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Classic Home Video Games (1985-1988)

Page 7

by Brett Weiss

  NES act as well. In fact, Konami’s Contra and shelves, but the true success of the system, at

  Castlevania are two of the most fondly remem-least initially, can be attributed to a little side-

  bered games ever released for the system. In a

  scrolling platformer called Super Mario Bros. , marginally successful attempt to keep third-which astonished grizzled gamers and video

  parties from cranking out lousy and/or unli-

  virgins alike with its rich colors and sounds,

  censed games, Nintendo had built a lockout

  cartoonish graphics, lengthy levels, freedom of

  chip into the console and forced third-party




  A boxed Nintendo NES Control Deck, which Nintendo dubbed, “The Most Challenging Video Game System Ever Developed.”

  companies to pay substantial licensing fees in

  games, is vastly superior to controllers for pre-

  order to produce games for the console. In ad-

  vious systems, all of which have at least one

  dition, third-party companies could only pro-

  overriding flaw. Also cool are the two multi-

  duce five games per year, a rule that certain

  player adapters released for the console: the

  companies circumvented by forming sister

  NES Satellite and the NES Four Score.

  companies. Other companies, like Tengen and

  No game system is perfect, and the Nin-

  Sachen, bypassed Nintendo altogether by pro-

  tendo NES does have one notable setback: The

  ducing unlicensed games. Authorized game

  console lacks durability. Dusty or heavily used

  cartridges have an official Nintendo seal of ap-

  cartridges can render the system unreliable by

  proval (or seal of quality) on the packaging, but

  gumming up or otherwise making the intake

  that doesn’t necessarily guarantee a great game

  port less than reliable in loading games. In ad-

  (as owners of the dreadful Hydlide will attest).

  dition, frequent usage can loosen the connec-

  During its lifespan, the two-tone gray,

  tor pins in the intake port, resulting in the loss

  boxy looking NES was a staple in homes across

  of connectivity between the cartridge and the

  America, selling tens of millions of units be-

  console. Finding a used system that works per-

  fore its official demise in 1995 (the last Nin-

  fectly can be difficult. Nintendo remedied this

  tendo-brand NES game, Wario’s Woods, was

  design flaw in 1993 with the release of a top-

  released in 1994). One of the best, most endur-

  loading version of the console, but it was pro-

  ing things about the system is its sturdy, user-

  duced in small quantities and is therefore very

  friendly controllers, which are rectangular in

  hard to find, often commanding $100 or more

  shape and feature an eight-way directional pad

  in today’s collector’s market.

  on the left, a select and a start button in the

  Along with the Atari 2600 and Sony’s

  middle, and a pair of action buttons on the

  original PlayStation, the Nintendo NES is one

  right. This design, which was patterned after

  of the most important, most influential video

  Nintendo’s Game & Watch series of handheld

  game systems ever released. It is home to an as-



  Nintendo NES console with two controllers and Zapper light gun. Along with the Atari 2600, PlayStation, and PlayStation 2, the NES was one of the most popular video game systems of all time.

  tonishing number of revolutionary, genre-

  creature, then blast their way down its throat

  defining titles, and it popularized and expanded

  and through its body, using lasers, guided mis-

  upon such concepts as beating levels, saving

  siles, and orbiting shields to destroy eyeballs,

  progress (via passwords or battery backup),

  worms, skeleton fish, bacteria, anti-bodies,

  and exploring vast, lavishly illustrated worlds.

  bosses, and other monsters. Power-ups to grab

  Most importantly, it revived (make that resur-

  include super speed, an orbiting barrier shield,

  rected) the American home video game indus-

  twin missiles, a laser gun, multi-directional


  beams, and more. When the action scrolls ver-

  Today, the NES remains a popular system

  tically, the ship travels downward, which is an

  among hardcore collectors and casual fans

  unusual trait for the genre. Even more unusual

  alike. For those who don’t want to bother with

  (for the era) are the game’s gruesome, graphi-

  getting an original NES system and a bunch of

  cally rich visuals.

  cartridges, select NES titles are available for

  download via the Nintendo Wii Virtual Con-

  Action 52

  sole, which is a phenomenon that has helped

  PUBLISHER: Active Enterprises. DEVELOPER: Ac-

  introduce a new generation of gamers to the

  tive Enterprises. Multi-Game Compilation, 1

  distinct pleasures of retro gaming.

  player. 1991.

  This cartridge features 52 games, most

  of which are shoddy and poorly produced: Fire

  Nintendo NES Games

  Breathers, Star-Evil, Illuminator, G-Force

  Fighters, Ooze, Silver Sword, Critical Bypass,

  Abadox: The Deadly Inner War

  Jupiter Scope, Alfredo and the Fettuccini’s,

  PUBLISHER: Milton Bradley. DEVELOPER: Nat-

  Operation Full-Moon, Dam Busters, Thrusters,

  sume. Side-Scrolling Shooter/Vertical

  Haunted Hills of Wentworth, Chill-Out,

  Scrolling Shooter, 1 player. 1990.

