Classic Home Video Games (1985-1988)

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Classic Home Video Games (1985-1988) Page 36

by Brett Weiss

  does offer two-player simultaneous action (ala

  ternating). 1986.

  Shadow of the Ninja), and it lets players trans-



  form their ninja into one of four different ani-

  supplemented by killer platforming, dramatic

  mals: a tiger (claw swipe); a scorpion (tail

  music, and sweeping, anime-style cut scenes.

  whip); an eagle (no attacking ability); or a fly-

  Gameplay is similar — defeat enemies with

  ing dragon (waves of fire). Standard weapons

  quick sword-thrusts, turn flips, jump off walls

  include shurikens, a whip, a bo staff, and a

  and over fire, spikes, and other obstacles— but

  sword. The mission is to battle robots, bats,

  this time Ryu can throw fireballs, climb on

  drones, wraiths, and other enemies through 10

  walls (as opposed to just ladders), and split his

  levels: Civilization’s Ruin, Watery Grave (add-

  body into three for a multiple attack (which is

  ing swimming to the running, jumping for-

  a cool and powerful effect). In addition, the

  mula), Canyon Trap, Lake of Chaos, Devil’s

  game has more detailed backgrounds, new

  Forest, Ironfist Castle, Hurricane Cruser [SP],

  characters (including Ashtar, who wields the

  Wraith’s Lair, Shadow Village, and Temple of

  titular Sword of Chaos), and some fresh (if

  the Cursed. One-hit kills make the game a chal-

  frustrating) environmental hazards, such as


  mountain winds that can blow Ryu into deadly

  chasms. Followed by: Ninja Gaiden Shadow

  Ninja Gaiden

  (Game Boy).

  PUBLISHER: Tecmo. DEVELOPER: Tecmo. Side-

  Scrolling Combat/Side-Scrolling Platform, 1

  Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of

  player. 1989.


  Infused with style, flair, and hard-as-nails,

  PUBLISHER: Tecmo. DEVELOPER: Tecmo. Side-

  hack-and-slash gameplay, Ninja Gaiden kicked Scrolling Combat/Side-Scrolling Platform, 1

  off what would quickly become one of the most

  player. 1991.

  revered series in the NES library. Ryu Hayabusa,

  the agile ninja players control, moves with

  Ninja Gaiden III begins with a cut scene of

  fluidity, speed, and grace as he runs, crouches,

  a Ryu impersonator sending the beautiful Irene

  climbs (ladders), flips, and jumps (including

  Lew plummeting off a cliff, effectively setting

  wall-spring jumps and wall-spring climbing

  the stage for the final game in the NES Ninja

  jumps) his way through six levels of caves, icy

  Gaiden trilogy. Players once again guide a

  cliffs, temples, and other venues of non-stop

  crisply controlled Ryu Hayabusa as he runs,

  action. Ryu dispatches enemies with quick

  jumps, flips, and battles his way through gor-

  sword-thrusts, and he can slash lamps and

  geous levels (jungles, caves, the desert) and a

  other objects to reveal such pick-ups as points,

  variety of enemies (lots of robots and monsters

  spiritual strength, and the following weapons:

  in this case). The weapons of the previous two

  throwing stars, windmill throwing stars, time

  games return, but Ryu does have some new at-

  freezes, a jump & slash technique, and an invin-

  tack methods, including vacuum wave art,

  cible fire wheel that rotates around Ryu. A

  which is a blade that can be thrown up and

  powerful musical score and cinematic cut

  down, and a dragon spirit sword upgrade,

  scenes complement the kill-or-be-killed action.

  which increases the range of Ryu’s standard at-

  Also released for the Game Gear and Atari

  tack. Ryu can also attack while hanging from a

  Lynx. The arcade rendition of Ninja Gaiden

  wall, climb to the top of a wall (as opposed to

  (Tecmo, 1988) was a two-player combat game

  having to jump to the opposite wall first), and

  somewhat similar to Double Dragon.

  move hand-over-hand via pipes and jungle ivy.

  Also released for the Atari Lynx. Followed by:

  Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of

  Ninja Gaiden Trilogy (compilation for the


  SNES), Ninja Gaiden (3D remake for the

  PUBLISHER: Tecmo. DEVELOPER: Tecmo. Side-

  Xbox), and numerous sequels and offshoots.

  Scrolling Combat/Side-Scrolling Platform, 1

  player. 1990.

  Ninja Kid

  Like its progenitor, Ninja Gaiden II offers

  PUBLISHER: Bandai. DEVELOPER: Bandai. Plat-

  up a heaping helping of hack-and-slash action,

  form Shooter, 1 player. 1986.



  In Ninja Kid, players control the titular

  as speed, passing, and defense. Each team is

  “junior defender of human rights,” who nim-

  granted five super kicks per half, and the play-

  bly runs, jumps (over holes), and shoots his

  ers look like the guys from River City Ransom

  way through the monster-filled Demon Island.

