by Brett Weiss
classic, which spawned a 1986 sequel: Ring King
II (arcade).
Software. Demolition/Combat Racing, 1
River City Ransom
player. 1990.
Technos. Side-Scrolling Combat, 1 or 2 play-
A cross of sorts between Spy Hunter and
ers (simultaneous). 1990.
Pole Position, RoadBlasters has players racing a futuristic car down the twisting, turning streets
One of the more enjoyable games in the
of Bubble City, Desert Region, Sunset Strip,
NES library, River City Ransom is a Double and other areas, avoiding mines and toxic spills
Dragon-style beat-’em-up, but with cartoon-
while shooting cars, jeeps, motorcycles, and
ish graphics and a bit more substance. Players
gun turrets. Players should also avoid or shoot
guide high school kids Alex and Ryan through
command cars, which are only vulnerable to
malls, high schools, parks, factories, and other
special weapons players acquire by catching
city locations, punching, kicking, and using
packs dropped by a support jet. Special weapons
weapons (tires, brass knuckles, lead pipes,
include u.z. cannon (rapid fire), electro shield
sticks, chains, trash cans, crates, and rocks)
(invulnerability), and cruise missiles. There are
against nine different gangs, who bring humor
speed boosts as well. Unlike Spy Hunter and
to the action with such exclamations as “Barf !”
Pole Position, RoadBlasters places a heavy emand “Is this fun?” Defeating gang members and
phasis on fuel, which is gathered by reaching
bosses earns cash to purchase food, new fight-
checkpoints and by running over globes. The
ing moves, stamina, and agility. Includes pass-
fuel factor made Atari’s 1986 arcade original
word feature.
(which benefited from digitized voice effects,
vastly superior graphics, and a sit-down cabi-
RoboCop 2
net with steering wheel) suck up lots of quar-
PUBLISHER: Data East. DEVELOPER: Ocean Soft-
ters, so it’s nice to continue for free on the
ware. Platform Shooter, 1 or 2 players (alter-
highly playable NES version. Also released for
nating). 1991.
the Genesis and Atari Lynx.
Unlike the original RoboCop (NES, ar-
cade), RoboCop 2 includes jumping, which is
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
kind of odd considering the heavy, laborious
PUBLISHER: Virgin Games. DEVELOPER: Sculp-
movements inherent to the movie version of
tured Software. Third-Person Action Role-
the titular cyborg super cop. The manual ex-
Playing Game, 1 player. 1991.
pounds upon this, saying that, due to his mas-
Loosely based on the 1991 Kevin Costner
sive weight, RoboCop “can’t stop on a dime,”
movie of the same name (the storyline remains
meaning that landing controls are kind of slip-
relatively true, but the characters don’t look like
pery (an annoyance for sure). In addition to
their feature film counterparts, not even in close-
jumping and walking, RoboCop can kneel,
up), Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves is an action-punch, shoot bad guys (weapon pick-ups in-
oriented RPG with side-view sword fights
clude t-shot, 3-way, super, and armor-piercing
(against the likes of Little John, a prison guard,
bullets), grab invincibility capsules, avoid mag-
and the Sheriff of Nottingham), overhead melee
nets and lasers, ride on jet propulsion plat-
battles (in which Robin is joined by Azeem,
forms, and participate in first-person target
Duncan, and Friar Tuck), and obstacle-ridden
shooting contests (ala Hogan’s Alley). Loosely horse chases. Players must also break out of
based on the feature film (1990), but not so
jail, talk to characters, equip weapons (daggers,
much on the arcade game (Data East, 1991),
knives, and the like) and armor, earn experience
which has eight-way movement (as opposed to
points, select actions from text menus (talk,
the simple left-to-right action of the NES ver-
look, take, search, etc.), find keys to open
doors, walk around scrolling dungeons while
battling enemies, and much more. Unlike most
RoboCop 3
RPGs, Prince of Thieves lacks a save feature PUBLISHER: Ocean Software. DEVELOPER:
(though there are three continues), meaning
Ocean Software. Platform Shooter, 1 player.
the game must be beaten in a single session.