  Sharks, Megalonia, The French Baker, Atmos-

  A challenging shooter that fans of Life

  Quake, Meong, Space Dreams, Streemerz,

  Force and R-Type will enjoy, Abadox has play-Spread-Fire, Bubblegum Rosie, Micro-Mike,

  ers using a space ship to battle a giant creature

  Underground, Rocket Jockey, Non-Human,

  named Parasitis, who feeds on life forms and

  Cry Baby, Slashers, Crazy Shuffle, Fuzz Power,

  planets. Players must survive the surface of the

  Shooting Gallery, Lollipops, The Evil Empire,



  The Nintendo NES Four Score, which lets players hook up four controllers for simultaneous, multi-player action; and the QuickShot controller, an oddly designed NES peripheral containing a large, 16-way ball instead of the more conventional directional pad.

  Sombrero’s, Storm Over the Desert (The Land

  money. The game has lots of atmospheric,

  War), Mash-Man, They Came from Outer

  richly illustrated areas to explore, plenty of

  Space, Laser League, Billy-Bob, City of Doom,

  tricky puzzles to solve (such as finding keys to

  Bits and Pieces, Beeps and Blips, Manchester

  open doors and using a potion to shrink Pugs-

  Beat, Boss, Dedant, Hambo’s Adventures, Time

  ley), and a nice musical score.

  Warp Tickers, Jigsaw, Ninja Assault, Robbie

  and the Robots, and The Action Gamester. Un-r />
  The Addams Family: Pugsley’s Scav-


  enger Hunt

  PUBLISHER: Ocean. DEVELOPER: Ocean. Side-

  The Addams Family

  Scrolling Platform, 1 player. 1992.

  PUBLISHER: Ocean. DEVELOPER: Ocean. Side-

  Based on the Addams Family cartoon se-

  Scrolling Platform, 1 player. 1992.

  ries (Hanna Barbera, 1992–1995), The Addams

  Based on the 1991 feature film (which, in

  Family: Pugsley’s Scavenger Hunt finds the

  turn, was based on the 1960s television series

  chubby son of Morticia and Gomez Addams

  and on the Charles Addams cartoon panels),

  searching for members of his family (Gomez,

  The Addams Family for the NES stars many of

  Granny, Wednesday, and Uncle Fester), who

  the characters familiar to fans of the popular

  have been kidnapped and hidden as prisoners

  franchise, including Gomez, Morticia, Pugsley,

  in their own home. Each family member holds

  Wednesday, Lurch (who plays music), and

  a piece of music that Lurch must play to un-

  Thing (who acts as a shield). Gomez must res-

  lock the secret passage leading to Morticia, and

  cue members of his family from various rooms

  Thing is on hand to provide clues. Pugsley has

  of his house and the surrounding grounds,

  no weapons, but he can jump on the various

  avoiding skulls, ghosts, spikes, and other crea-

  creatures that impede his progress. Pugsley can

  tures and obstacles (many of which fall very

  also crouch, climb, swim, and fly (with the help

  quickly) along the way. There are no weapons,

  of beanie caps). Pugsley’s Scavenger Hunt is but Gomez can jump on enemies, swim in a

  much different than its SNES counterpart, in

  pond, paddle down a secret river, and collect

  which Pugsley searches for items Wednesday



  has hidden around the Addams mansion. Inter-

  Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Hillsfar

  estingly, it plays more like The Addams Family


  (NES, SNES), but with Pugsley taking over for

  Third-Person Action Role-Playing Game, 1


  player. 1993.

  This oddly segmented, narrative-deprived

  Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Drag-

  RPG lets gamers explore areas in and around


  Hillsfar, using a character created by the player.


  Characters are ranked according to strength,

  ciates. Overhead View Free-Roaming Shooter,

  intelligence, dexterity, and other attributes that

  1 player. 1992.

  can be built up as the game progresses. Four

  DragonStrike for the NES eschews the

  character classes are available: fighter, mage,

  first-person elements of the computer version

  thief, and cleric. Activities include searching

  of the game, opting instead for free-roaming

  secret rooms, stunning guards, finding exits,

  shooter action. Players guide one of three dif-

  looting gold chests, avoiding traps, blasting ob-

  ferent dragons (bronze, silver, and gold)

  stacles with a rod, competing in Archery con-

  through 14 missions, firing lightning bolts, ice

  tests, using a horse to jump over obstacles,

  balls, fireballs, and other weapons at archers,

  fighting in an arena, gathering information in

  battleships, carpet mages, giant dragonflies,

  taverns, and more. Based on the computer

  swamp monsters, bosses, and other enemies.

  game of the same name (1989), Advanced Dun-

  The dragon can fly high to avoid certain ob-

  geons & Dragons: Hillsfar for the NES includes stacles, but must fly low at times to complete

  battery backup.

  various mission objectives. RPG elements are

  conspicuously absent, but there are power-ups

  Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Pool of

  to grab, and the game looks decent and is


  plenty challenging. Includes battery backup.


