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Marcus (Signature Sweethearts Book 6)

Page 3

by Kelsie Rae

  My cheeks are on fire by the time she finishes, making me feel like I need to take a cold shower. I kind of want to hit her because of the position she just put me in, but she’s pregnant so….

  “So you’re asking me to pick up your side of the lease, because you were too impatient to wait it out?” His tone is bitter, and the sound goes straight to my protective side.

  “Give her a break,” I interject. “She’s pregnant and in love with the father who moved back across the country to be with her.” It’s a long story. “You should be encouraging their relationship instead of hindering it, Marcus. Why don’t you dial back the condescension for a few seconds, okay?”


  As soon as the words leave my mouth, I know we’re only seconds away from a knockdown, drag-out fight. Marcus has always brought it out of me. A fire I can’t contain. One that threatens to combust as soon as we both step into the same room. And right now isn’t any different.

  He takes a predatory step toward me, and the hair on the back of my neck stands on end. “Dial back the condescension?” he begins. “Don’t even get me started on you, Natalie. You’re supporting her relationship with a guy who bailed as soon as he slept with her? You’re okay with her leaving you to live alone in New York City and pay rent you obviously can’t afford? You’re okay missing a few lunches to cover her side of the bill? You’re okay practically losing your best friend as she rides off into the sunset with some asshat who couldn’t cover his dick while taking my little sister’s virginity?”

  I swallow past the lump in my throat, because even though he’s being a complete ass, he’s not entirely wrong.

  No. I’m not okay with some of those things, but it isn’t really my place to say anything. I care about Sophie’s happiness more than my own. Even when it hurts to be the third wheel left in the dust who has to cover the bills by herself, when it definitely wasn’t the original plan.

  But it isn’t his place to point it out, either.

  He stares me down, but I stare right back with a fire of my own until I hear a tiny sniffle from a few feet to my left.

  Tearing my eyes away from Marcus, I see a puffy-eyed Sophie.

  “He did cover up, asshole. We were careful. And I feel like shit for ditching Natalie, but thanks for pointing it out. Sleep wherever the hell you want. I don’t give a shit anymore.”

  Sophie stomps out of the kitchen without another word before slamming the front door behind her. The sound makes me flinch. I watch Marcus to see what he’s going to do about his royal screw-up. Closing his eyes slowly, he releases a deep sigh within seconds of his sister’s disappearance then rummages through the drawers.

  “What are you looking for?” I whisper. I’m afraid to make a sound.

  “Takeout menus,” he grumbles. “I need some food if I’m going to figure out how to fix this.”

  I point to the drawer on his left. He opens it and starts sorting through the options.

  “Chinese sound okay?”

  My stomach grumbles, causing a dry laugh to escape him.

  “Orange chicken it is.”

  Chapter Four


  He doesn’t look at me as he dials the number to House of Chang. He doesn’t look at me as he orders my favorite dish without asking me what I want. And he doesn’t look at me as he grabs his duffle bag from the floor in the family room before walking down the hallway.

  The combination makes me feel invisible.

  But I guess that isn’t exactly surprising. He’s never really seen me.

  “I’m going to shower,” he tosses over his shoulder as he closes the bathroom door behind him.

  There are two doors on the left. The first is the bathroom, and the one right after it leads to Sophie’s old room. The door on the right leads to mine. Marcus has been here a few times, so he knows the layout just fine, and I’m grateful he doesn’t need the tour. I’m not sure I could find my voice to give him one anyway.

  Gah! He’s such an ass.

  When I hear the water turn on in the bathroom, I reach for my phone to check on Soph, only to realize she’s already texted me.

  Soph: I’m fine. Marcus is an ass. I’m sorry I bailed. I promise I’ll make it up to you.

  Soph: PS-–Don’t neuter him. I want to be an aunt one day.

  I snort at her messages before typing out a quick I love you, I’m sorry your brother’s a jerk text then head to the couch to binge watch some Netflix.