In RoboCop 3, the titular cyborg must run,
jump, duck, fire a large-bore cannon (diago-
UBLISHER: Data East. DEVELOPER: Ocean Soft-
ware. Platform Shooter, 1 player. 1989.
nally and straight), and even fly (via gyropack)
his way through five levels of Old Detroit, in-
RoboCop puts players in the role of the tit-
cluding the Rocket Motors factory and the OCP
ular cyborg, armed with an Auto-9 handgun
Tower. Enemies to battle include tanks, ED
(which can fire diagonally and straight) and the
209s, heavy artillery, and robot ninjas, among
ability to punch bad guys, block punches, and
others. Throughout the game, RoboCop can
walk up and down stairs. As things progress,
repair damaged parts of his body (which hin-
the slowly ambling RoboCop can grab a ma-
der movement), and he can fire homing missiles
chine gun and a cobra gun for fighting crime in
and smart bombs. Obstacles to negotiate in-
six different locations: Old Detroit, City Hall,
clude rickety floors, potholes, conveyor belts,
Warehouse, O.C.P. Headquarters, Steelworks,
tank shells, and more. RoboCop’s objective is to
and Boardroom. Cool cut scenes and nicely
defeat the Rehab Officers, who are kicking fam-
programmed music help capture the spirit of
ilies out of their homes in preparation for the
the popular film (1987), but the controls could
construction of Delta City. Loosely based on
use some work. The original arcade game (Data
the 1992 feature film. Also released for the
East, 1988) had digitized voice effects and vastly
SNES and Genesis.
superior graphics.
usual games that expand the concept of what
pinball can be. Soccer and Hockey has each
Dreams. Platform Shooter, 1 player. 1990.
player controlling one flipper from opposite
In Robodemons, players must run, jump,
sides of the playfield, trying to get the ball into
and sometimes fly (via booster rockets) through
the opponent’s net. Nineball is a b
etting game
the fiery depths of Hades, shooting demons
in which players must arrange the pinballs in
with a magical boomerang, freeing souls con-
Bingo-esque formations. Finally, there are
demned by the evil Demon King Kull, and ul-
three Battle Flipper games (Bomber, Thunder,
timately destroying the machine Kull uses to
and Attack), each of which has players posi-
inject demon souls into his mechanical war-
tioned on opposite sides of the table, shooting
riors. There are seven levels of play: Bone,
for targets and the other player’s pockets. There
Flesh, Fire, Condemned Souls, Demon’s Quar-
are six playable characters, each of whom has
ters, Robodemon Factor, and Kull’s Palace, each
different flippers and/or flipper skills (small,
with a different theme and enemy type. For ex-
large, weak, hard hitting, and the like).
ample, Bone contains graveyards, skeletons,
crossbones, and skulls. There are keys to grab
Rocket Ranger
for opening certain doors and a boss guarding
the exit to each level. Like most Color Dreams
venture/Third-Person Shooter/Fighting, 1
player. 1990.
cartridges, Robodemons is a Z-grade title, suffering from poor animation, sluggish controls,
Based on Cinemaware’s 1988 computer
and repetitious gameplay and music. Surpris-
game, Rocket Ranger tries (and succeeds on a ingly, there are digitized voice effects. Unli-small level) to recreate the fun and excitement
of the old Saturday matinee movie serials, such
as Flash Gordon and King of the Rocket Men. In RoboWarrior
the year 1990, aliens invade Earth, and it is up
PUBLISHER: Jaleco. DEVELOPER: Hudson Soft.
to the Rocket Ranger and his trusty flying suit
Maze, 1 player. 1988.
to save the day. Strategy is required in sending
RoboWarrior is somewhat similar to the
out spies to various countries and gathering
overhead view action of Bomberman, but
parts of a rocket ship, but the action scenes are
harder and more complex. Players guide a cy-
more basic. During the shooting scenarios,
borg through an apocalyptic world, blowing
players view the action from behind the hero
up obstacles (trees, rocks, blocks, statues, and
(ala Space Harrier) while moving in all direc-the like) with bombs while shooting beams at
tions around the screen, firing away at alien
aliens, robotic spiders, mechanical birds, and
gunners, air torpedoes, a zeppelin, and other
other enemies. Bombs uncover special powers,
targets. In the one-on-one fighting portions,
including candles, missiles, clocks (for freez-
both combatants stand in place while gamers
ing time), super boots (for speed), and more.
unleash jabs and uppercuts at the enemy.
Grabbing power balls extends the length of the
beams. Setting a bomb and failing to get out of
The Rocketeer
the way will be a common occurrence for many,
PUBLISHER: Bandai. DEVELOPER: Realtime As-
but skilled gamers will enjoy the steep chal-
sociates. Platform Shooter, 1 player. 1991.
lenges of RoboWarrior.
