Classic Home Video Games (1985-1988)

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Classic Home Video Games (1985-1988) Page 43

by Brett Weiss

  Side-Scrolling Combat/Side-Scrolling Plat-

  the Sesame Street television series.

  form, 1 or 2 players (simultaneous). 1991.

  In the year 2029, the mad emperor Garuda

  Sesame Street 123

  and his minions control New York City, and it

  PUBLISHER: Hi Tech Expressions. DEVELOPER:

  is up to a pair of ninja warriors to save the day.

  Rare. Educational/Math/General, 1 player.

  After selecting Hayate (a male) or Kaede (a fe-


  male), players must battle through five multi-

  Sesame Street 123, which contains two sep-

  stage levels (Sea Port, Underground Sewers,

  arate games (along with a number of varia-

  Rooftops of the City, Air Fortress, and Final

  tions), has cute graphics, charming music, and

  Fortress), using a katana, shurikens, lightning

  a kid-friendly approach to making learning

  bolts, energy blasts, bombs, and a sickle to bat-

  fun. In Ernie’s Magic Shapes, a shape or item

  tle robots, soldiers, guards, ninjas, and other

  composed of shapes appears above Ernie’s head,

  enemies. Players will also climb, dodge traps,

  and players must help Ernie select the correct

  grab poles (and swing up onto them), jump on

  shape or shapes that correspond to that image

  moving platforms and over gaps, and more.

  (the size and color of the shape can be deter-

  The game lacks the cinematic cut scenes of such

  mining factors). After the image has been com-

  similar titles as Ninja Gaiden and Wrath of the pleted, Ernie’s magic bunny pops out of a hat

  Black Manta, but it does offer two-player si-

  and waves. In Astro-Grover, players add, sub-

  multaneous action (ala Contra). Not much in

  tract, and count little green men called Zips,

  the way of originality going on here, but

  which hail from the planet Zap. A series of cor-

  Shadow of the Ninja is a great action title with rect answers rewards players with the building

  nice visuals and excellent gameplay.

  of Grover’s city, or with the launching a space-





  Simulations. First-Person Graphic Adventure,

  PUBLISHER: Mindscape. DEVELOPER: Mind-

  1 player. 1989.

  scape. Sports/Skateboarding, 1 player. 1989.

  Adapted from the computer game, Shad-

  Based on Atari’s highly influential 1986

  owgate for the NES is a point-and-click adven-arcade game, which benefited from a spinning

  ture in which players explore an atmospheric,

  controller, voice effects, and a pair of boom

  maze-like castle, trying to prevent the evil War-

  box-like speakers, 720° for the NES is a

  lock Lord from bringing darkness upon the

  simplified, though nicely realized port. Players

  land. The screen is divided into three views:

  skate around a main park, avoiding cars, thugs,

  physical environment (depicting current loca-

  and killer bees while pulling off moves (spins,

  tion, puzzles, and monsters); inventory of

  handstands, and the like) to earn tickets to gain

  items, weapons, and spells (arrow, blade, cloak,

  entrance to smaller parks and four different

  helmet, mirror, torch, and much more); and

  events: Downhill, Slalom, Jump, and Ramp.

  list of commands (look, take, open, close, use,

  Money earned or found can be used to pur-

  hit, leave, speak, and move). Fun and challeng-

  chase helmets, skateboards, shoes, and pads.

  ing the first time through (but much easier



  upon succession), Shadowgate is similar to Déjà A quick glance at the manual would lead

  Vu and Uninvited. Includes battery backup.

  one to believe that Shinobi for the NES is equal Also released for the Game Boy Color (as Shad-to its Master System counterpart. Everything

  owgate Classic). Followed by: Beyond Shadow-initially appears to be intact, from the lead

  gate (TurboDuo) and Shadowgate 64: Trials of character (a Master Ninja) to the five bosses

  the Four Towers (Nintendo 64).

  (Ken Oh, Black Turtle, Mandara, Lobster, and

  Masked Ninja) to the first-person bonus stages


  to the running, jumping, punching, kicking,

  PUBLISHER: Jaleco. DEVELOPER: Natsume. Side-

  shooting (shurikens and knives), sword-

  Scrolling Platform, 1 player. 1991.

  thrusting, magic-using action. Unfortunately

  for Nintendo apologists, the NES game is eas-

  Outfitted with cybernetic hands, Shatter-

  ily the inferior port (of Sega’s 1987 arcade orig-

  hand is the world’s only hope against an army of

  inal), thanks to poor controls, loss of back-

  rogue cyborg soldiers. To vanquish his fearsome

  ground detail, easier gameplay, and some gaps

  foes, he must run, jump, climb, and punch his

  in programming, namely part two of the second

  way through seven basic, but entertaining lev-

  level, which only takes the Master Ninja right

  els: Factory, Refinery, Submarine, Filtration

  and left (in the SMS version, players had to

  Plant, Anti-Gravity Research Center, Ravaged

  jump up to higher platforms and exit via the

  City, and Missile Command. Scattered through-

  top of the playfield). Although playable, the

  out are white boxes containing letters. Collecting

  NES rendition of Shinobi is hugely disappoint-any combination of three letters grants Shatter-

  ing. It’s unlicensed, and it shows. Also released

  hand one of eight hovering satellite robots, sup-

  for the Game Gear. Followed by numerous se-

  plementing his punches with such weaponry as

  quels and a PS2 remake.

  laser beams, a sword, or fireballs. Other power-

  ups, including health, more powerful punches,


  and extra lives, must be purchased.