  First-Person Role-Playing Game, 1 player.

  Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes


  of the Lance

  Based on the oft-ported computer simu-


  lation (1988), Pools of Radiance for the NES, gic Simulations. Third-Person Action Role-like its personal computer counterpart, does

  Playing Game, 1 player. 1991.

  an excellent job of maintaining the spirit and

  Sporting real-time battles and a side-view

  gameplay of the popular pen-and-paper game,

  perspective, Advanced Dungeons & Dragons:

  Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. The text-heavy Heroes of the Lance for the NES is based on

  cartridge lets players create a party of up to six

  three things: the computer game of the same

  characters of differing races and classes. The

  name (1988); the first Dragonlance campaign

  characters are modeled after those found in ac-

  module ( Dragons of Despair); and the Drag-

  tual D&D rules sets, and the battles, which dis-

  onlance novel, Dragons of Autumn’s Twilight.

  play an isometric viewpoint, evoke those found

  Players, controlling one character at a time,

  in the AD&D edition of the Dungeon Master’s

  guide a band of eight warriors and magic users

  Guide book. In addition, the areas to explore of varying attributes and skills on a decidedly

  are lifted from the Forgotten Realms campaign brief adventure quest. Enemies to battle in-world. Includes battery backup.

  clude giant spiders, Gully Dwarves, ferocious

  dragons, monstrous Draconians, and more.

  Adventure Island


  Rightly dubbed one of the “10 Worst Games of

  UBLISHER: Hudson Soft. DEVELOPER: Hudson

  Soft. Side-Scrolling Platform, 1 player. 1988.

  All Time” in the September, 1997 issue of Nin-

  tendo Power, Heroes of the Lance suffers from Adventure Island, like all games of its type, lousy controls, sluggish game play, and a flawed

  owes a debt to the mother of all classic side-

  combat system. Includes battery backup.

  scrollers, Super Mario Bros. To rescue a princess,



  players must guide a fellow named Masters

  pal — Poley Tripetaurus— who can perform a

  Higgins through bright, colorful, nicely illus-

  rolling attack. To rescue Jeannie Jungle, who

  trated forests, mountains, and caves, grabbing

  has been kidnapped by aliens, Master Higgins

  eggs that turn into skateboards (for going

  must explore eight islands, each of which is

  faster), axes (for throwing at cobras, skeletons,

  filled with creatures to battle, fruit to eat, and

  coyotes, bosses, and other enemies), fruit (for

  eggs that contain milk bottles (for maintain-

  energy), “honeygirls” (for invincibility), and

  ing energy), axes, boomerangs, time-stops, and

; other useful items. There are obstacles to jump

  other useful weapons and items. There are even

  over, such as rocks and snails, and missing a

  keys for opening portals to bonus rounds and

  cloud jump results in instant death. As in Super

  secret rooms. Adventure Island 3 was released Mario Bros. , Adventure Island is divided into for the Game Boy as Adventure Island II.

  eight worlds, each containing four stages. Ad-

  venture Island is essentially the same game as Adventures in the Magic Kingdom

  Wonder Boy (SMS), but with a number of


  graphical changes. An unusual licensing agree-

  Multi-Genre Game, 1 player. 1990.

  ment let Hudson Soft use the same game en-

  Adventures in the Magic Kingdom has

  gine as Adventure Island, but not the same char-players collecting keys by completing five sur-

  acters. Platforming fans won’t be disappointed.

  prisingly challenging mini-games, each of

  which is based on a real Disney theme park at-

  Adventure Island II

  traction. Pirates of the Caribbean and Haunted

  PUBLISHER: Hudson Soft. DEVELOPER: Hudson

  House are side-scrolling platformers in which

  Soft. Side-Scrolling Platform, 1 player. 1991.

  players run, jump, and throw candles at ene-

  Featuring the return of Master Higgins,

  mies. Big Thunder Mountain is a mine cart

  Adventure Island II improves upon the already game containing such obstacles as dead ends,

  enjoyable Adventure Island by giving the young wrong-way crossing guards, and rolling boul-man four friendly dinosaurs to ride, each of

  ders. Autopia is an overhead view racer with

  which can perform a fun-to-use, nicely ani-

  jumps reminiscent of Bump ’n’ Jump, while

  mated skill: tail-whipping (Blue Camptosaurus),

  Space Mountain is a first-person space shooter.

  fire-spitting (Red Camptosaurus), swimming

  Disney fans of all ages will enjoy the atmos-

  (Elasmosaurus), or flying (Pteranodon). The

  phere of the rides, and many will have fun with

  game also has sharper graphics than its prede-

  the trivia questions that are posed, but younger

  cessor and a special map screen. Good music,

  players may find the games to be prohibitively

  diverse environments (caves, forests, deserts,


  and the like), and stiff challenges only add to

  the fun. Interestingly, Adventure Island II,

  The Adventures of Bayou Billy

  which is an offshoot of the Sega Master Sys-


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