Based on Walt Disney’s live action feature
(1991), The Rocketeer puts players in control of Rock ’n’ Ball
Cliff Secord, owner of the highly coveted rock-
etpack. Given the ability to run, jump, duck,
1–4 players (4-player alternating, 2-player si-
and fly, Cliff ’s mission is to rescue his girl-
multaneous). 1990.
friend, Jenny, from Nazi spy and Hollywood
This versatile and entertaining cartridge
heart throb Neville Sinclair. The action takes
includes a standard pinball table, plus six un-
place through six chapters (circa 1938), with
Cliff punching, blowing up (with grenades),
mode, Regular Season mode, diving and jump-
and shooting (with a pistol, a rifle, a spray gun,
ing for the ball, designated hitters, and curve-
and a bazooka) such bad guys as brawlers,
balls, changeups, and fastballs. In addition, Ask
grenade throwers, kneeling shooters, and
the Rocket lets players get strategic advice from
enemy rocketmen. The enemies are redundant,
Clemens himself. There are 26 teams, each
but nice graphics, a sense of adventure (thanks
based on real Major League clubs, but with dif-
in part to flight), and good controls (Cliff can
ferent (if similar) player and team names. In-
turn around and switch weapons while duck-
cludes password feature. Also released for the
ing) make The Rocketeer one of the better 8-bit SNES and Genesis.
movie-based titles. It’s certainly superior to the
much different Super Nintendo game of the
same name, which includes deadly dull airplane
and first-person shooter sequences.
Laboratory. Pinball, 1–4 players (alternating,
2-player simultaneous). 1990.
Rockin’ Kats
Rollerball is a nicely programmed pinball
sim that scrolls vertically, giving players four
Scrolling Platform, 1 player. 1991.
screens worth of playfield. Ball physics are on
In the underappreciated Rockin’ Kats,
target (so to speak), the flippers work well, and
players guide a cool cat named Willy on a quest
the table is littered with a nice array of spin-
to rescue his girlfriend from Mugsy, a local
ners, rebounders, holes, bumpers, letter tar-
crime boss. The fightin’ feline, who looks dap-
gets, drop targets, and other staples of the
per in tie and hat, must run, jump, and battle
genre. There’s even a slot machine to aim for.
his way through five prohibition-era levels:
Hitting the various targets exhibits a wide va-
Downtown Street, Sky Ace, Playland, Western
riety of results, such as opening gates, unlock-
Adventure, and Channel 5 I ♥ New York. Willy
ing a bonus screen, increasing the score multi-
is equipped with an unusual attack method: a
plier, turning the flippers invisible, or reversing
boxing glove-type weapon that extends accor-
the flippers. Visually, the game is fairly basic
dion-like from his fist. Willy not only uses this
(backgrounds consist of a tall building, clouds,
punching mechanism to knock out enemies
and blue skies), but gameplay is spot-on.
(gangsters, desperados, ace pilots, and the like),
Rollerball also includes a nifty two-player mode but he can also use it as a grappling hook to
in which gamers compete by hitting targets lo-
grab onto platforms, swing in circles, and pro-
cated along the
opponent’s side of the board.
pel himself to otherwise unreachable areas.
Playing bonus mini-games (roulette, pipe toss,
Rollerblade Racer
and basketball) grants Willy money to purchase
PUBLISHER: Hi Tech Expressions. DEVELOPER:
bombs, twin balls (every punch shoots out two
Radiance Software/Designer Software.
balls), hammer punch, and jet sneakers (for
Sports/Inline Skating, 1 player. 1993.
flying longer and landing slower).
Viewed from a 3⁄4 perspective (ala Paper-
boy), Rollerblade Racer has players guiding a Roger Clemens’ MVP Baseball
kid named Kirk (who is fully decked out in
protective gear) up short, repetitious streets,
ware. Sports/Baseball, 1 or 2 players (simulta-
doing tricks and skating around and/or jump-
neous). 1991.
ing over barrels, dogs, children, manholes, and
Like many baseball video games, this one
other obstacles. Players can slow down and
sports a behind-the-catcher perspective dur-
speed up, veer right and left, duck to maintain
ing pitching and hitting. However, when play-
top speed, skate on stairs and sidewalks, and
ers are fielding, the view is from the field look-
even skate backwards. The objective is to beat
ing in toward home plate, which is a nice change
the timer in each of the game’s five levels, in
of pace. Other features include: Exhibition
addition to scoring more than 5000 points total.
Unfortunately, poor programming and prob-
Includes password feature. Unlicensed. Fol-
lematic controls ruin any potential the game
lowed by: Rolling Thunder 2 (arcade, Genesis) may have had.
and Rolling Thunder 3 (Genesis).
Romance of the Three Kingdoms
PUBLISHER: Ultra Games. DEVELOPER: Konami.
Side-Scrolling Combat, 1 player. 1990.
Based Strategy, 1–8 players (simultaneous).
Despite its licensing connection to the
1989–1990 TV show of the same name, Rol-
Set during civil war-torn Second Century
lerGames is not a roller derby title. Rather, it’s China, Romance of the Three Kingdoms puts
a Double Dragon-style brawler with the unusual players in the role of one of many warlords, try-distinction of most of the characters— heroes
ing to unify the 58 states of the country. Game-
and villains alike — getting around via roller
play consists primarily of managing numbers,