullshit, babe. What’s going on?”

  Shoving a bite of pizza into my mouth, I chew on it slowly while debating what I should say.

  Which sucks, because Sophie and I used to tell each other everything. But it’s not her fault I’m pulling away. That’s all on me. Great. Let’s pile on a little more guilt to make my pity party complete.

  “Umm….” I chew for a few more seconds. “I’m just worn out, I guess. The extra hours at Get Baked, and the astronomically priced apartment that I’m trying not to drown in debt over are enough to drive any girl crazy, ya know? But I’ll figure it out…. I’m okay. Promise.”


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