  PUBLISHER: American Game Cartridges. DE-

  VELOPER: American Game Cartridges. Adven-

  Shingen the Ruler

  ture Puzzle/Maze, 1 or 2 players (alternating).



  Ltd. Turn-Based Strategy, 1 player. 1990.

  In ShockWave, players guide a floating,

  Set in feudal Japan (circa 1500s), Shingen

  spacesuit-wearing character around a series of

  the Ruler finds daimyo Takeda Shingen and his mazes, using a shockwave pistol to create path-son Katsuyori on a mission to conquer all 21

  ways by moving and destroying blocks that

  territories of the country. In domestic admin-

  make up the maze walls. When a block is shot

  istration mode, players must build up their

  by a shockwave, it is not affected directly.

  military, establish statecraft policy, give orders

  Rather, shockwaves reverberate through adja-

  to territories, and consolidate territories. Bat-

  cent blocks, causing them to move or be de-

  tle mode consists of field fights, the siege of

  stroyed (depending
on the type of block). Solid

  enemy castles, the occupation of enemy terri-

  blocks cannot be moved or destroyed. Other

  tory, and the gaining of rank, experience,

  playfield elements include: firestars (which are

  troops, and war trophies. Two types of battle

  deadly); force fields (which restrict certain

  are available: automatic, in which the com-

  types of movement); time bonuses; teleporta-

  puter takes over; and manual, in which players

  tion gateways; and crystals, the latter of which

  move troops. Includes battery backup. Similar

  must be collected in order for the player to ad-

  to: Genghis Khan (NES).

  vance levels. Includes password feature. Unli-



  PUBLISHER: Tengen. DEVELOPER: Tengen. Side-

  Shooting Range

  Scrolling Combat/Platform Shooter, 1 player.

  PUBLISHER: Bandai. DEVELOPER: Bandai. Light


  Gun Shooter, 1–4 players (alternating). 1989.



  Shooting Range has players firing Nin-

  Based on the 1986 Data East coin-op

  tendo’s Zapper light gun at cowboys, Indians,

  semi-classic (which actually showed the pool

  birds, witches, ghosts, mummies, aliens, and

  player leaning over the table), Side Pocket of-other targets through three themed, side-scroll-

  fers a compelling single-player mode called

  ing stages: Western/Desert, Monster Town,

  Pocket, in which gamers ascend the champi-

  and Outer Space, each of which has a time

  onship ranks by achieving certain scores. For

  limit. Actually, players don’t shoot the charac-

  bonus points, players should sink balls in nu-

  ters. Rather, they shoot pinwheel targets at-

  merical order, in lighted pockets, and on con-

  tached to the characters, presumably to cut

  secutive shots. Trick shots with wine glass ob-

  down on the perceived violence. Shooting cer-

  stacles are also part of the action. There’s a

  tain items provides extra points, energy, and

  two-player take on Pocket pool, plus a two-

  time while missing shots reduces the player’s

  player game of 9 Ball. Side Pocket employs a energy. A special bonus stage has players shoot-power meter and a dotted line for hitting and

  ing as many bottles as possible, and a compet-

  aiming, and players can even put spin on the

  itive Party Game mode lets up to four players

  ball. For those not ready for prime time, a

  take turns shooting moving pinwheels.

  Training mode is available. The view of the

  table is from overhead.

  Short Order/Eggsplode!

  PUBLISHER: Nintendo. DEVELOPER: Nintendo.

  Silent Assault

  Action, 1–5 players (alternating). 1989.


  Van. Platform Shooter, 1 player. 1990.

  The only Nintendo-developed

  Power Pad cartridge, Short Order/

  Eggsplode! consists of two separate

  games. The Simon-influenced Short

  Order has players hopping on pairs of

  numbers on the Power Pad in order

  to fulfill hamburger orders placed

  by animal customers. The animal

  will hop on the ingredients (meat,

  cheese, lettuce, and tomato), and

  players must memorize the sequence

  and then hop on the corresponding

  ingredients in the correct order. Big-

  ger animals order more ingredients.

  In Eggsplode, which is similar con-

  ceptually to Whack-a-Mole, up to

  three foxes plant bombs under nest-

  ing chickens, which are laid out in

  the same sequences as the buttons on

  the Power Pad. Players should step

  on said bombs while avoiding step-

  ping on the eggs. Both games are

  cute and fun, and both offer the tan-

  gential benefits of aerobic exercise.

  Side Pocket

  Short Order/Eggsplode! and Dance Aerobics were designed for PUBLISHER: Data East. DEVELOPER:

  the NES Power Pad, which was an exercise-oriented control Data East. Sports/Billiards, 1 or 2

  mat containing large buttons that players could press with players (simultaneous). 1987.

  their feet.