  A few minutes later, the water shuts off and Marcus appears just in time to answer the knock on the door.

  I take a brief moment to let my gaze wander over his back muscles and damp hair as he tips the delivery guy an exorbitant amount. And that butt in those sweats that hang low on his hips…. Is it hot in here? My mouth begins to water as I try to convince myself it’s from the aromatic food and not the stupidly attractive guy in front of me.

  As Marcus closes the front door, I snap my head back toward the television, praying he didn’t catch me checking him out. He acts completely oblivious as he walks around the back of the couch then plops down next to me. Marcus pulls out the styrofoam containers and hands me a plastic fork, along with my boring orange chicken, without saying a word.

  I watch as he snaps the wooden chopsticks into two pieces and digs into his Beijing Beef like a starving man. Hesitantly, I pick up a piece of chicken and place it in my mouth. My chewing is awkward and forced as I wait for him to break the unbearable silence.

  “So, I screwed up,” he states conversationally between bites of food.

  Snorting, I take another bite of chicken before leaning into the cushions behind me.

  “Ya think?”

  “How do I fix this?”

  I pause before swallowing the piece nearly whole. “You admit you’re an ass.”

  He gives me the side-eye, and I can’t help but notice the way his lips tilt up in amusement. “An ass, huh?”

  “Yup,” I reply, popping the ‘p’ at the end. “A big one.”

  “And then what?”

  “And then you get her flowers.”

  He motions with his chopsticks for me to continue, like I’m stating the obvious and need to get to the useful part.

  “And then you ask Nathan out for drinks so you can get to know him. If Sophie sees you making an effort with her boyfriend, she’ll appreciate the gesture.”

  This time, he groans before placing his bare feet on my worn coffee table. Leaning back into the couch and mirroring my own position, he asks, “And what if I don’t want to get to know him?”

  I pucker my lips and scrunch my nose, debating how honest I should be. Looks like Marcus needs a rude awakening. “Then you lose your sister.”

  My comment makes Marcus drop his head back and look up at the ceiling as he sighs in defeat. I scoop a bite of ham fried rice with my fork and bring it to my mouth.

  “Do you trust him?” he asks as he rolls his head to the side and looks at me.

  I sigh before putting the bite into my mouth and chewing. All the while, Marcus patiently waits for my answer. After I swallow, I respond, “Honestly? Yeah. I kind of do. I’ve been here since the beginning, Marcus. I’ve seen him change. The sacrifices he’s made to be with her. Despite what you said earlier, I wouldn’t be okay with her ditching me for a guy if I didn’t think their relationship was the real deal.” He has the decency to look embarrassed. “I’m happy for Sophie. I think he’s a normal guy, and it took him a little while to get his head on straight, but I think he loves her, and I know she loves him. And isn’t that all any of us really want––that can’t eat, can’t sleep kind of love?”

  I don’t realize how close we’re sitting until after my little speech. I can almost feel the heat from his shoulder burning into mine, even though we have a few inches of space between us. Cautiously, I shift to the side and away from the surfer boy who stole my heart long before I had the experience to know what a bad idea it was to give it to him in the first place.

He must catch my drift, or he’s completely oblivious, because he leans forward and grabs a water bottle off the table and takes a long swig.

  “And what about us?” His voice is gruff, and it takes me a second to register what he said. The line of questioning is so far out of left field that my head swivels in his direction for a split second before I can even think of what to say.


  Smooth, Nat. Real smooth.

  “The apartment.” He motions to the tiny family room with his chopsticks.

  “Oh….” Relief hits me square in the chest. “What about it?”

  “Well,” he turns his torso toward me. “Are you needing a roommate?”

  My jaw is nearly on the floor before I remember I need to answer him. “Umm…I mean…I guess I do, but—”

  “But what?”

  I gulp. “But it’s only for a couple more months.”

