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Classic Home Video Games (1985-1988)

Page 8

by Brett Weiss


  tem’s Wonder Boy series, stays faithful to the Side-Scrolling Combat/Demolition/Combat

  basic elements of the original Wonder Boy for-Racing/Light Gun shooter, 1 player. 1989.

  mula while the Master System sequels, Wonder

  An atmospheric, richly illustrated, musi-

  Boy in Monster Land and Wonder Boy III, in-cally adept game set in the Louisiana swamp

  troduce RPG elements and swordplay. Adven-

  lands, The Adventures of Bayou Billy is unusu-ture Island II was released for the Game Boy as ally diverse, incorporating three entirely dif-Adventure Island.

  ferent genres. Five of the game’s nine stages

  consist of Double Dragon-style fighting, with Adventure Island 3

  players, as a Crocodile Dundee-like hero,

  PUBLISHER: Hudson Soft. DEVELOPER: Hudson

  punching, kicking, knifing, whipping, and hit-

  Soft. Side-Scrolling Platform, 1 player. 1992.

  ting (with a stick) a succession of bad guys and

  Adventure Island 3 is similar to the second

  alligators. A pair of shooting stages lets gamers

  game in the series, but includes a fifth dinosaur

  use a Nintendo Zapper or a standard controller



  to pick off enemies. Finally, two driving stages,

  water), and more. Each screen is a puzzle, mak-

  each featuring a behind-the-vehicle perspec-

  ing the game a brain-straining challenge in

  tive, have players shooting bullets and throw-

  later levels. Includes password feature.

  ing dynamite at planes, helicopters, and a

  swamp stomper. The Adventures of Bayou Billy, Adventures of Lolo 2

  which spawned an Archie comic book series of


  the same name, looks and sounds (voice effects

  Laboratory. Action Puzzle/Maze, 1 player.

  are included) better than it plays.


  Despite marginally improved graphics

  Adventures of Dino-Riki

  and a somewhat higher level of difficulty, Ad-

  PUBLISHER: Hudson Soft. DEVELOPER: Hudson

  ventures of Lolo 2 is a lot like the first game in Soft. Vertical Scrolling Shooter, 1 player. 1989.

  the series. Players guide Lolo around each of a

  Adventures of Dino-Riki puts players in the

  seemingly endless number of mazes, grabbing

  titular role of a young man who walks, runs,

  all the heart framers to open a treasure chest

  jumps (over water and other obstacles), and

  in order to exit to the next level. Each maze is

  flies his way up five challenging (if graphically

  riddled with such items as trees, flower beds,

  plain) stages of jungles, deserts, swamps, and

  deserts, rocks, and creatures. Lolo can use

  quicksand. Armed with rocks, axes, boomerangs,

  emerald framers to trap creatures, magic shots

  and torches, Dino-Riki must shoot dinosaurs,

  to turn enemies into eggs, bridges to cross lava,

  spitting dolphins, spitting cobras, dragons,

  hammers to crush rocks, and more. All the en-

  flying cow skulls, flying fish, purple flies, and

  emies from the first game return, but the puz-

  other enemies, including the following bosses:

  zles, though familiar in design, are new. Game-

  Pteranodon, Tyrannosaurus, Monster Fly,

  play is vaguely similar to Pengo (arcade, Atari Triceratops, and Giant Cobra. Power-ups Riki

  5200), but with more emphasis on puzzle solv-

  can grab include turbo boots (speed), power

  ing. Includes password feature.

  fists (upgrades weaponry one level), Airy the

  bird (flight), and the impressive Macho-Riki,

  Adventures of Lolo 3

  which is a larger Riki who can throw mirror


  images of himself.

  Laboratory. Action Puzzle/Maze, 1 player.


  Adventures of Lolo

  This third and final entry in the Adven-


  tures of Lolo series for the NES features the Laboratory. Action Puzzle/Maze, 1 player.

  same type of heart frame-grabbing, monster-


  trapping, puzzle-solving action found in the

  In Adventures of Lolo, players guide the

  first two games, but this time around players

  title character around each of a seemingly end-

  can go at it as either Lolo or his girlfriend, Lala,

  less number of mazes, grabbing heart framers.

  switching between them as desired. The game

  When all the hearts have been taken, a chest

  also introduces underwater levels, a rainbow

  opens up to reveal a jewel, which Lolo must get

  egg and key (for accessing level three), and a

  to advance to the next level. Certain heart

  main map that players must navigate. Another

  framers contain items for use in trapping or

  new element is Grandpa’s Learning Tree, in

  defeating the creatures that roam around each

  which an old man shows players how to solve

  maze, shooting fire, dashing toward Lolo, or

  specific puzzles. Includes password feature.

  otherwise trying to destroy our hero. Enemy

  creatures include Skull, Medusa, and Rocky,

  The Adventures of Rad Gravity

  among others. Heart framer items include

  PUBLISHER: Activision. DEVELOPER: Interplay

  Productions. Side-Scrolling Platform, 1 player.