  (a brawler published and developed by Tech-

  Ninja Kid’s standard weapon is daggers, but he

  nos). The overhead view action displays a hor-

  can acquire iron stars, boomerangs, feathers

  izontal field and scrolls in all directions, and

  (for invincibility), and fire flames. From time to

  there are six different field types: grass, soil,

  time, he will be assisted by Pegasus (acts as a

  sand, bumpy, concrete, and ice. Interestingly,

  shield), Big Eagle (stops enemy movement),

  gamers have direct control over just one of the

  and Old Witch (throws sand at enemies). His

  players on their team, but can order other

  ultimate goal is to destroy Demon Castle, but

  members of the team to pass, tackle, shoot, and

  he must first conquer four objective-specific

  dive. Prior to each match, players of this fun,

  “fighting fields,” including: Dog Fight (fly on a

  innovative game must set their team’s offensive

  kite, kill 10 demons); Poison Fields (collect 10

  and defensive strategies, further differentiating

  demon spirits); Blazing Inferno (light 10 can-

  the cartridge from other soccer titles. Multi-

  dles); and Guerilla Warfare (kill 10 demons).

  player adapter compatible. Includes password

  Each fighting field is accessible via a Demon Is-


  land overworld map. Ninja Kid will also face

  the ruler of Demon Hell, which features verti-

  Nobunaga’s Ambition

  cal scrolling action.


  Based Strategy, 1–8 players (simultaneous).

  Nintendo World Championships 1990


  PUBLISHER: Nintendo. DEVELOPER: Nintendo.

  Side-Scrolling Platform/Sports Car

  Set during the Warring States period of

  Racing/Action Puzzle, 1 player. 1990.

  16th century Japan, Nobunaga’s Ambition puts Created for the 1990 Nintendo World<
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  players in the role of Nobunaga Oda, a daimyo

  Championships, this specially produced car-

  (feudal lord) with ambitions of becoming a

  tridge contains modified versions of three NES

  Shogun and ruling the entire nation. Actually,

  classics: Super Mario Bros. (collect 50 coins), there are several historical daimyos to choose

  Rad Racer (race on a special NWC course), and from, each rated according to age, health, drive,

  Tetris (earn the high score). During the official luck, charm, and intelligence. Daimyos rule a

  competition, gamers had 6:21 to play all three

  single fief, but can conquer more as the game

  mini-games, but the cartridge itself contains

  wears on. This is achieved by recruiting sol-

  dipswitches that can alter the time limit. Often

  diers, training an army, buying weapons, ne-

  considered the holy grail of 8-bit gaming, Nin-

  gotiating with other daimyos, hiring ninjas to

  tendo World Championships 1990 is extremely

  attack enemies, increasing peasant morale,

  rare. When it shows up for sale on the collec-

  dealing with natural disasters, and much more.

  tor’s market, it commands thousands of dol-

  Battles take place on a top-down hex map

  lars. Only 116 were produced: 90 cartridges in

  (consisting of plains, mountains, hills, water,

  the traditional gray format (given to NWC

  towns, and castles), with each player taking

  finalists) and 26 housed in Legend of Zelda-like turns selecting from 21 different commands,

  gold casing (given to winners of a Nintendo

  including move (soldiers or the daimyo), tax,

  Power contest).

  marry, build, view, bribe, and trade. Includes

  battery backup. Also released for the Genesis

  Nintendo World Cup

  and SNES.

  PUBLISHER: Nintendo. DEVELOPER: Technos.

  Sports/Soccer, 1–4 players (simultaneous).

  Nobunaga’s Ambition II



  Nintendo World Cup offers 13 selectable

  Based Strategy, 1–4 players (simultaneous).

  teams, each rated according to such attributes




  Thanks to enhanced graphical detail and

  Dreams. Side-Scrolling Combat, 1 player.

  the introduction of samurai, Nobunaga’s Ambi-


  tion II is an improvement over the first game It’s obvious from the beginning that Op-in the series. Four hundred different samurai

  eration Secret Storm is an unlicensed game, and are available for sending into battle, each with

  not just because of its terrible music, sub par

  distinct abilities and personalities. Only four

  graphics, and shoddy gameplay (collision detec-

  players can go at it this time around, but the

  tion is miserable, and the protagonist slides

  game does offer five skill levels, 38 battle maps

  when he stops). Saddam Hussein is pictured

  and castles, and two scenarios: Warlord Rivalry

  on the front of the box, with the word “Dick

  (starts March, 1560) and Nobanaga’s Ambition

  Tator” written on his partially obscured

  (starts March, 1582), the latter of which finds

  nametag (something Nintendo would never

  Nobunaga Oda already in control of central

  have allowed). Players guide a CIA agent

  Japan. Gameplay consists of selecting com-

  named George as he runs, jumps, and battles

  mands from the main display, with the view

  his way through 10 areas, including oilfields,

  switching to a top-down hex map whenever

  an oil refinery, scud missile sites, a village, and

  war breaks loose. The objective is to control

  a desert airstrip. Enemies to punch, kick, shoot,

  more and more fiefs, each of which varies ac-

  and throw grenades at include trigger happy

  cording to such data as gold, food, land value,

  soldiers, chemical warfare specialists, guards

  trade, culture, castle defense, soldiers, and

  wielding lead pipes, mutated animals (some of

  more. Includes battery backup. Similar to: Ro-

  which look ridiculous), and even Saddam him-

  mance of the Three Kingdoms. Followed by:

  self. Ironically (considering the fact that George

  Nobunaga’s Ambition: Lord of Darkness (SNES).

  fights for America), the first boss is an eagle.