  Demonic aliens have taken control of

  tor jeep that shoots and jumps a little like the

  Earth’s military forces, and it is up the player,

  moon buggy in the arcade classic, Moon Patrol.

  a Rambo-like commando, to save the day. The

  In two-player mode, one gamer guides the jeep

  hero in question runs along, jumping over ob-

  while the other pilots the chopper. Both vehi-

  stacles (rolling boulders, mines, torches, and

  cles proceed from left to right and can shoot

  the like), throwing grenades, climbing ladders,

  straight ahead and at a variety of angles.

  and shooting slugs, death skulls, tanks, flying

  Throughout seven levels of play, gamers will

  balloons, and other enemies (including a

  blow away rockets, bombers, tanks, ships, tur-

  sphinx boss). As in the vastly superior (play-

  rets, land mines, robotic vehicles, and MH

  ing, looking, and sounding) Contra, gamers

  Snakehead helicopters, the latter of which pro-

  can shoot forward, straight up, and from a

  vide items that double your firepower, give

  crouched position. However, unlike Contra,

  you shields, and increase your speed, score,

  there is no diagonal or spread fire. Players begin

  and ranking. Despite less graphical detail, Silk-

  the game armed with a bazooka launcher and

  worm is an exciting, quickly paced port of Te-can acquire a shotgun and a machine gun by

  cmo’s 1988 arcade game (which is spelled Silk

  bringing down enemy surveillance crafts.


  Shooting facility guards sometimes releases

  medals of bravery (for temporary invincibil-

  Silver Surfer

  ity) and iron hearts (for replenishing shields).

  PUBLISHER: Arcadia Systems. DEVELOPER: Soft-

  There are eight areas to battle through, includ-

  ware Creations. Side-Scrolling Shooter/Verti-

  ing a desert, a forest, and a besieged city. Un-

  cal Scrolling Shooter, 1 or 2 players (alternat-


  ing). 1990.

  The Silver Surfer is one of the most pow-

  Silent Service

  erful super-heroes in the Marvel Universe.

  PUBLISHER: Ultra Games. DEVELOPER: Rare.

  Naval Combat Simulator, 1 player. 1989.

  However, in this game he can be one-hit killed

  by fish, ducks, and riverbanks. In addition, the

  Based on Sid Meier’s typically complex

  surf board makes for a long target, many pas-

  computer game (1985), Silent Service for the sages are narrow, and projectiles move quickly,

  NES is set in the South Pacific during World

  making the action frustratingly hard. Players

  War II. As a submarine captain, players must

  guide the Surfer through five selectable

  take on the Japanese Navy and neutralize the

  (Reptyl, Mephisto, Skrull Emperor, Possessor,

  Japanese Merchant Marine. This requires ma-

  and Firelord), using cosmic powered bullets,

  neuvering a sub around a war patrol map (in

  smart bombs, and orbs to destroy a variety of

  order to locate enemy ships or home ports),

  creatures, gun emplacements, ships, and other

  firing torpedoes at enemy ships (located via a


  periscope), monitoring numerous instruments

  and gauges, reading crew reports, and much

  The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Space Mu-

  more. Convoy action scenarios, such as Ham-


  merhead at Borneo and Tautog at Night, are

  PUBLISHER: Acclaim. DEVELOPER: Imagineer-

  shorter missions involving players in specific

  ing. Side-Scrolling Platform/Adventure, 1

  historical scenarios.

  player. 1991.


  Bart vs. The Space Mutants finds Springfield P

  under attack by monsters taking over the bod-

  UBLISHER: American Sammy. DEVELOPER:

  American Sammy. Side-Scrolling Shooter, 1 or

  ies of people who live there. To thwart the

  2 players (simultaneous). 1990.

  aliens’ plans of building an ultimate weapon,

  Bart must jump on enemies, use X-ray specs

  In Silkworm, players commandeer a highly

  to uncover mutants, spray paint purple objects,

  maneuverable attack helicopter or an intercep-

  find hats (and knock hats off of people), shoot



  balloons with a slingshot, and collect exit signs

  To make things a bit easier, Bart can pick up

  and power rods. Bart can also collect coins to

  two types of weaponry: laser bolts and ice crys-

  purchase items and play mini-games. The con-

  tals, the latter of which emit cold breaths for

  trols are iffy, and frustration can be an issue,

  fighting bad guys (including Swamp Hag, Lava

  but the game is infused with the show’s trade-

  Man, and Dr. Crab) and freezing objects (to

  mark humor and features many of its locations

  make platforms). Bartman Meets Radioactive

  and characters, including bad guys Nelson,

  Man was the final game in Acclaim’s disap-

  Sideshow Bob, and Dr. Marvin Monroe.

  pointing Simpsons trilogy on the NES.

  Homer, Marge, Lisa, and Maggie are on hand

  to help with boss battles, but Bart has to per-

  6 in 1

  form certain feats within the levels for this to

  PUBLISHER: Caltron. DEVELOPER: Caltron.


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