  bridges for crossing over lava, hammers for de-


  stroying rocks, ammo for turning monsters

  into eggs (which can be used to float across

  Rad Gravity is a fun, variety-packed game



  in which players, as the titular, big-headed pro-

  Adventures of Tom Sawyer

  tagonist, must travel to nine different planets

  PUBLISHER: Seta. DEVELOPER: Seta. Platform

  and an asteroid belt, using a laser sword, super

  Shooter/Vertical Scrolling Shooter, 1 or 2 play-

  sword, power pistol, vertigun, maxigun, and

  ers (alternating). 1989.

  crystal bombs to battle a variety of aliens and

  Loosely based on characters created by

  creatures. Other useful items include: four

  Mark Twain, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

  types of armor; a teleporter; a translator (for

  finds the titular scruffy scamp asleep in class,

  deciphering alien text); and an energy disk (for

  dreaming of floating down the Mississippi on a

  floating over hazardous areas). Activities in-

  mission to rescue Becky Thatcher. The result-

  clude : jumping over obstacles (Rad jumps

  ant adventure takes Tom through six levels

  higher in low-gravity worlds); riding elevators;

  (The Abandoned Ship, Down the River,

  shutting down a security system; opening

  Through the Forest, In the Haunted House, In

  doors to secret areas; stopping a conveyor belt;

  the Sky, and Deep in the Cave), most of which

  finding a gravity device; solving puzzles; run-

  are side-scrolling, and most of which involve

  ning around upsi
de down; and much more.

  running, jumping, climbing, avoiding obsta-

  The Adventures of Rad Gravity is long and chal-cles (barrels, rocks, hail, and the like), throw-

  lenging, meaning the password feature for sav-

  ing rocks, and shooting a slingshot (at a vari-

  ing progress is a virtual necessity.

  ety of enemies, including birds, bats, scorpions,

  mutant moths, and skeleton warriors). The

  The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwin-

  vertical scrolling action takes place on a raft,

  kle and Friends

  which Tom must steer past whirlpools, fish,


  penguins, and eagles. In two-player mode, the

  tainment. Side-Scrolling Platform, 1 player.

  second gamer controls Huckleberry Finn.


  Though drab visually, Adventures of Tom

  Based on Jay Ward’s classic, satirical car-

  Sawyer presents a fairly entertaining challenge.

  toon series, this game has players guiding

  Rocky and Bullwinkle through five levels, in-

  After Burner

  cluding mountains, a pirate ship, and a moving


  train. Play alternates between the flying squir-

  Third-Person Shooter, 1 player. 1989.

  rel and the charging moose as needed. For ex-

  A pale, but playable port of Sega’s immer-

  ample, Rocky can fly to otherwise unreachable

  sive, graphically rich 1987 arcade game (the sit-

  platforms, but only Bullwinkle can climb stairs.

  down version of which had a spiffy rotating

  Both are equipped with bombs for fending off

  cockpit), After Burner puts players at the helm Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale, who pester

  of the F-14 Thunder Cat jet (viewed from be-

  our heroes with bombs of their own. Jumping

  hind), which is equipped with air-to-air guided

  is slight, meaning it’s difficult to leap over the

  missiles and a vulcan cannon for blasting su-

  various snakes, lizards, spiky balls, and other

  personic fighters, class 1 fighters, harrier class

  obstacles. Soda cans restore health, and keys

  jump jets, and helicopter gunships. To dodge

  provide access to certain stages. Plagued by

  the enemies and their fire, players can fly upside

  sluggish controls, poor animation, repetitive

  down, use the after burner, or perform a rolling

  sound, and uninspired platforming, The Ad-

  maneuver, but the jet stays near the center of

  ventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle and Friends

  the screen during flight (the sky and horizon

  doesn’t do its source material justice. The game

  tilt and spin in accordance with the jet’s turns

  is much different than its Genesis and SNES

  and rolls). Special bonus stages let players refuel

  counterparts, which include throwable nuts

  and acquire more missiles. Unlike the Master

  and berries and a pair of mini-games (among

  System version, the NES game does not include

  other differences). The Game Boy version is

  the “Get Ready!” voice effects. Unlicensed. Also

  different as well.

  released for the Sega 32X. Sequels include :

  After Burner II (arcade, Genesis), After Burner



  III (Sega CD), After Burner Climax (arcade), Al Unser Jr. Turbo Racing

  and After Burner: Black Falcon (PSP).

  PUBLISHER: Data East. DEVELOPER: Data East.

  Formula-1/Indy Racing, 1 player. 1990.

  Air Fortress

  Endorsed by Indy racer Al Unser, Jr., who


  provides tips on how to handle each course,

  Laboratory. Side-Scrolling Shooter, 1 player.

  this elaborate racing simulation lets players


  drive Unser’s car or design one of their own.