  North & South

  Operation Wolf

  PUBLISHER: Seika. DEVELOPER: Kemco. Action

  PUBLISHER: Taito. DEVELOPER: Taito. Light

  Strategy, 1 or 2 players (simultaneous). 1991.

  Gun Shooter, 1 player. 1989.

  In North & South, players can relive the

  Sporting four side-scrolling levels of play

  Civil War and, as the Union or the Confeder-

  (each with six missions), Operation Wolf has acy, even re-write a portion of American his-players pointing the Nintendo Zapper at the

  tory, namely the years 1861–1864 (1865 is un-

  screen, firing a machine gun and launching

  available as a starting year since the South was

  grenades at helicopters, gun boats, armored

  largely decimated by that point). Gameplay

  cars, evil generals, and terrorist soldiers while

  consists of the following: moving troops from

  being careful to avoid killing hostages, chil-

  state to state (around a map of eastern U.S.) in

  dren, nurses, and prisoners. Shooting vultures,

  order to capture towns; combining units to

  pigs, chickens, and magazines grants additional

  strengthen weaker ones (the maximum is 3

  ammo while dynamite blows up all on-screen

  cannons, 9 cavalry, and 18 infantry); evaluat-

  enemies. Other items provide reduced levels of

  ing the strength of opposing armies; robbing a

  injury, extra fire power, and rapid fire. This is

  moving train (during special side-scrolling

  a nice port of Taito’s 1987 arcade game, which

  stages); and attacking opposing armies. Battle

  was equipped with a mounted, positional gun.

  scenes take place via an overhead perspective,

  making the horses, soldiers, bridges, and other


  items look very small. Selectable factors include

  PUBLISHER: Hi-Tech Expressions. DEVELOPER:

  Indian and Mexican attacks, storm clouds, and

  The Software Toolworks. Ball-and-Paddle/Ac-

  European reinforcements. Despite the wartime

  tion Puzzle, 1 player. 1990.

  theme, the game is lighthearted in tone and ap-


  Packaged with a cheaply produced pair of

  3D glasses, Orb-3D is sort of like a one-player Operation Secret Storm

  version of Pong, but with puzzles to solve. The PUBLISHER: Color Dreams. DEVELOPER: Color

  player controls a pair of paddles (called force



  shields) placed on the left and right sides of a

  come supreme ruler of four planet systems, de-

  grid-like playfield. As a Millennium Orb space-

  feating Rorn (leader of an evil alien race) and

  craft moves in a
spherical pattern (giving the

  his trio of allies in the process. By pointing and

  game its 3D visual effect) back and forth across

  clicking on various icons, players, in real time,

  the screen, gamers must keep the orb in play

  can do the following: set up farming stations;

  by bouncing it off the paddles. In addition, a

  mine for minerals; adjust taxation rates; build

  button must be pressed to make the orb dive

  a fleet (with a maximum of 32 ships); purchase

  into various targets on the grid. Hitting the tar-

  an atmosphere processor, a solar satellite,

  gets, usually in a particular order, is how each

  weapons, and other items; monitor economic

  of the game’s 30 “enigma chambers” is beaten.

  information; load and unload cargo ships;

  Each chamber is a puzzle of sorts, including

  launch, land, and fuel battle cruisers; attack

  challenges based on tic-tac-toe, bowling, and

  and colonize planets; transport food, people,

  dice. Orb-3D is a port of the computer game

  fuel, and energy between colonies; attack ene-

  Beyond the Black Hole (1989), which boasted

  mies with hovertanks; fire missiles at planetary

  35 levels.

  shield installations; and much more. The busy

  screen displays running text, outer space, plan-


  etary surfaces, the aforementioned icons, and

  PUBLISHER: Acclaim. DEVELOPER: Kawada.

  more. Based on the 1990 computer game.

  Board Game, 1 or 2 players (simultaneous).


  Pac-Man (Namco)

  A solid rendition of the classic board

  PUBLISHER: Namco. DEVELOPER: Namco. Maze,

  game, Othello has player taking turns placing 1 or 2 players (alternating). 1993.

  round pieces on a green 8x8 grid of squares,

  trying to trap the other player. When one piece

  Although it lacks the introductory anima-

  is trapped between two opponent pieces (hor-

  tion denoting ghost names and point values,

  izontally, vertically or diagonally), it will turn

  Pac-Man for the NES is an excellent port of

  the other color (one player uses black pieces

  Midway’s 1980 coin-op classic (which, in 2005,

  while the other uses white). The objective of

  was dubbed “the most successful coin-oper-

  the game is to have more of your

  color on the board than the other

  player. Games can be timed (20,

  30, or 40 minutes) or played with

  no clock, and the one-player mode

  offers four difficulty levels, some

  of which allow for taking back


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