  “Can you afford the rent by yourself for that long?”



  He rolls his eyes. “That sounds promising.”

  “Oh, come on! Give me a little more credit!”

  “You’re right,” he agrees. “You’ve always been resourceful, and I’m sure you’d figure it out. But I want to know…do you really need a roommate like my sister suggested?”

  I scrunch up my face before responding. “Well, yeah. But are you sure that’s a good idea?”

  He quirks his brow. “You say that like I’m the one that brought it up. Did Sophie not run her idea by you before I got here?”

  Cringing, I set my chicken on the coffee table. “I guess so? But let’s be honest, Marcus. I didn’t think you would actually take her up on it. We can barely stand each other.”

  Marcus laughs dryly. “Come on...we’re not that bad.” I roll my eyes as he lifts his chopsticks in defense. “All right, all right. You may have a point. But I don’t have a place to stay. And, despite how much you hate to admit it, I know you need some help with rent. I’d prefer I were your impromptu roommate, instead of some stranger off the street. It’s not safe, Noogie.”

  I groan before gathering my long dark hair into a messy bun on top of my head and using an elastic on my wrist to keep it in place. Hearing that nickname come from Sophie is one thing, but hearing it from Marcus? That’s a whole different story. It’s his fault I earned that name in the first place! The asshat would give me noogies all the time in front of my boyfriends. It was annoying as hell, and Sophie’s convinced it’s because he was staking his claim, but all it did was make me feel like a child.

  Gritting my teeth, I say, “I’m not a kid, Marcus. I wouldn’t let any random stranger into the apartment. I would find a roommate the smart way and make sure their references are awesome too. But you’re proving my point perfectly. Like I said, I’m not a kid.” I punctuate my last sentence by poking Marcus’s shoulder with each word. “And you need to stop treating me like one.”

  He laughs lightly before rubbing his arm. “Says the girl who just poked me.”

  I scrunch up my face. “You started it! And don’t call me Noogie!”

  He completely ignores my request and keeps the conversation going, making me want to smack him in the face. “So you don’t want me to treat you like a kid. Is that your only stipulation for me being your new roommate?”

  “Are you serious?” My brows pinch in the center as I assess him.

  He…he looks serious. Which is ludicrous. There’s no way.

  “Yeah. Why not? But only if you don’t leave your bras and shit in the bathroom.”

  I roll my eyes. “No underwear in the bathroom. I think I can handle that. Anything else?”

  He scrubs at the light scruff on his jaw with his fingers as he thinks for a few brief seconds. Looking over at me, he adds, “And no sex.”

  I would snort and tell him that won’t be a problem, considering I’m a virgin, but….

  “I’m the hell is that any of your business?”

  He shakes his head in frustration. “See? How did I know this was going to be an issue? Look, I won’t bring my one-night stands here, either, okay? We’ll just make this a sex-free zone or something.”

  “What?” I screech.

  “How is this so difficult for you?” His tone is exasperated, like he’s dealing with an irrational toddler. The thought makes my fists clench, because I know that’s exactly what he thinks I am. He continues, “I have a hard enough time knowing my sister had sex. I get to see the proof in her round little stomach every day. I don’t think I could handle hearing you fool around with a guy in the other room. That’s just….” He shivers. “Nope. That’s the deal. No sex under this roof. No exceptions. Do you think you can handle that?”

  I can’t help but egg him on, even though it’s a moot point. “Nope. I don’t think my sexual appetite can take the hit. I’m a sex kitten, Marcus. A big ol’ horn dog. I’ll get it wherever I can with whoever’s willing to give it to me. I mean—”

  He cuts me off by lunging forward and placing his hand over my mouth. His breathing is heavy as we sit there in tense silence. I don’t move an inch. He continues to stare into my eyes like he’s searching for something. The only problem? I don’t know what it is.

  Slowly, he lowers his hand but doesn’t lean back, leaving his massive frame way too close to mine.