  Air Fortress has players piloting a space-

  Customizable components include color,

  ship through an Air Base, shooting beams at

  speed, acceleration, durability, suspension, pit

  such repetitious enemies as missiles, robotic

  crew speed, and turbo, the latter providing up

  machines, and generic looking mechanical

  to 40 mph more than the standard velocity. The

  shapes. Energy power-ups and crash beam bul-

  game sports a behind-the-car perspective and

  lets collected in the Air Base will determine the

  boasts 16 different twisting, turning, courses,

  ship’s initial power settings for the next area of

  each in a different country. Prior to entering a

  the game, which is the main body of the Air

  World Grand Prix Series (as opposed to one of

  Fortress where players abandon the spaceship in

  two different Time Trial modes), players must

  favor of a jetpack. In the Air Fortress, in addi-

  race a qualifying lap to determine their pole

  tion to shooting enemies, players must navi-

  position. Includes battery backup. Followed by:

  gate tunnels to find the central reactor of said

  Al Unser Jr.’s Road to the Top (a go-kart racer for fortress, blow it up, and then find their way out

  the SNES).

  in order to reach the next Air Base (there are

  eight levels in all). Air Fortress could use a wider Alfred Chicken

  variety of power-ups and enemies, but it’s cer-

  PUBLISHER: Mindscape. DEVELOPER: Twilight.

  tainly playable. Includes password feature.

  Side-Scrolling Platform, 1 player. 1994.

  One of countless quirkily cute platform-


  ers of the era, Alfred Chicken finds the title PUBLISHER: Acclaim. DEVELOPER: Acclaim.

  character on a mission to rescue a hot chick

  Flight Combat Simulator, 1 player. 1989.

  named Floella from the fiendish Meka Chick-

  Based on the CBS TV series (1984–1986),

  ens. Tasks related to this endeavor include

  Airwolf for the NES is 20 different missions of firing bombs at monsters, dive-bombing ene-helicopter action. Players pilot their supersonic

  mies, pecking through ice, picking up invinci-

  jet copter — which is outfitted with a satellite

  bility presents, opening doors to secret rooms,

  transmitted map display, a Doppler sensor, and

  jumping on moving platforms, bouncing on

  a radar jammer — through the not-so-friendly

  springs, swimming like a duck, and much

  skies (which are viewed from inside the cock-

  more. To complete a level, every balloon must

  pit of the helicopter), using machine guns and

  be popped, and diamonds can be grabbed for

  heat-seeking missiles to destroy flying missiles,

  extra points and lives. Blocks must be pecked to

  ground missiles, and enemy planes. When it’s

  allow Alfred access to otherwise restricted lo-

  time to rescue POWs, the game switches to a

  cations, giving the game additional challenges.

  side-view perspective, where players must

  In addition, unlike most side-scrollers, Alfred

  avoid obstacles (control towers, mountains,

  Chicken frequently scrolls vertically. An excel-and e
nemy fire) and land gently (ala Lunar

  lent soundtrack is icing on the proverbial cake.

  Lander) to keep from crashing. A similar land-Also released for the Game Boy. Followed by:

  ing method is used to make repairs and restock

  Super Alfred Chicken (SNES).

  ammunition at a friendly airbase. The recogniz-

  able (to fans of the show) theme music in Air-

  Alien Syndrome

  wolf is nice, but it hardly makes up for the dull PUBLISHER: Tengen. DEVELOPER: Tengen. Over-gameplay.

  head View Free-Roaming Shooter, 1 or 2 play-

  ers (simultaneous). 1989.



  Although not as challenging or as graph-

  ferent teams, sporting such fake names as the

  ically rich as Sega’s original 1986 arcade game,

  L.A. Breakers and the New York Slicks. Features

  Alien Syndrome for the NES is preferable to its include three-pointers, slam dunk close-ups

  Sega Master System counterpart, thanks in

  (ala Double Dribble), league play, fouls, steals large part to the NES game’s inclusion of the

  (which the computer opponent is especially

  two-player simultaneous mode. The game

  good at), jump passes, substitutions for tired

  evokes the Alien film series as players, control-players, and more. The overhead view court,

  ling Ricky or Mary, explore seven different

  which scrolls vertically (and a just a bit horizon-

  maze-like, multi-room spaceships in order to

  tally), goes black for a second and switches

  shoot H.R. Giger-influenced aliens, rescue cap-

  sides every time the ball crosses half court,

  tive humans, and exit before the timer runs

  making for a discombobulating experience.

  out. Each spaceship is equipped with a num-

  ber of helpful items, including warps, fireballs,

  Alpha Mission

  laser cannons (an especially effective weapon),


  and flame throwers. A mapping system, which

  Scrolling Shooter, 1 player. 1987.

  is something the Master System port lacks,

  Based on SNK’s 1985 arcade game, Alpha

  helps players keep track of their position in re-

  Mission is a battle against the invading Seven lation to the captives. Unlicensed. Also released

  Stars Alliance. Players guide a SYD fighter ship

  for the Game Gear. Remade for the PSP and

  up the screen, shooting lasers and missiles at


  ground-based targets and at a variety of cir-

  cling, zigzagging, diving, and otherwise pesky

  Alien 3

  airborne alien vessels. By flying over letter


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