  “I can handle a lot of things, Nat. But hearing about your sex life isn’t one of them, okay?” His voice is gritty, rubbing me in all the right ways that I shouldn’t be okay with.

  And even I hate to admit that I like it. A lot.

  I’m not sure what pushes me to continue this conversation, but I can’t help myself as the words slip past my lips on a soft whimper. “Why not?”

  The room is so quiet you could hear a pin drop as we sit side by side. His body is still looming next to me, promising so many things while refusing to deliver.

  Marcus’s gaze shoots down to my lips for a split second before sliding back up to my eyes. Shaking his head once, almost imperceptibly, he pulls away and grabs the controller, effectively ending the conversation with one swift movement.

  “Because you’re like a sister to me,” he grumbles before turning up the volume on the television.

  My heart plummets.

  And just like that, I’m reminded why I hate his guts so bad.

  Because I’m in love with my best friend’s big brother, and he’ll never look at me like anything other than his little sister’s shadow.


  Chapter Five


  I got Nathan’s number from Natalie last night. Sophie still won’t answer my texts, but I’m not exactly surprised. I was an overprotective, overbearing, overreacting brother. And I need to get over it if I want to salvage my relationship with my sister.

  Rolling my shoulders and giving myself a mental pep talk, I hit the green button on my phone, effectively dialing my sister’s baby daddy.

  After a few seconds, I hear a gruff, “Hello?”

  “Hey. This is Marcus.”

  “Oh…hey.” Silence ensues as Nathan gets his bearings for this conversation. He surprises me by bluntly adding, “Your sister’s pissed at you.”

  I groan. “I know.”

  “Look. I love her, man. I’m not going anywhere. I thought we discussed this already.” He sounds a little annoyed, and I don’t blame him. We’ve had this conversation multiple times, and I need to let it go.

  Rubbing my hand over my face in frustration, I implement Natalie’s suggestion. “I know. That’s on me. Did Sophie tell you I’m moving here?”

  “To babysit her? Yeah. She mentioned it.”

  Cringing, I continue, “Not just to babysit. I was wondering if you’d like to grab drinks sometime. Maybe give me a chance to get to know you and see firsthand that you’re not a douche.”

  My bluntness causes the reaction I’m looking for, and his laughter echoes through the speaker. “Fair enough. I’m going out with Rhett and a p
otential client. Would you want to meet up after?”

  I met Rhett in the Maldives when I crashed his wedding a couple months ago. He’s a pretty cool guy, so I wouldn’t mind catching up with him. Plus, it takes the pressure off Nathan’s and my personal relationship, which I think we’d both appreciate.

  “Yeah. The more the merrier.”

  “Sounds good. See you later then.”

  “See ya.” And with that, I hang up the phone, praying that Natalie’s right, and that this guy is worth my time.

  And my sister’s.

  Fun fact: being a professional video gamer is pretty much the greatest job in the world. I can work from home, set my own schedule, and pretty much do whatever the hell I want. However, after gaming for six hours, I’m done. My head feels like it’s about to explode as I rub my hand against my face and take a look at the clock.

  It’s almost ten at night. Where the hell is Natalie? I’ve been subconsciously waiting to hear her in the kitchen or her room, but the apartment has been silent. Not knowing her whereabouts is driving me insane. Shouldn’t she be home by now?

  Anxiously, I tap my hand against the wooden desk in my new room as my eyes zero in on my phone. I know she doesn’t want a roommate who acts like a dad, but….

  I clench my fist in restraint before reaching for it.

  Debating for about two more seconds, I pull up Sophie’s contact info and shoot her a text.

  Me: I’m sorry. I should’ve given you more credit, and I’m an ass.

  Seconds later, she responds.

  Sophie: Yup. Pretty much. You owe me fries. Hot fries. Fresh fries. With ketchup. Mama’s hungry.


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